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[FENX][NA]- fun guild seeking new ADULT members, newbies and veterans alike


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Hello. I started playing about 2 weeks ago, and am really enjoying the game (the story can get a bit difficult at times). I am generally pretty quiet, but would like to find a nice group of people to explore more of what this game has to offer with. Please, send me and invitation, if you are still recruiting.

Thank you!

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Hi.Β  I'm very new to this game...Β  only level 20 on one of two toons so far.Β 

I typically play FFXIV and decided to give this game a shot.Β  I think I'm liking it so far, but it is far different from what I'm accustomed to.

Β I saw this forum post and would like to give your guild a try.Β  I'm a pretty quiet guy usually, but would love to have a group of people to play and learn the game with (there's soooo much to learn here lol).

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Returning player,Β  been out due to medical issues and can no longer live the hardcore lifestyle.Β  Looking for the casual guild that doesn't mind my sporadic at best game times.Β  So if that is ok with you, than I'd be happy with a spot in the rooster.Β 

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Hi, I'm interested in joining your guild. I've been playing GW2 for 3 months now and feel like it'd be more fun to play if I had people to go on adventures with. I had a lot of negative experiences with WoW when I played back in 08/09 so this is my first MMORPG I've played since then. I'm a very casual player and not level 80 yet, but I'm taking things slow and learning as I go. I would love the chance to meet new people and help out with quests!

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