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new daily system is not accessible [Merged]

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I'm  having issues too. I have chronical joint issues in my hands and shoulders. and I need to take regular breaks. As in actually lying down and resting. Group play is completely out, people try to hurry everything (which I can't) or dither around for hours waiting for that one team member that had someone at the door or whatever.

My play time is limited. And I'm really not willing to risk my health (further) for a game.

So yeah, those new dailies are bad. I used to be able to pick one of the WvW options you could solo if the PVE ones had too many group things (dungeons, fractals? ugh, no can do) or things that need a huge time investment (like a world boss that spawns every 4 hours, or like the hounds in Vabbi). And now... I can't. You pick things FOR me if I try a mix. So pretty much for the first time since launch, I'm not completing dailies.

Basically, you created yet another thing that's unfit for casual gamers. And this for a game that advertised as the mecca for casual gaming way back when it launched.

Frankly, I'd prefer it if you went all the way back to the ORIGINAL dailies. Does anyone remember those? Things like 'kill 10 different types of enemy', 'gather 10 plants', 'view one vista', 'kill 10 players'... in ANY zone you preferred, at any time you preferred, no grouping required.

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9 hours ago, willow.8209 said:

So I was curious and I tried this out with today's activity, crab toss. I just ran back and forth or around in circles the entire length of the match. Another player was in the match, too, appeared as an enemy to me, but the other player could not gain any points. The match ended, no drops. No achieves, nothing.

I continued to run around thinking I might try to find out how to do it or what wasn't working;. Was teleported to a new instance, no foe this time. I read the directions (I do really like that they have directions now to things like this) more carefully, and tried to do the thing. 

Crab toss is bugged too. You can run up to the crab and it gives you a notify to interact, but interacting does nothing. No points without the crab. Evidently, no credit without points. 

Some of the special skills you get are specifically meant to hinder other players, same as the other activity I have tried. It's clearly a pvp game mode. I shouldn't be getting PvP for dailies because I unticked that box. 

(btw I edited where i quoted you last time)

Just tested this too and you are correct they totaly buged out crab toss.

Did this one without a problem before SotOs release on all my accounts so apologies.

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2 hours ago, Linken.6345 said:

Just tested this too and you are correct they totaly buged out crab toss.

Did this one without a problem before SotOs release on all my accounts so apologies.

oh that's interesting thanks for sharing.

crab toss by the way I didn't see as particularly inaccessible tho like many things in the game there would be times I could do it and times I could not... but yea more things to potentially stop us from getting the nice chests.

it's baffling

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I think the best solution is merging the new system with the old. giving you more objectives available and letting us choose which ones we want to complete. completing extra will just give more awards to those who wanna grind more, all people get their daily 10 pts - everyone is happy 

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36 minutes ago, skyler.4986 said:

Why did you mix up the release of a expansion with some profound changes to legacy gameplay (dailies, relics)? Why is this release not encapsulated or standalone playable such as PoF or HoT?

HoT release was definitelly not "encapsulated" considering it changed trait trees for elite specs to make any systematic sense.

37 minutes ago, skyler.4986 said:

Why are some rewards and the special-tab locked for non-SotO players?

Special tab only contains tasks that can only be done if you own SotO.

Overall, pretty much all the questions You have OP, everything was covered in pre-release press, which you have admitted in fear of getting story spoilers - I have a good news for you - there is hardly any spoilers there.

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This thread is specifically about the new design making barriers for people with disabilities (not ADA compliant) due to the reduction of choices from 3/12 to 3/3 or 3/4.

Other complaints are definitely valid (and I have those other complaints too), but there are lots of other threads to put them on. For example:




















and i probably didn't even get them all.

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On 8/28/2023 at 4:00 AM, willow.8209 said:

I still think you have misunderstood. Maybe we're using "pick and choose" differently.

Regardless of what I choose among PvE, PvP, and/or WvW, there will always be some individual objectives I cannot reasonably do, or cannot reliably do (like maybe I was lucky Tuesday and did that meta or took a tower, but I'm unlucky today and it's a daily today... but if it's say an Activity, there are no lucky days for that--Activity is one of the most inaccessible mini games in the entire game, for me and for others, and I expect Adventure is the same). 

Yes, I can choose to do/not do some of the dailies but then I will miss out on Astrals. Used to be I could pick any 3 from 12, get a small reward for each, and nearly every day get the meta reward.

Now there are only 3 daily assignments. I have to do all 3 to get the meta reward, no choices which specific dailies I do. 

So used to be: [I'm skipping the "log in" as a daily: that's replacing the premium login rewards from the bouncy chest, not the daily objectives from the Hero panel]

* pick 3 dailies you can do from 12 choices (across all 3 game modes, of course you can still choose the game modes you like or what you are able to do, etc. because there are an abundance of choices among individual objectives). Get meta reward for doing ANY 3. (also get individual rewards for dailies you can/want to do, even beyond 3)

Now it is:

* do THESE EXACT 3 dailies (you can choose the game modes, that's your only choice) and get the meta reward (plus smaller rewards for individual dailies)
OR can't do some/all of those 3 choices and no meta reward (and also reduced individual rewards for the slots you couldn't do)

As I said before, the game mode isn't that important to me but whether I can complete an individual objective is.

Weeklies is similar although it does seem there is a little choice. This week I was able to do 5, but of the remaining 3 I could pick from for the 6th for the meta reward, there are none I can do right now: All are beyond my account progression. For example, I'm like a deer in PvP as that's exhausting to me (fun, but exhausting) and I can't do it often, so there's no way I can play a ranked game (since, I have too low rank to count for ranked games). I might not ever be able to play a ranked game because my gaming is a bit slow due to disability. 

In addition to that, the point of games is to be fun and many players find the new system un-fun (even if they don't have a specific disability complaint). If you don't dislike the new system, no worries everyone is different, you're allowed to like what you like.

But my complaint is extremely valid for me and for some other players. No matter what game mode(s) I pick, I'm definitely missing out. As are other players.

There is a misunderstanding. "Pick and Choose" are poor choice of words on my end. I am aware that you did mention having a disability, which I took in to account. So, I'll rephrase: make or try to make the most of what you can do with the dailies given, frustrating as it not be able to get the meta chest at the end of the daily. Try not to fret in missing out on, slowly but steady can go a long way.

I'll be honest, it got to a point where the old daily system bored me. There were times, where I didn't even bother completing, even with 1 or 2/3 done. And sometimes there just duds where I just skipped it entirely. The only thing kept me doing it (when I could be bothered) is the 2g, mystic coins and laurels, the rest didn't really care for them, if they had a use, cool. 

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22 hours ago, willow.8209 said:


This thread is specifically about the new design making barriers for people with disabilities (not ADA compliant) due to the reduction of choices from 3/12 to 3/3 or 3/4.

Other complaints are definitely valid (and I have those other complaints too), but there are lots of other threads to put them on. For example


and i probably didn't even get them all.

Just FYI: everything from skyler.4986's post onward was it's own separate thread that was merged into yours 😕

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14 hours ago, Lord Trejgon.2809 said:

Just FYI: everything from skyler.4986's post onward was it's own separate thread that was merged into yours 😕

I think some of the other posts were merged, too, but in the previous ones people were talking specifically about either disability access, or about how the lack of choices in the daily affects them. (Lack of choices in the daily is the disability access issue that I wanted to flag up in my OP.  Of course there are others accessibility issues such as those mentioned here and here .) 

Edited by willow.8209
try to conform to forum norms
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8 minutes ago, willow.8209 said:

true, but my thread was an odd place to merge a comprehensive list of all the things that didn't work for the other poster. Everyone else was talking specifically about either disability access, or about how the lack of choices in the daily affects them. (Lack of choices in the daily is the disability access issue that I wanted to flag up in this thread. Of course there are others accessibility issues such as those mentioned here and here .) 

Merging is done by forum moderation, and I am unsure if talking about it within threads like that is allowed within forum rules 😕 

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15 hours ago, RoastedBloop.9817 said:

There is a misunderstanding. "Pick and Choose" are poor choice of words on my end. I am aware that you did mention having a disability, which I took in to account. So, I'll rephrase: make or try to make the most of what you can do with the dailies given, frustrating as it not be able to get the meta chest at the end of the daily. Try not to fret in missing out on, slowly but steady can go a long way.

I'll be honest, it got to a point where the old daily system bored me. There were times, where I didn't even bother completing, even with 1 or 2/3 done. And sometimes there just duds where I just skipped it entirely. The only thing kept me doing it (when I could be bothered) is the 2g, mystic coins and laurels, the rest didn't really care for them, if they had a use, cool. 

I am not sure how to reply to this so bear with me. Yes, it's possible to just accept that i rolled a bad life and not do anything to try to improve it.

However, it works better both for me and for society as a whole if people mention stuff that isn't working for them, and if they and the company, employer, school, agency, or so on work together to fix it (in fact, it is a legal requirement that anyone open to the public, any employer, and any school have to participate in this kind of dialog--solely because someone like me informally asked them to). 

I'm not Deaf, but I rely on captioning/text to help me understand audio (there's nothing wrong with my hearing per se, but I have sensory gating issues and concentration issues). People who are not disabled use it to cope with a noisy environment, and so on.

I am a wheelchair user, but other people use curb cuts (for strollers, shopping carts, and so on).

When we include everybody, the world in general improves. It's better to support people in gaining what they need, than saying platitudes that they probably already considered anyway. 

Closed captioning, by the way, was something that had to be invented in order to include Deaf TV/video watchers.

I already get stuff done slower than others due to symptoms, executive dysfunction, brain fog, needing to lay down sometimes, etc.)

To add a second level of making me slower by taking away choices, that's creating disability barriers (think of curbs for a wheelchair user, but the useage of barrier in accessibility-speak is broader than the architectural environment). Not on purpose, I'm certain. But that's the effect. 

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basically GW2 is one of the things that makes my life bearable

I love so many things about it, it's representative of a diverse community (even the disability representation is good and that's very rare), it has a magical quality, the environment is beautiful (even when you're in a wasteland it has beautiful features), etc etc

Traditionally the game has always rewarded me even if I'm not a good player. I get rewards for losing events if I engaged with the event and couldn't solo it and nobody else is around (though I'm seeing some amount of worrying trend away from this like with the yaks in wvw, but i think another event they might have fixed to give credits for losing).

Some of the things that have helped me progress and get nice things (e.g. ascended trinkets) despite my poor health have been:

  • The robust reward of the daily login chest (bouncy chest). This was actually a big factor in me changing from f2p to paid. 
  • I could many times finish enough dailies to get the chest for doing 3 under the previous system (if not it wasn't because there was anything wrong with the design, but because i was extra sick)
  • still getting credits and (reduced) rewards for most things even if i lose, get bronze on, etc

If 2/3 of these things are really gone, then I'm heartbroken. 

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Hey, I just wanted to voice my viewpoint on this:

I dont like PvP nor WvW, only play PvE.

I bought all three expansions back in july when it was on sale. Since then Im doing the story in order (HoT done, getting masterys, doing metas, unlocked some mounts, done almost nothing in EoD, trying to do fractal dailies, some raids). I want to do the rest of the story in order too, therefore I often cant get the Wizard Vault dailies done which kinda makes me feel that the game is punishing me for not exploring all the expansions as soon as possible.

Please offer more dailies that can be done anywhere. Same with weeklies.

Thank you

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today I got the PvE daily to complete the Straits of Devastation mini-dung, and of course it was buggy as hell due to the high traffic of players involved. I think mini-dungeons weren't supposed to take that much of traffic anyway.

Simple Solution: REPLACE all the specific daily (even weekly) tasks with GENERIC ones:

1) minidungeons -> "Complete a mini-dungeon" any mini-dungeon, anywhere in any map!

2) Activities -> it's time to expand the term "activity" to any trial or mini-adventure in any map (races, etc). So the daily would be "complete an activity" ANYWHERE players like, not only the legacy Lion's Arch ones that are bugged!

My two cents.

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Mini dungeons were always potential daily. It was never really a problem and also a good opportunity for someone that had problems getting other players or soloing it to complete it. 

But it was one of the many daily options. So not everyone did it and were not overcrowded. 

Give back more options and its a win win. 

Nothing against your suggestion but its a work around for a problem that shouldnt exist. 

Edited by Cuks.8241
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49 minutes ago, Cuks.8241 said:

Mini dungeons were always potential daily. It was never really a problem and also a good opportunity for someone that had problems getting other players or soloing it to complete it. 

But it was one of the many daily options. So not everyone did it and were not overcrowded. 

Give back more options and its a win win. 

Nothing against your suggestion but its a work around for a problem that shouldnt exist. 

But those who want to do that specific daily might end up finding themselves in a "buggy" situation anyway.

Isn't it better to just make generic dailies and then let devs fix the bugs on their own priority list?

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Something is rotten in the Straits of Devastation! I gave up on today's daily because of this particular mini-dungeon. One of the asura doodads you're supposed to click was surrounded by those damned dead fish things. Out, damned fish! Out, I say! I tried several times to get to it. Never touched a damned fish that I could see, but they kept contaminating me anyway. Over and over, every time. Until at last I cried, 'Hold, enough! Ain't nobody got time for that!"

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2 hours ago, Tachenon.5270 said:

Something is rotten in the Straits of Devastation! I gave up on today's daily because of this particular mini-dungeon. One of the asura doodads you're supposed to click was surrounded by those damned dead fish things. Out, damned fish! Out, I say! I tried several times to get to it. Never touched a damned fish that I could see, but they kept contaminating me anyway. Over and over, every time. Until at last I cried, 'Hold, enough! Ain't nobody got time for that!"

The hands hitting you also counts, it's not just the fish... Also, there were plenty of helpful people helping skip the entire puzzle. Not anybody else's fault that you didn't bother looking.

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On 8/31/2023 at 1:53 PM, RoastedBloop.9817 said:

I'll be honest, it got to a point where the old daily system bored me. There were times, where I didn't even bother completing, even with 1 or 2/3 done. And sometimes there just duds where I just skipped it entirely. The only thing kept me doing it (when I could be bothered) is the 2g, mystic coins and laurels, the rest didn't really care for them, if they had a use, cool. 

I understand, and that's a valid complaint. But there's nothing that says they can't add more choices AND put in new choices. They can certainly do both! 

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13 hours ago, willow.8209 said:

I already get stuff done slower than others due to symptoms, executive dysfunction, brain fog, needing to lay down sometimes, etc.)

I think it's reasonable to see this as a disability barrier too, but that's on DSHS and the medical world to make or improve treatments for people with hugely intrusive symptoms.

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