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Are there any interracial characters in the game?


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@Dyfinz.2348 said:

@Ashen.2907 said:Biology, physics, mathematics, chemistry, and others have all be demonstrated, in game lore, as applicable.

They may indeed have a version of those....but they are far and away from what we know to be true in our world.

Our Earthly science will not kill this concept.

Only the Dev-Above-All can say for sure.

Indeed, Tyrian science is advanced beyond ours in some ways.

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Now to try and remember what I posted before...The wiki said for races that supposedly some Norn in GW1 said that they could've crossbreed with humans, but then the wiki said some devs somewhere said this isn't possible or something.

I mean I can kind of understand, but kind of not either as other games usually do it. Like one game I like has a boy with a beast father and an elf mother and turned out as a hybrid.

Either way, I'm more puzzled if anything on why there's no interracial couples as you don't need to breed to be a couple.

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@Ayumi Spender.1082 said:Now to try and remember what I posted before...The wiki said for races that supposedly some Norn in GW1 said that they could've crossbreed with humans, but then the wiki said some devs somewhere said this isn't possible or something.

I mean I can kind of understand, but kind of not either as other games usually do it. Like one game I like has a boy with a beast father and an elf mother and turned out as a hybrid.

Either way, I'm more puzzled if anything on why there's no interracial couples as you don't need to breed to be a couple.

Oh yes...why not at least have some interracial couples? This is a GREAT point! :D

Kinda reminds me of Star Trek romances

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@Oldirtbeard.9834 said:

@TheQuickFox.3826 said:No, please... :s

I agree this whole thing is disgusting and needs to be purged from this pristine forum to maintain its chastened purity.... so you
want to see Charr-Asuran hybrids?

Just to make it clear, imagine either a really hairy Asuran with a tail and huge underbite, or a massive completely hairless Charr with ears long enough that they flop to the ground as they lean forward and eyes the size of a human.

Just got to make sure we are on the same level of mental images.

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@Dawdler.8521 said:

@Oldirtbeard.9834 said:

@TheQuickFox.3826 said:No, please... :s

I agree this whole thing is disgusting and needs to be purged from this pristine forum to maintain its chastened purity.... so you
want to see Charr-Asuran hybrids?

We have them, they are called cats.

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They don't have the ability to interbreed, although IIRC the developers have said that such relationships, while rare, do happen, and that Sylvari specifically are often more open to dating outside their species as they are naturally curious about their own "equipment" which doesn't have a reproductive function but exists because the pale tree used humans as a template to build them.

Which I always thought was strange. Given the entire backstory we have avaliable now, I always thought it was weird sylvari weren't plant-centaurs in stead of plant-humans since the tree obviously thinks more highly of Ventari than the other guy.

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@PopeUrban.2578 said:They don't have the ability to interbreed, although IIRC the developers have said that such relationships, while rare, do happen, and that Sylvari specifically are often more open to dating outside their species as they are naturally curious about their own "equipment" which doesn't have a reproductive function but exists because the pale tree used humans as a template to build them.

Which I always thought was strange. Given the entire backstory we have avaliable now, I always thought it was weird sylvari weren't plant-centaurs in stead of plant-humans since the tree obviously thinks more highly of Ventari than the other guy.

Would assume they liked the views of Ventari but rather the looks of Ronan.Also, never heard that they HAD "equipment" and always assumed they were barbie dolls with.... nothing. Just the shape.

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@Ayumi Spender.1082 said:

@PopeUrban.2578 said:They don't have the ability to interbreed, although IIRC the developers have said that such relationships, while rare, do happen, and that Sylvari specifically are often more open to dating outside their species as they are naturally curious about their own "equipment" which doesn't have a reproductive function but exists because the pale tree used humans as a template to build them.

Which I always thought was strange. Given the entire backstory we have avaliable now, I always thought it was weird sylvari weren't plant-centaurs in stead of plant-humans since the tree obviously thinks more highly of Ventari than the other guy.

Would assume they liked the views of Ventari but rather the looks of Ronan.Also, never heard that they HAD "equipment" and always assumed they were barbie dolls with.... nothing. Just the shape.

Nope - they got all the fun stuff, and use it for pleasure and bonding; they just don't have the actual reproductive stuff.

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Well there are centaurs in guildwars although it's not confirmed if they actually originate from a very bad human and a very misfortunate pony.

But generally it's said that the sentient races of Tyria are incapable of interracial reproduction.. although it doesn't specify that interracial relationships are not possible so.. have as much fantasy fun with that as you will XD

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@Teratus.2859 said:Well there are centaurs in guildwars although it's not confirmed if they actually originate from a very bad human and a very misfortunate pony.

But generally it's said that the sentient races of Tyria are incapable of interracial reproduction.. although it doesn't specify that interracial relationships are not possible so.. have as much fantasy fun with that as you will XD

Being a Centaur would be amazing in this game.I would spam Swiftness just to be able to say "I Could outrun myself!"

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There's a quest in GW1 where a norn wants to marry your (human) character. At the time the developers clarified that they couldn't actually have children together, but apparently the norn in question didn't know that.

As other people have said interracial couples are possible (although with some pairings I'm not sure everything would line up, but there's always other options) but mixed race children cannot exist. As far as I know the developers have never elaborated on that, whether it's because of generics or what, but apparently it can't happen.

@Fenom.9457 said:

@Dyfinz.2348 said:it can not be inconceivable for there to be half Norn, half Asuran walking around?The chromosomes probably don't match up, so an Asura can't impregnate a Norn. Sylvari are minions of Mordremoth and don't have kids at all. The only one that's "plausible" are norns and humans, but only because they look alike. It's easy to imagine that they aren't cross-fertile.

tl;dr no interracial characters because it's literally
(wait for it...)

I can't figure out pictures under this system but imagine an image of the dude from Princess Bride

I thought the joke was it's inconceivable because an interracial couple in GW2 cannot conceive.

@Coulter.2315 said:I think the reason they got away with it in LotR (and all its derivatives) is the races were all created by the same gods and gods gifted a group of humans with certain traits which allowed for interbreeding (Strider is one of those humans and Elrond is Eldrond Half Elf for a reason). However in GW2 there is no lore basis for this due to the humans being from another world and no above all god pantheon which claims to have created all life, as far as we know the races of Tyria evolved.

Plus I think you'd split a lot of Asura in half trying this.

Even then it's only humans and elves (and humans and orcs, who are technically elves in LOTR). There's no human/hobbit or dwarf/elf or whatever hybrids. And even that is rare. If I remember correctly there were only ever 2 human/elf couples and 1 half-elf/half-elf couple before the Valar put a stop to it. (Although that was more because elven abilities combined with human inquisitiveness and lack of forethought lead to messing with the nature of reality and provoking Morgoth than any objection to interracial babies.) After that there was only one technically half-elf/half-elf couple, but Arwen had to give up her immortality and become basically human, so I'm not sure that counts.

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