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Alliance when?


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"We’ll be back in the next week or so with details about the next WvW World Restructuring beta, which will feature the ability for guilds to team up in Alliances for WvW."
From Play the Weaponmaster Training Beta posted by The Guild Wars 2 Team on June 28, 2023

We should know in the next week...or month...or year...or decade...or century...or millennium or so.

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1 hour ago, Chichimec.9364 said:

We should know in the next week...or month...or year...or decade...or century...or millennium or so.

Well is it good news or bad news? 'We should have a beta this summer.' That leaves 43 days. So if we back into that it means that the beta will run from 09/15 - 09/21 and we will get a write up about it some time between 09/05 to 09/13 based in prior track records. Using that logic we can hopefully be pleasantly surprised if we get a blog post about it before the expansion drops.

That is unless we see the other pattern. "FREE with the expansion is the new World Restructing Project!  As the expansion rolls out we will in the upcoming releases also be featuring for FREE! and way for guild to team up as an Alliance!" oh boy...

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They are obviously 100% focused on the expansion right now, and obviously won't be doing a beta on launch week.

I don't see why they even had to mention anything about the WR beta in the Weaponmaster beta announcement, if they didn't have solid plans or had nothing written up beforehand, since this company usually leaves news to the very last minute. Even if it was delayed, at least release a one line statement saying it was delayed to sept because of the expansion and let everyone go about their business, instead we get the usual tiresome string along.

This is why their marketing and community departments have been a failure so many times in the past.

Cornerstone my kittening kittenss.

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12 hours ago, Chichimec.9364 said:

We should know in the next week...or month...or year...or decade...or century...or millennium or so.

This. "or so" means whenever they feel like it. At this point it's disrespectful to get blatantly fed lies. This is why WvW players are doomers. We keep getting outright lied to.

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We are only into Alliance Beta 6? or 7? Too early to give an answer. Asked again 3 years later when we are into Beta 20+ and maybe then they will have an answer (if GW2 is still around). Meantime, please focus on that  beta carrot at the end that very long stick and and carry on.

Edited by Min Min.9368
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i don't remember when, maybe it was in one of the blog posts, but they said alliances will be done this year (or early next year). many players have been speculating that means a december release, given that the next quarter will be focused on the expansion.


i do believe they said they wanted to do at least one more beta with alliances fully enabled just to clear everything.

Edited by SoftFootpaws.9134
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20 hours ago, Min Min.9368 said:

We are only into Alliance Beta 6? or 7? Too early to give an answer. Asked again 3 years later when we are into Beta 20+ and maybe then they will have an answer (if GW2 is still around). Meantime, please focus on that  beta carrot at the end that very long stick and and carry on.

we haven't beta tested alliances yet, only world restructuring. alliances is a completely separate featureset that will be included on top of world restructuring that enables all the juicy features like guilds banding together, and sorting players by criteria such as language and time zone.

Edited by SoftFootpaws.9134
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48 minutes ago, SoftFootpaws.9134 said:

we haven't beta tested alliances yet, only world restructuring. alliances is a completely separate featureset that will be included on top of world restructuring that enables all the juicy features like guilds banding together, and sorting players by criteria such as language and time zone.

Exactly ... so 4 years to start working on the project, 4 years to beta test World Restructuring, 4 years to beta test Alliances, 4 years to Implement it...
Yup, that sounds about right

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Still find it hilarious they nerfed something like null field to 900 range because random boon strip 5 targets at 1200 range is a big no no, but hey hitting 25 targets up to 1200 range is a-ok, and rangers can hit a person 1500+ range with a 20 hit one wolf pack rapid fire is a-ok. Don't worry guys I'm sure more quickness alacrity spam will be coming in the fall update, it'll make us forget all the balance baddies.

Let's see how well the expansion sells next week, don't forget to preorder guys, and reward them for the stellar broken balance updates this past year, declaring boon balling as the only way to play wvw, the reward update that broke defense events and then nerfed to the forgotten realms of loot, the laughable 0.00000001% drop rate infusion, the missing WR/Alliance update, participating in the Rise! lag apocalypse with their gvg buddies, banning shattered aegis because they're clueless on placing proper cooldowns for guards (hey guys lets stick a 10sec cooldown on evasive mirror for mesmers, but nothing for shattered aegis in an age of aegis spam kekekeke) and can't figure out swapping templates should clear everything including crashing courage, oh and the massive server lag, the 4k lag I had tonight was great!


Edited by XenesisII.1540
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44 minutes ago, XenesisII.1540 said:

Still find it hilarious they nerfed something like null field to 900 range because random boon strip 5 targets at 1200 range is a big no no, but hey hitting 25 targets up to 1200 range is a-ok, and rangers can hit a person 1500+ range with a 20 hit one wolf pack rapid fire is a-ok. Don't worry guys I'm sure more quickness alacrity spam will be coming in the fall update, it'll make us forget all the balance baddies.

Let's see how well the expansion sells next week, don't forget to preorder guys, and reward them for the stellar broken balance updates this past year, declaring boon balling as the only way to play wvw, the reward update that broke defense events and then nerfed to the forgotten realms of loot, the laughable 0.00000001% drop rate infusion, the missing WR/Alliance update, participating in the Rise! lag apocalypse with their gvg buddies, banning shattered aegis because they're clueless on placing proper cooldowns for guards (hey guys lets stick a 10sec cooldown on evasive mirror for mesmers, but nothing for shattered aegis in an age of aegis spam kekekeke) and can't figure out swapping templates should clear everything including crashing courage, oh and the massive server lag, the 4k lag I had tonight was great!


Really? Did you just really do that!? How rude! I may have to curse you for some time now, just saying my friend. What gives you the right, nigh the power to use that!? At this dark time and hour and this time of night! I smack my head, as the night ends and day approaches and you, a friend of mine, use that! Tis not the time to invoke Bacon! Tis way too late to empower thoughts of a BLT when already in the fast of night before breaking it, still a ways for breaking the fast of night and now you leave us with the thought of the bacon. I admit, though I know not why people will use it, but you will rue the day! PETA (People Eating Tasty Animals) may already have you on their lists so I recommend duck and cover! I will try and aid and distract them with BLTs as I can but RUN, RUN as you can! Good luck my friend!

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22 minutes ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:

Really? Did you just really do that!? How rude! I may have to curse you for some time now, just saying my friend. What gives you the right, nigh the power to use that!? At this dark time and hour and this time of night! I smack my head, as the night ends and day approaches and you, a friend of mine, use that! Tis not the time to invoke Bacon! Tis way too late to empower thoughts of a BLT when already in the fast of night before breaking it, still a ways for breaking the fast of night and now you leave us with the thought of the bacon. I admit, though I know not why people will use it, but you will rue the day! PETA (People Eating Tasty Animals) may already have you on their lists so I recommend duck and cover! I will try and aid and distract them with BLTs as I can but RUN, RUN as you can! Good luck my friend!

There's never a wrong time for 🥓


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