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Discover the Wonders within the Wizard’s Vault in Guild Wars 2: Secrets of the Obscure

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9 minutes ago, WRay.2391 said:

In all calculations you are missing time, which is valuable asset. At least for some ppl. And initial money investment.

If I gave $100 to you, then I need to spend 10 mins every day coming to you to get $1, then at day 100 I will have $100, but will still lose 1000 mins of my life. At some point it'll become even depending on how much I value my time. I will never get infinity because I will die before this. Plus at some point my 10 mins will become worth more then $1 for me.

I mean that was more an argument about how the meaning of infinite isn't exactly flexible and not really to do with change of the system. But while we are going on about time, if the best ingame gold grind was say 100 gold an hour, and your 60 gold/28 days took you roughly 10 seconds to get in login, that means that you made about ~2.14 gold per every 10 seconds, ~12.84 gold per minute, and approximately ~770 gold her hour, per account. It required no actual playing of the game, no gearing up, there's no skill required, no effort.

Edited by Acheron.1580
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Hi everyone, sorry if these questions have already been answered, but two things are bothering me:

  • The first one, since we choose what we want to buy for Astral Acclaim, is there a weekly limit for a given item or can I spend it all, for example on Mystic Coin/Mystic Clover. For example, suppose Mystic Coin/Mystic Clover cost 50 Astral Acclaim and you can collect 1300 per week, does that mean I can buy 26 per week or will there be a limit?
  • And the second thing is "legendary starter kit" and more precisely this sentence "We're introducing starter kits for four legendaries". What does that mean exactly? If I'm halfway through making any of these four legendaries now, am I at a loss because it's easier this way or something?

P.S. Sorry for my English ;)

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6 minutes ago, Fang.2137 said:

Hi everyone, sorry if these questions have already been answered, but two things are bothering me:

  • The first one, since we choose what we want to buy for Astral Acclaim, is there a weekly limit for a given item or can I spend it all, for example on Mystic Coin/Mystic Clover. For example, suppose Mystic Coin/Mystic Clover cost 50 Astral Acclaim and you can collect 1300 per week, does that mean I can buy 26 per week or will there be a limit?
  • And the second thing is "legendary starter kit" and more precisely this sentence "We're introducing starter kits for four legendaries". What does that mean exactly? If I'm halfway through making any of these four legendaries now, am I at a loss because it's easier this way or something?

P.S. Sorry for my English 😉

Unclear. We don't know costs, or if there are hard caps on purchases. We aren't sure what are in the starter kits, or why it relates to very specific legendary weapons (maybe it will change the type of lodestones involved to make the gifts? Depending on the AA costs would it be unreasonable to have an account bound precursor? We just don't have any information).

Other possibilities could be Gen 1 vs Gen 2 vs Gen 3 legendaries which would all require different possible "ingredients". For the gen 1 you might get dungeon currency to buy the gift from the dungeon vendors. Maybe gen 2 has curios, or the shards for the specific weapon, gen 3 has a whole bunch of specific materials that are only relevant to them.

Edited by Acheron.1580
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4 minutes ago, Acheron.1580 said:

Unclear. We don't know costs, or if there are hard caps on purchases. We aren't sure what are in the starter kits, or why it relates to very specific legendary weapons (maybe it will change the type of lodestones involved to make the gifts? Depending on the AA costs would it be unreasonable to have an account bound precursor? We just don't have any information).

Thanks for the answer. Well, we have to wait for an answer from someone from ArenaNet or until next week and see for ourselves 🙂

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42 minutes ago, Acheron.1580 said:

I mean that was more an argument about how the meaning of infinite isn't exactly flexible and not really to do with change of the system. But while we are going on about time, if the best ingame gold grind was say 100 gold an hour, and your 60 gold/28 days took you roughly 10 seconds to get in login, that means that you made about ~2.14 gold per every 10 seconds, ~12.84 gold per minute, and approximately ~770 gold her hour, per account. It required no actual playing of the game, no gearing up, there's no skill required, no effort.

2.14 gold per 10 sec once a day. Potentially close to having couple parked alt at JPs (next idea for Anet to nerf). Is it another "infinite money"? To have it infinite you also neet infinite number of alt accounts and infinite time to login.

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44 minutes ago, WRay.2391 said:

2.14 gold per 10 sec once a day. Potentially close to having couple parked alt at JPs (next idea for Anet to nerf). Is it another "infinite money"? To have it infinite you also neet infinite number of alt accounts and infinite time to login.

Well you need 10 seconds per account per day (again, sort of generous, depends on how slow your computer is), and the more accounts you have the fast you accumulate it, but you can get by with 1, 2 or 20 and for each account it costs you 10 seconds. The fact is it's still money for nothing. You don't need infinite accounts or time.

Once again, please tell me how putting in 10 seconds a day entitles you to the strongest gold farm in the game without putting in any effort. Because you paid real money? I looked it up and the cheapest I could do an account upgrade for right now was about $8 on a third party key selling site, which once again doesn't even support Anet.

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Just now, Acheron.1580 said:

Well you need 10 seconds per account per day (again, sort of generous, depends on how slow your computer is), and the more accounts you have the fast you accumulate it, but you can get by with 1, 2 or 20 and for each account it costs you 10 seconds. The fact is it's still money for nothing. You don't need infinite accounts or time.

Once again, please tell me how putting in 10 seconds a day entitles you to the strongest gold farm in the game without putting in any effort. Because you paid real money? I looked it up and the cheapest I could do an account upgrade for right now was about $8 on a third party key selling site, which once again doesn't even support Anet.

Second strongest gold farm in the game.

The strongest is still logging in, buying gems, converting to gold. Costs real money, just like buying accounts. Gets you gold, just like buying accounts. Doesn't involve playing the game AT ALL. Doesn't take any significant time or effort. Yet ANET aren't doing anything to close that "loophole", are they? Odd that.

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Why all the obsessing over the various 'takes' on ThEsE  aLT AccOuNt  oWneRS ARE StEAlinG GaME Gold! as if the reddit and here and every gaming group arnt full of people showing how to 'maximise your income' I feel like im living in  a parrallel universe where everyone is ignoring what DOES affect us negatively. Why is everyone so kitten cool with the idea that Anet is claiming a massive 'improvement' with these changes, so much that its being sold as one of the main 3/4 selling points of the expansion, yet so many are all ok with them literally taking away something we have been given in game for 11 years? not some 'oopsie i think we set the drop rate for such and such a little high' lets nerf it, no, its just accepted as if its completely normal that of course we will only get access to new skins etc by completely removing everything we got before. Thats not an improvement, thats an exchange of pixles which people also readily accept  WHY?? why is it ok for them to make it harder ( which it will be) just to get what we got before, why should there have to be a choice?

And the claims that there are vast swathes of the GW2 population running log in sweat shops is just laughable, full time streamers where is their job do it, in fact if one of those streamers had not been bragging about it, many people would not even know about it.

Surely an actual improvement would be; hey everyone, we are getting rid of some of the rubbish log in rewards like cannisters, and combining log in and dailies, with some new dailies/weeklies/monthlies to freshen it up, you still get 2g if you complete 3 dailies, if you do more, including the weeklies and monthlies you will also now be able to use [new currency] to buy additional items over time.


THAT would be an actual improvement, something they can claim as an 'improvement' and something worthy of being a tent pole of a small expansion, but its like sitting in a room full of munchausen by proxy with all the rationalisation going on. People, they have taken away something we got for 11 years, there is no way all the items from the black lion chest etc will be available for equivalent price ( or at all) the same with the 2 gold, but thats 'ok' because theres a mount skin to save up for? they arn't answering because its going to be an appalling exchange rate, we WILL lose out and they have the nerve to make us pay for it in an expansion? 🙈🙉🙊

Edit, and the fact i got confused responses says it all, people on here have collectively lost their minds, you are all OCDing onto an argument about logging in alt accounts - look at what is being taken away from you in the new changes, thats what your focus should be, or if you love arguing about something irrelevant to most of the player base, maybe focus in game botters, this thread is about THE VAULT not some philosophising beard stroking about alt accounts, you are derailing the point of the thread.


Edited by Clementine.3896
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13 minutes ago, Acheron.1580 said:

Well you need 10 seconds per account per day (again, sort of generous, depends on how slow your computer is), and the more accounts you have the fast you accumulate it, but you can get by with 1, 2 or 20 and for each account it costs you 10 seconds. The fact is it's still money for nothing. You don't need infinite accounts or time.

Once again, please tell me how putting in 10 seconds a day entitles you to the strongest gold farm in the game without putting in any effort. Because you paid real money? I looked it up and the cheapest I could do an account upgrade for right now was about $8 on a third party key selling site, which once again doesn't even support Anet.

You are allowed to multi box, so you can log on with as many instances your CPU can handle, alt tab right click a chest and press F for a jp chest all at the same time. Longer of course if you take the time to vendor loot.

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2 hours ago, Acheron.1580 said:

If I said I'll give you a dollar a day starting from tomorrow and into infinity but you just have to come to my house, how is that not infinite dollars? Hell what if it was pennies? The value isn't important, it's the quantity. "But when will I have my million dollars? That means it's not infinite". You'll have it on the millionth day, just because you don't get the lump sum now means infinity has a different meaning. If the resource you are getting comes from thin air and you had to put it nothing to get it, it would be infinite.

Your argument that because I have 1 account that I actively play is the equivalent of 20 accounts that aren't being played but are used solely to generate gold at no effort to the player is a massive false equivalency.

If gold sellers can use the system to make gold to sell for real money at no effort whatsoever to themselves, is that not an exploit? How does it change the definition just because you are using it for personal gain, because it suddenly isn't a violation of ToS? I have yet to see an argument for how this was the intended use Anet had in mind.

If you said that you would give me a dollar a day for infinity you would be telling a tall-tale because that is not physically possible. And, again, 1/20th of infinity is an equal sized infinity...so all log in rewards are equal no matter how many accounts one has if you define those rewards as infinite.

And no, the comparison between one account's infinite gold and 20 accounts' infinite gold is not a false equivalency...its is a mathematical absolute. If you accept the assertion that the gold is infinite then the two are mathematically equal.




By the way, I do want to thank you for the reasoned discussion without name calling and the like, as so many discussions descend to. Very much appreciated even if we never quite see eye to eye on the definition of infinity (or whether getting rewards on multiple accounts counts as an exploit).

Edited by Ashen.2907
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50 minutes ago, Acheron.1580 said:

Well you need 10 seconds per account per day (again, sort of generous, depends on how slow your computer is), and the more accounts you have the fast you accumulate it, but you can get by with 1, 2 or 20 and for each account it costs you 10 seconds. The fact is it's still money for nothing. You don't need infinite accounts or time.

Once again, please tell me how putting in 10 seconds a day entitles you to the strongest gold farm in the game without putting in any effort. Because you paid real money? I looked it up and the cheapest I could do an account upgrade for right now was about $8 on a third party key selling site, which once again doesn't even support Anet.

Question is the same. Parking alt at JP is also free money, not designed etc. Will you be excited to have new expansion that will return all alts at daily reset to starting city? You can buy item with gems for character that will prevent it. Anet, generating ideas for next expansion for you ...

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Please excuse the repetitiveness but Google, Duck Duck  nor en-forum.guildwars provided links to this query. If this is a previous question please link the response and delete this post.

How often do the "objectives" refresh? If I complete one does it auto-fill with a new one to complete? Will I get a new one after completing one or will I have to wait on a reset or timer/time-gating?

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46 minutes ago, Seth Moonshadow.2710 said:

Please excuse the repetitiveness but Google, Duck Duck  nor en-forum.guildwars provided links to this query. If this is a previous question please link the response and delete this post.

How often do the "objectives" refresh? If I complete one does it auto-fill with a new one to complete? Will I get a new one after completing one or will I have to wait on a reset or timer/time-gating?

Looks like daily/weekly reset. And the pve, pvp and wvw check box will only switch over at the next daily/weekly reset.

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@Rubi Bayer.8493 Hopefully i'm not abusing this but I am trying to have a few questions answered before the launch happens. And one is BEYOND time sensitive and I know its almost the weekend which means you probably won't have the time to answer, so hopefully you or someone else can answer before the launch.

1. If we do the dailys Monday night reset (so at 20:00 EST Monday night on Aug 21st), are we locked out of the first set of dailys with the new system when it goes live at noon on Aug 22nd? (roughly 7-8 hours before the next daily reset at 20:00 EST Tuesday night on Aug 22nd.) Just asking so I know I can do them then or avoid doing things to not complete it just in case. Very much I would like to know this so i'm not locked out when the xpac launches on doing the new dailys till very much later in the evening.

2. Second question I have, I know I probably already know the answer, but just asking in case or to get just a full 100% answer, instead of just vague or silence. The last daily sign in Monday night for me will be on the 27th day log in and i won't be able to get the chest of loyalty before the xpac launches and removes it. Is there a way to mail them to me or other people who are short a few days? Or is that too much a advantage over other people and since this system is being added to prevent people from getting them over and over, I just have to suck it up and deal with less? Yes it will be disappointing, but just asking for a answer is all.

If you can only answer one, very much would like the first one answered before Monday night, just in case. I don't want to be locked out of the new stuff or the first daily log in. (To see if I should avoid logging on at all till it launches or i'm ok with doing stuff Monday night.) Thanks in advance. And yes, I might be sad or upset about some things but you devs have fixed some of the issues I had, maybe not others but some. Hopefully it goes as smoothly as it can (we all know bugs galore lol) and the new systems/storylines are fun. Stay safe

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On 8/15/2023 at 12:09 PM, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:

I'm here and I've got an answer for you!

Gold, Laurels, and Mystic Coins can all be purchased in the Wizard's Vault for completing your daily objectives. Daily achievement points will still be available as well, you'll earn them by completing your Wizard's Vault daily objectives.

What's going to happen to Essence of Gold (the 2% permanent gold find bonus from Chest of Loyalty)? 

As well as Chest of Black Lion Goods.  I quite liked getting a mystic forge stone or rarely black lion key.

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12 hours ago, WRay.2391 said:

Question is the same. Parking alt at JP is also free money, not designed etc. Will you be excited to have new expansion that will return all alts at daily reset to starting city? You can buy item with gems for character that will prevent it. Anet, generating ideas for next expansion for you ...

Actually I would be fine with that. Maybe not teleporting characters but maybe randomizing locations of some of the chests and nodes. The passive income in this game is kinda crazy, even on one account. The price of most mats are steadily dropping. Large part of my income comes from the first few minutes of logging in when I'm just switching between my parked alts. 

I think the game would be healthier if this would be removed. Also my take has always been that the best system is the old school one, you kill a big boss you get big loot. 

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Getting quite heated in here!  Lol.  At the end of the day, Anet can (and will) change what they want and we will have to live with it.  I absolutely love that Rubi reads these threads though, comments occasionally and I'm sure, reports back some of the sentiment to the dev teams.  They are listening at least  🙂  So... onto a few facts: (for MC read Mystic Coin)

  • People use Alt accounts to get gold, with less time-effort than farming.  I do it myself too.  We're exploiting a loop-hole that's been around for a while and that's fine imo.  The loop-hole is being closed by Anet and that's also fine... imo 😉  Logging in daily currently gets you MCs and Tx Materials (via Laurels), which we sell to get the gold... easy.  Account bound stuff is of no use in gold generation.  After SOTO, I'll still have my Alt accounts and I can still play them (or give them away, or sell them) so generally they've done their purpose...no harm done.
  • You will be able to login daily (from 22nd) with an Alt account and get 5 AA... woohoo.  No idea what that means yet but it's something.
  • You will be able to buy MCs from the Wizards Vault, using the 5AA you collect each day, or more if you actually do some of the acheivments (as long as your Alt account has a level 80 character).  No idea just how many AA you'll need per MC yet though?
  • Each Alt account in use currently pumps 20 MCs into the economy every 28 days, from thin air (along with a whole bunch of Tx Mats).  100,000 accounts would create 2 million MCs monthly!!!
  • The economy is very finely balanced.  If the number of MCs added to the economy each month decreases, the price on the TP will go up.  The opposite is also possible.
  • If 140 AA (5AA x 28 days ) doesn't buy 20 MCs the price per MC will go up.....unless Anet create another way of adding MCs to the game (which they might?).  Tx Mats will be impacted in the same way.
  • There is a possibility that other non-account bound items may be available to purchase with AA that are worth more than MCs to Alt account owners??  In which case, those will be purchased instead and the number of MCs in circulation will still drop (see point above).

We have no idea, until after the release, what the impact on the economy will be as there are just too many variables but, if I was a betting man I'd guess that Tx Materials and MCs will go up in price before Anet get the balance right and this opens up opportunity for anyone with the gold to spend right now.  Good luck everyone!

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Going to try to answer everything, though it's going to be a tight all in one. Starting with

18 hours ago, WRay.2391 said:

Question is the same. Parking alt at JP is also free money, not designed etc. Will you be excited to have new expansion that will return all alts at daily reset to starting city? You can buy item with gems for character that will prevent it. Anet, generating ideas for next expansion for you ...

Will I be excited/happy/wringing my hands menacingly if/when they change mechanics that I (personally) consider to be an exploit? No. I don't care. The number of legendaries you get doesn't change the number I have or will get. The amount of gold you get doesn't change the amount I have or will get. I don't have anything personal against people who are "gaming the system". I don't care about afk farmers because they don't impact me personally. There is argument that yes they are putting more resources out there into the TP which will impact the prices, but on a personal level I'm not bothered by it.

So why bother saying it's an exploit? Because it reads like an exploit. If Anet added a $400 black lion trade post item that was "legendary of the month club" where you got a legendary every month for doing nothing but giving them money, I think the community would have very strong opinions on it. Just because the opportunity exists to do it outside that example makes it absurd to me, and there's no way that could be construed as the intended use of that system. Which just by definition would make it an exploit. Whether you do it "a little" or a "a lot", it is still using the system for personal gain.

Why get heated up about it? I took a stance on the subject and I will defend it. Honestly by defending it I kept thinking more and more that it just sounded shady. That's a personal viewpoint.

Why bring it up at all? I honestly hadn't even known about it before this post (just in terms of HOW MUCH GOLD it could generate for nothing), but when people ask why Anet is changing the system, it to me seems like the most likely reason. I was giving an opinion that it was probably a factor.

18 hours ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

You are allowed to multi box, so you can log on with as many instances your CPU can handle, alt tab right click a chest and press F for a jp chest all at the same time. Longer of course if you take the time to vendor loot.

Do I think jumping puzzle alts are an exploit? Mostly no, if you parked an alt at every single jumping puzzle I'd call that convenience but I also am pretty certain you'd never get a return on the amount paid to unlock those characters. There is one exception, the jade runestone, because it was already something that got closed up by Anet and is still getting ~1 gold for nothing. Whether or not it is an exploit is again personal viewpoint. It is by and large Anet's fault for not closing it off, since they already had a JP in the first zone that also awards runestones but has a checkpoint system to prevent abuse. They got sloppy. Do I think multiboxing is an exploit? I don't care for it but if there are rules around it then again, by definition, it isn't.

19 hours ago, Kranlor Greyhelm.8417 said:

Second strongest gold farm in the game.

The strongest is still logging in, buying gems, converting to gold. Costs real money, just like buying accounts. Gets you gold, just like buying accounts. Doesn't involve playing the game AT ALL. Doesn't take any significant time or effort. Yet ANET aren't doing anything to close that "loophole", are they? Odd that.

I know this was meant just to be snarky but I'll answer it honestly anyways. The "strongest" would imply the most in the shortest amount of time so yea, straight up purchasing and converting would make it the strongest. The best would be the current system being discussed, because it generates gold far beyond what you paid as long as you can keep it going forward into the future. Most bang for the buck as it were. Is buying gold from Anet an exploit? No. It is a system put in place and used exactly as they intended it to be.

18 hours ago, Clementine.3896 said:

them literally taking away something we have been given in game for 11 years?

I feel the majority of that post is actually what's already being discussed, and again me suggesting Anet's change could be because this feels like an exploit (my opinion on why it's being changed), but this is also just factually wrong. The system was introduced in 2015, it hasn't been in the game since forever and replaced an old system for getting the exact same rewards. Now the system is changing again (pray they do not alter it further).

18 hours ago, Ashen.2907 said:

If you said that you would give me a dollar a day for infinity you would be telling a tall-tale because that is not physically possible. And, again, 1/20th of infinity is an equal sized infinity...so all log in rewards are equal no matter how many accounts one has if you define those rewards as infinite.

And no, the comparison between one account's infinite gold and 20 accounts' infinite gold is not a false equivalency...its is a mathematical absolute. If you accept the assertion that the gold is infinite then the two are mathematically equal.

Well played, I had to think about it for a minute. You are correct, if we are both getting an infinite amount of money then it's arguably the same. But back to my example of asking "Where is my million dollars?" The answer for me is on the millionth day, the answer for you with 20 accounts is the 50,000th day. It is not equivalent. We cannot ask when we have our infinity moneys (because such a concept is ridiculous), but we can point to a specific point in time and ask how much our infinite income has generated for us. So yes I stand by it is a false equivalency. If universal basic income was a thing, and everyone got $1000 a month, but you gamed the system to get it 20 times over, it would be considered fraud. Not an exact parallel (as point out Anet has said this isn't illegal) but I think you get my point.

"But the money I made I put back into the economy so I'm doing a good thing!" No. Flat out no, you are justifying personal gain by saying that it is helping everyone, but at the end of the day you did it for yourself and nobody else. Just because you bought a legendary with your ill gotten gains (don't focus on the wording, it's just how I could phrase it), does not absolve it from being an exploit. It has all the energy of "It's not an exploit, but if it was, not saying it is, I'm doing good with it so it shouldn't count".

But then why didn't Anet....? I don't work for Anet. I never said I did, nor did I say I represent them. But I can take an educated guess. Sorry if I misrepresented myself. The only question out of those I can answer with near certainty is why doesn't Anet straight up say it's an exploit or alternatively why won't they say if this is the reason they are changing the system? The answer is they have no gain from doing so. If they condemn your actions now then they highlight that they condoned it before, people who feel jilted by not being able to get in on the exploit are mad, people who are suddenly stripped of it when they were told it was ok are mad. Lose/lose. If they say they are changing the system specifically for this reason then again they are personally calling out a group of people and it becomes a personal attack, which will make more people mad. Or they can say nothing at all about their reasons for it. Now it is a mystery, there is no target, it could be something completely unrelated (and honestly very well could be, again even if I made assumptions on why they are changing it I can't 100% know).

In closing / tldr

If all of these alt accounts did the 3 daily quests and got 2 gold each (about the equivalent of the gold/hour (day) that the daily login bonus gets) I wouldn't consider it an exploit. I guess the line in the sand for me is effort. Someone who plays for 5-15 mins a day to make a profit is simply playing the game, as intended, and games reward effort. Why I don't see the login bonuses (or the jade runestone farm) the same way is because there is no game, and no effort, just reward. That people are using the system make sense to me, I don't harbor ill will towards the people doing it, I would never use it though because it sounds like an exploit just begging to be closed off. But I am unlikely to change my opinion that is an exploit because the demonstration of what the system does at an extreme case. Even if you don't use it in that capacity, the ability to do so still exists.  

Edited by Acheron.1580
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5 hours ago, Cuks.8241 said:

Actually I would be fine with that. Maybe not teleporting characters but maybe randomizing locations of some of the chests and nodes. The passive income in this game is kinda crazy, even on one account. The price of most mats are steadily dropping. Large part of my income comes from the first few minutes of logging in when I'm just switching between my parked alts. 

I think the game would be healthier if this would be removed. Also my take has always been that the best system is the old school one, you kill a big boss you get big loot. 

I agree with the sentiment behind the passive income issue, the only one that is a serious issue imo is the jade runestone which they could fix without impacting all the other ones. The problem is that with a flying mount you can already skip 70-85% of the jumping puzzles already so it feels unnecessary to change it. If people park alts for the sake of convenience it doesn't bother me just because the rewards from those chests are so bad you probably won't get a return on the character slot.

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14 minutes ago, Acheron.1580 said:


So why bother saying it's an exploit? Because it reads like an exploit. If Anet added a $400 black lion trade post item that was "legendary of the month club" where you got a legendary every month for doing nothing but giving them money, I think the community would have very strong opinions on it. Just because the opportunity exists to do it outside that example makes it absurd to me, and there's no way that could be construed as the intended use of that system. Which just by definition would make it an exploit. Whether you do it "a little" or a "a lot", it is still using the system for personal gain.


You do know that this is how it works atm but you can get one for 150 dollars now so yea 400 is abit much for some people.

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Just now, Linken.6345 said:

You do know that this is how it works atm but you can get one for 150 dollars now so yea 400 is abit much for some people.

Paying $150 per month for a legendary vs paying a one time $400 for a legendary a month with no costs going forward is pretty different.

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2 minutes ago, Acheron.1580 said:

Paying $150 per month for a legendary vs paying a one time $400 for a legendary a month with no costs going forward is pretty different.

yea that have never happeend tho since ever so yea, if you think loging in to 20, 40 or 100 acount is nothing then I got a bridge to sell you mate.

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2 minutes ago, Linken.6345 said:

yea that have never happeend tho since ever so yea, if you think loging in to 20, 40 or 100 acount is nothing then I got a bridge to sell you mate.

Pretty sure someone said (in this thread or elsewhere) that might teapot had 40 accounts and it generated 2000 gold per month for him. So that would imply that it did / can / does happen.

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