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Nerf everything


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1 hour ago, kenzil.5983 said:

Your reply makes me cringe a little idk if that was on purpouse but i will reply anyways.

Most combos can be executed in less then a few seconds and they will kill you even if you have unusual amounts of toughness wich is basically the same as beeing 1 shot

we have only 5 buttons per weapon to begin with game wide + utilities most of the combos require 3-5 of those buttons to be effective. Its not a 1 shot its a combo and the way this game is set up -- to use any profession at full efficiency you have to be good at it. The large majority of players are pooled between silver 2 and gold 1. I would guess around 75%. the split from gold 3 to plat gets smaller the higher you go. So - the tears on the forum are indicative of the masses not having the skills required to react or use the combos available to them - and therefore the majority call for group nerfs. This has happened before and made the game terrible. This is a never-ending marry go-round on this forum. The problem is not the game, the combos, the skill etc. Its the players who continue to blame the game instead of themselves. There is always a problem, according to the forums. Nerfing everything is dumb, get better and learn to deal with it. Or we go through another feb 2020 patch and find ourselves here again just to rinse and repeat. FYI - Idc about any cringing at my post. This entire forum makes me cringe. So there you go. 

1 hour ago, Kuma.1503 said:

Definitions change over time. This is also true when it comes to slang. (For example, Ironic use of the word "literally" is considered correct today)


No they don't and even if they did the definition i provided his current. What he said was its 1 shot and not 1 combo - I said he was wrong and provided actual information on why hes wrong and you're coming to me with "oh the definition changes over time." Are you kidding me? So you're changing to definition of a word now to fit the scenario because in order to stay correct we have to now throw out the definition of actual words and re-write their meaning..? I mean it actually laughable. 

1 hour ago, Kuma.1503 said:

If enough people consistently use a term incorrectly, definitions will shift and that widespread incorrect use becomes correct.


This is the definition of ignorance. Facts dont change because people are doing something incorrectly. Did you read what you wrote there? Oh man. 

Edited by jdawgie.1835
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36 minutes ago, jdawgie.1835 said:

we have only 5 buttons per weapon to begin with game wide + utilities most of the combos require 3-5 of those buttons to be effective. Its not a 1 shot its a combo and the way this game is set up -- to use any profession at full efficiency you have to be good at it. The large majority of players are pooled between silver 2 and gold 1. I would guess around 75%. the split from gold 3 to plat gets smaller the higher you go. So - the tears on the forum are indicative of the masses not having the skills required to react or use the combos available to them - and therefore the majority call for group nerfs. This has happened before and made the game terrible. This is a never-ending marry go-round on this forum. The problem is not the game, the combos, the skill etc. Its the players who continue to blame the game instead of themselves. There is always a problem, according to the forums. Nerfing everything is dumb, get better and learn to deal with it. Or we go through another feb 2020 patch and find ourselves here again just to rinse and repeat. FYI - Idc about any cringing at my post. This entire forum makes me cringe. So there you go. 


No they don't and even if they did the definition i provided his current. What he said was its 1 shot and not 1 combo - I said he was wrong and provided actual information on why hes wrong and you're coming to me with "oh the definition changes over time." Are you kidding me? So you're changing to definition of a word now to fit the scenario because in order to stay correct we have to now throw out the definition of actual words and re-write their meaning..? I mean it actually laughable. 

This is the definition of ignorance. Facts dont change because people are doing something incorrectly. Did you read what you wrote there? Oh man. 

I actually agree with a good chunk of this. nerfing everything again would be dumb. 

People do use attempt to weaponize nerfs as a means of overcoming challenge instead of getting better. Putting definitions aside, I hear what you're saying. 


I bring up definitions changing because, this is a real factual phenomenon that has been documented. Whether it's initially born out of ignorance (people mistakenly using words incorrectly), or whether it's done intentionally, or out of laziness, definitions are born out of utility. If a word misused becomes an effective method of getting a point across to the vast majority of people. If I can say "That combo was a one shot" and 90% of people in the gaming community will understand exactly what I mean. That becomes a new definition. This is how languages evolve over time. 

Apparently, the term originated in FPS games where "One shot" referred to headshots that kill a target instantly. It literally meant 1(one) gunshot. 

Over time, the term spreads to other games and other communities. In these games, people observe moments where their health bar drops quickly. Very quickly. They describe these moments as "being one shot". Not literally in one hit, but so fast that death appeared instant (or near-instant). Over time, people have grown to understand that "One shot" can either describe being killed instantly by a single bullet (the original definition). Or it can describe a "One shot combo" which people will shorten in colloquial speak to simply "one shot". 

League of Legends the single most popular MOBA in the world, and millions of players in that game understand a "One shot" to simply mean dying very quickly. Very VERY few things in that game will literally kill you in one hit. But a lot of champions can kill very quickly. We still call those one shots. 

In the end, what you understand the word to mean can vary based on what your previous gaming background is. I'd argue Urban Dictionary's definition is incomplete. 

Even if you wanted to be a purist about this stuff. People being rigid about definitions are usually only doing it to win an argument or discredit someone. It's the same thing we see when a teacher corrects a student by saying "You did not literally die. You figuratively died". The teacher is technically correct, but also incorrect. Language is weird. 

Anyways,  aruging over definitions just distracts from the points actually being made. /end wall of text. 



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1 hour ago, jdawgie.1835 said:

the tears on the forum are indicative of the masses not having the skills required to react or use the combos available to them - and therefore the majority call for group nerfs. This has happened before and made the game terrible. This is a never-ending marry go-round on this forum. The problem is not the game, the combos, the skill etc. Its the players who continue to blame the game instead of themselves. There is always a problem, according to the forums. Nerfing everything is dumb, get better and learn to deal with it.

This is a really bs take tbh. I was a high gold 3 player nearing plat, so your assumption isn't even valid as it pertains to my post. I like to think I got to gold 3 for a reason, because I know how to play my class. If you think there aren't balance issues in the game, I suggest you pull your head out of the sand and actually look at what happens in a match outside of your own spec.

Edit: Not even to mention the other issues that affect the game mode, probably even worse than balance issues: win trading, afks, bots, exceptionally bad matchmaking, and duo q's.

Edited by Deadmoose.6594
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53 minutes ago, Deadmoose.6594 said:

This is a really bs take tbh. I was a high gold 3 player nearing plat, so your assumption isn't even valid as it pertains to my post

No your not lol. Nearing plat is 1450 or higher - youd be on the leader boards if that were true.  And you claiming to be something your not to invalidate my point actually proves my point. Something else that is true on this game - those with gold 2 to plat or higher elos will very, very frequently see eachother in lobbies. I've seen trevor, Kuma, Master Ketsu, Saiyian (literally yesterday) and so on in game lobbies all the time because of low pop all the gold 3+ players know each other basically,  and see eachother in game. Bittersweet part of the small community is we interact in game really frequently. Ive never even seen you in a lobby let alone a leader board. Dont lie to kick it bro. 

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1 hour ago, Kuma.1503 said:

I bring up definitions changing because, this is a real factual phenomenon that has been documented. Whether it's initially born out of ignorance (people mistakenly using words incorrectly), or whether it's done intentionally, or out of laziness, definitions are born out of utility. If a word misused becomes an effective method of getting a point across to the vast majority of people. If I can say "That combo was a one shot" and 90% of people in the gaming community will understand exactly what I mean. That becomes a new definition. This is how languages evolve over time. 

Apparently, the term originated in FPS games where "One shot" referred to headshots that kill a target instantly. It literally meant 1(one) gunshot. 

Over time, the term spreads to other games and other communities. In these games, people observe moments where their health bar drops quickly. Very quickly. They describe these moments as "being one shot". Not literally in one hit, but so fast that death appeared instant (or near-instant). Over time, people have grown to understand that "One shot" can either describe being killed instantly by a single bullet (the original definition). Or it can describe a "One shot combo" which people will shorten in colloquial speak to simply "one shot". 

League of Legends the single most popular MOBA in the world, and millions of players in that game understand a "One shot" to simply mean dying very quickly. Very VERY few things in that game will literally kill you in one hit. But a lot of champions can kill very quickly. We still call those one shots. 

In the end, what you understand the word to mean can vary based on what your previous gaming background is. I'd argue Urban Dictionary's definition is incomplete. 

Even if you wanted to be a purist about this stuff. People being rigid about definitions are usually only doing it to win an argument or discredit someone. It's the same thing we see when a teacher corrects a student by saying "You did not literally die. You figuratively died". The teacher is technically correct, but also incorrect. Language is weird. 

Anyways,  aruging over definitions just distracts from the points actually being made. /end wall of text. 

 want to show you the same respect you showd me. I read your post from start to finish. Thank you for responding the way you did. All I can really say to this is fair enough I see your point. Well put.

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@Deadmoose.6594 i gotta say @jdawgie.1835 is correct..... but also incorrect. The Game IS power creeped. But its also balanced right now. This Game got too many boons, blinds, invulns, dodges, dmgy defensives and this could be hard overwhelming for new Players. But in terms of Balance between the classes .... this Game is actually as it Stands now in the best time it ever was and you can't denie this. You pretty mutch could see it by how many Builds and classes are in the meta rn ^^

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14 hours ago, Endorphin.9147 said:

 I hate it when people say nerf everything, but never provides feedback on what even needs to be nerfed. It just makes them sound like they dont know what they are talking about.  There are things definitely over preforming but there are specs that also are just super terrible to play in pvp that people are basically throwing playing them.

Im starting to think the combat is just overwhelming some of you gold 1 or lower players.

As I said everything, some more than others but everything. There is no need to go into detail what needs more what needs less atm, since devs do not read this forum and even if: they are obviously not willing to balance the game to be less casual and provide a competitive and skillful game. As long as we have current devs I do not waste my time for a detailed essay.  It also makes no sense when 99% of the player base and incompetent ex player devs  do not even understand simple balance basics (balance rules and logic). 

What you are doing is comparing one broken thing with another broken thing and say: "this is more broken, so nerf this because the less broken thing feels horrible to play compared to the more broken" . But you miss that you then still have 2 broken things, now just equally broken. And both still braindead playable. 

Good balance is not only to have everything near equally broken, good balance is to have variety of builds/ classes close in viability to each other but on an overall (game wide) not broken and braindead lvl.

Also some of you guys missing that there are currently 2 types of player calling for nerfs:

1. the newbies/ badies cannot deal with a fast paced less tank meta and

2. the really good players who stop/ stopped playing the game because it is too easy to play and has no competition. 

And we 3. have some mid tier heroes trying to defend the current games state and think it's skilled because it is not too tanky, while all you need to survive is to spam chain your insanely power creeped arsenal of defense. The moment you nerf power creeped dmg even a tiny bit, so you cannot kill in short time, the power creeped amount of defense will make every mid tier pleb with more reaction time than a 90yo grandma near immortal. Because sustain/ defense, resustain and mobility is so power creeped as well. 

It is really not that hard to understand. 

Edited by CK rimeiller.5014
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13 hours ago, melcor.1094 said:

It is quite the opposite for most good players i know. Serious tryhard pvp player either never started to play GW2 in the first place or just stopped sooner or later since this game has nothing to offer for a player with a fair and competitive mindset and an actual talented skill cap and the demand to not be carried by build but shine by skill only.

I personally don't mind the current bursty style, it is way better than the bunker nonsense we had here and there but its also far away from providing a high skill requirement.

I myself got bored by this game for quite a while already because it is just so easy to play, even builds that are not at the top of brokenness are spammy and forgiving to play. This has not only but a lot to do with the power creep of every aspect of the game. Means only nerfing traits/skills/builds that are even more overperforming than others, while the whole game is in a state where it needs a full reset to delete inflation, will not help in the long run. 

I would go so far to say, that only mediocre to bad pvp player would think this game is skill intense. And only ppl who don't mind to play only highly casual without the need to feel challenged skillwise can enjoy pvp to some extent. And only wannabe goods and wintraders who don't care to build up a way too big ego not the slightest related to their actual skill lvl would waste time to take GW2 PvP serious and tryhard in PvP. 

Very well said. Glad to see I am not alone. Same to @Myror.7521

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8 hours ago, CK rimeiller.5014 said:

As I said everything, some more than others but everything. There is no need to go into detail what needs more what needs less atm, since devs do not read this forum and even if: they are obviously not willing to balance the game to be less casual and provide a competitive and skillful game. As long as we have current devs I do not waste my time for a detailed essay.  It also makes no sense when 99% of the player base and incompetent ex player devs  do not even understand simple balance basics (balance rules and logic). 

What you are doing is comparing one broken thing with another broken thing and say: "this is more broken, so nerf this because the less broken thing feels horrible to play compared to the more broken" . But you miss that you then still have 2 broken things, now just equally broken. And both still braindead playable. 

Good balance is not only to have everything near equally broken, good balance is to have variety of builds/ classes close in viability to each other but on an overall (game wide) not broken and braindead lvl.

Also some of you guys missing that there are currently 2 types of player calling for nerfs:

1. the newbies/ badies cannot deal with a fast paced less tank meta and

2. the really good players who stop/ stopped playing the game because it is too easy to play and has no competition. 

And we 3. have some mid tier heroes trying to defend the current games state and think it's skilled because it is not too tanky, while all you need to survive is to spam chain your insanely power creeped arsenal of defense. The moment you nerf power creeped dmg even a tiny bit, so you cannot kill in short time, the power creeped amount of defense will make every mid tier pleb with more reaction time than a 90yo grandma near immortal. Because sustain/ defense, resustain and mobility is so power creeped as well. 

It is really not that hard to understand. 

So some things I want to point out. A lot of the good players didn't stop playing the game cause it was easy. 

The game actually did have a pro league but it died out because of boring bunker metas where matches ended in timers and it was never fixed in time. (ESL actually pulled away from this game cause of this)

There are also a lot of underhanded stuff in the past that a couple teams would do to gain advantages in anything competitive without ever being punished for it. Which would kill the drive of some people to want to compete

Another factor is that mmos in general for competitive settings are hard to watch compared to something like street fighter or a fps game where those are easier to watch. It ends up being super niche which makes it less likely esports and a viewership will stick.

The game mode has been on life support for a while sadly. People who used to compete want actual rewards and real tournaments. You just wont get that here anymore. Just clout for some gif image over your head or titles.


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1 hour ago, Endorphin.9147 said:

The game actually did have a pro league but it died out because of boring bunker metas where matches ended in timers and it was never fixed in time. (ESL actually pulled away from this game cause of this)

I was here for this and the amount of bitter laughing I do whenever people go "lets try bunker meta again, itll work this time" is probably more than is healthy.

A very specific group of people would rather bore their opponents to death than research why they downed and figure out how to avoid the situation that led to that down. A very specific group of people want their build to compensate for the fact that they're too lazy to create (This class I hate fighting) or read the wiki on (This class I hate fighting), and they'd rather keep trying that forever than do the easier thing.  It's obvious who these people are, because they can't itemize why they're so frustrated with an interaction or attribute abilities a class doesn't have to it as a justification for why the class is broken and needs action taken against it. 

Learning that is part of the game. If you think not knowing how to interact with certain classes should result in the game being made easier until you can, you don't want balance, you want a handicap.

You may not like getting deleted by a DPS build or getting kept in the shadow realm by a hammer after you press all your stunbreaks, but I  guarantee nobody would like fighting the build it would take to keep you alive if you are determined to not avoid anything or learn how to respond to quick incoming damage.

Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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1 hour ago, Azure The Heartless.3261 said:

Learning that is part of the game. If you think not knowing how to interact with certain classes should result in the game being made easier until you can, you don't want balance, you want a handicap.

You may not like getting deleted by a DPS build or getting kept in the shadow realm by a hammer after you press all your stunbreaks, but I  guarantee nobody would like fighting the build it would take to keep you alive if you are determined to not avoid anything or learn how to respond to quick incoming damage.

1 hour ago, Azure The Heartless.3261 said:

It's obvious who these people are, because they can't itemize why they're so frustrated with an interaction or attribute abilities a class doesn't have to it as a justification for why the class is broken and needs action taken against it. 


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4 hours ago, Endorphin.9147 said:

So some things I want to point out. A lot of the good players didn't stop playing the game cause it was easy. 

The game actually did have a pro league but it died out because of boring bunker metas where matches ended in timers and it was never fixed in time. (ESL actually pulled away from this game cause of this)

There are also a lot of underhanded stuff in the past that a couple teams would do to gain advantages in anything competitive without ever being punished for it. Which would kill the drive of some people to want to compete

Another factor is that mmos in general for competitive settings are hard to watch compared to something like street fighter or a fps game where those are easier to watch. It ends up being super niche which makes it less likely esports and a viewership will stick.

The game mode has been on life support for a while sadly. People who used to compete want actual rewards and real tournaments. You just wont get that here anymore. Just clout for some gif image over your head or titles.


I play the game since release and know about the esl times. This game was a joke in terms of competition and skill lvl even back then, sadly... I think it would have deserved better, in particular because it had potential to be a very good pvp game also as mmo. 

I also know about the official reason for the esl exit, meanwhile i believe GW2 got kicked because of the cheating and manipulation including devs at that time and Anet payed to keep that private.. Better blame bunker chrono since they hate mesmer anyway xD Ofc only a guess based on the common knowledge about cheating/ manipulating happend during esl. But it shows that you never rly could take GW2 serious as a competitive game even in its best esl times.

Never said all player stopped because of the low skill demand, some of them just care about winning and dont mind to use the most braindead stuff and how low the skill demand actually is. Those semi competitive minded players mostly quit because wintraded titles and sold gizmos or gizmos got by kissing the right players backside to become friends and get carried or being the one eyed amoung blinds isn't that glorious and a waste of time. Some just quit because game felt stale for too long. Some for all reasons together.

But the pvp player you can built a healthy and hyped competitive scene around left for the most part, often without ever joining esl or never joining GW2 at all.. You know, those players you as average player can be impressed by, by their skill lvl in a game that actually needs skill, ppl with honor, dignity and fairplay. Instead we just have ppl who are only appearing good because they win with low effort in a casual noobcarry game with barely any playerbase (means even at the top the quality of players and build crafting was lacking ever since GW2 release). And even under those circumstanced they fear real competition that hard, that they destroyed upcoming new teams with potential by recruiting ppl out of them until they split, so they never play together long enough to become a threat. You have to understand one thing: It is not even the individual skill lvl being the gap, its the long term experience as a team what makes USA/R55 dominating.

It is not like some ppl (for example Boyce or Drazeh) would not have the potential (at least i guess, you cant be sure since GW2 never rly had that competitive lvl and most of them look way less competent when they are not carried by unhealthy mechanics) but they simply cannot reach their own skill cap since there are not enough ppl to compete with and to improve while facing each other. And when those ppl then even only play braindead/ broken meta since they hate to lose because of build disadvantage, then there is no good training for them to improve over a certain lvl. There is no skill demand for them, neither by better enemies, nor by playing skill demanding stuff. So they become more and more rusty over time without even realizing. Boyce is so addicted that he doesnt care. Others just left.  

Anyway the balance in this game is bad since longer and the game is far away from being challenging. I am happy for every casual can still enjoy this game and its fine. But there is zero ground to built any form of ego about it. Most active player who are currently at the top would not get out of gold in a game with competitive and big playerbase and skillful balance. 

And i am not trying to be mean, negative, trashtalky or arrogant here. It just is what it is. 

Edited by CK rimeiller.5014
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22 hours ago, CK rimeiller.5014 said:

Very well said. Glad to see I am not alone. Same to @Myror.7521

For real. Whenever I see someone unironically putting top 250 or streamers or pros or whatever on a pedestal I feel like I've been taking crazy pills. I'm pretty sure even the devs realize / are leaning into GW2's niche as the refuge for people who couldn't get carried by a build hard enough in literally any other game, and are now, in lieu of actual balance, just rotating which of the meta builds with a skill sub-sub-basement gets to be hilariously busted this patch cycle as a way to "shake up the meta".

Edited by Sweetbread.3678
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23 hours ago, Sweetbread.3678 said:

Fjust rotating which of the meta builds with a skill sub-sub-basement gets to be hilariously busted this patch cycle as a way to "shake up the meta".

Indeed feels like it. Lot of the balance decisions were so bad every player with 2 braincells left and a minimum of game knowledge could see without live testing, that it will be unhealthy and/ or busted. Seems to be on purpose, no one, not even current devs who are very bad, can be that bad at balancing :classic_laugh:

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This is a 3 years old video and what has nerfing has resolved? Absolutely Nothing! PvP has gotten worse


Why Years and Years With The Same Problems Keeps Coming Back?  Because Nerfing Does Not Repair Bad Design!!






Until than, there will not be any reasons to play against botters, farmers and exploiters because they will be the ones left playing PvP.  

Even wintraders will get tired with the little remains of PvP...than will leave the game.


Edited by Burnfall.9573
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"Nerf everything" does not only mean number changes, it ncludes changing unhealthy mechanics to be less unhealthy and busted. Dude, you can calm down. 

Edit: Did not open the link before, but this video does not even proof anything in regard of the topic. Some newbie got frustrated with a game he was still overwhelmed by and not good at all.  But it is a good proof how narrowed, reta-kitten and toxic a big part of the little pvp community in gw2 is (q sniping a newcomer like wtf) 

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1 hour ago, CK rimeiller.5014 said:

"Nerf everything" does not only mean number changes, it ncludes changing unhealthy mechanics to be less unhealthy and busted. Dude, you can calm down. 

If this is true, go back 10 years of Guild Wars 2 History and find how many times we have been here before with having to deal with the same problems over and over again? You will find 80% of what existed in the past, is happening now but more

How about if I tell you that, Power Creep has increased from 20k-40k+ How is that healthy?



To remove what is unhealthy is to remove-redesign/reword its root cause; if the root cause is already infected rework.

You nerf things if the problems does not continue to exist for a long time. 


Anet has a Bad Reputation of ignoring The Community concerns by leaving Unhealthy Mechanics, Builds, Designs... for months and months....if not, close to a year...by allowing it to wreck Havok

"The Longer You Ignore The Problem, The Bigger It Gets To Treat, It No Longer Become A Symptom But The Root Cause Of The Problem"

 So, how do you remove a root cause of a problem?

You Remove It!!

(Example: just like tooth, if you ignore the surface cavity for so long, what happens? the cavity deepens into the root until it starts to rot the tooth. No amount of cleaning (nerfing) will treat the toot because the cavity has reached the root. So...the only solution to resolving the cavity tooth is to remove the tooth)

The Community had warned Anet since the beginning of what what would happen if they continue with Power Creep, Unhealthy Toxic Competition, Profession; Favoritism-Bias and allowing repetitive problems to resurface and continue; over and over and over again with hundreds  of posted threads, posts, hard evidences...pleading them to take our concerns seriously with risking forum punishments-bans

What was Anet response? They ignored us 

-Just because PvP including WvW, does not bring income like PvE, Raids, Elitism...we do not deserve to be treated as 'peasants' begging for Attention, Validation, Recognition-


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On 9/18/2023 at 5:33 PM, CK rimeiller.5014 said:

Anyway the balance in this game is bad since longer and the game is far away from being challenging. I am happy for every casual can still enjoy this game and its fine. But there is zero ground to built any form of ego about it. Most active player who are currently at the top would not get out of gold in a game with competitive and big playerbase and skillful balance. 

This part here is VERY true. I forgot what his name is because it has been so long, but that one top player that mained mesmer? I vaguely remember hearing that he went to Smite with his team and got roflstomp'd into the floor. Never made it into any competitive scene, because the people that were not exactly professional, but still really good in Smite were way better than those guys. 

I cannot recall his name for the life of me, but that is one clear example that a lot of top players here in gw2 wouldn't even scratch the surface to ACTUAL PvP games. 

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36 minutes ago, Dreams.3128 said:

This part here is VERY true. I forgot what his name is because it has been so long, but that one top player that mained mesmer? I vaguely remember hearing that he went to Smite with his team and got roflstomp'd into the floor. Never made it into any competitive scene, because the people that were not exactly professional, but still really good in Smite were way better than those guys. 

I cannot recall his name for the life of me, but that is one clear example that a lot of top players here in gw2 wouldn't even scratch the surface to ACTUAL PvP games. 

Playing smite competitively and playing gw2 conquest or any mmo pvp really is so completely different that the outcome u stated is of 0 suprise. 

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