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Outside of alliances/rewards, will there ever be more content added to WvW?


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4 hours ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:

the new system has its own weeklies involved but there has been no mention that I saw about it impacting WvW weeklies

My bet is that the WvW weeklies are rolled into the new Vault weekly system.  I wouldn't be surprised if the Vault weeklies are based on the raid, fractal, and wvw weeklies.

Edited by Chaba.5410
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I could see the WvW weekly getting rolled into the new system, simply because it seems like they are trying to focus/simplify the set up.

And if the currency you earn effectively gives the same rewards, other than it being a different system, it really doesn't change anything.  Though it seems the new system has a lot of options for what to buy with the currency, so if one is after just gold, one will have to wait for sites to catch up to determine what to buy and then sell.

Though i do wonder what they would do for the weeklies (of this week) currently in progress.  Seems like some people could come out winners or losers based on what the changes may be and if they complete them before/after the release (but this would be for all achievements that are weekly based - raid/fractal/strike/whatever)


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i think that wvw is actually in a good place right now and could only use some minor adjustments at this point:

- obviously, we need to get alliances out so the matchups are a bit more balanced.

- there's some staleness about two borderlands being the same; a third borderland with a jungle theme would be welcome. this would help each realm feel unique, and not like you're just playing the same game with a different color every week.

- eternal battlegrounds could really use some end of dragons-like texture work, its very soupy compared to the rest of the game now and looks like someone threw it together in five minutes. i get this is to keep the framerates low for combat, but they could at least update the textures. i know its a bit pendantic but i'd really like to play in actual grass and not low quality green goo!

- the standard maps could really use some basic event chains to draw players into combat. dolyaks are good at this already, but i feel like a this point we need something more substantial to bring random enemies together besides supply camps. if arenanet really doesn't want such a big focus on roaming, then this would be a good way to add small scale battles that aren't exclusively roaming.

- it would be nice if they did something with edge of the mists. i'd like to see it added to the normal map selection as an alternative to ebg, with mounts and gliding enabled so its not such a pain to traverse. almost no one uses it as an overflow map anyway.

- can we get something like armistice bastion for free, without all the services? just being able to hang out, talk to enemies, and so on. i think that this is something which has really died off in wvw, with all the anti-afk measures, the disabling of novelties and such. all the fun stuff has been taken out, and unless you own the premium pass there's no where to go to be fun again and chill out with other wvw'ers.

(disclaimer: i already own the pass, which is why i know how great it would be for everyone.)

Edited by SoftFootpaws.9134
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7 hours ago, WeightTrainer.3219 said:

I think it would be interesting if there was a pool of maps that got pulled from. no "home borderland" type maps, but just pure 3way maps. A Jade Sea/Kurzick forest type of map could of been fun and involve siege turtles. That way each week at reset you might not actually know which maps will "spawn" for your tier and if queues get high enough another map gets pulled from the pool or something.

Oh we have suggested something similar for a decade with EBG "themed" maps instead for true 3-way battles, which would give Anet the ability to scale up or down the amount of maps depending on activity. Today with the EBG + borders design that is impossible.

There would no dreaded curse of the red border, it would just be another EBG. Perhaps desert. Perhaps jungle, city, tundra, whatever. GW2 has tons of areas to theme from and maintain the overall design of EBG but change assets. Between desert and EOTM much already exist.

But any such suggestion has always been a fever dream. The best we can hope for is maybe getting world restructure sometime within the next 3 or 4 PvE expansions. Its a chance at least.

Edited by Dawdler.8521
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