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How the new daily system in Wizards Vault reduced my enjoyment of GW2 [Merged]

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FOMO can be broken via personal willpower. I’ve fallen in and broken out of that trap many times.

There are no fomo tactics here unless you force yourself into it. The system is designed against it. Personally I’ve made my peace with the whole thing. It wasn’t necessary to be introduced and too much focus has been made of it, but it’s not really broken. It just needs more varied rewards. Something that will come over time

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How is it possible to miss out on something when Anet have said what is in the vault now - e.g. the legendary weapon chest - will remain in there. Maybe the emotes and skins will rotate.

With a cap of 1300 AA, even if you miss out on something this time, it will be there in subsequent rotations, except it is likely to cost 1300 AA instead of 1000.

My partner is barely playing, and he's at almost 700 AA. He's played maybe 10 hours since SotO released, most of that story.

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Why is FOMO a term that's suddenly come into popularity now? Did some popular streamer use it and now everyone's parroting it? (This isn't sarcasm, I'm genuinely curious, because it seems to be quite the oft-repeated term on these forums nowadays.) And furthermore, why are people misapplying it here? It's like nobody ever read what ArenaNet actually said.


Reward longevity: The rewards in the Wizard’s Vault rotate every few months, but any cosmetic rewards introduced through the Wizard’s Vault will remain available. When they’re no longer part of the most recently updated offerings, those rewards will go into a legacy tab of the reward shop, where they’ll remain available for purchase for astral acclaim (although at a higher price). Our goal in doing this is to alleviate player anxiety about timed rewards—if something comes into the vault when it’s not a good time for you to be playing much, it’ll still be there for you later.

[From the news blog about the Wizard's Vault: https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/discover-the-wonders-within-the-wizards-vault-in-guild-wars-2-secrets-of-the-obscure/]

You're not going to "miss out" on something if you don't get it this cycle. At all.

Also, do you know how darned easy it is to reach the cap on the vault as it is now? I play casually. Most days I do the daily only when it's really easy [like view a vista in [x] location, dodge three enemy attacks, that sort of thing]. I think I've completed the weekly...once? Some weeks I don't even get close to doing it. And I've almost reached the cap repeatedly. Things getting "more expensive" when they go into the legacy tab will be trivial.

Seriously, you're making mountains out of molehills here.

Edited by Batel.9206
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1 hour ago, Futeko.9405 said:

I feel channeled into a specific game mode

You get to choose and can change your choice weekly. While a bit more limiting than the old system this is HEAVILY, I mean HEAVILY outweighted by the amount of rewards you get for doing those.

1 hour ago, Futeko.9405 said:

I feel forced to get as much Astral Acclaim as I can

Dude. The vault is not getting refreshed for 3 months straight. I got: Griffon skin, maxed out Mystic Clovers, maxed out Mystic Coins, maxed out discounted gold bags, maxed out heavy crafting bags, maxed out tome of knowledge, got 1 build expansion tab, purchased few Mastery Potions and I am left with 200 or so AC and bunch of Special Missions for lots of AC. All of these made in 1 and a half month. I dropped the game. Like seriously, I quitted. If I came back now I would EASILY cash in on Legendary Crafting Kit as well as 1 more build tab and/or Sanctified skin.

Think about it... One and a half month of time and this is the result. I didnt played for 1 month straight and I am really confident I can squeeze aforementioned rewards as well with Special Missions and what not.

1 hour ago, Futeko.9405 said:

I feel forced to complete content I was not planning to complete

No. You just force that feeling onto yourself. The rewards you might be feeling "FOMO" for like skins will move to legacy tab for you to collect ANY TIME for a little bit more expensive.

1 hour ago, Futeko.9405 said:

I could miss log-in rewards or dailies

You can... Im literally telling you that I missed 1 month of weeklies and dailies (4x30 + 3x300 + 3(6x40) + 30(10x7)). Im horrible at math dont @ me but I believe its correct LOL.

1 hour ago, Futeko.9405 said:

There was nothing exclusive/time-limited

Nothing is still exclusive considering they are going to legacy tab for ever. And no... Everyone seemingly forgets this but you missed lots of rewards back in the day as well. If you played for 28 days and took a break, you had your monthly progression frozen BUT thats the point. If you took a 1 month break you missed 1 month of monthly rewards too. Nothing changed lol. In fact its more encouraged to do it on your pace with this system. Since it showers you with AC to buy out EVERY. SINGLE. ESSENTIAL. ITEM. AND. SOME SKINS. of your choice.

1 hour ago, Futeko.9405 said:

I could choose which 3 dailies to complete

You have some choice on which dailies/weeklies to complete. You can leave out 2 from each afaik.


Ill be honest with you... I want you to go to my profile and read some of the topics/replies of mine, you will notice something. I am out for ANET. I even got a warning 2 days ago, im pretty close to being banned now I believe LOL. But they do deserve all the criticism + whining + calling out + slap to face they can get. They deserved it with this lackluster expac + WvW/Instanced PvE/Reused Asset/Balance stuff. And one thing they did right was actually the daily system. The old one was so exploitable everyone opened up 50x alt accounts and farmed mystic coins with literally never playing the game. Do you know why you are getting your MC's for 1.50g now? Yeah thats why. One of the goals of this expansion is clear: Reduce the amount of precious materials people stocked in last 10 years. ANET's standing is clear to me. I think they, FOR ONCE, thinking about the future of the game and health of the in-game economy.

This brings me to: The more I read these "FOMO" posts, more I believe you guys are the same people who bot at Queensdale with 50x engineer alts, farming materials + exp + dailies. And now complain because now you have to play the game lol. My detective instincts are tingling.

There is also an argument to be made that if you dont want to play a game, why login for dailies? This didnt change from the old system? Old system was inherently same anyway? I think you guys are so deep down in "FOMO" from other games (if thats actually the case lol) that you picked up this habit of not playing games/approaching them as a job. So I am pretty sure you are in need of a therapy and not any prescribed medicine from ANET.

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7 minutes ago, Batel.9206 said:

Why is FOMO a term that's suddenly come into popularity now? Did some popular streamer use it and now everyone's parroting it? (This isn't sarcasm, I'm genuinely curious, because it seems to be quite the oft-repeated term on these forums nowadays.) And furthermore, why are people misapplying it here? It's like nobody ever read what ArenaNet actually said.

[From the news blog about the Wizard's Vault: https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/discover-the-wonders-within-the-wizards-vault-in-guild-wars-2-secrets-of-the-obscure/]

You're not going to "miss out" on something if you don't get it this cycle. At all.

Also, do you know how darned easy it is to reach the cap on the vault as it is now? I play casually. Most days I do the daily only when it's really easy [like view a vista in [x] location, dodge three enemy attacks, that sort of thing]. I think I've completed the weekly...once? Some weeks I don't even get close to doing it. And I've almost reached the cap repeatedly. Things getting "more expensive" when they go into the legacy tab will be trivial.

Seriously, you're making mountains out of molehills here.

I looked it up, apparently the term was coined in 2004, and it applied to social needs from other people. I don't know when it became associated with online game rewards: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8283615/

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I can't really answer about the FOMO appearing more often, I've seen it and I've been using it for over a decade as it describes a bad feeling I have to deal with in my day-to-day life (even outside games unfortunately).

I am aware of that quote from ANET stating exclusives will remain available in the Legacy tab, and that's exactly my point: if legacy rewards can be bought only with AA, then it means the number of exclusive rewards you can buy with AA will only get bigger. The more rewards you "miss", the more AA you'll need to "catch up", and since you can only get so much AA per cycle, that is FOMO-triggering because it could be if you miss too much AA you won't be able to "catch up".

That is why I mention that if legacy rewards were to be made available for also other currencies than AA, that would dispel that trigger, because then you could always catch up no matter what.

I certainly realize from a rational perspective this is "making mountains out of molehills", and there certainly are ways to mitigate that feeling (e.g. by prioritizing buying exclusive items first, so you know that from then on every AA you miss is "just gold" and nothing exclusive), but the fact is the WV does not help manage FOMO due to introducing a time-gated exclusive currency whose rewards portfolio increases with each cycle. That is my issue.

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I see, thank you. 
First of all, that is not entirely* true @ what op is claiming, The whole point of Wizard Vault is to give us FREE goodies. Yes, I play lots of Mobile games cos they give me FREE HEROES, but that won't make me have FOMO because their game play are kitten, at some point I would just uninstall them when it has become impossible to advance. But I do recommend Watcher of Realm, it lets me have lots of free heroes, many auto plays, lots of daily tasks to complete, no one can attack me to loot my fortress, and it is a Tower Defence ! 

I won't miss out on anything, I have surplus Astral Point,  I don't have anything currently  I want to claim from the vault, I have already claimed everything I needed, Currently hope I can hold on to my Astral Point so I can collect them to exchange for more Free goodies in Legacy rewards. NOW,  that explain why the astral point was force to be used, so you DO NOT DEVELPE FOMO. If I can collect them to be use later, I would be playing over time to make sure I get everyone of those points so I can get more goodies, but the system isn't like that, Anet make sure that I will be able to get enough points as and when it is needed. 

Please do not worry. 


*I said entirely because I didn't read the whole post, i am just arguing that FOMO isn't true.

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40 minutes ago, Futeko.9405 said:

I can't really answer about the FOMO appearing more often, I've seen it and I've been using it for over a decade as it describes a bad feeling I have to deal with in my day-to-day life (even outside games unfortunately).

I am aware of that quote from ANET stating exclusives will remain available in the Legacy tab, and that's exactly my point: if legacy rewards can be bought only with AA, then it means the number of exclusive rewards you can buy with AA will only get bigger. The more rewards you "miss", the more AA you'll need to "catch up", and since you can only get so much AA per cycle, that is FOMO-triggering because it could be if you miss too much AA you won't be able to "catch up".

That is why I mention that if legacy rewards were to be made available for also other currencies than AA, that would dispel that trigger, because then you could always catch up no matter what.

I certainly realize from a rational perspective this is "making mountains out of molehills", and there certainly are ways to mitigate that feeling (e.g. by prioritizing buying exclusive items first, so you know that from then on every AA you miss is "just gold" and nothing exclusive), but the fact is the WV does not help manage FOMO due to introducing a time-gated exclusive currency whose rewards portfolio increases with each cycle. That is my issue.

Im not downplaying your problem in anyway but if you listen to my advice, take it to your heart, you will get out of this tunnel. Right now... you are not making sense.

1) If the rewards made available via other currencies you would still need to play the game for those currencies. This brings us to:

  • If you are stocked up on multiple currencies in huge amounts. Im sad to inform you that im pretty confident ANET doesnt want that anymore, or want "less" of it.
  • If you are not stocked up on any currency you will have to play the game to get those and while you wont be limited by 1300 AC limit or amount of AC you can get in 3 months (more than enough to buy out everything and some unlimited stock options mind you...) but you will still be playing the game. Funnily enough if you actually do play the game semi-regularly your FOMO becomes unjustified because the AC you are getting, like i said, is more than enough and it leaves huge windows for you to drop the game and focus on your IRL.

2) There is nothing to "catch up" on. None of these items gives you ANY edge apart from MClover, MCoin, LG Crafting kit, Heavy C. Bags. You can max out all of these in a month. That leaves you 2 months worth of free time. This whole "catch up" thing you got going on in your head is completely your own doing. You are fuelling your own FOMO. ANET didnt introduce or design this in any way. You calling this system out for FOMO is completely unjustified.

3) I dont understand why you want to "collect" everything. I dont have FOMO illness so I am bit out of touch with you here but this really sounds like a "you" problem man... Every digital card game out there is called CCG. [C]ollectible [C]ard [G]ame. MTG comes to mind. Players NEVER EVER EVER feel obliged to complete every single expansion that comes out. The fun is in collecting the stuff, knowing what you get is random and you wont be getting all of those (limited by amount of $$$ you can spend), so people feel excited when they open up booster packs. Cards you get are your rewards. Whether you get the reward by playing, by purchase (gem shop etc.), by logging in at the correct time (events and so on). You are NEVER EVER EVER asked or expected to have all of these. People craft, buy or fish for certain cards for the decks they want to play and leave out the rest. Thats the beauty of these "exclusives". Are you having FOMO for your favourite Singers concert? No? Why? You are probably missing out on some exclusive merchandise and performance. Are you having FOMO and say "yes" to every invitiation your friends/girlfriend invites you to? No? Why? You are probably missing out on LOTS of interaction not to mention someone else probably furthering their "agenda" with those persons lol.

It is mind blowing that you want ALL of the so called "exclusive" rewards. Sanctified Skins for example are TERRIBLE (imo). Why would you want those? Are you seriously having a FOMO for Sanctified Skins? Much like a healthy person if you only get what you *actually* want you will have surplus AC for next quarter's stock. Trust me on this. I dont expect you to No-life the game either. Give yourself time, for 3 months try to drop this "FOMO" and see if the life is livable. I know it is something you cant turn on/off at your will but: 


I think you guys are so deep down in "FOMO" from other games (if thats actually the case lol) that you picked up this habit of not playing games/approaching them as a job. So I am pretty sure you are in need of a therapy and not any prescribed medicine from ANET.

Point is FOMO is life. Missing out on things are etched in our lives. You are given a, give or take, 80 year lifespan. You are limited by that time in what to do in life, much like amount of AC you can get. Whats worse, there are no "legacy tab" in real life. Those 80 years are heavily affected by external influence too, so there is RNG element. There is no RNG in this system. You want something? You get it. Other games? Have RNG mixed up with exclusive items: Loot boxes. We dont have those.

I am not joking. I seriously think you need therapy. Im not saying this with ill intent. I genuinely think you can get mental health benefits from going one at your current mindset. You need to operate on a need-to-basis. This goes for your IRL as well. Ask yourself: "Do I really need this super-duper exclusive series of Nike's? I have lots of shoes at home and Im really tight on money." Answer is no. No you dont need them. Yes you will miss out on those but you dont need them.

Edited by MalekithDG.6124
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48 minutes ago, Hesione.9412 said:

I looked it up, apparently the term was coined in 2004, and it applied to social needs from other people. I don't know when it became associated with online game rewards: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8283615/

I know it's a term that's been around for a while - I just can't figure out why, in the past couple of months, usage has exploded on these forums.

36 minutes ago, Futeko.9405 said:

I am aware of that quote from ANET stating exclusives will remain available in the Legacy tab, and that's exactly my point: if legacy rewards can be bought only with AA, then it means the number of exclusive rewards you can buy with AA will only get bigger. The more rewards you "miss", the more AA you'll need to "catch up", and since you can only get so much AA per cycle, that is FOMO-triggering because it could be if you miss too much AA you won't be able to "catch up".

That is why I mention that if legacy rewards were to be made available for also other currencies than AA, that would dispel that trigger, because then you could always catch up no matter what.

I certainly realize from a rational perspective this is "making mountains out of molehills", and there certainly are ways to mitigate that feeling (e.g. by prioritizing buying exclusive items first, so you know that from then on every AA you miss is "just gold" and nothing exclusive), but the fact is the WV does not help manage FOMO due to introducing a time-gated exclusive currency whose rewards portfolio increases with each cycle. That is my issue.

"I certainly realize from a rational perspective"...

...so...you admit your complaint is irrational? 😕 Come on, OP, think about this for a minute. Stop relying on feelings.

There is no must-have, exclusive, will-run-out, cannot-ever-buy-again reward in the Vault. It is extremely easy to obtain the currency. You will never run "short" of the currency unless you play 24/7 for the entire cycle of the Vault. Go look at the other posts in this thread again (specifically MalekithDG's) to see just how easy it is to obtain everything you want with a minimum of playtime and currency. What, it'll take you an extra day? week? little longer? once prices go up to obtain the legacy rewards? If you seriously cannot wait that long, and you seriously must have everything available just because it's there and something seriously triggers a bad feeling because you can't get it right then, then, put bluntly, you have bigger issues in your life than a game with an up-front, honest reward system.

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1 hour ago, Futeko.9405 said:

"FOMO" is not something you can turn on or off at will. Trust me, if I could do without it, I'd gladly throw that away in a blink.

It's pretty easy to ignore FOMO, especially for a game like GW2 where most, if not all, content tend to return. Wiz Vault has nothing that remotely constitutes to causing FOMO so you can relax in that regard. GW2 is pretty good at circling their content back even if takes them time to do it.  I still remember clear as day when they said LW1 would never return then they put it back into the game. Took a long time but it came back lel.

If you have a serious FOMO issue, probably worth getting some help with that. 

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About using other currencies for the legacy tab:

My point is, AA is time-gated. Things like spirit shards, gold, materials, etc. is not. So if I need 30k AA to get what I want, and I can only get 15k per cycle, then no matter how much time I choose to invest in the game, I can only get half of the AA rewards I'm aiming for.

That's what's FOMO-triggering: if I don't get those rewards now, I might not be able to get them later (or I'd need to miss out on other rewards to do so). As opposed to rewards costing currencies I can get as much as I want any time I want - in such a case I'll never reach a point where I just "can't" get those rewards (if you disregard the upper bound for the time it takes to gather those materials in the first place, which is indeed limited by the hours there is in a day - but thankfully GW2 is not so grindy that you reach such limits).

This does not seem like a problem now because we're playing today, in the first cycle of the WV, so we get a limited set of rewards to choose from. But things will look different in a few cycles when the legacy tab will get bigger and bigger if you don't get everything.

Another way to look at it - imagine there is a cool skin you can get through a series of quests. Those quests require some materials you can only get so much of every day. You'll always be able to complete those quests, but their price will keep increasing every three months, and those materials are also used for other quests that get added over time, and that also get more expensive the more time you take to complete them. That's basically what the WV is doing.

Yes, that does seem like a non-issue today because there isn't even a legacy tab yet, and everything seems easy to get. But over time things will accumulate in the legacy tab. Anything you don't get today, gets more expensive tomorrow, and might prevent you from buying the new things that get released later. That's a textbook FOMO-trigger.

I appreciate these issues can be difficult to understand if you're not FOMO-prone yourself - there's nothing rational about the emotion itself. Unfortunately, you can't "logic away" emotions, especially syndromes like FOMO or anxiety in general. But one thing you can manage is their triggers, which are clearly identifiable from a rational perspective, so they come up less often and/or less strongly.

So yes, I do understand there is FOMO everywhere in life. That is why I wish this new system did not introduce even more in a game I'm currently invested into.

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22 minutes ago, Futeko.9405 said:

About using other currencies for the legacy tab:

My point is, AA is time-gated. Things like spirit shards, gold, materials, etc. is not. So if I need 30k AA to get what I want, and I can only get 15k per cycle, then no matter how much time I choose to invest in the game, I can only get half of the AA rewards I'm aiming for.

That's what's FOMO-triggering: if I don't get those rewards now, I might not be able to get them later (or I'd need to miss out on other rewards to do so). As opposed to rewards costing currencies I can get as much as I want any time I want - in such a case I'll never reach a point where I just "can't" get those rewards (if you disregard the upper bound for the time it takes to gather those materials in the first place, which is indeed limited by the hours there is in a day - but thankfully GW2 is not so grindy that you reach such limits).

This does not seem like a problem now because we're playing today, in the first cycle of the WV, so we get a limited set of rewards to choose from. But things will look different in a few cycles when the legacy tab will get bigger and bigger if you don't get everything.

Another way to look at it - imagine there is a cool skin you can get through a series of quests. Those quests require some materials you can only get so much of every day. You'll always be able to complete those quests, but their price will keep increasing every three months, and those materials are also used for other quests that get added over time, and that also get more expensive the more time you take to complete them. That's basically what the WV is doing.

Yes, that does seem like a non-issue today because there isn't even a legacy tab yet, and everything seems easy to get. But over time things will accumulate in the legacy tab. Anything you don't get today, gets more expensive tomorrow, and might prevent you from buying the new things that get released later. That's a textbook FOMO-trigger.

I appreciate these issues can be difficult to understand if you're not FOMO-prone yourself - there's nothing rational about the emotion itself. Unfortunately, you can't "logic away" emotions, especially syndromes like FOMO or anxiety in general. But one thing you can manage is their triggers, which are clearly identifiable from a rational perspective, so they come up less often and/or less strongly.

So yes, I do understand there is FOMO everywhere in life. That is why I wish this new system did not introduce even more in a game I'm currently invested into.

The only alternative to what you suggest is to give you everything in the Wizard's Vault. That is the only way your FOMO will be overcome, by your own definition. And that is not the nature of this game.

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28 minutes ago, Futeko.9405 said:

About using other currencies for the legacy tab:

My point is, AA is time-gated. Things like spirit shards, gold, materials, etc. is not. So if I need 30k AA to get what I want, and I can only get 15k per cycle, then no matter how much time I choose to invest in the game, I can only get half of the AA rewards I'm aiming for.

That's what's FOMO-triggering: if I don't get those rewards now, I might not be able to get them later (or I'd need to miss out on other rewards to do so). As opposed to rewards costing currencies I can get as much as I want any time I want - in such a case I'll never reach a point where I just "can't" get those rewards (if you disregard the upper bound for the time it takes to gather those materials in the first place, which is indeed limited by the hours there is in a day - but thankfully GW2 is not so grindy that you reach such limits).

This does not seem like a problem now because we're playing today, in the first cycle of the WV, so we get a limited set of rewards to choose from. But things will look different in a few cycles when the legacy tab will get bigger and bigger if you don't get everything.

Another way to look at it - imagine there is a cool skin you can get through a series of quests. Those quests require some materials you can only get so much of every day. You'll always be able to complete those quests, but their price will keep increasing every three months, and those materials are also used for other quests that get added over time, and that also get more expensive the more time you take to complete them. That's basically what the WV is doing.

Yes, that does seem like a non-issue today because there isn't even a legacy tab yet, and everything seems easy to get. But over time things will accumulate in the legacy tab. Anything you don't get today, gets more expensive tomorrow, and might prevent you from buying the new things that get released later. That's a textbook FOMO-trigger.

I appreciate these issues can be difficult to understand if you're not FOMO-prone yourself - there's nothing rational about the emotion itself. Unfortunately, you can't "logic away" emotions, especially syndromes like FOMO or anxiety in general. But one thing you can manage is their triggers, which are clearly identifiable from a rational perspective, so they come up less often and/or less strongly.

So yes, I do understand there is FOMO everywhere in life. That is why I wish this new system did not introduce even more in a game I'm currently invested into.

But what you are asking for is to change an entire system from a company that is not in its best interest to do so when you can easily cure yourself of this mindset with 3 seances of therapy. Every game, because they exist within life where missing out is as natural as life and death, operates on some amount of FOMO. Even when this term didnt existed 12-13 years back in gaming industry this was still the case. What you are describing as FOMO is actually economy. You want economy to be gone. Do you know why money is a thing? Why a banknote of 100 dollar is as valuable as it is even though its just some fancy paper? It is because the resources on earth is limited. There is limited iron in planet earth, there is limited amount of "seaside villas" in planet earth. Everyone wants those but only people with sufficient money can get those. Things get their value set by demand and the amount of supply. Its a form of distribution. We cannot print more 100$ because that will cause inflation. The amount of resources will stay the same but money available will go up.

We are kinda faring a bit far from topic now. What I am trying to say is that they want to decrease the amount of resources available. Yes for someone who plays the game 7x24 will benefit from this system more because they will complete everything and will still have surplus AC and still have time on their hands for IRL if they choose to participate in it ;). For someone who bots at queensdale with 50 different accounts and only logs in to the game for 1 minute each day this system is worse. But you have to understand. Those people by pumping resources into the game out of thin air, ruining the economy. ANET taking steps towards fixing this issue and GW2 is the most "FOMOless" game out there (it still has inherent FOMO to generate revenue for company and by its nature as a game as I aforementioned). As far as I understand you just want the feeling gone but you are also a player that is "invested in the game" and play regularly am I correct? If so thats a you problem man 😞 You have to deal with it, for the future of the game. GW2 is insanely generous game. Like others said, what you miss will come back in a month or two. ANET cycles content dont worry. But "choosing things between a large selection while your resources are limited" is just economy man im sorry.

Why would a company wants to give freebies to people who dont participate in their product. They have to "earn" them man. Work for it, like you work for your bread. Bread is given to you by trade as well, it costs money. The money you give is enters the circulation and resources gets distributed by money. It is ANET's best interest that people who want that griffon skin REAAAAALLLY badly earn it by playing. Even if they are not shilling dollars to ANET they are still helping them in many ways... An example would be populating the game. You dont understand this now probably but they are being mind shockingly generous by having a Legacy Tab. You will realize in time.

At least you understand how irrational your situation is. Again im saying this without any ill thoughts.


But what you are asking for is to change an entire system from a company that is not in its best interest to do so when you can easily cure yourself of this mindset with 3 seances of therapy.


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I'd just like to add: please stop suggesting "you just need to go to therapy" to anyone with anxiety or anxiety-related issues. This is neither constructive nor helpful. (Unless that's not your goal to be - then carry on).

Unfortunately you can't snap your fingers and change your mind and heart to whatever you want, wishing away your flaws like they never were.

A therapist helps you to learn to deal with those syndromes, and that includes recognizing their triggers so you can manage them better, as I've already explained. That is why I'm talking about the FOMO-inducing trigger that the WV added.

I'll reassure you: that FOMO-trigger is not going to kill me or paralyze me with panic. It's however sucking away my enjoyment of the game, which the previous system wasn't doing. Hence why I'm writing this feedback, not a call for help.

What I'm raising are three facts:

  1. The new system uses time-gated unique tasks and currency, which is a trigger for FOMO. The previous system didn't have that.
  2. The new system requires more daily/weekly time to complete all time-gated tasks than the previous one.
  3. The new system offers less choice for daily tasks than the previous one.

Whether or how much of an issue you feel those facts are, is up to personal preference. I appreciate many people do not feel #1 is an issue. I respect that. Please also respect my feeling of it as an issue impacting my enjoyment of the game (and be happy you don't have to deal with that same feeling).

I'm also not talking about other merits (or flaws) of the new system, such as reducing material farming through alt accounts. I'm saying I feel the above facts cause issues that can be mitigated.

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Have you actually looked at the available rewards and their prices?  To unlock every available unique skin plus the build template/equipment expansions, the legendary starter kit, and the bless emote costs 7125 AA.  At the rate they're releasing new special tasks you'll probably be able to purchase all of the meaningful rewards without doing any dailies and weeklies at all!

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Current special tasks is, like, 4.5k acclaim, iirc. And that gets you griffon, legendary kit, all the coins, all the clovers, and all 90 of the gold bags. Anet keeps adding special tasks, too, and there's still 40 days left on the current cycle.

And, yes, if you're having AuDHD/ADHD/Anxiety triggered by the least FOMO thing possible in a game, you really need to work with someone to identify WHY that triggers you and coping mechanisms to address it. Because, again, and everyone else has hashed out why, this is a "you" problem. You are welcome to your feelings, but that doesn't make them rational nor does that mean people have to soothe them for you, and you have to learn how to address those feelings in a healthy manner. If stepping away from the game for a while is the healthier thing to do, then do it. It's okay to realize you can't handle something without it being triggering and to walk away from that thing (obviously within reason, and quitting a video game is fully within reason).

FOMO the term is really being misused and overused lately, and it's getting frustrating because it devalues what actually is FOMO.

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12 minutes ago, Futeko.9405 said:

A therapist helps you to learn to deal with those syndromes, and that includes recognizing their triggers so you can manage them better, as I've already explained. That is why I'm talking about the FOMO-inducing trigger that the WV added.

No they actually prescribe you medicine that regulates your hormones to cure your irrational fears and/or obsessions. If you dont know how emotions occur you should do a bit of googling. Also I dont have to be constructive or helpful, its not my job, its doctors. The one that im trying to refer you to.

Edited by MalekithDG.6124
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Personally, I like the Wizard's Vault and how it allows us to choose our own rewards. I also feel like it has renewed my interest in game activities I haven't played in a while, like different world bosses, as well as hunting down different enemies, like Jade Mechs or the Forged. There's also nothing in the WV that triggers FOMO for me at all. The cosmetics - skins, emotes, and such, don't interest me. The rewards I did want I maxed out early on. Those were the cheap gold, mystic coins, heavy crafting bag, and laurels. Now I'm happily putting all my AA into the expensive gold bags. And I have no issues with taking time off when I need it. Both last week and again this week I took some downtime, doing other things besides GW2. When I got back I just picked up where I left off without any stress or anxiety about it at all.

That's just me though. It sounds like the OP has been getting massively triggered by the WV and I have no idea what to say in response to that. OP, I'm sorry it's been triggering you so hard but there's not much I can say besides that.

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