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Will there be any World vs World changes in upcoming expansion?


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1 hour ago, Burnfall.9573 said:

If Anet were to release WvW expansion; just like how they treat PvP balance patches...make WvW Only balance patches as well.


I would expect WvW  Only balance patch to be the following:


- Thief Profession removed-pending rework - WvW Only

-  Mesmer Profession removed-pending rework - WvW Only

- Warrior Profession removed-pending rework - WvW Only

- Elementalist Profession-removed-pending rework - WvW Only

-Willbender removed - WvW Only

-Daredevil removed - WvW Only

-Deadeye removed - WvW Only

- Specar removed - WvW Only

- Stealth Mechanic removed - WvW Only


---------Control Effects---------

- Stun disabled - WvW Only

- Pull disabled - WvW Only

- Knockdown disabled - WvW Only

- Launch disabled - WvW only

- Blind disabled - WvW Only

- Immobilize disabled  - WvW Only 



-Celestial removed - WvW Only



- Quickness removed - WvW Only

- Alacrity removed - WvW Only



-Superior Rune of Trapper removed - WvW Only


So, you're basically hoping for content that allows you to auto attack everyone to death while they stand still and do nothing? 

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1 minute ago, kash.9213 said:

So, you're basically hoping for content that allows you to auto attack everyone to death while they stand still and do nothing? 

Soulbeast mains waiting for all other classes to get nerfair, unable to stuf, attack from far away, always get instakill by both bows, and no more move skills, stealth, blocks, heals, and warclaw, or walls(for the non-rangers), pets are now bosses, lords die with a single arrow shoot.

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On 7/27/2023 at 9:06 PM, Marcelo.4210 said:

Soulbeast mains waiting for all other classes to get nerfair, unable to stuf, attack from far away, always get instakill by both bows, and no more move skills, stealth, blocks, heals, and warclaw, or walls(for the non-rangers), pets are now bosses, lords die with a single arrow shoot.

As a soulbeast main, is that so much to ask for?! (/s just in case)


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21 minutes ago, babana.7521 said:

What about gliding and mount?


Both of those came out much later for wvw. I don't remember the exact numbers but something around 1 - 1.5 years after expansion released. So they might even be closer to the next expansion than the one that the feature came with.

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Lol. I'd be shocked we are getting anything considerin' we've been messing with Alliances for how long? lol.

The stuff we do get is bare minimum or crumbs. The last bit of fun we had they nerfed it to the floor LOL so I doubt it.

Edited by Mihile.7609
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they can add some wvw/pvp content that can be bought with gems. some would think this is p2w, but you already need to spend real money for the new elite specs.

so adding pvp/wvw gems content would at least not split the player base so much.

so far I don't see anybody talking about new pvp/wvw content and it feels like spending money on the new expansion will only feed the pve players with more content. It's already sad that we only have 1 type of mount in wvw.

maybe they should just split the game and make proper content for the pvp/wvw players, because to me it looks like there is already a split. it's also unclear what new pvp/wvw content will be added to the game. so why even spend money on the new expansion if you are a pvp/wvw player?

if I could buy the new expansion with gems/gold, then I would have been ok with adding all those pve content that I don't care about.

Edited by Chaos God.1639
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On 7/27/2023 at 10:03 PM, kash.9213 said:

So, you're basically hoping for content that allows you to auto attack everyone to death while they stand still and do nothing? 

Now im finally happy they dont take notice from player feedback. Deleting classes and mechanics so op can make this game "just facetank everything" lol.

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They have released limited marketing so far. If there are any (no not really expecting any myself) it will be there in the next two weeks or else plan on none. Better to assume none and then you can be pleasantly surprised, wait, no wait this is the forums, outraged when you get new stuff.

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On 7/29/2023 at 7:59 AM, joneirikb.7506 said:

I'll admit that my first thought to the topic was: "Why would there be any WvW changes to an Expansion?"

And with that I would like to offer you a membership card to the "Lower the Bar" fine dining club. Everything at our club is free, since we are offering nothing anyway. May you enjoy the finest meats and cheeses, and lack there of, that the Mists can offer. Talk to any quartermaster to get no information on the club, you see it's just that exclusive that they don't know anything about it! See you out there!


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On 7/25/2023 at 9:09 AM, katniss.6735 said:

The last area we got was desert boarderlands many years ago, and nothing but world structuring and minor changes since then. 

Many streamers for this game still focus on WvW-only content.

Maybe they don't want to invest in the living stories neither time or money. Thy may feel gaming is a job not something you spend your money on. That's why there was a big influx when the game opened up on stream. These are the very same people trying to change the game and builds to their advantage. Not saying all of them but quite a few.

Like I said above it takes time and gold (using cash or farming) and some folks have neither the time or spare finances to participate. mostly due to jobs, family obligations or outside goals they may be working toward.

That's all cool, but I feel like they should lay off trying to influence how others should enjoy what they purchased. Seems like they're just hating on people.

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Only wvw changes we want are..

Remove desert

Remove mounts/gliders 

Remove shield genies

Remove links 

Remove cele

Remove tactics/passiv effects

Remove new reward system

And gives us back the old wvw structual upgrade systems

Edited by Thomas.2564
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1 hour ago, Thomas.2564 said:

Only wvw changes we want are..

Remove desert

Remove mounts/gliders 

Remove shield genies

Remove links 

Remove cele

Remove tactics/passiv effects

Remove new reward system

And gives us back the old wvw structual upgrade systems

That's an awfully weird way to say "I" 😛

But generally, I don't see ANet ever removing any of those, there's really no reason to as it would just make more players angry than it would make happy. 

Take for example the Links system, what you're basically saying is to make the majority of matchup's even more loopsided, and generally de-populated. Most servers wouldn't be able to queue up in prime time any longer, and would feel deserted the majority of the day. Sure the system has some negatives, but it also is the main thing that keeps the mode playable (unless they just go nuts and adopt an EotM like system for ALL wvw, just to actually populate maps!)

The practical effect of removing link would be that the majority of casual/pug players would just flat out state: "WvW never had players, commanders, content. I'm not playing this dumb roaming empty maps mode." And leave back to other modes.

Also, if you bring back the old WvW objective upgrades with cost, I'll just go back to NEVER UPGRADE ANYTHING. Which was very much a thing, only the most dedicated players (and usually PPT ones) cared about those and where willing to throw money at them. The rest just ignored them, not like we made money in WvW back then anyways.

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5 hours ago, Areohtwo.7839 said:

Good idea, siege turtle on the tower!

Its funny this is one that has passed across voice a number of times. Picture siege turtle as less of a mount and more as a tactic like Dune Roller. Maybe make it a tactic that competes with the banners in tier II upgrades. Like Dune Roller its has 15 minute life and allows for a driver and gunner. Its cannons do well as anti-siege, moderate versus players and light wall/gate damage along the lines that Dune Rollers do. Could then see a mastery line added to WvW to give people more options to apply points against as well. Then when they had announced that siege turtles would be in WvW in the past but then retracted that statement, since they don't see how, we have a limited answer. 

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3 hours ago, IAmNotMatthew.1058 said:

I wonder what the reaction to the desert borderlands was.

In short, it's complicated.

There are books of forum posts on that one and various back and fourths over time. Have also seen its seems this varies from region to region, server to server and player to player. In short its about as complicated as EoTM is in many ways. Yet some things that people complained about in DBL that they said they wanted more of that ABL had was exactly what people asked for in EoTM and when they got it and didn't have tactics to deal with it they were like what the what. And then of course the karma trains from ABL moved in and figure out how to cross server guild up. Which again, should be early foreshadowing potential for the WR Project.

Add in players that are left take a while to switch gears so anytime we get any change it's "Bring out your dead! Bring out your dead!" "I'm not dead yet!".

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8 hours ago, Thomas.2564 said:

Only wvw changes we want are..

Remove desert

Remove mounts/gliders 

Remove shield genies

Remove links 

Remove cele

Remove tactics/passiv effects

Remove new reward system

And gives us back the old wvw structual upgrade systems


More options in WvW and new features in various things in maps, rewards, playstyle, tactics and expanding concepts we have and other things to keep the sandbox fresh would be great. Expect people to disagree, and less nerfs and more options.

Better fun then everyone has a stick and there is one rock in play. The rock moves from player to player as it hits them for 10 damage, but then they have control of the rock.

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