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You guys made everything easier. Disrespect for old players.

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Five years OP? You're not a vet, you're just not new anymore and think that somehow means something. I been here since beta, bruv, and I for one am greatful that I can finally finish Ad Infinitum without spending 300g in mats. Looking forward to grabbing some ascended armour for my Thief as well from the Vault. By the way, those items are limited in quantity, so one should choose carefully.

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8 minutes ago, Eater of Peeps.9062 said:

Hi, I am a veteran player as well, having played since launch of gw1 and 2. I agree with you. I have no problem with newer players getting rewards easier, since I realize people in general are struggling with the standard time commitments of old school mmorpgs. However, it's one thing to give rewards/skills/development faster to everyone, thereby benefitting new players disproportionately advantageously (since most, tho not all, vet players have already slogged their way through maps , achieves, rewards, titles, etc.), but to go the extra step of punishing vet players and making them feel devalued or worthless (since their longstanding contributions to the game are now of zero value to the game, themselves or others) seems mean and disrespectful.  While I am not suggesting (please pay attention here) that new players should not get free stuff or a free ride or easy peasy content or rewards, I am saying it should not be accompanied with a slap in the face to vet players.  I realize the game is old, and we need to and want to (and welcome/enjoy!) both encourage and facilitate new player base, but we should not cause older players to become disgruntled in the process, possibly losing their significant and loyal participation in the process. There are several possible solutions to this dilemma, but anet has to be interested enough in the gw brand (including future releases) to take notice and corrective action. The answer is not to create a slog/grind fest for new players (they don't have the time, interest or inclination... especially when quick cell phone game apps proliferate), putting them thru the same grinding interminable torture we vets all went thru (and it frequently wasn't fun, but felt more like a job to get the goal/reward done). Instead, the answer(s) is to let the new players have their cas/breezy play and rewards, but to reward us vets differently in recognition for our longstanding commitment and contribution to the game, its community, development, support, success and longevity. This is simply accomplished in myriad ways (pick any one/2/all/etc.):  1) more substantial unique/exclusive rewards/bday presents/attire/infusions, etc. 2) better content from salvaging for vets (i.e., 4x ectos per salvage, 10 x resources, etc. 3) payment in gold to us for our time crafting endlessly and the cost spent on recipes, map travel, resources, etc. 4) unique armor/weapons given (free!!!!!) and available to vets only scaled by length of playtime 5) unique infusions (also scalable based on time) for free!!!! Etc. You get the idea, come up with your own favorites. The idea is then we would be getting something easy peas breezy for free as well. It would level the playing field and cost anet minimally.  I would be less resentful and less inclined to leave butt hurt. Just a suggestion. Also, it's OK to not like me or my suggestions but if anyone posts something nasty, petty, mean or gross in response please know its unwarranted. Thanks for hearing my input.

>Why does Anet give things for free to players that don't meet my criteria?

>Anet give players like me (Me specially) free things!!!!!!!

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Just now, Eater of Peeps.9062 said:

Seems to me you're doing the same thing lol: "Most veteran players are getting burned out of the game for content and balance reasons ...."

Don't speak for me then. I'm a vet and I still love this game and it's content and balance. 

Also, one month ago I crafted my first set of legendary armor after playing in wvw for 10 years+. I hat to pay the full price for my gifts of magic/might etc. and all mats and all map/activities required to get it. 10 years to get my set. Now, everyone gets the same stuff as me instantly. Doesn't seem fair. Y did I bother, if there's nothing special about it. I feel devalued in game.



You should value the activities you did to get that item.

And you took 10 years because you wanted to do it that way, people who do the wvw leggies take less than a year. Hell, i crafted 2 legendary weapons and i am just 1 year in. I know a streamer that got gifted 3 and you don't se me posting about having Anet remove them from her because i feel mine are less valuable.

And, little secret, nothing in this game has any real value. Is just a game.

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Just now, Eater of Peeps.9062 said:

What? This doesn't make any sense and it has nothing to do with what I said. You obviously didn't understand what I said, sorry. 

I do understand. You want free things because you bought the game a decade ago while crying that new players (and by defect you too) can get item easier.

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I support Anet making end game easier to be reachable for players. It’s always good to have more people with more legendary gear and multiple characters for different roles. It’s also healthier for game and more income for the company. 
Alas, they need to keep some encounters and modes challenging enough so it will make sense to have all these gear and loadouts. 

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10 minutes ago, Eater of Peeps.9062 said:

Is that the point? The point is some vets feel their contributions to the game have been spit on.

Yes, it is the point. Everyone has an opinion, and each one is worth exactly the same. You're just some rando on the Internet, same as me.

But what, pray tell, do you believe is your "contribution" to the game?

Contributions to ANet's balance sheet via purchases don't count, mind you. 

What have you "contributed" to the game? (your words, quoted up above)

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8 minutes ago, Eater of Peeps.9062 said:

Seems to me you're doing the same thing lol: "Most veteran players are getting burned out of the game for content and balance reasons ...."

Don't speak for me then. I'm a vet and I still love this game and it's content and balance. 

Also, one month ago I crafted my first set of legendary armor after playing in wvw for 10 years+. I hat to pay the full price for my gifts of magic/might etc. and all mats and all map/activities required to get it. 10 years to get my set. Now, everyone gets the same stuff as me instantly. Doesn't seem fair. Y did I bother, if there's nothing special about it. I feel devalued in game.



Perhaps I phrases that a little incorrectly. What I should have said was "most veteran players who ARE getting burned out are for those reasons." Not trying to imply that everyone in the game is leaving, and I'm not speaking for those players. They have spoken plenty of times for themselves on plenty of other threads.

Your second paragraph confuses me. WvW legendary armor has absolutely nothing to do with this conversation, it doesn't use ANY of the same gifts and therefore the starter kit won't help anyone with their legendary armor journey. You, as a veteran player, are also given the same opportunity as literally everyone else to buy this starter kit, so it isn't invalidating anything you have done. Missing one of those legendaries and always wanted to make it? Now you have a jumpstart. Already have them all or don't care about any of them like me? You can craft it anyway at a big discount to sell and make up some of the profit for legends you have made in the past. People also still have to go out and farm a TON of materials and currencies as well as doing full core map completion, it isn't just "I'm a new player and now I can get a legendary for free with little effort."

Nobody is getting a step up on you. I guarantee you most new players are going to buy the starter kit, realize they still have 20 more big things they have to do before they can even really begin the crafting process, and then put it off for an extended time. But whether you like it or not, giving newer players a chunk of a long term goal to strive for is healthy for retaining and attracting those new players.

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So your "contribution" basically consists of using the product as intended. Bravo.

You do realize that as long as ANet provided the product you paid for at the point of sale, their only remaining responsibility is technical and billing support, right? You are owed nothing.

Oh, and I don't care enough about you to like or dislike you. Like I said, you're just some rando on the Internet whose opinion is equally as valueless as my own. 😆

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24 minutes ago, Eater of Peeps.9062 said:

Is that the point? The point is some vets feel their contributions to the game have been spit on.

That's an interesting way to frame it. I think I'd frame it as "I've got mine, kitten everyone else" or if we want to continue down this spitting road - he spat on me and now he's worried he might be spat on next so the rules now need to change.

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Disrespect ?


As a veterant I'll have to ask, in what way Anet disrespected me ? I get that it may seems annoying that something can now be aquired in a less annoying way/less grindy way. But how exactly is it disrespectful ? If you are a long time player like me, you had all the time to do a complete set of legendary armor, trinket and weapon. You had all the time to unlock skyscale, griffin and their mastery. You had all the time you wanted and still have all the time you want to play with your shiny stuff.


What is 1 legendary amulet and weapon for a new player compared to all the legendary stuff a veterant could have ? It is a motivation to keep playing the game and enjoying their stuff but I dont get how it suddenly seems to invalidate your fun of the game to a point you felt disrespected.


The game is old now and allowing new/returning players to get a boost in their account wealth by allowing them to get a free legendary amulet and/or a free weapon (well not entirely free but save a lot of time) is a genius move. New players will get taste of one piece of end game item and it's a great motivation to keep them supporting the game. Again, it is one amulet or weapon, it's not going to be a massive game changer so to speak but it is still a pretty good boost for their account.


It is true there are player you will do one thing, get what they want and leave the game. And it's fine so to speak, I dont see it as a problem. But honestly, if you are a veterant and that type of player, chances are you already left the game because by now you already completed your goal so it's kind of a moot point to talk about it from a veterant perspective. 

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22 minutes ago, Eater of Peeps.9062 said:

What? You obviously have misunderstood what I said. This makes no sense. I'm not suggesting anyone should spit on anyone. Please dontvreframe my words into words I didn't say and meanings I didn't say/suggest/imply or condone. Reread and if you need clarification I'm happy to restate my position until you understand it correctly. Unless, of course, you are speaking only for yourself and how you view this issue and that you favor what you said, in which case I don't agree with you, I don't condone what you said/want. In any event, don't misattribute your thoughts to me. 

You'd win Olympic gold if backpedaling and goal post moving were sports.

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40 minutes ago, Ollie B.8597 said:

The Shatterer was defeated in 1min 24sec at 02:08 UK time 31/08/2023

I would consider myself new and I consider this is too fast for a world boss but i am 1 of many players

That's not surprising, considering Shatterer is now a PvE Weekly, so all the big 40k+ DPS raid rotation experienced players are going to come out and speedrun it for the easy acclaim. When "normal" players do it, it's not that fast. Hell, any world boss at all on the PvE Weekly is going to get burned to hell and back because the "super stronk" players are going to come out to slap it.

That said, I hope that, one day, Anet will continue to update the world bosses the way they did the starter ones. Taidha needs a serious rework.

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47 minutes ago, Eater of Peeps.9062 said:

I had to pay full price for everything, even last month! Now everyone gets it and my stuff is not in any way unique or hard earned or anything.

That's just... blatantly untrue. I can't tell if you're hyperbolizing just because you're upset or if you genuinely believe that's happening, because it isn't. I'm still having a hard time wrapping my head around how you equate a one time purchase of roughly half of a gen 1 legendary weapon that *anyone including vets* can purchase to acquiring WvW legendary armor, which is notoriously one of the longest grinds in the entire game.

These two things are not even in the same ball park. There is no shortcut to legendary armor. You worked as hard as literally everyone else who gets it, and this starter kit does not change any aspect of that whatsoever. The kit is not a free legendary. The open world legendary armor they're releasing in 6 months is going to be roughly as long of a grind as WvW armor. The "free" legendary amulet from living world is regularly picked up by vets because the vast majority of players both old and new don't care for getting the PvP one.

Where are you making up this idea that suddenly everyone and their mother is getting legendary stuff for free out of nowhere? I'm honestly asking.

Edited by Darklord Roy.2514
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I've been a player since Prophecies in GW1 (5 years, you don't have bragging rights to be called "old player" :P) and I don't mind newer player having an easier time catching up.
In fact, we -need- them to catch up to keep the game alive and well

However I do agree with some of the points in the wish list.

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2 hours ago, Eater of Peeps.9062 said:

Don't think anyone did that. Speaking on behalf of vets as a group, not all vets, don't think the clarification that it doesn't apply to everyone was unnecessary, as it's a given in every situation.

You can't speak on behalf of vets as a group, because we're not a group. You can speak for yourself. You can speak for players like you. But I don't think most vets feel insulted by these changes. I think most vets don't care at all, and some of us are in favor of these changes. So saying it's insulting to vets is flat out wrong. It's insulting to the OP.

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34 minutes ago, QueenKeriti.5176 said:

That's not surprising, considering Shatterer is now a PvE Weekly, so all the big 40k+ DPS raid rotation experienced players are going to come out and speedrun it for the easy acclaim. When "normal" players do it, it's not that fast. Hell, any world boss at all on the PvE Weekly is going to get burned to hell and back because the "super stronk" players are going to come out to slap it.

That said, I hope that, one day, Anet will continue to update the world bosses the way they did the starter ones. Taidha needs a serious rework.

Agreed. Karka Queen is worst for me, it's billed as legendary in the wiki and in the same section as Triple Trouble and Tequatl but it usually seems to melt in less than 2 minutes.

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9 minutes ago, Eater of Peeps.9062 said:

I don't have the compensation anymore. I now have a weapon that's as prestigious as a starter weapon. I'm out all the gold and mats to craft it, and others r not. I don't begrudge the change, the easy access, the freebies, I begrudge my devalued account and the fact that my hard earned legendary is as commonplace as old sludge starter hammer. Why couldn't anet make new free legendaries or reward vets in  some way for their contributions to the game. I mean, would new players begrudge vets who got an exclusive infusion, or some other similar reimbursement/ compensation to make up for the lost gold/materials or devaluation they might be feeling. We don't want to drive vets away either, do we?

No you feeling it is devalued means nothing mate sorry to say but thats the truth.

Cant say I agree with the legendary starting kits but it is what it is.

Looking forward to gift of battle starting kit and gift of explorer starting kits that will surely arrive in a later update.

The exploring is whats holding me back creating any of the 19 gen 1 precursors I have in the bank since I cant decide were my 1 exploration scroll will go.

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1 hour ago, Mistwraithe.3106 said:

Agreed. Karka Queen is worst for me, it's billed as legendary in the wiki and in the same section as Triple Trouble and Tequatl but it usually seems to melt in less than 2 minutes.

It used to be a scary boss, but players are so much stronger now than even a few years ago.

Also, Eater...OK Boomer, calm down on the posting. Multiple disjointed posts in a row is getting weird, and I'm concerned for you.


1 hour ago, Vain.3805 said:

I have Bifrost, multiple 10 year old toons, and just got my 10k achievement award.

Only thing I don't really like is how banal my Bifrost looks standing next to the new legendaries... do the new legendary owners even notice me?

I mean, we have a spicy nickname for what the Bifrost could be compared to, so some of us notice it for that (approximate maturity level of a 16 year old), but, otherwise, it is a pretty fun staff on characters with lots of movement combat animations (like daredevil). Works much better for those situations than Nevermore does, imo. Definitely very pretty staff.

Edited by QueenKeriti.5176
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4 hours ago, Eater of Peeps.9062 said:

Hi, I am a veteran player as well, having played since launch of gw1 and 2. I agree with you. I have no problem with newer players getting rewards easier, since I realize people in general are struggling with the standard time commitments of old school mmorpgs. However, it's one thing to give rewards/skills/development faster to everyone, thereby benefitting new players disproportionately advantageously (since most, tho not all, vet players have already slogged their way through maps , achieves, rewards, titles, etc.), but to go the extra step of punishing vet players and making them feel devalued or worthless (since their longstanding contributions to the game are now of zero value to the game, themselves or others) seems mean and disrespectful.  While I am not suggesting (please pay attention here) that new players should not get free stuff or a free ride or easy peasy content or rewards, I am saying it should not be accompanied with a slap in the face to vet players.  I realize the game is old, and we need to and want to (and welcome/enjoy!) both encourage and facilitate new player base, but we should not cause older players to become disgruntled in the process, possibly losing their significant and loyal participation in the process. There are several possible solutions to this dilemma, but anet has to be interested enough in the gw brand (including future releases) to take notice and corrective action. The answer is not to create a slog/grind fest for new players (they don't have the time, interest or inclination... especially when quick cell phone game apps proliferate), putting them thru the same grinding interminable torture we vets all went thru (and it frequently wasn't fun, but felt more like a job to get the goal/reward done). Instead, the answer(s) is to let the new players have their cas/breezy play and rewards, but to reward us vets differently in recognition for our longstanding commitment and contribution to the game, its community, development, support, success and longevity. This is simply accomplished in myriad ways (pick any one/2/all/etc.):  1) more substantial unique/exclusive rewards/bday presents/attire/infusions, etc. 2) better content from salvaging for vets (i.e., 4x ectos per salvage, 10 x resources, etc. 3) payment in gold to us for our time crafting endlessly and the cost spent on recipes, map travel, resources, etc. 4) unique armor/weapons given (free!!!!!) and available to vets only scaled by length of playtime 5) unique infusions (also scalable based on time) for free!!!! Etc. You get the idea, come up with your own favorites. The idea is then we would be getting something easy peas breezy for free as well. It would level the playing field and cost anet minimally.  I would be less resentful and less inclined to leave butt hurt. Just a suggestion. Also, it's OK to not like me or my suggestions but if anyone posts something nasty, petty, mean or gross in response please know its unwarranted. Thanks for hearing my input.

This may come across as a bit snarky, but that's not really the intention:  Who are you?  Not to put to fine a point to it, but none of your contributions to the game would seem to have benefitted me, because I have absolutely no idea who you are, nor do I know what it is you contributed to my enjoyment of the game at any stage.  So, from my perspective, you've never had any value, so it would be hard for random new player 26789 getting gear faster than you to take anything away from that, wouldn't it?  How does the aforementioned random player getting that gear take away from your sense of accomplishment at getting it?  Unless, as I asked another poster earlier, you felt underwhelmed by your "accomplishment"?

So, your solution to feeling slighted is to make others feel slighted by getting special treatment?  Understand that, while I didn't come in during the betas, or at launch, it's not like I came in with the Steam launch or something, nor have I ever asked for special consideration.  I mean, I don't even own the expansion that would let me get the skyskale easier, and I still haven't bothered to get it.  Hell, I don't even have the jackyl or griffon yet either, just never felt like I needed 'em and never went after 'em.  For all of that, I don't feel like someone else getting the skyskale easier is taking away from my experience.  It's certainly not taking away from it enough that I feel the need to insist on special treatment.

The reward for doing what you did to get what you got was getting what you got.  If that didn't give you the sense of accomplishment, how is getting stuff for free going to do that?  The simple answer is that it's not going to.  What it is going to do is feed your sense of self worth.  I mean, you state in this very post that your contributions to me, as a member of the community, are somehow lessened by other players getting stuff in an easier manner, and yet, I have no idea what it is that you contributed to my gameplay/enjoyment.  It's hard to be worth less than nothing, isn't it?  Again, I'm not trying to be mean here.  It's simply that, despite what you believe, the main thing you have done is enhance your own experience, and frankly, that's all you're "required" to do. 

If I find things aren't fun, I don't do them.  I also don't come to the forums and insist that they be changed to suit me.  If you search up my post history, you'll find that despite the fact that I don't do group content, I have posted to the negative on any thread that insists that said content should be made solo-able, for example.  It's an MMO, and despite the fact that this is my "vacation from group content MMO", that group content serves a purpose, and needs to be left alone.  If I'd had a vote on giving other stuff away for free, I'd likely vote no.  I'm not going to be salty about it being done, though, and I'm not going to feel like my experience is lessened by someone getting something for free, or even just easier.

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