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Guardian gives perma block?

Dark Viper.2378

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I have been playing guardian for over 2 months now, but so far some people keeping saying that guardian provides perma block, if thats true then can someone help me with that? All the blocks i know are from "Advance" and F3 abilities, but im not sure those can even come CLOSE to giving PERMA block.

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Outside of Advance and F3, there are quite a few lying around.

Shield 4 is an Aegis proc.
Mace 3 is a "counter" skill that also blocks an attack.

Valor trait, Communal Defenses, gives Aegis, when YOU block an attack. but it has an ICD of 15 seconds.
Virtue trait, Resolute subconscious, gives Aegis when cc'd, ICD 30.

Shelter gives block, not Aegis, for 2 full seconds, as long as you dont cancel it early. 

One of the noticable things is how in PvP/WvW, Firebrand's healing Mantra is an Aegis skill, not Protection.
Firebrand Tome 3 also has Aegis on 5.
Willbender Healing skill is also 2 charge block.

However, you will notice most of these have either decent cds, or some other reason that results in minimal usage.
Sure, Support Firebrand seems to be able to take a lot of Aegis, but its still a very squishy and immobile class in sPvP, you just take down their defenses 1 by 1 like a slasher movie villain and then murder them, and on ANY dps guardian build, taking excessive Aegis just crows out methods to deal with CC and Condi.
So when ppl say that Guardians have perma block, it's usually more exaggeration than anything, becuz not only do most Aegis procs have short duration, they also wear off the instant u are hit by ANY attack.

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Any statment that Guardians have access to perma block are exaggerations, but you do have a lot more access to it passively then most professions do actively.

16 hours ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

The "perma block" referred to is likely the Virtue of Courage passive effect, and it is not "permanent" but very frequent:

15 hours ago, Arken.3725 said:

every 40 seconds isn't "frequent"  And that's only if it's not on CD

40 seconds might not be often, but its a good amount more then nothing. Even in PVP that block has saved Guardians more times then id like in a fight, and thats coming from personal experience fighting them.

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