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"Help Forro with returning the possessed creatures to the pens" takes too long to complete

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Today I was doing this event and we had gotten all of the mobs returned to normal, but because the flute mechanic just sends the mobs wherever they want to go it took so long to get all of them into pens that my event greyed out and I received no credit for "inactivity" even though I was actively struggling to get animals back into their pens

Either the pathing needs to be improved, or the flute should be a strict tether that you can make them follow you with rather than going wherever they please to prevent this because otherwise its impossible to keep up event credit

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Can confirm it. It is bugged. Did it as intended: Damaging down to 25 percent, then breaking the CC bar with the special skill. Flute randomly seems to make them follow the commander ("in love " buff) but they seem to just move around randomly and then run away even when the buff is still up and you are close by.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Back to report more on this: Since there are not many people posting about this and it is possible to complete the event fully and without problems (if you know how it works) I still wanted to give some feedback ... because this works pretty odd/weird compared to other similar events and it might be very confusing to other players (new and old).

You bring them down to 25 percent health. Then break the defiance bar with the special action skill (changes to heart of obscure one if you have the flute). Then you use the flute from the NPC. All like expected.

The difference to similar events (like with baby turtles in EoD maps): You don't (afaik) need to follow them closely or "lure" them. They move automatically. Be close enough to replenish the buff (using flute).

The odd thing - making me confused (and possibly others as well) - if they get close to the pen ... they start to move away (sometimes they run). If you can't trigger the buff with the flute anymore ... then it means you have successfully "captured" them. It just does not register immediately (making you use the flute constantly and then giving up going away thinking the event is bugged).

I noticed they move outside slowly using the orange shield (indicating to defend them or using the flute) only then outside. Then disappearing + triggering an increase in the bar for the event. That is odd. They should move into the pen and either stay their or disappar their.

I'd consider it a bug. And it should be fixed to lose the orange shield icon immediately near the pen. Then them moving in slowly and then triggering (or already triggering when losing the shield icon) the increase in the bar. Less confusing since players that did not work "your" animal might try to use the flut on a runaway animal that actually is finished where you just need to wait.

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i soloed this event today, didnt get any into the pens, i use the whistle to get them moving then move onto the next one, they eventually run out of the room and dissapear from the mini map and give credit towards the event.

wether getting them into the pens is meant to be what happens is one thing, but at least theres a way to get credit towards the mastery point.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I've done this event twice, with no credit, it seems like they all disappear all of a sudden and I get nothing.
I purged the corruption and I was in the middle of using the flute to get them into the pens when all of a sudden they all ran out and disappeared.
nothing happened and then the next event with the rift began.

Edited by DanielKitchka.4709
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1 hour ago, DanielKitchka.4709 said:

I've done this event twice, with no credit, it seems like they all disappear all of a sudden and I get nothing.
I purged the corruption and I was in the middle of using the flute to get them into the pens when all of a sudden they all ran out and disappeared.
nothing happened and then the next event with the rift began.

Did the map meta start? That might do it.

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