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Any advice for a new player?


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Okay okay I know there is a lot of those threads here. But havn't found one who are about my exact problem.
I describe me as a new player because of my genrel knowlage about the game.

So for some years back I decided to buy GW2. Made my Warrior Charr, by seeing a video. I got to play him to up about level 18. with Heart Quests, then I stopped for years. I met a friend in another MMO(ESO) who also played GW2. And because of him I wanted to give it ago again. I bought Hearts of Thorns and Path of Fire. We had fun but because of our different active hours, we stopped playing together. He was also alot infront of me in content and already had okay gear and was level 80. Also in the same period I decided to use my level 80 boost dumbest decision I have made. We lost contact and I was back to make Heart quests until I stopped.

I again found one trough an MMO(WoW). My old GM who also played GW2 so again I wanted to try to give GW2 a chance again. At the beginning I was playing a Ranger and I finally tought this was my time to get into the game but I did my Heart Quests until I lost interest in that character. I started a Mesmer. Super awesome class. But because I decided to do the Heart Quests again this time as a Human instead of a Charr I again lost the interrest in the game. So atm I have 3 toons that is level 80. A Warrior, Mesmer and Ranger. All ended their adventure to too many Heart Quests in a row. Where the mesmer and warrior both got a 80 boost but the Ranger is level 80 on pure Heart Quests and exploration. All 3 toons had that in common that I made Heart Quest until I lost the interrest in the toon.

So what I wanna ask the community for is some tips to get som variation in the content. I liked the story of GW2 but again, the quests is usally locked behind Levels that links to why I did the Heart Quests. Also is there a way to get to know when im ready to try to make dungeons or is this just pure try and error and hope I was ready so I dont waste my groups time. The reason to why I ask is becuase last time I played I got told that the dungeons requirements wasn't always the best formulated and could be harder then a typical level 30 would be for the Ascalonian Catacombs. This is also a reason to why I just did the Heart Quests instead, other then that I just dont know what the game has to offer

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Heart quests aren't even content in the true sense of the word. Just ignore them if you don't find them fun. Dynamic events are what you're looking for. Try typing /wiki ET in the game and look at the boss timer. That will give you some idea of the bigger boss fights going on at any given time. Do the orange events on your map, many of them will fill in hearts incidentally. Hearts were added to let people know where dynamic events spawns. There are also jumping puzzles, mini dungeons and story quest every ten levels. Hope this helps.

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35 minutes ago, Vayne.8563 said:

Heart quests aren't even content in the true sense of the word. Just ignore them if you don't find them fun. Dynamic events are what you're looking for. Try typing /wiki ET in the game and look at the boss timer. That will give you some idea of the bigger boss fights going on at any given time. Do the orange events on your map, many of them will fill in hearts incidentally. Hearts were added to let people know where dynamic events spawns. There are also jumping puzzles, mini dungeons and story quest every ten levels. Hope this helps.

Thanks. So all the time I have tried to get into the game I have done it wrong hmm.
I also just tried to sign up for the Ascalonian Catacombs after I wrote before. and it was nice. I have decided to continue on the Ranger I had.

Thanks for the advice 

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2 hours ago, Liccao.8759 said:

So what I wanna ask the community for is some tips to get som variation in the content. I liked the story of GW2 but again, the quests is usally locked behind Levels that links to why I did the Heart Quests. Also is there a way to get to know when im ready to try to make dungeons or is this just pure try and error and hope I was ready so I dont waste my groups time. The reason to why I ask is becuase last time I played I got told that the dungeons requirements wasn't always the best formulated and could be harder then a typical level 30 would be for the Ascalonian Catacombs. 

   You can get access to dungeons from level 30, starting from Ascalon Catacombs and then a new one each ten levels or so. Dungeons have a story mode (usually easier) and ~3 explorable paths which get unlocked once you finish the story mode (you can enter in explorable modes without having the story mode, but you can't start a group for the explorable mode unless you did the story mode).

   Dungeons are a bit hard if you're new with the game, but trivial if you're a seasoned veteran. Some explorable paths are soloable (other require more people to do some mechanics) but in general the power creep after 4 expansions is so big that a well made OW build would smash the content playing alone.

   Leveling is really easy and fast. Aside from using boosters or knownledge tomes, a character will rise from 1 to 80 in ~20-24 hours, just exploring maps (vistas, points of interest, waypoints... ) whitout even doing the hearts. That's a good way to earn familiarity with a class or build; it usually allows you to complete 75% of the world map when you finish the last three ones (Straits of Devastation, Malchor's Leap and Cursed Coast).

   Task to do:

*  First rise a character to 80.

*  Rise a couple of (related) crafting skills to 500.

*  Gear your character in full exotics (berserker for power builds, carrion or dire for condi builds, celestial works for almost every class).

*  If you have expansions, unlock the Raptor in the first chaper of PoF, then gliding at the beginning of HoT, then Sringer in PoF, Skyscale in SotO. Farm Hero Points in PoF and first map in EoD since most are easy to navigate (HoT requires a lot of Masteries to reach some points).

* Play Fractals and other instanced content. If you like PvP/WvW, those are fantastic places to get knonledge tomes, trasmutation charges and lots of stuff.

* Start developing alts. Even if you main a single character, alts arte excellent mules and good earners as parking farmers.

* Once you get access to Season 3, 4 and Icebrood Saga maps get your ascended trinkets from there.

* As end game goals start to work into crafting your first legendary armor set. As with the mounts and other masteries the quality of life of legendary gear is amazing. It takes time, but that's perfect because you have choices and allows to progress while having FUN.

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If you're not after the exploration item, then just don't do anything you have no fun.

If I level by playing then I play the personal story and explore a bit in-between, without the hearts, just the rest. And do some events/metas.

Also you should find a guild to find people to play with and to learn what content there is. Level 80 is just the start of the game.
Usually I boost my chars to 80 to get playing. But I use exp books.

Edited by Lucy.3728
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8 hours ago, Liccao.8759 said:

Okay okay I know there is a lot of those threads here. But havn't found one who are about my exact problem.
I describe me as a new player because of my genrel knowlage about the game.

So for some years back I decided to buy GW2. Made my Warrior Charr, by seeing a video. I got to play him to up about level 18. with Heart Quests, then I stopped for years. I met a friend in another MMO(ESO) who also played GW2. And because of him I wanted to give it ago again. I bought Hearts of Thorns and Path of Fire. We had fun but because of our different active hours, we stopped playing together. He was also alot infront of me in content and already had okay gear and was level 80. Also in the same period I decided to use my level 80 boost dumbest decision I have made. We lost contact and I was back to make Heart quests until I stopped.

I again found one trough an MMO(WoW). My old GM who also played GW2 so again I wanted to try to give GW2 a chance again. At the beginning I was playing a Ranger and I finally tought this was my time to get into the game but I did my Heart Quests until I lost interest in that character. I started a Mesmer. Super awesome class. But because I decided to do the Heart Quests again this time as a Human instead of a Charr I again lost the interrest in the game. So atm I have 3 toons that is level 80. A Warrior, Mesmer and Ranger. All ended their adventure to too many Heart Quests in a row. Where the mesmer and warrior both got a 80 boost but the Ranger is level 80 on pure Heart Quests and exploration. All 3 toons had that in common that I made Heart Quest until I lost the interrest in the toon.

So what I wanna ask the community for is some tips to get som variation in the content. I liked the story of GW2 but again, the quests is usally locked behind Levels that links to why I did the Heart Quests. Also is there a way to get to know when im ready to try to make dungeons or is this just pure try and error and hope I was ready so I dont waste my groups time. The reason to why I ask is becuase last time I played I got told that the dungeons requirements wasn't always the best formulated and could be harder then a typical level 30 would be for the Ascalonian Catacombs. This is also a reason to why I just did the Heart Quests instead, other then that I just dont know what the game has to offer

As it's already been mentioned, Renown Hearts are not even content on their own, they are part of a larger goal which is map completion, pretty much everyone finds them bring, so don't think you're alone in that. If you already have multiple lvl 80 characters you should be looking into more things like dungeons (as you mentioned), Fractals ( Basically lvl 80 dungeons with progressive difficulty), Meta events/World Bosses (More engaging than your average open world events with better rewards), Story (If you feel like it, nothing is necessary) and later one you can look into Competitive game modes (PvP,WvW) and 10 player instanced content (Raids/Strikes). 

If you want to try out a new class you can always create a new character and enter the PvP lobby to scale to lvl 80 with all your skills and traits unlocked, so you can test out how each class plays without needing to go through the leveling process. 

Also find a cause and work on something greater than roaming around doing whatever you see in front of you, try working towards a legendary, or towards maxing out your mastery rank, or maybe some achievements, that way you'll get the incentive to do content which in turn will reveal more content that you might be interested in. 

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26 minutes ago, jason.1083 said:

As it's already been mentioned, Renown Hearts are not even content on their own, they are part of a larger goal which is map completion, pretty much everyone finds them bring, so don't think you're alone in that. If you already have multiple lvl 80 characters you should be looking into more things like dungeons (as you mentioned), Fractals ( Basically lvl 80 dungeons with progressive difficulty), Meta events/World Bosses (More engaging than your average open world events with better rewards), Story (If you feel like it, nothing is necessary) and later one you can look into Competitive game modes (PvP,WvW) and 10 player instanced content (Raids/Strikes). 

If you want to try out a new class you can always create a new character and enter the PvP lobby to scale to lvl 80 with all your skills and traits unlocked, so you can test out how each class plays without needing to go through the leveling process. 

Also find a cause and work on something greater than roaming around doing whatever you see in front of you, try working towards a legendary, or towards maxing out your mastery rank, or maybe some achievements, that way you'll get the incentive to do content which in turn will reveal more content that you might be interested in. 

Okay that with PvP to test new classes was tbh a super nice advice thanks for the tip 🙂
I have decided to try out the dungeons I haven't been into yet. So basicly all of them atm.
I am also my way to earn some gold so I can make my Craftings. Found out that because I decided to play my ranger I should go for Leatherworker and Huntsman. I think my other toons can go other professions so I can cover that part too later but as it is for now im playing the ranger I made. and I tbh have alot of fun with him.

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8 hours ago, Liccao.8759 said:

Okay that with PvP to test new classes was tbh a super nice advice thanks for the tip 🙂
I have decided to try out the dungeons I haven't been into yet. So basicly all of them atm.
I am also my way to earn some gold so I can make my Craftings. Found out that because I decided to play my ranger I should go for Leatherworker and Huntsman. I think my other toons can go other professions so I can cover that part too later but as it is for now im playing the ranger I made. and I tbh have alot of fun with him.

Glad I could help, about the crafting professions though, you're correct about Leatherworker on Ranger, medium class makes medium armor, but keep in mind that the weapons are a different story, here's an example: Although I play Engineer, I use Sword and Shield, so I went for Weaponsith instead of Huntsman, keep that in mind when you level your first deciplines, it might favor you to pick something over Huntsman depending upon your choice of weapons.

You can always do multiples ofc, you can level all crafting deciplines on 1 character if you want, only 2 (up to 4) can be active at a time though.

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17 hours ago, Buran.3796 said:

If you have expansions, unlock the Raptor in the first chaper of PoF

This is no longer necessary.  Accounts with any of the Elder Dragon Saga expansions: Heart of Thorns, Path of Fire or End of Dragons unlocked will be granted permanent access to the basic raptor mount after they reach level 10 on a single character.


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 ^ I though that the initial access expired after the first ten hours of use as in the free accounts. Anyway, the raptor (as the other mounts) without the unlocking of the masteries has less mobility than is its "final form", so my advice still will be to unlock and evolve the mounts and as soon as possible, since they are a game changing experience.

Edited by Buran.3796
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