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Alternative Fix for WvW instead of Alliances - Make a top 9 servers

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Ok, if alliances is too difficult to implement I have an alternative fix.  We all know the problem is the population distribtion.  Maguuma crushes everyone because they have the most WvW players then any other server.  How do you fix this?  Add more players to the other servers, but we can't do that because the servers are full with PvE players.  So this is another way to fix the problem.

Stop with these server pairing changing every 3 months.  What you do is make a top 9.  Make it so there are ONLY 9 WvW Servers and every other server feeds into these 9 servers.  That means we have 3 WvW maps rotating every week.  There will still be rotations within those 9 but the second servers paired and changing every 3 months will STOP.

What we need is STATIC server pairing.  Make it so that the servers that need more players but are full have static secondary servers, so we all know where to go to help those servers out, essentially making those WvW servers BIGGER.  The top 3 servers, will - not - have a secondary server matched to them because they are already full of WvW Servers.

Here is an example with the top 9 and the full list of 24 servers.  The Tier 1 servers will NOT have a secondary server, the Tier 2 and Tier 3 servers will have 2 servers added to them which DO NOT rotate.

I created a Tier 4 with the 3 bottom servers.  I think having those servers as "non-competitive" practice WvW servers would be a cool idea.  Players who do not play WvW or who just play casually can join those servers and the number of players there will be very low.  Basically like a practice server.

Now Tier 2 and Tier 3 servers can add as many WvW players as they need to match the numbers of the Tier 1 servers and we have more competitive and fair play.

These server pairing - do not change -.  They will remain static so if you want to join SoS or FA or DH, you know which secondary server to join.  Give it a year and see how it goes.  Adjustments can be made once a year if the servers become too imbalanced, they can be updated.


Tier 1   - Competitve

1     Maguuma    - no secondary server, already enough WvW players
2     Isle of Janthir    - no secondary server, already enough WvW players
3     Blackgate    - no secondary server, already enough WvW players


Tier 2  - Competitve
4     Sea of Sorrows    -  10     Yak's Bend ,    11     Ferguson's Crossing    
5     Fort Aspenwood - 12     Eredon Terrace,  13     Borlis Pass    
6     Darkhaven  -   14     Ehmry Bay    , 15     Sanctum of Rall


Tier 3  - Competitve
7     Jade Quarry  - 16     Gate of Madness    , 17     Crystal Desert
8     Anvil Rock - 18     Kaineng    , 19     Northern Shiverpeaks  
9     Tarnished Coast -  20     Sorrow's Furnace    , 21     Henge of Denravi    


Tier 4   - practice WvW servers, they do not rotate in with the other teams.  These servers are for people who do not want to play WvW or who just want to play non-competitive WvW.

22     Dragonbrand    
23     Stormbluff Isle    
24     Devona's Rest

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