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[FENX][NA]- fun guild seeking new ADULT members, newbies and veterans alike


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Returning player that last played right before  LW season 1 was released (2013), so basically new to the game again since so much has changed. Over a decade of content to catch up on and planning on doing all the LW's and expansions in order. Looking for a guild so it's not always a solo adventure. Thanks.

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Greetings! I am a returning PVE player, I was active from beta until LW3 and am trying to find my way once again. Hope to find a casual friendly guild where I can help out others where needed and able, and maybe can get some guidance on some of the new stuff as well. Your guild sounds like it is what I am looking for, if you think I'd be a good fit or if there is any other information you'd like, please let me know.

For what I have, I have a level 80 in almost every class (Mesmer is lagging behind) but my main is my Norn Dragonhunter... wait, did they change the profession names? Don't think it was a Dragonhunter when I started... anyway, thats what he is. I think.

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Hello! Returning player here. Active up until PoF and just enjoying the game one step at a time again.

Main currently rotates between my Sylvari Engineer (Holosmith) and my Guardian Human Guardian (Dragonhunter). Going with the flow as of now as I tackle school and work most days, but active during evenings and weekends! I mostly love casual play, but I am aiming to look into PVP and WvW at some point in the near future.

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Returning player here, trying to be active as much as i can but family. Played until POF got back in this last month trying to find people to play with and help me understand more about the game. Main is will bender name Tormas, mainly looking to play pve but love me some pvp 

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