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Amnytas map achievement possible without strike mission?

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If I'm reading the wiki correctly, I need to complete Honorary Astral Ward achievement for Amnytas map mastery. This requires completion of a strike mission for Jotun Skypiercer bow. Is there a way around it? Any hidden achievement that would count? And before you all rush with "strikes are easy" replies, I just want to know if it's possible, I will not do strike for map completion achievement (or for any other reason).

I don't understand this. For Skywatch Archipelago, I had to do 22 out of 28 eligible achievements. Amnytas seems far more restrictive in this regard...

Edited by difens.1326
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As far as I could tell, no, there was no other way than to buckle down and do the strike (not a huge fan of them myself).

I ended up LFGing and joining an 'all welcome, first run' training group and we got it in our first three tries. You'll want to have a healer in your group if you choose to rip this bandaid off and go do it, but generally people seem to be patient and willing to help if you're interested in doing the strike as someone who really doesn't enjoy them/isn't very skilled in combat. The boss does have some mechanics you'll need to pay attention to if you'll want to live through to the end, but you may also be able to be carried through it if your teammates are meaty enough.

All that said, it'd be cool if they added another achievement or two to this map mastery to give people more options; I hate when they make it an exact cutoff like this because it doesn't 'help people discover that they actually love strikes', it just frustrates a portion of players and ensures one of the meta achievements will sit uncompleted or remembered as 'that time I had to lay on the floor while 9 other players killed the boss for 10 minutes'.

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11 hours ago, AgentMoore.9453 said:

All that said, it'd be cool if they added another achievement or two to this map mastery to give people more options; I hate when they make it an exact cutoff like this because it doesn't 'help people discover that they actually love strikes', it just frustrates a portion of players and ensures one of the meta achievements will sit uncompleted or remembered as 'that time I had to lay on the floor while 9 other players killed the boss for 10 minutes'.

I already have such uncompleted meta achievement. IIRC, Shadow In The Ice required not one, but several achievements obtainable only in strike missions. I did all open world ones and was still like 5 short for the completion. Ended up getting the emote in WvW reward track...

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9 hours ago, Molesworth.1684 said:

I really thought Anet had learned their lesson after EoD about trying to force the unwilling to do strikes, but lo and behold, they just have to do it again. I was really enjoying the new expansion too. Very disappointed in you, Anet.

If this "expansion" had a quote, it would be "you are going to play the way we want you to, dammit"

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2 hours ago, difens.1326 said:

I already have such uncompleted meta achievement. IIRC, Shadow In The Ice required not one, but several achievements obtainable only in strike missions. I did all open world ones and was still like 5 short for the completion. Ended up getting the emote in WvW reward track...

Totally the same here.  And there must be thousands of us the same.  The problem is, in the early days I used to try to do everything that Anet put in front of me, but now when there's a strike blocking progress, I just turn away.  It loosens the hold the game has over you, that compulsion to do the achievements.  One day the leash might break altogether.  


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22 hours ago, Molesworth.1684 said:

I really thought Anet had learned their lesson after EoD about trying to force the unwilling to do strikes, but lo and behold, they just have to do it again. I was really enjoying the new expansion too. Very disappointed in you, Anet.

I fully agree with this. I was having fun doing events in Amnytas and completing the achies and just tonight I got it to 12/14 and checked what the last 2 require... and its a strike. Lost my will to play immediately and logged out. Kinda lost my interest in even trying to finish anything there anymore.

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1 hour ago, Ameepa.6793 said:

I fully agree with this. I was having fun doing events in Amnytas and completing the achies and just tonight I got it to 12/14 and checked what the last 2 require... and its a strike. Lost my will to play immediately and logged out. Kinda lost my interest in even trying to finish anything there anymore.

It’s weird that they just changed the turtle acquisition not that long ago so you don’t have to do a strike. Thought it was a sign.

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For what it's worth, from someone who has done two strikes (not repeatedly, two different strikes, one time each), I will say the one you have to do for this is pretty easy. The one for the turtle was a lot harder, and maybe I brought a poor character, and maybe more than half of our team was just like me, so we were all struggling, I don't know.

Two mornings ago, I took a different character, Power Dragonhunter, who I use to do Maw (yeah, I like old world bosses, they are still fun for me), and thought I knew it well enough to try. There were no training missions, so I just joined a normal one and crossed my fingers no one said, "Hey you, can you do the something something with twisting something alacrity something sub something heal whatever?", and I'd be like "uhhhhh". Thankfully, no one said anything to me, and I had watched Mukluk do it a bunch, and paid attention to all the things I was supposed to do and not do, used my active shield when the knives came (figured that was something I could do) and do my burst rotations when it seemed safe to do so.

Went just like the streams/videos I watched, and no one even came close to getting hurt that I could tell. I'm fairly survivable so hard to tell, but no one went down for sure. Could be I was 'terrible' and when I thanked everyone for the strike, no one said anything, and maybe that means I was bad (or it was early, and possibly I was playing with people on the other side of the planet and maybe they didn't understand me). Either way, I got it done easy peasy.

I'm tempted to try it again, see what the next group is like to determine if I was completely carried or contributed at all. It was fun enough. Thinking about learning the second one so I can say I did both. Too chicken to join one of Muks for fear of being really bad. 😊

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9 hours ago, ugrakarma.9416 said:

Dagda strike is very chill if you find 2 good healers.

Just stack group on her, and avoid aoe "nuke" atacks. is less 5~6  minutes.

Far less difficult than any Eod strike, not even close to Minister Li.

Indeed - I'd say there's far more chance of success on Dagda strike, than say, Dragon's End meta, back in the day. And that was required for a bunch of achievements where your progress hinged on 49 other players, some of which were not bothered to pay attention to any sort of mechanics.

At least when you join a strike for either Minister Li, or now Dagda, you have 10 players who all want to succeed - and at least in the latter strike - you have easy, distinct mechanics to manage which makes it manageable for most groups, and even more so if you bring a healer.

I've played a bunch of strikes, and just joined a late night training group (from Training-category in LFG) for this strike, because I didn't know mechanics and went in blind, like a bunch of others did too. We wiped twice - first time due to some unlucky DCs and deaths to AoE; having got her to 20% on the 2nd try (we learned the hard way what failing the CC did 😄) , and then we killed her on the third try. Everyone happy - and if the strike is not your cup of tea - then you've got your achievement and you've spent maybe 30 minutes out of your accumulated playtime of, say, 3000 hours...

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On 9/6/2023 at 1:46 AM, ugrakarma.9416 said:

Dagda strike is very chill if you find 2 good healers.

Just stack group on her, and avoid aoe "nuke" atacks. is less 5~6  minutes.

Far less difficult than any Eod strike, not even close to Minister Li.

Minster Li was horrible not Li per say, but his henchmen ._.

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