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New dailies/weeklies [Merged]

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I don't understand why this mobile game system wasn't just added as an extra thing from lvl 80 onwards. The old daily loggin (even quests) could have stayed and this mobile shop could have just had bigger prizes for items and more complex quests for at least some difficulty and fun. And what would ANET get with it? Satisfied players with the classic old daily loggin + a new system for challenges and rewards that interested players will be happy for and in the final there wouldn't be so much dissatisfaction from players to deal with.

The current new system is just a mix of boring quests, it's also confusing, annoying and limiting for new players, the previous system at least had a real meaning of "daily loggin".

I really hope ANET brings back the old loggin system and just modifies this new one as a new reward shop with more complex and original quests as something extra and not a replacement otherwise good luck, since this is probably the first MMO with such a bad daily loggin.

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Having the option to chose which kind of objectives (pve/wvw/pvp) I want to do is great, but only giving us 4 options for the daily is horrible. I liked it much better when they gave us more options and we could just pick and chose what we want to do. Now if I get bad dailies I am stuck with them. At least with the weeklies we get more options. Besides, escorting supply caravans? And 10 for the weekly? No one goes to WvW to escort supply caravans. And why is the WvW jumping puzzle even considered a WvW option? It's just gonna deplete my participation.

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16 hours ago, Skie.8904 said:

I feel the other way. I'm still in IBS and I'm getting PvE ones in SotO and EoD, but I don't want to rush the story because of it XD
And the special one is timed as well, and is all is SotO... 😕

Yeah same here, one of the dailies today is to do a kryptis bounty which I'll need one of those new orbs to find/do. I've only gotten up to just before Icebrood and I don't particularly fancy breaking my story order to grab the orb. It sorta feels like I'm being punished for buying a dlc and not getting through the story before it fast enough 😕

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I agree that having for daily tasks available and 4 needed is a downgrade compared to the previous system. AN had no issue with giving us 8 weekly tasks (requiring only 6 done) but cannot do the same for dailies somehow?

23 minutes ago, trulosek.7145 said:

I don't understand why this mobile game system wasn't just added as an extra thing from lvl 80 onwards

You love to call the new system "mobile game system" while completely ignoring that old iteration of daily login rewards was exactly same thing alot of mobile games are doing. That was already a "mobile game system".

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Has anyone added up how many of the new tokens it's going to take from the Wizard's Vault just to earn the equivalent rewards from the old log-in system?  I think people should be asking what the heck! Seems to me more has been taken away from the player than given. I for one seriously don't want to play chase the token game.  A definite two thumbs down from me. go back to where you came wizards!!   lol 

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The new daily quests achieve the opposite of what they claim: less flexibility.

I can understand removing the free rewards from just the login (mc, clovers), although this would probably discourage people from buying a second account just for the mystic coins. But while before you could decide to try WvW if the PvE's quests were too boring and long, now most of the players will deactivate WvW because too risky. PvP was almost always 3/4 for me, because I always left the tournament out, but now I'm scared to select only PvP because there could be a tournament. Not to mention (as @Mistwraithe.3106 said) that it's way more difficult to complete the daily with your friends/family members now.

Add at least 1 additional choice (to make it 4 out of 5) if you don't want to revert it.


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49 minutes ago, Urud.4925 said:

Add at least 1 additional choice (to make it 4 out of 5) if you don't want to revert it.

Nope. Add at least additional 9 choices we already had. They said more flexibility, so 9 would only be as it used to be. And off course cap the daily rewards to 3+1(login) completions.

And leave the pve/pvp/wvw choice window just for filtering (can be changed at any point) for players that just never do some of the game modes. 

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Really not happy with the new system. I didn't like it when they first made the dailies almost exclusive for level 80s. Now it is exclusive to Lvl 80s. I play mostly PvE so I worked towards Writs of Experience and Tomes of Knowledge.
I have played for almost 11 years and this update has sort of messed things up. Why mess with the core game just because there is an expansion?

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The weekly seems to also have the big chest - which I did not notice at first for the daily. Luckly more options available. 6 out of 8 or so. This should work fine with the option to select between the game modes. I don't even need to do a tournament match now.

For the dailies I'D suggest one more as well. We don't really need to get 12 and then having to do only 3 out of 12. The old system required this - to get the 2g. But it also gave other rewards from the invididual achievements. More here might make them change the acclaim per individual item (10 for the small daily ones) to less - so people that did all would not get that much. (Unless there was an option to give the 10 for the first 4 only and then stopping the others as well.)

4 out of 5 or 6 would be okay I guess - adding 2 alternatives here. Then again: The stuff there is pretty easy - at least from what I have seeen so far. If you set the correct selection (game mode preference) you should not get too annoying stuff.

The total acclaim probably is a lot - if you always get the big chests maxed  for the daily and weekly. Should be enough to buy special skins and also get most of your old stuff to the cap available in the vault (laurels, coins and the cheap gold with the limited stock balanced to imitate the old dailies).

Edit: I would suggest a different system: Give us the option to select per slot type. (Currently I got 2 PvP, 1PvE - with PvE/PvE selected.) Then give use twice the slots required: Let's say 7 and requiring 4 for the daily (1 is the login I counted the twice from the regular 3 where we need to play - 6 then + the login one).

For the first 3 let us select the game mode per slot. (Other 3 chose randomly from the overall choice we made.) Then give for the first 3 us a list where we can select one priority one (higher chance to appear) and one 2 that we do not want at all. (Out of them let it select randomly.)

Combine this somehow into the weekly again and maybe make a harder vs grindier option there. (For people that want to avoid generally harder content and then prefer do do easier stuff tut there maybe having to do more repetitions.) This kinda is possible now. (I can omit the tournament and to other ones since it does not require to do everyone in the weekly categeory.) Would be nice to get "harder" stuff maybe for more acclaim for the individual item. Not sure if needed though. Atm I am happy as it is since I can do my dailies and not being able to get one or two 40 acclaim from weekly - as long as I can get the big chest - not a big deal for me.

Edited by Luthan.5236
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9 hours ago, Daddicus.6128 said:

Try looking at the list of things available to non-owners of SotO. It's extremely limited, in both quantity and usefulness.

Not exactly an incentive to get me to buy this expansion.

You can get build storage / build template expansions, ascended weapons and armor, upgrade extractors, laurels, mystic clovers, MCs, gold bonus, vision crystals, new emote, etc. so more or less everyhthing you could before. True, you cannot get the legendary starter kit or SotO exclusive skins - so that's your incentive to buy the expansion if you want those new skins.

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The new daily system is the worst update I have ever see !

We lost

- 10 daily AP

- Reward track daily progression for pvp and wvw

Honestly arenanet when you provide an update never remove what we had before... it's a basic.

Give us at least the achievement points back, please !


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The AP are there. You need to complete the daily 4 - then open the chest (click it in the UI of the wizards vault). Then it should track the still existing achievement in the normal achievement tab. All dailies removed execpt that one - to still track the daily 10 AP. (Still showing a 10 for me there though I should have capped my dailies but that is not recognized there.)

Yesterday that one auto completed when you did the old dailies before the update happened.

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7 hours ago, blackoil.2673 said:

The big problem is that before you used to get 7 mystic clovers + 35 laurels + 20 mystic coins every 28 days just by logging in. Plus other rewards like tomes of knowledge (spirit shards), bags of luck and black lion goods.

Now just by logging in you get 5 astral acclaim. Which gets you EITHER 2 mystic clovers OR 15 mystic coins OR 14 laurels, but you can mix and match... for instance you can get 1 clover + 4 mystic coins + 4 laurels. That's a pretty hefty reward nerf.

Sure you can fill up with daily achievements, but previously you could pick any 3 out of a list of 12, whereas now you can only do the 3 that the game forces you to pick. It didn't help that yesterday one of the tasks was quite time-consuming to do.

have you read this post? Maybe this will clear things up for you...



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1 hour ago, Kenny.4618 said:

The new daily system is the worst update I have ever see !

We lost

- 10 daily AP

- Reward track daily progression for pvp and wvw

Honestly arenanet when you provide an update never remove what we had before... it's a basic.

Give us at least the achievement points back, please !


You still get the 10 daily AP. It's under the old daily achievements, called Wizard's Vault Daily Objectives. Don't understand why they removed PvP, WvW potis though...

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1 hour ago, Kenny.4618 said:

The new daily system is the worst update I have ever see !

We lost

- 10 daily AP

- Reward track daily progression for pvp and wvw

Honestly arenanet when you provide an update never remove what we had before... it's a basic.

Give us at least the achievement points back, please !


wish people read first before commenting. You still get 10 AP just like before, no change there, in fact you get it faster cause new dailies are stupidly easy, much easier. You get more wvw/pvp xp for playing the modes to compensate potion loss.

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6 hours ago, Richie.1820 said:

I dislike the new daily because it strips away choice. Before you could choose what you liked or what you could do and easily get the 3/3. But now if there's even 1 thing you can't do or don't like doing, then you can't get the 4/4 reward for that day. Personally this probably won't motivate me to do more but instead I might just skip the dailies. Give us more options.

Well, technically your choice is still there.  You get to custom tune your reward track.  I'm personally having zero trouble building AA just playing the game as normal.

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18 minutes ago, Cernoch.8524 said:

wish people read first before commenting. You still get 10 AP just like before, no change there, in fact you get it faster cause new dailies are stupidly easy, much easier. You get more wvw/pvp xp for playing the modes to compensate potion loss.

Potion did not give you XP, but reward track progression. They did increase the amount the instant reward track potion gives, but you only get those from skirmish chests and they did not specify the amount. Just for comparison, instant reward track potion used to give 25 points and a Potion of WvW Rewards gave 250. And you got the potion from dailies AND weeklies as well. I did not do the math as I do not know how much the instant potion curently gives you, so I am not sure if the increase actually fully compensates.

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I understand why, since it's purely based on greediness, but can't believe it.


What I don't understand though, is how the white knights on this forum can defend this system, we are basically getting MUCH less reward for MUCH more time investment, are you guys serious? Or maybe these are just alt accounts from anet employees to confuse us…


Speaking about alt accounts, I don't have any, i just have my main. But still, i was login in every day since almost seven years, even while i wasn't interested in the game anymore or not available to play it for more than the time needed to log in and out.

But still, I was following GW2 news regularly, buying the expansions + gems, and getting back to the game for a few month here and there.


The daily login rewards helped me to have a great start when I was coming back, although it was still super challenging to get the best content like legendaries and stuff…


This was great and FAIR, probably the best daily login system of the whole game industry, at least to my knowledge.


Now it's gone and you sell it as a "new feature"? 

Your goal is clear, reduce access to the legendary materials (and others) so that we pour more real money into your system and get them from there (hello legendary clovers with mystic toilets).


I don't have the time nor the will to play and do stupid tasks every day to get the items, sometimes I'll do it but mostly not, which means I'll get much less of these stuff than before, for no reasons (except your greediness).


And of course, nobody told us before, nobody thought it would be important to know exactly how this crazy impacting change would work BEFORE the release.


Which i also understand, since nobody would have bought the expansion. Now I'm stuck with it. 25€ isn't a problem, what is sadder is the huge investment in time and money I did since I first played this game in 2012 plus the fact that you are now joining the huge clan of companies that want to milk their customer base as much as possible.

The reason why I spent so much money on the game before was exactly because the system was fair and PLAYER focused.


You can still come back, but please do it before it's too late!

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I am a mother of two and work full-time. I started playing GW2 with my husband a few years ago. I love playing Guild Wars 2 on the PVE side as I love the stories and playing at my own pace. I have never been into playing PVP and have only dabbled in WVW. This new expansion has ruined GW2 for me. I now don't get any rewards unless I complete dailies in all three areas. THIS SUCKS!!! WHY ARE YOU FORCING ME TO PLAY THIS GAME THE WAY THAT YOU WANT ME TO PLAY IT??? You even boast on your website that "Gaming is for everyone", yet you just made that impossible. 

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43 minutes ago, Gamora.1584 said:

Potion did not give you XP, but reward track progression. They did increase the amount the instant reward track potion gives, but you only get those from skirmish chests and they did not specify the amount. Just for comparison, instant reward track potion used to give 25 points and a Potion of WvW Rewards gave 250. And you got the potion from dailies AND weeklies as well. I did not do the math as I do not know how much the instant potion curently gives you, so I am not sure if the increase actually fully compensates.

Sorry, I meant reward track progression, not xp ofc.

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4 hours ago, Lord Trejgon.2809 said:

I agree that having for daily tasks available and 4 needed is a downgrade compared to the previous system. AN had no issue with giving us 8 weekly tasks (requiring only 6 done) but cannot do the same for dailies somehow?

You love to call the new system "mobile game system" while completely ignoring that old iteration of daily login rewards was exactly same thing alot of mobile games are doing. That was already a "mobile game system".

You only have three real task/quest you need to do to get those AA in your Vault. The main problem here is that you need check when you have finished each task and collect that reward or you will not get that chest (click on it) and AA that is part of this system. The fourth task/quest is automatically from log in (so here it only important that you collect that reward), so I wouldn't count it as four, but three daily task you can pick and finish or ignore (but loose out on AA). That way you are limited to only three task that you can get any reward including currency from to buy things in Wizard's Vault.

The real issue here is the special task section which have higher AA as reward (look at right upper corner for how much time you will have before this will reset).

Daily give around 40 AA, and special task give from around 300 AA to 500 AA or even more, but will force you to finish story to get there or some other objectives which is more time consuming, then daily or even weekly tasks.

Those three tabs (daily, weekly and special) can be seen as different tier where tier 1 is the easier or faster one, weekly medium (tier 2) which needs to be finished within a week and the special (tier 3) have longer duration between reset, but are also more demanding to finish as you need to progress story or do other type of progression to get there as a tier 3 objective.



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Now you have to actually play the game to get rewards.  It’s as simple as that.  You will still get rewards for just logging in, but it won’t be as much as before.  

I have no issues at all with the new daily system, but I’m going to keep my head down for awhile because man do people seem to be pissed.  

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I totally aggree. The old system let you choose 3 Dailies of any Game mode and you could mix and match them(skip the ones you don't like) in the new Dailiesthe game decides for you. Even thoughit has a big promotion message that says 'play how you want'. It soo soo dumband misleading! Plus you get less gold for more effort, the weekly rewards may be ok eventually but rght now they are not good at all!!

Edited by Saniyah.1984
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