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What class can I keep using a two-handed sword (or maybe hammer) through both basic and elite classes ?

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Greets , wondered if some experts might be able to help me in picking a class where I can stay two handed sword (or if needed hammer ) throughout the whole thing, and not have to switch to different weapon completely going from basic to elite class ? Just curious if there are any.

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You are lucky. In general the greatsword is one of the most utilized weapons for power builds out there.

Warrior, guardian, mesmer and ranger, all of them can use the greatsword in their endgame builds with e specs.

My personal favourite of this four is the mesmer. But if you can wait until your first e spec, or until SotO is released and you can unlock all e spec weapons for the core class, greatsword necro is without a doupt the coolest play style.

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Mesmer, ranger and guard keep their greatsword. Depending on the spec.

For warrior hammer remains fun, even as spellbreaker. Specced I use this: https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Spellbreaker_-_Strength_Fighter

Mesmer is more hassle playing. If you want it direct, you go Warrior. Guard is the most versatile class.

Edited by Lucy.3728
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   For power builds Ranger's greatsword remain relevant along both core class and Soulbeast and Untamed specs. 

   The same with Mesmer's greatsword: from core to Chronomancer and Virtuosos is meta in power builds.

   For power Guardian, greatsword is a very good weapon for core while leveling, and works well with Willbender and some DH builds. But in this case, gs oftenly is not the meta at PvE. Other options outpace gs in damage or utility.

   For power Warrior, both hammer and greatsword are excellent for leveling (despite I prefer the hammer + longbow combo with hybrid stats); once your reach 80, there's some limitatrions: the meta for PvE usually involves axes or even hammer, now that has been buffed. Both gs and hammer work well at PvP and WvW, but in PvE the gs is a bit annoying to use since 100 blades roots you and any cancel or interruption of the casting (like moving to prevent damage or being cced) throws tons of damage to the garbage canister.


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10 hours ago, Dahkoht.5392 said:

Greets , wondered if some experts might be able to help me in picking a class where I can stay two handed sword (or if needed hammer ) throughout the whole thing, and not have to switch to different weapon completely going from basic to elite class ? Just curious if there are any.

Mesmer, Necromancer, Warrior, Guardian, Revenant, Ranger can use Greatsword. Necromancer and Revenant can use it on all specs at next expansion release

Elementalist, Engineer, Ranger, Revenant, Guardian, Warrior can use Hammer. Elementalist, Engineer and Ranger can use it on all specs at next expansion release.

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FYI Any profession can keep using their core weapons. The elite specs add additional weapons that can be used, but you don't have to change it if you don't want to.

There might not be any recommended builds using the weapons you want, but that doesn't mean you can't play it, just that it's not as popular and might not be as good, but there's also very few areas in this game where you need absolutely top performance to succeed. If you wanted to you could have one build using whatever you want for open-world maps, story and other areas where it doesn't matter and then a seperate one for when you're in groups that expect certain things from you.

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Don't forget that unless you want to use both as Linken posited, you'll still need something else (unless you are Ele or Engie, though your gs/hammer options are limited there) given that adding a weapon swap into your combat can dramatically improve things for you.  For example I generally prefer to have both ranged and melee options so I can step back when a target is pulsing aoe and still lay down some damage.  If I don't have that distance swap, I still have five new skills to use during cooldown of my main weapon slots.  So once you find the profession you enjoy that will still use the two handed weapon of your choice even as an elite, you'll still have the option of adding in the elite weapon(s) to the mix.

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