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Dear New SoTO Players: The sooner you realized that Warrior is a pile of Unsupported Garbage and move on to playing another class the happier you'll be. I know I am.


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I typically play Warriors in games. I can't believe the amount of time I spent trying to make Warrior work' in Guild Wars 2. It's dog sh*t here.

Literally everything on the Warrior kit is outdated & bad. & ANet seems determined to remove the few fun things it had left. See [Arc Divider] & [Daring Dragon] (still has a bugged tooltip btw) changes. -- And for no reason other than no fun on warrior EVER to boot. They could have just chunked Arc Divider damage down and either put alacrity on the existing Daring Dragon or on Immortal Dragon or anywhere else.

I tried Rev & Guardian (both just magical' warriors.) Infinitely better in every game mode with functional build variety. Was clearing content WAY easier & having actual fun.

Not to mention both of these are actually getting interesting SoTO weapons, while the "Weaponmaster" is getting shafted with another band-aid 2H weapon instead of what it desperately needs: a mid-range main 1H weapon. (With weaponsmaster' Warrior will have an absolute glut of redundant off-hand weapons. & You can't even equip 2 weapon combinations on Bladesworn anyway.) So what's the f*cking point?


Oh & Bladesworn:

a) Has 2-3 trade-offs. Not the 0 or 1 that other classes have. (1. It loses weapon swapping. 2. It loses regular burst skills. 3. It can no longer equip 4 on-swap sigils w/ Fast Hands traited.) Cool.

b) Building 100 flow to channel 10 bullets to do 1 attack that can just fail on openly flat ground for no reason is a hilarious joke. (Especially when you consider that you originally had to even be in Gunsaber to use Dragon Trigger.) -- Someone got paid money to design this remember. Especially since ANet has also removed all of it's stability.

c) Dragon Slashes, even if you can hit with them, do less damage than almost every other attack in PvP / WvW. This is not an exaggeration.

d) All of the Gunsaber skills except the 4 are awful and both miss / go different ranges half the time.

e) All of the utility skills are useless outside of making the kit viable in PvE. This is also not an exaggeration.

f) The "Weapon" is a off-hand melee weapon. Again. Even though it's a f*cking pistol...

g) Let's count the pieces of Bladesworn's anemic PvP kit that have been "reworked" to even make the class close to functional in PvE.

I. [Dragonspike Mine] - No longer a viable stunbreak and is actually just worse than [Lightning Reflexes].

II. [Daring Dragon] is gone. Completely. Replaced with it's old tooltip seemingly just to taunt us at this point. Replaced with an alacrity trait. Which doesn't even get it's PvE scaling in PvP / WvW unlike the new Druid Alacrity trait and Scrapper quickness traits. etc.

II. 1 Utility skills [Overcharged Cartridges] only exists to give the class "a bit more damage" and optional breaks on Dragon Slashes because they didn't want to rebalance the exponential damage bullet equation.

III. GS 3 [Artillery Slash] which was Bladesworn's only other usable button takes so long to cast that it's is completely unusable in PvP.

IV. ALL of the Gunsaber skills have weirdly long unstoppable, u cancelable after cast animations.


Bonus Round: None of the Gunsaber skills pierce. (Which is standard on most other classes' ranges weapons.) All of the "900" range skills go different ranges and don't actually explode half the time. You still have no way to put yourself in combat as a Warrior. Not even a signet. So you're constantly degenerating adrenaline/flow when you don't want to. Longbow is considered a melee weapon by the devs. There's no real condi' weapon and only 1 condi build. (And you need to spec into a specialization - Berserker to even play it.) It has 0 scaling with healing power on anything except the shout-heal trait, which is a Grandmaster & has also been nerfed into the ground. It has no support trait line, weapon(s), or res trait. And half of the "movement leap" skills Sword 2, GS 5, Dagger 2 & F1 only hit 1 target & don't even connect rn. What a kittening joke.


Just play something else. The sooner you do, the happier you'll be.

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Yea still i wish they never have made Bladesworn. This whole spec is just designed around 1 Skill doing like a tons of dmg. They could have instead done a e-spec Designed around using kits for example:

Greataxe Kit

Hammer Kit

Bladesworn kit

And so on

This would perfect fit into the Warrior weaponsmaster class but nope. Its just 1 Kit designed around 1 Skill. Just totaly lame af in my opinion.

Edited by Myror.7521
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I love how the last time I honestly had a ton of fun playing my Warrior was at core at launch time. For the first few years Warrior was such a fun and powerful class to play, even Greatsword 2 was fine to use and not a nerf to your dps like it is now cause Anet. 

Our Especs? Dps, dps, and dps. Seriously its rather depressing how you just play another class and you realise playing a warrior is playing gw2 on hardcore mode. Its a way to experience this game by killing everything slower then other classes with less utility then other classes and less tanky-ness then other classes. 

We had unique features but Anet decided our banners needed to lose said features. Everything nice we used to have is gone now. I mean even when Bladesworn released you could just jump and would count as a dodge to your attacks. The class has not been good in this game for so many years I am truly amazed people post in the Warrior forums at all. Why are you still playing this class? 

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3 hours ago, FellFalls.3750 said:

I typically play Warriors in games. I can't believe the amount of time I spent trying to make Warrior work' in Guild Wars 2. It's dog sh*t here.

Literally everything on the Warrior kit is outdated & bad. & ANet seems determined to remove the few fun things it had left. See [Arc Divider] & [Daring Dragon] (still has a bugged tooltip btw) changes. -- And for no reason other than no fun on warrior EVER to boot. They could have just chunked Arc Divider damage down and either put alacrity on the existing Daring Dragon or on Immortal Dragon or anywhere else.

I tried Rev & Guardian (both just magical' warriors.) Infinitely better in every game mode with functional build variety. Was clearing content WAY easier & having actual fun.

Not to mention both of these are actually getting interesting SoTO weapons, while the "Weaponmaster" is getting shafted with another band-aid 2H weapon instead of what it desperately needs: a mid-range main 1H weapon. (With weaponsmaster' Warrior will have an absolute glut of redundant off-hand weapons. & You can't even equip 2 weapon combinations on Bladesworn anyway.) So what's the f*cking point?


Oh & Bladesworn:

a) Has 2-3 trade-offs. Not the 0 or 1 that other classes have. (1. It loses weapon swapping. 2. It loses regular burst skills. 3. It can no longer equip 4 on-swap sigils w/ Fast Hands traited.) Cool.

I still want to know why they nerfed a build we had that could have actually worked by changing 3. Cause it did work like that at the start and they actively changed it to not work like that. We used to be able to slot the sigil that gives 100% crit (vision) which would mean we could insta pop 100% crit perfectly time with cd's for max damage with no need for any stat increasing crit, so we could also have better tank stats and focus on just damage and crit damage. But then Anet said "nope, Warrior not allowed fun things". 

They appear to actually want to make Warrior a class no one plays and must seriously hate the fact this class exists. 

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Yeah, dual pistols with mid range around any other theme would have been better. A self root espec in this game was a bad call. Try standing still in combat that long on any other class... oh yeah, many of them survive longer in that exact scenario. It just doesn't feel good to play. Spellbreaker is the only one still fun for me and, honestly, I usually just play other classes at this point. I miss my main 🥺

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13 hours ago, oscuro.9720 said:

Something something don’t play the inferior professions. Something something g ultra deep horse stance and begin your journey.

I’m tired and have one hand, someone fill in the rest of this scripture for me please 🙏

What happened to you hand oh skald of war?

Did a feeble catalyst burn it as you held them aloft?

Did an engineer's box of nails find a gap in you gauntlet as you brought you hammer down upon them?

Was it a reaper chilling it to the bone as you rammed your dagger into it's heart?

Did a ranger's boar maul it as you set it's master ablaze with your torch?

Was it the torment from a revenant who couldn't handle being a warrior as struck true with your sword?

Perchance was it a mesmer's illusion of pain as you taught them true pain as your axe eviscerated their belly?

Did you sprain it cracking the skull of a thief with your mace when they thought they were cleverly hidden in shadows?

Or did you pull a tendon as a guardian twisted about impaled on your greatsword?

Great skald of the way of the warrior, what happened to your hand?

Edited by Lan Deathrider.5910
phone typos
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6 hours ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

What happened to you hand oh skald of war?

Did a feeble catalyst burn it as you held them aloft?

Did an engineer's box of nails find a gap in you gauntlet as you brought you hammer down upon them)

Was it a reaper chilling it to the bone as you rammed your dagger into it's heart?

Did a ranger's boar maul it as you set it's master ablaze with your torch?

Was it the torment from a revenant who couldn't handle being a warrior as struck true with your sword?

Perchance was it a mesmer's illusion of pain as you taught them true pain as your axe eviscerated their belly?

Did you sprain it cracking the skull of a thief with your mace when they thought they were cleverly chiddrn in shadows?

Or did you pull a tendon as a guardian twisted about impaled on your greatsword?

Great skald of the way of the warrior, what happened to your hand?

Oh for it was such a fearsome foe who stood between myself and even higher heights upon the mountain of greatness. But hark! My training hath been negligent! For with such force did I swing the axe that my forearm yielded to its own might. So I froze it in ice to aid in its recuperation, leaving me unable to complete the sacred scripture. 

(I strained my forearm lifting)

Edited by oscuro.9720
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I indeed Play other classes aside warr. Simply warr suffers from

1. Berserker should be able to get the "more berserk durarion" buff on use and not on hit. Also Finaly make "going Off Berserk" baseline

2. Its a Full melee class so you can't simply go on range for escape mechanics and still Deal dmg. This means its actually Harder to Deal with mechanics that are around the Boss.



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