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Relics will reduce build diversity

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6 hours ago, Lord Trejgon.2809 said:

sorry for late response, was out of the home for the weekend - I have rechecked and indeed on the written roadmap the table mentions expansion relics specifically, unsure where my memory pulled the rest of core relics bit from 🤔

Rubi said it somewere in the relic feedback thread before release of the relics system.

that they then now seem to have forgot about it dont bode well.

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Core and Expansion Relics
Guild Wars 2: Secrets of the Obscure will release with forty core relics and twelve expansion relics. Core relics, which have effects inspired by many of the current rune sets, will be available to all players regardless of expansion ownership. Additional core relics will be added over time as part of our ongoing commitment to improving our core game features; our overarching goal is to offer more viable choices despite fewer overall options.

They do say overtime we should get more core relics; but based on "which have effects inspired by many of the current rune sets"; I have a feeling they are going to be pretty lack luster. Also it sounds like there aren't any plans to have even as many relics as we had rune sets; ever.

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