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Disconnecting from game and infinity loading screens


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Since last patch, I have problems with the game all the time to the point where doing content requiring swtiching maps (fractals/raids/achivement runs/...) is not possible anymore. I had no issues before and the only thing which has changed was last patch.

Problems are as follows:

- multiple switches between characters is casing error which is terminating the game,

- swtiching maps more than 3-4 times is causing infite loading screen,

- sometime when I exit the game it crashes.


I have tested what will happen if I left the game in loading screen loop for longer time and I got error code: 7:0:0:1061:101.


I already tried to remove the game and reinstalling it, reseting both PC and router few times, running the game as administrator... noone of this solved the issue.

What is more, when game crashes / freeze when I am leaving fractal and want to enter lobby after it kicked me out it says instance is full... someone needs to get out of the lobby so I can enter - it is both anoying for me and my party members.


I would appraciate support in solving this issue as this game slowly is starting to be unplayable for me.

Thank you in advance for any tips.

Edited by Tazul.7394
Correction of error code
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I'm afraid there's no solution to that problem yet, my friend. I've been getting those for quite a while now and have been nowhere near a resolution. I noticed that this problem occurs more frequently with fuller maps, though it is not restricted to those. Another thing I managed to observe is, you can teleport as much as you like within the same map/server, you will not get disconnected, it happens only after switching maps/servers.

If i'm not mistaken, ArenaNet even recognized the issue on a forum post, but they are still working on it, I guess. This is said topic (created May 3rd).

Nevertheless, if you can find any sort of solution, PLEASE, let me know. Best of luck to us.


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Not sure if this could be a solution for you as well:

" If you are having problems running Guild Wars 2, the data archive may have become corrupted. This can lead to crashes, disconnects, and other issues that disrupt your ability to play, and which need to be repaired before the game runs properly.

Follow these steps to verify and repair your game archive:

Repair Instructions for Windows®

Follow these steps if you are running the game on a Windows operating system:

  1. Locate your Gw2.exe file.
  2. Right-click on the file and select Create shortcut.
  3. Rename this new shortcut to Guild Wars 2 Repair.
  4. Right-click on Guild Wars 2 Repair and select Properties.
  5. Locate the Target line and add –repair to the end. (Example: "C:\Games\Guild Wars 2\gw2.exe" -repair)
  6. Click OK.

Now double-click the Guild Wars 2 Repair shortcut. This will begin repairing your game client automatically. The game will then launch when it is complete.

NOTE: Keep in mind that the verification and repair process will run each time you double-click the Guild Wars 2 Repair shortcut; if you would like to play the game without repairing the archive, double-click on Gw2.exe or another shortcut without the -repair command in the 'Target' line. "


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