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[WvW/PvP] - Bladesworn/Warrior Skill Issues - Improving Bladesworn's Playability


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[Bulls Charge] - I so am tired of Bulls Charge being absolutely mandatory on every elite spec, it just takes all the fun out of a class when you're forced to take a certain skill due to design limitations because it means you'll never have the freedom to take other skills. You are hard-locked into running the same set of utilities on every build and it completely turns me off from playing Warrior. I was hoping Bladesworn would be the elite spec to break the mold but alas, low mobility and a lack of soft cc like Cripple on the main gap closer prevent this dream from becoming reality.

Core Warrior Skill Improvements:

  • [Sword 2/Savage Leap] - This skill is a bit too slow and tends to miss too much to be a viable option. Bladesworn needs a functioning mobility skill that does damage.
  • [Mace 3/Pommel Bash] - The main reason main hand Mace is never used is due to the lack of mobility on it. Adding a 450-range leap onto Pommel Bash would greatly improve the usability of Mace on all Elite Specs.

Bladesworn Skill Improvements:

  • [Gunsaber 2/Blooming Fire] - This skill is too slow and does less damage than an auto-attack, also just drop the goofy ranged part of this skill.
  • [Gunsaber 5/Break Step] - The 450 range and the after-cast being a tad too long makes it feel limited and awkward to deliver any follow-up damage. Changing how this skill does its damage to be at the end instead of at the beginning and adding some Cripple could greatly improve it.
  • [Dragon's Roar/Pistol 5] - Because this skill has a 240 range with a very small attack radius combined with the long channel this skill will never land unless your opponent is stationary. This could be fixed if it had more range.
Edited by SleepyBat.9034
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