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What is the most amazing item you got out of Mad King's...?


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  • SoulGuardian.6203 changed the title to What is the most amazing item you got out of Mad King's...?

As far as I know the Labyrinth doesn't have any unique rewards, I think you can get exotics that appear as random drops (including precursors), but the main appeal is it's an easy place to farm Trick-or-Treat bags.

I can't remember getting anything that exciting from a ToT bag. I once got one of the necklaces, extracted the Refractor, looked up what I needed to do to turn it into an infusion, realised it wasn't worth it and sold it as it was. Other than that I think I got some of the weapon skins and minis, but I couldn't tell you which ones I got as drops and which ones I bought.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Playing the Halloween actively since 2019  - never got anything super special. Maybe some infusion that sells for about 100 gold at best. From the ToT bags. And from opening about 15 stacks of bags one of the weapon skin chests - still a lot left to buy at the Kodan vendor.

This festival is the most expensive. The other three ones with basically free (account bound) currency ... easy to max out stuff there. Dragon Bash the currency is not too expensive the festival has less skins/minis to offer.

Wintersday is #2 in the costly stuff I think. Also a special skin (Winter's Presence) that I have yet to get (prefer to spend gold for other stuff first) with the currency more expensive. (But stuff needing less - less of the snow diamonds. Also not as much stuff as in Halloween I think.)

Halloween has a good amount of minis and I barely have unlocked any of them. 😄 Slowly working on the upgraded weapons (base ons from the chest for doing the daily several times are finished). Then they have account bound ones für 100+ Candy Corn Cobs, the Nightwing skin thing. And the Kodan vendor with the selection chest being more rare ... a lot to do. (The old portal scrolls that nobody needs anymore with enough gold for using WPs easily farmable + other portal stones for the hubs - were also related to Halloween it seems. And pretty costly.)

I still try to do my regular daily routine - progressing the completion sloooowly. (And yes: I know a few hundred gold for 100+ Candy Corn Cobs are not that hard to farm for players that like farming. But I also have my solo guild hall to work on and legendaries ... so I try to take it slowly here.)

Edit: I think I never got a single flame weapon coffer lol. Buying one or so ... every year. There are also the endless tonics that need tatteret bat wings. And some other skins to craft. (Antonina and stuff.) But I have a limit on how much gold I want to spend each year. Maybe 100 or so + using the like 20-30 farmed cancdy corn cobs first. (They are spent pretty fast.) I am not farming the lab. Just doing my dailies for the achievements + one daily clocktower and one daily of each race for the gold (ToT bags).

Edited by Luthan.5236
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While opening the ToT bags, I got each of the super rare infusions except for silent symphony and the purple infusion... I got 2 of the reds and 3 of the grays and 1 ember infusion this time. Sold them all. I got enough of the courtly chests to get every skin, and then 5 more on top of that.

Edit: I opened over 30k ToT bags btw. Bought on TP. Selling the infusions let me break even. I used the Luck for gifts of research for the new PvE legendary armor gind.

Edited by Lan Deathrider.5910
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