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Are we loosing him ? Mighty teapot

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1 hour ago, IndigoSundown.5419 said:

Not that I'm a big Teapot fan, but blaming him for elitist game behavior is unfair.  There have been complaints about elitism in GW2 going back to just after launch.  Elitist behavior was both attacked and defended in many other games long before GW2 launched.  I saw both sides of the elitism argument long before I ever heard of Teapot.

From what few Teapot vids I've watched, he seems more of a moderate.  I've seen him do vids on low-intensity builds which are arguably more casual-friendly.  I've seen him call for his fellow elite players to be more inclusive.  Why?  Because doing so will grow the number of players who want harder content.

I agree.  What I really mean is his behavior and stance on the community is enabling degeneracy and create more problems than they fix.  As an elitist-gone-casual, I respect him a lot.  His crusade to defend the Soo-Wan meta was monumental, and I wish he would have won that battle.  It would have changed a lot for the better.  But the people that misinterpret and take his principles to extremes are what's eroding the community... and peddling that the entirety of GW2 is an army of peepos with 45 IQs that drool all over the place and speak in moans just because they refuse to do instanced content.

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teapot is a good content creator. I’ve seen some of his stuff, but it’s not quite my preference. if I want to watch streams or videos I go for mukluk as his humor is closer to my own goofy humor. And his editor is really funny as well. A good team.

Op is giving content creators way too much power here. These streamers are not the reason why half of the new players start the game. I have not met one person that say they started playing the game because of them. People who are already playing the game and is quite engaged with it are the ones who will watch these things. 

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I don't care about the streamers, most of them bought the expansion, got a partnership deal to stream the expansion, twitch drops got them to overplay the content... so they made the money and exhausted everything they want to do with SotO. It's not a big expansion (maybe 15-20 hours) and if you are waiting for "hard" content it might never come. IF Teapot (or any streamer who does GW2 content) decides to go play other games we should encourage that. I don't want to estimate what kind of hours most of the creators did with the expansion and the drop campaign (I'm against twitch drops), but it was probably unhealthy EVEN for a game with legendaries and collectibles like GW2.

When you step back, their opinions are not any more valid than people who come to the forums, they might write the guides everyone follows in what builds to use and how to prioritize content (shame the one soul who didn't play PvP because I took what I knew and played while they stood in unranked spawn), but they are NOT the lifeblood that keeps the servers full and the experience memorable for those who do play. Streamers just get paid for it, we work a 9-5 and get the same enjoyment to stop whenever we want.

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34 minutes ago, flyingplanet.6912 said:

Apparently not. The quality of their update went down drastically after the layoffs. If only the people from different project got fired, it doesn't explain why their subsequent updates and expansions feel very hollow compared to PoF and HoT

To be perfectly honest those layoff happened so long time ago that I am unsure why you brought them up in the first place. And that is not even taking into the consideration that according to AN communication, they took up alot of employees following PoF success, and the (forced by NCSoft) layoffs have nuked the studio to basically pre-pof size.

Doesn't change the fact that just before they happened those... two? three? years ago does not invalidate the fact, that GW2 bloomed after they got rid of Colin following HoT troubled launch.

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17 hours ago, Nightcore.5621 said:

In the newest stream he says he been playing alot og wow myth raid lately .. we cant loose him to world of Warcraft.

Rest assured, it's very unlikely you'd lose him to WoW.

As someone who watches entirely too much Twitch for their own good, I can tell you that he (like most GW2 streamers) has very little relative traction when playing anything other than GW2.

On top of this, the WoW content creation scene is oversaturated, and so if he did decide he was done with GW2 and tried to make the switch, it would likely take him years to grow to even half his level of viewership and influence in that game as he has here with GW2. And this isn't flame, this is true of practically all streamers on Twitch. It's super hard to switch games when you've built your platform as a mono-gamer, and those who pull it off are either leagues beyond everyone else on the platform when it comes to personality/production quality or are god gamers who can take the "I'm one of the best players in this game easy, you should come watch me" route to acquiring acclaim and viewership in any game they like. They can also get lucky and just have a networking in, but I digress.

Teapot is good at video games (I think?, I'm actually not sure how he stacks up outside of GW2 in competitive settings), and he has personality, but it would be a hard road for him in content creation to abandon GW2 for an already established scene, and as someone who used to watch him a lot, he doesn't strike me as the type of person who could just walk away from streaming altogether and be satisfied with that.

He's tried to leave for WoW before, and it didn't work out and he came back; because despite his best efforts, he likes GW2 a lot. But he should do what makes him feel happy, and hopefully he finds a way to love GW2 for what it is and will be, and not for the dream of what he believes it should or could be.

...And there's nothing wrong with him playing, enjoying, and making content for multiple games. lol. Not sure why we're dramatizing an MMO player playing more than one MMO. 

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Strike CM's are coming. It's for people like him. Let us enjoy our casual stuff. I play all raid, fractal, strike (sometime CMs) and I definitely don't want to play hard every time I play. 90% of time, I am just doing casual stuff casual way.

I watch his video sometime but it's hardly any helpful. Mukluk video is much helpful to me. 😄

Edited by Shadow Chaser.1948
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I learned about him when he started a pvp guild in my wvw world. We had a full server (FSP) linked to a medium population server (UW, my world). Until the next link literally no one could play (cause he filled UW too). I think he was the most hated person in wvw, for those few months. After that UW became a bandwagon trash tier T1 world (cause of night PPT) and there were no commanders I could do zerg fights with anymore.

Don't really have an opinion, have never watched his videos and everyone is free to play what they want. Just decided to share my experience with the person.

Edited by Hotride.2187
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I'm sure many players would like harder content, as long as it is based around their own time, ie solo content.

The problem of raids and strikes it isn't them being hard, it is them requiring 10 ppl.

I play games like the soul series or monster hunter, I'm not interested in playing raids, not because they are hard but because I don't have the time to coordinate schedules with 9 other ppl.

And dragons end was just slightly overturned and bugged to require squad for proper boons plus requiring almost everyone on the map to be participating. If the map cap was 100 and only 50-60 was required instead of 45 out of the 60 cap there would have been no problems.

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3 hours ago, Knighthonor.4061 said:

iam a vet who is into WvW, yet there is no new gameplay features planned for WvW. We just have Alliance to look forward to, which is just Server Links by a new name

And considering the uptick of wvw population (at least on eu servers) alliances might not even be needed... Just get rid of 3 servers on eu or have 3 sets of 3 linked servers (on eu).

Edited by Swoo.5079
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5 hours ago, garkos.2973 said:

Its really weird how people see casual as = being bad and not liking challenges.

There are a lot of casual players who like to overcome challenges.

It is a waste of my 1h free time to just press 1 and win.


I saw lots of people fighting liadri when it first came out. Casual players don't mind challenge (at least some of them) - they just not want challenge that requires them to organize their play time around others.

If you want organized team challenge content there are other games out there - but as far as I know GW2 has no/little competion on open world content or even WvW.

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22 hours ago, Kozumi.5816 said:

You mean the most successful and profitable period of GW2?

The most well liked period, as well?

Weird that the game was a massive well-liked success and financially sound when they made a game for gamers instead of mobile autobattler enjoyers.

Tell me you were not there at HoT release, without telling me you where not there at HoT release XD

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On 9/1/2023 at 4:11 AM, Swoo.5079 said:

I play games like the soul series or monster hunter, I'm not interested in playing raids, not because they are hard but because I don't have the time to coordinate schedules with 9 other ppl.

^ This. As someone who is often (unwillingly) in the role of coordinating social/work-related activities, the absolute last thing I want to do is wait around for

  • a group to fill,
  • a filled group to actually show up,
  • an everyone-showed-up group to actually be ready to participate in the roles they said they were going to fill, and
  • a properly role-filled group to either learn mechanics or learn to push phase.

In a difficult single player game, only (a version of) the last bullet point matters; once you learn the fight, you're solid. For challenging tasks in multiplayer games, not only do enough people need to actually learn the fight, you have to wait around for them to show up and be ready to play.

There's a saying in Korean thet comes to mind - you don't avoid stepping on dog poop because you're afraid of it, you avoid it because it's gross. Not all of us avoid the harder content because it's intimidating; we avoid it because dealing with groups of players not on the same page is a gross hassle and waste of time.

Several streamers (including Teapot) correctly broadcast the reality that a lot of the hardest fights in the game are mechanically doable by not-the-greatest players. Too bad that doesn't prevent just a few such "doable" fights from taking hours to complete, thanks to the inherent crappiness of moving a group of human beings through any coordinated activity.

Edited by voltaicbore.8012
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18 hours ago, flyingplanet.6912 said:

Apparently not. The quality of their update went down drastically after the layoffs. If only the people from different project got fired, it doesn't explain why their subsequent updates and expansions feel very hollow compared to PoF and HoT

Yeah, you're not the only one who noticed the quality drop, others noticed it too. 

Edited by Gravitron.7982
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7 hours ago, Swoo.5079 said:

I'm sure many players would like harder content, as long as it is based around their own time, ie solo content.

see................ lots of people on forums complaining that Soto don't have a Soon Woon like meta.


trying to catch the "die hards" is the biggest mistake of Anet.,.. where are the die hards doing Jade Sea meta now?

Edited by ugrakarma.9416
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2 hours ago, voltaicbore.8012 said:

Several streamers (including Teapot) correctly broadcast the reality that a lot of the hardest fights in the game are mechanically doable by not-the-greatest players. Too bad that doesn't prevent just a few such "doable" fights from taking hours to complete, thanks to the inherent crappiness of moving a group of human beings through any coordinated activity.

where is he, and the big supporters of Soon Woon meta now? are they in LFG everyday creating squads?


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1 hour ago, ugrakarma.9416 said:

where is he, and the big supporters of Soon Woon meta now? are they in LFG everyday creating squads?


Hardstuck (dont know if him personally) has definitely been running meta trains including Soo Won. Dont know if everyday and havent joined one recently but I am quite sure they are still running it. 

Him and HS are doing a lot of good for the game and community. In all game modes, all dificulties and for everyone to join. 

You know he also hosts fashion events? Which are super cool. You can find them on youtube. They even do all these stuff on both eu and us. 

It always saddens me when players who potentially never even tagged up for the simplest stuff are criticising someone that is doing so much for community just because he also likes and organise events for group content and pvp.  And they say pvp and raiders are toxic but based on these threads there just as much or even more jealous toxic entitled player outside of those modes. 

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