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Thiefs abusing stoic and tower glitch

Random dude.5089

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How about this anet , i can give you some suggestion to fix this spaghetti code , so for me to lose a t 3 keep just because somehow you have issues coding the shadowstep with the keep and tower environnement , how about this :

Fix number 1 : give the main keeps watchtowers.

Fix number 2 : Remove the shadow portal for thiefs from pvp because its legit only used for bug abusing.

Fix number 3 : give the first active traits on tower watchtower tact instead of the "sabotage depot" and the "hardened gates".

I've been witnessing this bs ugabunga playstyle for two weeks and yet we are somehow just playing the game expecting our lord and saviors anet to do something about it with no results , you guys have enough knowledge to figure things out but im tired of sitting afk at my keep being worried that a thief might pop up with his goon squad and take our keeps and towers that have taken probably hours to get to the max tier and lose them in a matter for seconds cause of us not being able to react to this bug fiesta , at this point just bring skyscales to wvw so everyone can have the fun that thiefs are having right now , would be a blast.

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56 minutes ago, Random dude.5089 said:

Fix number 1 : give the main keeps watchtowers.

Fix number 2 : Remove the shadow portal for thiefs from pvp because its legit only used for bug abusing.

Fix number 3 : give the first active traits on tower watchtower tact instead of the "sabotage depot" and the "hardened gates".

1. No, scout better and use target painters if you have that much of a problem catching thieves
2. If you want to take away thief portal you'll have to take away necro and mesmer portals too
3. No it only takes an hour of holding a guild claim to get watchtower, that's easy

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38 minutes ago, Venport.3925 said:

1. No, scout better and use target painters if you have that much of a problem catching thieves
2. If you want to take away thief portal you'll have to take away necro and mesmer portals too
3. No it only takes an hour of holding a guild claim to get watchtower, that's easy

1. No, just delete teefs from game together with stealth, problem solved.
2. No, teefs has enough mobility without portal, no compensations needed, just skill rework.
3. IF it won't get decapped in meantime or someone will take away claim, otherwise false.
Please refrain from posting on forums while drunk, because you start to write some gibberish just like teef mains.

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“Sow a thought and you reap an action; sow an act and you reap a habit; sow a habit and you reap a character; sow a character and you reap a destiny.”

Thief Profession is a reflection of Anet's character of encouraging, rewarding Toxicity: Abuse, Exploits to be acceptable....to continue...to be Guild Wars 2 fate.

Edited by Burnfall.9573
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2 hours ago, Venport.3925 said:

1. No, scout better and use target painters if you have that much of a problem catching thieves
2. If you want to take away thief portal you'll have to take away necro and mesmer portals too
3. No it only takes an hour of holding a guild claim to get watchtower, that's easy

1.This whole thing you typed , makes legit no sense , first of all , target painter cost recources so im not gonna spend all my gold on 100 target painter since i spend so much time in wvw , and they also disapear after some minutes , also i can't place more then one , so yes i will lose the rest of the towers and keep my one keep safe ? yeah definitely solves the problem., also no i scout enough as a roamer , im not an npc that wil scout 24/7 only to watch for thiefs cause anet can't fix bugs.

2.no thiefs portals in wvw have no other use than to bug abuse , necros and mesmers can't do that with portals , since they can't bug their teleports , so invalid argument again , remove thief portals cause they are not used for anything than bug abusing , and remove it only from wvw , its a fair fix.

3.yes it only take one hour to hold a watchtower , so im i gonna go defend my watch tower for one hour straight and leave stoic ? fair trade again ? what you talking about.

your legit defending bug abuse or something ? either your a thief player that love this bug fiesta or your somehow delusional and just wanna type random stuff lol , you make no sense bro.

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24 minutes ago, Random dude.5089 said:

your legit defending bug abuse or something ? either your a thief player that love this bug fiesta or your somehow delusional and just wanna type random stuff lol , you make no sense bro.

Not going to bother quoting the whole thing since  you clearly don't play wvw much, but there's a difference between the throwable Target Painter, and the target painter trap which you can only place one of. Target painters can be thrown and still have a duration but will not overrwrite your other traps, if you play wvw frequently you will get skirmish chests which believe it or not have an option to pick a tricks and traps box.

Thief portals work exactly like every other portal except for the fact that they're one way and grant stealth, and saying that you would have to remove the other portals is just fair because fixing any bugs there may be are not related to thief having a portal. 

You also don't have to sit in the tower for one whole hour, it passes really quickly if you ever actually spent any time roaming and you paid attention to swords on a map.

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2 hours ago, MedievalThings.5417 said:

The dev mained a thief.

Indeed. This is why I propose for the retirement and replacement of the Balance team and the Design team. Guild Wars 2 roots are corrupt and need to be plucked out and to be replaced with a team who put the players experience first before their self interest.

Edited by Burnfall.9573
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11 minutes ago, Venport.3925 said:

Not going to bother quoting the whole thing since  you clearly don't play wvw much, but there's a difference between the throwable Target Painter, and the target painter trap which you can only place one of. Target painters can be thrown and still have a duration but will not overrwrite your other traps, if you play wvw frequently you will get skirmish chests which believe it or not have an option to pick a tricks and traps box.

Thief portals work exactly like every other portal except for the fact that they're one way and grant stealth, and saying that you would have to remove the other portals is just fair because fixing any bugs there may be are not related to thief having a portal. 

You also don't have to sit in the tower for one whole hour, it passes really quickly if you ever actually spent any time roaming and you paid attention to swords on a map.

brother im making this topic so maybe there is a 1% chance that anet fix a bug  , im not asking for ways to deal with bugs , you don't go arround in popular video games and ignore the fact that there is a bug which make people take things you worked for by using bugs and and you have to go and  find ways to deal with that , you go forums and cry to anet like im doing right now , and maybe the people who work with anet step out and deal with this nonsense , if the spaghetti code can't be fixed , i gave ideas that would mainly impact the bug abusers and thats it , i don't know why i need to adapt and change my whole roaming style for thiefs just cause anet is wont fix this bug that have probably been trending for a while now.

I still don't understand what your trying to tell me , if your giving me ways to deal with this , aight cool apreciate that , or your trying to give excuses for anet to ignore this bug cause there is ways to deal with it , and all you have to do is be worried the whole time that a thief might peekaboo your keep and towers , thats gonna become a 9 hour job at this point.


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5 hours ago, Random dude.5089 said:

because somehow you have issues coding the shadowstep with the keep and tower environnement

Fix number 2 : Remove the shadow portal for thiefs from pvp because its legit only used for bug abusing.

teleports on to a target have a history of often being bugged to let people bypass walls and not just the ones from thief.

shadow portal is not a shadow step. and while it might be used to get more people in after using a bug to get inside, it is not used to get in there in the first place. how about fixing the bug instead of applying some random weak band aid? for removing the portal does not stop bug abusers from getting into places and you'd then ask for the next thing to be removed and the next.

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3 minutes ago, bq pd.2148 said:

teleports on to a target have a history of often being bugged to let people bypass walls and not just the ones from thief.

shadow portal is not a shadow step. and while it might be used to get more people in after using a bug to get inside, it is not used to get in there in the first place. how about fixing the bug instead of applying some random weak band aid? for removing the portal does not stop bug abusers from getting into places and you'd then ask for the next thing to be removed and the next.

i know fixing the bug will fix the problem l, like no kitten , but this have been up for so much , since i started wvw been a year ago ,  i met a random thief who taught me everything about glitching into keeps , including the air keep on the red map , and we just run arround taking stuff cause he is very knowledgeable about these  bugs clearly, he jump use his teleport and bam free objectives , why even bother pvping while you can pve , and i started asking myself if anet is doing this on purpose or the bug is almost impossible to fix so they just let it be , thats why im suggesting ideas in case its not fixable , but at the end of the day we are forced to play with this crap in wvw.

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1 minute ago, Random dude.5089 said:

i know fixing the bug will fix the problem l, like no kitten , but this have been up for so much , since i started wvw been a year ago ,  i met a random thief who taught me everything about glitching into keeps , including the air keep on the red map , and we just run arround taking stuff cause he is very knowledgeable about these  bugs clearly, he jump use his teleport and bam free objectives , why even bother pvping while you can pve , and i started asking myself if anet is doing this on purpose or the bug is almost impossible to fix so they just let it be , thats why im suggesting ideas in case its not fixable , but at the end of the day we are forced to play with this crap in wvw.

Yer thief has alot of neat tricks to get into stuff like jump+vault then wep swap midair to gain extra distance.

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1 hour ago, Random dude.5089 said:

i know fixing the bug will fix the problem l, like no kitten , but this have been up for so much , since i started wvw been a year ago ,  i met a random thief who taught me everything about glitching into keeps , including the air keep on the red map , and we just run arround taking stuff cause he is very knowledgeable about these  bugs clearly, he jump use his teleport and bam free objectives , why even bother pvping while you can pve , and i started asking myself if anet is doing this on purpose or the bug is almost impossible to fix so they just let it be , thats why im suggesting ideas in case its not fixable , but at the end of the day we are forced to play with this crap in wvw.

your ideas also dont fix anything but just needlessly take tools away from a class you don't like as established by your previous topics.

and as you admit to exploiting on the public forum, might as well look at skill you are using usually and remove them to randomly affect your gameplay.

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3 hours ago, Junkpile.7439 said:

Thief teleport in keep, but mesmer can't even blink over some little hill or stonemist floor blanks.


Mesmer Profession: Portal received 4 nerf/bug fix since its release. While Thief Profession: Portal received none since its release. It shows that Anet encourages and approves Exploits, Abuse and Hacks exclusively to Thief Profession


Edited by Burnfall.9573
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Agreed. No idea why they gave Teefs portal in the first place. Having to spend an hour to sweep keep because some perma-stealth tryhard wants to sneak their guild in is not fun. It's annoying af.

2 hours ago, Eugenides.1274 said:

ANet simply doesn't care about exploits in WvW.

They used to kinda care, but TP hackers were also alot more blatant back then. They used to TP hack the Orb in EOTM back to their base. Nowadays, most hackers are FOV/Zoom hack rangers, but it's not as obvious so I guess they tolerate them.

Also, while they're at it, they can also fix that hole in Stoic where Teefs like to hide.

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As I've said from the beginning of Shadow Portal being added - it should be removed in WvW - period. The skill unbalances the game.  Along with the exploiters that use every trick to get into objectives Shadow Portal just makes the thief a cheater's fav toon. 


One thing you can do is get as close the area that is being used to exploit entry into Stoic and submit an in game report. That's what I was told after submitting a ticket about The Engi Rifle exploit. And it worked for the Engi Rifle exploit. It shows ANET where the exploit is(as if they don't already know - but keep reporting the spot).

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Another summer tourist post ,beeing upset of losing an objective that wasn't guarded and sweeped properly and asking for another class nerf.

If your server depends on just 1 person/3rd party program to guard the entire borderland just so they can go blob at roamers in EB then the problem isn't with the thieves but your server.


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6 hours ago, Grave.5683 said:

Another summer tourist post ,beeing upset of losing an objective that wasn't guarded and sweeped properly and asking for another class nerf.

If your server depends on just 1 person/3rd party program to guard the entire borderland just so they can go blob at roamers in EB then the problem isn't with the thieves but your server.


your bringing no valuable to the conversation brother , also your new on this forum session looks like , your probably got bored of wvw cause of the hackers and bug abusers and wanna act as the knowledgeable guy who knows it all and  is too good at the game that bugs ain't gonna impact his gameplay , just stay away from forums please , your encouraging bug abuse ,  a bit obnoxious.

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6 hours ago, Grave.5683 said:

Another summer tourist post ,beeing upset of losing an objective that wasn't guarded and sweeped properly and asking for another class nerf.

If your server depends on just 1 person/3rd party program to guard the entire borderland just so they can go blob at roamers in EB then the problem isn't with the thieves but your server.


Or you see the teefe run to the said exploit area and shadow step in then shadow step to the lord after he spike kills the scout. It is not being upset over losing an objective but losing one to an exploit that never has been fixed after years of reports is the problem.

Edited by Biermeister.4678
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1 hour ago, Biermeister.4678 said:

Or you see the teefe run to the said exploit area and shadow step in then shadow step to the lord after he spike kills the scout. It is not being upset over losing an objective but losing one to an exploit that never has been fixed after years of reports is the problem.

Considering that the majority of conversation here is about thief portal and not the exploit itself, I can understand the confusion.

Edited by Chaba.5410
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