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What's the deal with this "green mechanic"?

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I know: The "green mechanic" exists since Vale Guardian and is a recurring element in team fights. But how the heck is this working in the expansion? 3 players were fighting a champion. All 3 players got the "green mechanic". They searched and found each other -> boom, all down. Another time they avoided each other -> boom, all down. Random guy joins the "green mechanic" -> boom, all down.

Does it need 4 players just like at Vale Guardian? More? And if so, why is this a thing in a battle with less than the required number of players? And who in the right mind came up with the idea to put this in open world content?

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I'd like to know too. All I could figure out was the further from the boss I was when it activated the damage, the less chance of an insta kill it was. I couldn't see any UI tooltip for it though which there normally is for mechanics


Edit disatnce seems part of it, but line of sight seems to be key to zero damage from succsseful tests

Edited by Randulf.7614
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Agreed this is an absolutely awful idea for open world champions.  Can we swap this out for something else?  It would be fun to try to handle these champions solo or with just a few players present, but this makes it no fun to even attempt it.  And in large groups where it doesn't matter if 3 people go down, people still ignore the mechanic anyway because they either don't want to risk trusting a bunch of other randos to help out or they don't understand the mechanic and are used to moving away from circles.

You can invuln and LoS this attack, but it happens so frequently nobody has enough invuln to handle it and LoS is situational.  Can we please consider some other mechanic in place of this?

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I came across an event to assist an NPC against a champ mob. No-one else around, so I thought I’d try and solo it.

He spammed the green skill non. Stop. I could barely chip away at his health because I spent so long trying to run away to mitigate the damage/heal up.

Yes, I get that the event probably wasn’t designed to be solo’d, but it feels like this skill should a) have a longer cooldown and or b) scale with the number of players, if it actually is intended as some sort of mechanic to force coordination? Pretty useless if there are no/not enough players to coordinate with.

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Two major issues with this mechanic:

1) The green AoE is always an indicator of a stack mechanic wherein players need to come together. At the moment there is a lot of confusion on if this is even how you're supposed to treat these mechanics. Do players stacks? Do they avoid each other like certain red timed AoEs? Do you need a minimum number of people? I've  heard and tried these and nothing is clear after failing in ways just as OP says. There is very little clarity on what anyone is meant to do here. This can be remedied by making whatever is going on more visible with AoE clarification and perhaps fixing a bug with the mechanic that is preventing it from completing correctly as some people seem to believe is happening.

2) Open world events have a natural participant: the fool. I've been the fool, you've been the fool, everyone has been the fool. The "check your phone while auto-attacking the boss" fool, the "I'm wondering some random thing and checking the wiki real quick" fool, and every other moment in our lives where we are not dedicating 100% attention to what's on screen. In Fractals, Strikes, and Raids you're expected to not be the fool. That's why these things are considered high focused, intense activities. Open world is close to the antithesis of this: there will be the fool. The fool won't be optimal and the fool won't be looking. Any mechanic in open-world where a single player is designated to do something important and then expected to do or else risk a huge, punishing attack on everyone such as what you see in high-intensity activities flat out does not belong in open world content. This problem is a natural part of open-world content and cannot be remedied as you have no control over who is participating. If the mechanic truly is "all 3 green players must stack" then it needs to be reworked or removed.

Edited by GoZero.9708
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The green mechanic makes no sense.

3 friends get green, they dont overlap the greens, all down

3 friends get green again, they overlaps the greens, all down

3 friends get green, they stack with the whole group, mass downs, even those who aren't on greens.


So we finished the meta telling the people with greens to sacrifice themselves off group.

Edited by Pinkeh.4207
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I have a good idea what the mechanic is. I went into my combat log and toggled the filter for incoming damage, which tells me I'm getting downed by an attack called Shared Destruction. The tooltip for it says "Target takes 60% of their health in damage, split between any nearby allies." This tells me that you're meant to stack with other players, and spread the damage out among them. The snag is that sometimes I get hit twice by Shared Destruction, which means I'm taking 120% of my health in damage (14,615 hp, so anyone nearby gets bombed for their share of 17,538 damage), which downs me instantly, even through Shadow Shroud in some cases. The tooltip doesn't mention a second hit - just a single hit for 60% of my hp (8,769 damage), split among myself and anyone in the circle with me, so it's likely that the skill is bugged. I'll check if there's a report open.

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The first issue is that it needs to be shared with players that themselves did not get that mechanic. If several greens stack, well, they share all of their attacks with each other. 3x attack divided by 3 is still full attack on each player. Which means it just doesn't work if there's not enough players around - several times the amount of greens.

The second issue is that there's more than one type of green mechanic. From what i have noticed, the death mark mechanic (the green skull mark you get over your head) in many cases (but not always - see where it is going, btw?) also results in showing a green circle under you. In which case you just need to use the special action skill to make both of those things (the mark and the circle) disappear.

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The only thing I know which has worked is line-of-sighting (los'ing) the boss as the "green mechanic" is about to finish. However, I have only had one experience of this and this was in Echovald Forest where there was a building with pillars that enabled us to do this; everywhere else has been open and thus hasn't been an option.

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3 hours ago, Triage.9740 said:

The only thing I know which has worked is line-of-sighting (los'ing) the boss as the "green mechanic" is about to finish. However, I have only had one experience of this and this was in Echovald Forest where there was a building with pillars that enabled us to do this; everywhere else has been open and thus hasn't been an option.

If it’s affected by LOS, it might be possible in some places (the new maps) to combat launch onto skyscale and drop down below whatever platform or island they’re standing on to block it, then fly back up, if there aren’t any actual obstacles to hide behind. Likewise, if it has LOS, it has to have a range, and I wonder if you could get outside that range by combat launching and spamming dash.

Both options are a faff that will take you out of the fight for several seconds though, so this needs to be fixed. We shouldn’t have to contemplate how to cheese bugged insta-kill mechanics that are inappropriate for open world in the first place.

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6 hours ago, saraiya.9385 said:

The tooltip for it says "Target takes 60% of their health in damage, split between any nearby allies." This tells me that you're meant to stack with other players, and spread the damage out among them. The snag is that sometimes I get hit twice by Shared Destruction, which means I'm taking 120% of my health in damage (14,615 hp, so anyone nearby gets bombed for their share of 17,538 damage), which downs me instantly, even through Shadow Shroud in some cases. The tooltip doesn't mention a second hit - just a single hit for 60% of my hp (8,769 damage), split among myself and anyone in the circle with me, so it's likely that the skill is bugged. I'll check if there's a report open.

This tells me that the greens should not stack together but there should be enough players in each green circle to survive it? So 1 player with green and X people without green to save him.
It's just an idea though, I did not test this.

Edit: But I've participated in events that were done by 3 or 4 people with this mechanic so there would not be enough people to save anyone in this case. So scaling should maybe include how many green circles spawn.

Edited by JanTar.5961
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Ran into the issue as well. Already wrote a report. I did a few tests with this open-world green and managed to survive it a few times, with high enough barrier-pool. This would however indicate that it was poorly coded and damage would be capped by our max. HP.

11 minutes ago, Shinun.8326 said:

I've tried to get ppl to stack but they run away. Thankfully I can survive it  by myself as a Celestial Reaper but even with the Celestial stats+Shroud HP, and -DT it still 1 hits me out of shtoud and takes like 1/4 of my HP 

This goes into a similar direction. Necromancer + Shroud = survival. So the damage of that blast is fixed.
So it should be possible to protect a group with enough barrier.

It would however be much better if the thing would just work as intended :S.

Edited by HnRkLnXqZ.1870
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