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You guys made everything easier. Disrespect for old players.

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37 minutes ago, Eater of Peeps.9062 said:

Just patently wrong assumptions about my feelings, thoughts, motivations and analysis of issues. How many times do I have to state I'm ok with the freebies. Y can't freebies be given to vets? Answer that and stop with the pseudo armchair psychology, it's ridiculous.

Are you saying veterans are banned from buying the same freebies you claim new players get?

Show proof please.

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Honestly, I think mounts are cool but I don't really care to get them or about them all that much I sometime dismount just to feel the old days when I didn't have a mount. I first started playing in mid july I think or June maybe a month earlier, 2014. When mounts were announced brought me back got my raptor that's cool dinosaur thingy. Got to move faster, after a bit of playing pve and pvp took a break came back in 2020 hearing about new expansion stuff and just wanted to pvp again. Started EoD story and got the turtle. had some prior lore knowledge but not much but still fun story and fun boss fights and grinded for that. I am happy I did I was able to help others beat KO strike mission.

Not sure if you would consider me vet?

But in all honestly don't really care for mounts i have only like 5? I prefer pvp and playing WvW for 1v1 duels. I think they are dope just not my thing. I think it's cool there are more avenues/ways to unlock mounts. But never really going to do them tbh, if I do spend time to get a mount it would probably be the beetle mount so I can drive around super fast and and look cool before I crash into something or fall off a cliff xD

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3 hours ago, Eater of Peeps.9062 said:

As to your final point, I disagree and still stand firm on my assessment and disappointment. I have 8 pieces of legendary gear that I paid a fortune for, mostly via in game play garnering mats, but also in game gold earned and occasional purchases in jy 11 years of playing gw2. This is very hard bought gear for me of which I was proud (I only just recently made my character look the way I wanted her to after 11 years ... I must be doing something wrong, as this is all I have to show gear-wise after 11 years (most of my alts are in exotics or patched together ascended armor with shared ascended or my 2 legendary weapons). While I do not begrudge making it easier for others to get it and would not want anyone to have to grind like I did to get it, by making it easier to craft it without in any way acknowledging in-game my efforts to get it or my devotion to the game, and by making it devalued by making it ubiquitous and leveling the playing field, literally, I remain affected and disappointed. And you are right, I have gear which was worth 1000s of in-game gold no longer is (and I'm pretty sure my wvw gear is account bound anyway). In any event, the scarcity and exclusiveness (because of the scarcity for reasons stated above) of my gen 1 weaps has been nullified. I am sad and would like something to acknowledge my efforts. Wheres the harm in that suggestion?  No one addresses this.

Still gonna have to disagree here, and this is from someone who has also been playing for over a decade and has crafted my fair share of legendary gear. "Value" is a subjective term, I will admit to that. People can have differing opinions on what they consider valuable, 1 gold may as well be a penny to richer players but for someone who just started yesterday it feels like a whole lot (I remember those days).

The reason that we're at odds with each other is that your personal assessment of valuation is, frankly, very shallow. The things that seem to have value to you are exclusivity, pride in your accomplishments, and stern equality. You word your complaints as if you feel that Anet has "cheated" you out of your hard-spent time in the game and are giving newer players preferential treatment.

Here's my problem with that: the equality that you are seeking already exists. New players are getting a head start on one single limited choice legendary weapon, and existing players have the exact same opportunity to do so. Once those new players make that one single legendary weapon, they will be back at square one. Completely broke for one single item, and they will have to make all of the rest from scratch just like you. On the flip side of the coin, as I've said before, you can make that same legendary at a discount and sell it to make up a pretty large chunk of the gold you have spent on your current legendaries. It is the exact same opportunity cost for old and new players.

As for this whole aspect of "my legendary item feels less exclusive now that more people can get it," that has always been the case. It's very, very easy for people who don't feel like putting in the grind time to whip out a credit card and literally buy a gen 1 or gen 3 legendary (including your Bifrost, I might add) using real money to convert gems to gold. That has existed since day 1 of the game, and chances are there's a good chunk of new players who just hit level 80 and would rather just straight up purchase BIS gear with 0 grind involved. Does that also devalue the grind that you went through somehow?

Legendary armor is a whole different topic. Not a single piece of legendary armor (or trinkets) is tradeable, so you shouldn't feel any sort of loss of value in those items. There is no skips or shortcuts, no easy "swipe the credit card and now it's mine." Legendary armor is *always* a grind because every single set requires account bound, time gated currencies.

Quick edit: a lot of your replies to people talk about mostly just wanting a free handout to "compensate" for the time you put in crafting a legendary... while you are simultaneously complaining that new players are getting a "free" handout of most of a legendary weapon.... that you can also get yourself for the same price as them. This argument just seems to be going in a big circle.

Edited by Darklord Roy.2514
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Game's been out for 11 years... As a 5-year "old player" you ain't even middle-aged yet lol.
Some of us have been with it since the headstart, so maaaaybe quite tryin to talk for the "old players".
Even after having gotten all the raid CM sparklies, I don't think this game should cater to the tryhards at the expense of the playerbase.  The fact that the game has become more and more accessible is a great move for the life of the game.  Instead of hating so hard, just move on and let everyone enjoy the game.

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On 8/29/2023 at 5:00 PM, Das Boot.9627 said:

Anyway. thank you for your attention. this was my opnion, everyone has their own. And if you felt bad about something that I said, MMORPG is not for you go play LOL.


Thank you for the opnion. Here's mine. If you feel bad about the game's design GW2 is not for you go play LOL.

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5 hours ago, Eater of Peeps.9062 said:

Just patently wrong assumptions about my feelings, thoughts, motivations and analysis of issues. How many times do I have to state I'm ok with the freebies. Y can't freebies be given to vets? Answer that and stop with the pseudo armchair psychology, it's ridiculous.

I have answered it, several times, actually.  So where did I come up with "hurt feelings"?  Oh, I quoted you.  I actually responded to what you said in this post.  IF you weren't having hurt feelings, or feeling disrespected, we wouldn't still be having this conversation.  We are.  Why?  Because despite what you claim here, you are bothered by this.  It hurts your feelings, and makes you feel disrespected because someone will get something easier than what you had to do for it.  This is why you presented a list of demands requests for compensation.  What is it that you are needing compensated for again?  Did they take your stuff and give it to new players?  If they did that, I'll sharpen up my pitchfork, and grab a torch.  Since that's not what happened, we're here discussing this because you feel cheated.

As an aside to this, are you going to avoid using this method if you decide to gear an alt, or are you going to take full advantage of it, despite believing that it disrespects vets?  If you do use it, are you going to return any freebies that you were given to "compensate" your hurt feelings?

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On 8/30/2023 at 1:11 AM, Axelteas.7192 said:

I've been playing since 2012, more than 8k hours and never had the luck to find a PRE-Legendary. But according to the Op this was EASY.

now every tom kitten and harry can get a precursor including Gift of  might and magic  in 5 days. I didn't get my precursor after 9 yrs of playing, 20,931 hours, after I crafted the precursor, make the legendary, only did it drop, 

5 days is MORE THAN EASY.

Players who have their legendary craft from a 5 days obtainable precursor should not get the bling that comes with the legendary all those weapons needs to look like BASIC  WEAPON to distinguished it from the one made the hard way.

Edited by babana.7521
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6 hours ago, Eater of Peeps.9062 said:

Good for you! Why does this topic interest u then? You should go play and enjoy the game as is then, unless you are averse to getting a freebie? U find something objectionable about that? Doesn't sound like it.


Aside from the fact that it "Simply interests me", it also interests me because this is a forum - a conversation - and differing opinions lead to healthy discussion. This topic is a discussion, not an echo chamber. If only one group of people [those that agree with op] "sound off" there's no way to gauge actual satisfaction.

OP stated that it "Disrespects Vet players". I am a vet player. I disagree with op (and that's OK!). (Just as you're welcome to disagree with me!).


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11 hours ago, Eater of Peeps.9062 said:

The fact that my gen 1 legendary has better stats does make it valuable, both in terms of play and in terms of expense

It never had better stats in 11 years of GW2s history. No legendary item have. I'm surprised nobody have picked you up on this one yet. 

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1 minute ago, Darklord Roy.2514 said:

Legendaries have better stats than exotics, that isn't an opinion it's a fact. That was the topic his quote was in reference to.

The quote he answered to specifically stated ascended and legendaries having stronger stats than exotics, with legendaries being much more expensive to craft than Ascended due to flexibility the free stat swapping on demand provides.

And before Ascended gear was introduced, legendaries had exact identical (fixed) stats to exotics (which was highest tier of gear at the time).

Ergo, at no point in this game history legendaries being "stronger in stats" was an incentive to go for legendary over cheaper highest tier equipment.

and I mentioned nothing about opinions, so I am unsure why you bring them up here.

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