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Can we have more Mursaat story?


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On 8/31/2023 at 7:18 AM, zealex.9410 said:

Be a mursaat, be likable, be the complete opposite of every other murssat we've met and be caring to your friends and the commander, have cool lore to drop, be voiced my Liam O'Brien.

Anet just flat out kills you, maaan we never eat good.

my 1st reaction of him was: "what are you doing here!? The eye is particles!!"

and then i got to learn more of him and he became my fav character T.T (Also- why are his ARMS as big as the asura!?)

Edited by Diena.3975
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On 8/30/2023 at 10:54 PM, Antina.5973 said:

Isles of Janthir 👀

I did find the mursaat's ties to Janthir curious here. Sure, in GW1 lore the mursaat sent Saul D'Alessio to retrieve the Eye of Janthir from that place, but the whole eye motif and revealing true potential vs. the Unseen (aka mursaat) felt a bit off to me. Compare it to the Seers whose very name evokes eyesight and such and how the Eye could've been one of their constructs to study beings' magic potential and later granting the gift of True Sight to unveil their rivals, the Unseen, to Seer allies. It would've been a delicious bit of irony if the mursaat, who had already repurposed the wizards' Bastion of the Penitent for their own use, would've also repurposed a potentially Seer-made Eye of Janthir not for a benevolent but malicious purpose (identifying suitable sacrifices for the bloodstones to keep the Door of Komalie shut). Not to mention that Saul's story suggests that the mursaat had a city in the forest rather than on an island, implying as if that forest might be Woodland Cascades. Would this suggest that the mursaat, despite their low numbers, had more than one city on Tyria, or that they didn't resettle Janthir after returning to Tyria (or the site was abandoned due to the later Seer-mursaat war)? Curiously the whole mursaat use of alabaster and golden filigree kinda fits the aesthetics of Amnytas and Wizard's Tower architecture.


"His punishment was to be banished from Kryta." The confessor headed back down the path.

"The local authorities blindfolded him and rode him out two full weeks before leaving him to fend for himself. Alone, penniless, and lost, Saul wandered through a dense forest for three full days. On the fourth day, Saul emerged from among the trees to see what he thought was a hallucination—a city of massive towers reaching into the heavens. It was a sight to behold, alabaster and golden filigree. This was a place of purity, a place where a man such as Saul could begin anew. Hungry and exhausted, his clothes ragged and dirty, Saul dropped to his knees and touched his forehead to the ground. He had found his divinity."

"When Saul Botolf finally returned to Kryta, he came back as a changed man. His rags had been replaced. Now he wore a sleeveless, pure-white robe embroidered with golden thread." The confessor held out his arms, showing off the robe he now wore. It too was stark white and embroidered in gold. "His once sunken, hungry features were again full and healthy. He no longer craved the bottle, no longer wished to strike it rich gambling. His life had purpose. He had returned to spread the word, to deliver the divine graces of the Unseen Ones upon the humans of Kryta." (Source)

Interestingly Bastion of the Penitent seemed to suggest as if one of the political prisoners there may have been a Forgotten as there's a mention of scales in the prisoner fabric and that it was fit for a multi-armed being. Yet we didn't see any Forgotten body among Samarog's piles of victims, so I wonder if a lone Forgotten (possibly driven mad by centuries of Eye of Janthir torture) could've somehow escaped from the prison intact while cairn and Samarog focused on slaughtering the rioters, and this sole remaining Forgotten on Tyria could now be wandering in the Woodland Cascades, maybe looking for the hidden mursaat city to unlock the secrets within...


After interacting with the Clothes Pile:

If asura:
<Character name>: These clothes wouldn't fit a bipedal individual. And whoever wore the garments left scales behind on the fabric.
If not asura:
<Character name>: Whoever wore the garment left scales behind on the fabric.
<Character name>: It's almost as if...they fit a serpentine creature. Did a krait wear this? Or some other being? (Source)
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Mursaats could be back in Nayos,  their homeland maybe! ^^ Why do I say that? Because in the Wizard Tower, 2 NPC (Archivist Maizy and Nearwill) discover Mabon's origins and are shocked to find out which world the Mursaats come from, and given that we're talking about Kryptis and Nayos, it seems all too obvious.


Edited by Kalythsu.8350
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1 hour ago, Kalythsu.8350 said:
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Mursaats could be back in Nayos,  their homeland maybe! ^^ Why do I say that? Because in the Wizard Tower, 2 NPC (Archivist Maizy and Nearwill) discover Mabon's origins and are shocked to find out which world the Mursaats come from, and given that we're talking about Kryptis and Nayos, it seems all too obvious.


In "strength of the Unseen" Madon outright talks about Mursaat being exiled to Tyria.

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Isles of Janthir would be awesome, I'm very excited to see where future expansions take us. But I've seen a theory said by a few people about the next couple expansions being loosely tied together by the presence of one or more Astral Ward characters.  It's possible if that's true that the demon story would conclude with big Mursaat lore and a Janthir expansion since Mabon was a major part of SOTO.  We could also get that area and lore even without the demons being a link through expansions idea coming true

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