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...So I lost all my astrals from the last 4 days...


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I do think that a complete revamp of how rewards for dailies are delivered could have had a better introduction. I tend to click on just about everything to see how it works and what options exist so I didnt have a problem, but I could see how someone accustomed to getting rewards automatically delivered might have thought that was still the case.

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1 minute ago, Zebulous.2934 said:

An official tutorial of some kind would be nice, even if it was just a sticky in the SoTo section of the forum.  I suppose there are youtube guides by now.  Reasons like this are why I Ignore actually playing a new expansion right away.  I let everyone else fumble around and I learn from their complaints.

Agree, it would probably have made more players feel that they are in control of what to do and what will happen as there have been only marketing speak with "streamline" here.

No real info about how Wizard's Vault actually will work or any step by step guide for how to set up UI (to avoid missing out on red exclamation mark in UI, how Wizard's Vault will replace Watch List (if you tick to track only one WV task) or any other preparation to players to know that they need to claim both reward when it is completed at 100% and then the daily, weekly or special chest reward need also to be claimed (click to claim).

 This is a very large change from the old system where one didn't even have to use Watch List to keep track of Daily as if you completed it, it would go automatic to your reward with a notification and be in lower left corner as a chest to be open (had no time limit, if you didn't want to open it right away).

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1 hour ago, Chyro.1462 said:

So you overlooked something, made a mistake. Now you know better and it won't affect you anymore going forward.

There are visual tells. Yes, they're not exactly the same as previously - but it's also a new system. Blaming this on the devs idk .. why not just admit you made a mistake and move on? 

   Because when you queue for entering in a filled WvW map or a PvP match, the games warns you if your wait is over with a audio clue and unmistakeable banner in the middle of the screen, which is sometimes annoying but performs as it should, whereas with the Wizzarld Vault the clues are minimal and there's no warning that you have a limited time to claim what you worked for.

   So there's a disparity in the UI design, which is their fault, not mine. 


   Edit: to put it simple, GW2 has a UI as unified and regular as the USCS (which is not even the "imperial system". 

Edited by Buran.3796
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1 hour ago, Smoky.5348 said:

There is an obvious difference between several shiny, wiggling chests in the corner of your screen (where EVERYTHING has gone for YEARS), and a single tiny icon in the place that usually tells you about gem shop deals. That alone is irrefutable, but somehow people refute it anyway. Good for you if you caught on to where to click, but everyone's intuition is different. Rewards always appear in that corner, so these new rewards should go there, too.

A player completes the cheevo, the chest icon appears, and they right-click it to get the rewards immediately. Nice and simple, no opening a menu and clicking into the right tab.

That is what I would call "streamlined" reward system 🤗, not that over complicated click here, click there junk we have now. 🥵

Autoloot when it was introduced into this game did exactly that...made player get their loot without having to click on everything (or use Interact button as crazy to get all loot before it vanished in thin air because they suddenly had to change map as population where go down and they 50 min before that instance would close).

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3 hours ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

There literally is an exclamation mark on the Vault's icon when a daily/weekly/special has been completed. And it doesn't go away until you claim the reward.

yeah but it's not as eye catching as the old one was. When you finished a daily task a chest would come up above/below your mini map and all you had to do was right click it to open the chest. Now i have to remind myself to check the progress percentage Even when it reaches a 100%. it still just glows a little bit and it can be easy to overlook,

It's not a big  deal but i can understand why some people would be peeved at it

Edited by SouthPaw.9705
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It does seem, OP, as if you have not been "red dot" trained.  In games, when you see a red dot (or red exclamation point, in the case of the new Vault interface), it's a signal to open that interface and find whatever the game wants you to click on.  This is an extremely common indicator used in many mobile and other online games.  I've dabbled in many games, and the default is that the developers assume you will see the red dot, poke around, and accomplish what there is to accomplish.  I've yet to see any where this was explained.  I'm sorry you didn't know this.  Thankfully you caught it and now know what to do going forward.

Edited by IndigoSundown.5419
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13 hours ago, Debesyla.7102 said:

I think that clicking is obvious - it has shiny and bouncy animation like the old chests.

But I think that, yeah, it's dumb that it doesn't open up automatically... 

It can't open the chest automatically because if you have 1300 of the currency and you're capped, when you open it, you lost that currency. It has to give you a chance to see it and spend it, so you can have the currency after you've bought something.

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1 hour ago, IndigoSundown.5419 said:

It does seem, OP, as if you have not been "red dot" trained. 

Or he is iust used to bugs and decided this is a bug because nothing more could be seen.

That's how I missed the reward.

Why would I think I need to click that chest symbol too when all dailies are done?

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   New day, apparently earned AA points "lost" have been now added to my Wizzard Valt which now displays the whole number. So the system doesn't loses the unclaimed points from previous days, which is fortunate to me. I'm still not happy about the design interface, but I guess my rant ends here. Thanx for the answers.

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I despise the fact that this currency is capped at some point. I do not like to spend any currency. I hoard it, like a dragon a gold treasure. It's literally my own little OCD: When there's enough hoarded, I have a much easier time to spend something. Otherwise I look at this big hole and think to myself: I'm a poor kitten …

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1 hour ago, Buran.3796 said:

   New day, apparently earned AA points "lost" have been now added to my Wizzard Valt which now displays the whole number. So the system doesn't loses the unclaimed points from previous days, which is fortunate to me. I'm still not happy about the design interface, but I guess my rant ends here. Thanx for the answers.

Its the same interface that's been in place for all the icons  on the top of your screen for 10 years (e.g you have loot/gold to collect, a skill is not set etc)  and is recognised and used globally as 'an important issue to address.'


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Guess they can't make it autoaccept the treasures cause for whatever reason they added a cap of 1300, if the system would autoaccept you could be kinda screwed accidentally finishing a special in a moment where you got 1200 stacked up from weekly and daylies and have not picked a reward yet. It does however show a number on the icon so you know you got something unresolved there, but I agree it's not the best way all in all.

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10 hours ago, Buran.3796 said:

So the system doesn't loses the unclaimed points from previous days

What a coincidence, it's almost like it was pointed out a few times in this thread, which also shown what you said in your opening post wasn't exactly true. Now it suddenly added up, alright 😅

Edited by Sobx.1758
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They don't let rewards be automatically collected anymore because they are trying to reprogram you into opening up the wizard's vault. It's a psychological tactic to make you play more than you intended. I would not be surprise if someone with a PHD in psychology/human behavior was hired to help implement this. They also made the wizard's vault much more rewarding than the old daily system so you will greatly fall behind other players if you just try to ignore it. You will find yourself constantly checking the wizard's vault throughout your play session.

I try to get around this psychological tactic by only opening up the wizard's vault at the very end of my play session to collect my astral acclaim before logging off.

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People responding "DUH its so obvious and easy to click it why dont you just click it you fool" : Ok, so there's indications and after initially not understanding the change, people will figure it out one way or another (unhappily in cases like this). But what benefit is there in this design? What about stopping to do this extra little chore in order to actually be rewarded for things you already did improves your gameplay experience? To me it's just an obvious, unnecessary punishment for anyone who gets distracted, glosses over it, or forgets to do this arbitrary little chore.
Even if this change isn't a problem for you, what about the design of manually claiming dailies is good?

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15 hours ago, Buran.3796 said:

   New day, apparently earned AA points "lost" have been now added to my Wizzard Valt which now displays the whole number. So the system doesn't loses the unclaimed points from previous days, which is fortunate to me. I'm still not happy about the design interface, but I guess my rant ends here. Thanx for the answers.


33 minutes ago, eyestrain.3056 said:

People responding "DUH its so obvious and easy to click it why dont you just click it you fool" : Ok, so there's indications and after initially not understanding the change, people will figure it out one way or another (unhappily in cases like this). But what benefit is there in this design? What about stopping to do this extra little chore in order to actually be rewarded for things you already did improves your gameplay experience? To me it's just an obvious, unnecessary punishment for anyone who gets distracted, glosses over it, or forgets to do this arbitrary little chore.
Even if this change isn't a problem for you, what about the design of manually claiming dailies is good?

Maybe you missed the OP update apparently they did not miss anything after all.

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Just now, Linken.6345 said:


Maybe you missed the OP update apparently they did not miss anything after all.

Ahh, ok so it's just an extra level of confusing and being a waste of time. Certainly better to not miss the rewards if they aren't lost, but doesn't change my mind at all about the design choice.

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I'm going to be that guy and just say.. just give me the reward when it's completed instead of increasing the number of clicks necessary? Present it in a special chest so that you know it's coming from the Wizard's Whatever and stop making more clicks than are necessary.. everyone's atleast checking it the first time they log in. Is there anywhere else where I need to then confirm that yes I did infact do the task that I did and yes I would like to be rewarded for my task that doesn't involve a specific vendor / person who offered said task? Or call it a bounty board then it would make more sense and the expectation would be there to begin with.


Also I just want to point at that years ago there was a lot of bragging about the game not asking you to kill 1000000000000000 centaurs but we are slowly drifting into that territory for rewards for some reason... Whomever is the new intern needs to review what's happened so that in the future loadouts we don't keep going back on things that were said before.

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On 8/27/2023 at 12:00 PM, Minna.7895 said:

Guess they can't make it autoaccept the treasures cause for whatever reason they added a cap of 1300, if the system would autoaccept you could be kinda screwed accidentally finishing a special in a moment where you got 1200 stacked up from weekly and daylies and have not picked a reward yet. It does however show a number on the icon so you know you got something unresolved there, but I agree it's not the best way all in all.

Simple then, remove the kitten cap or make it something like 13000 AA points

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The 1300 cap is really not an issue for auto accept. It could claim automatically and save the dailies when at cap as it is now. Only at that point you would get the red dot on the UI and need to click to claim (or it would just claim automatically when you spend the AA).

We already have a similar system anyway with the old wiggly chests. If your inventory is full, the game will inform you. Otherwise everything just goes into inventory either automatically at some point or through right or left click on the chest. This system is better and consistent and could easily be implemented for vault also. There is really no reason to add this overlyclicky mobile UI for claiming rewards.

I am also not one to be crazy about always claiming rewards as soon as possible. I can go for weeks not going to TP to collect the gold. Many other games will just mail you or stash somewhere the loot you missed. So I just ignore it and let it pile and stack and sort out when I feel like it.

The 1300 cap is probably there so you can't transfer too much AA to the next season. Its there to keep players play over longer periods.

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