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Do raids need easy/normal/hard difficulty mode? [merged]


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@"Feanor.2358" said:Doesn't matter. You can't rely on arbitrarily defined, self-imposed "challenges" for long. I mean, sure, they are a nice distraction, or a change of pace. But they don't work in the long run, because ultimately they have no meaning beyond what you personally assign them, and that wears off.

Nothing in a game has any meaning beyond what you personally assign to them.

Also, no matter how many time you repeat that, it's still going to be wrong. The game gives equal opportunity to everyone.

But not everyone has equal opportunity to engage that content. A 5ft high door frame provides everyone "equal opportunity" to enter and leave it, but it presents unreasonable difficulties to plenty of people who are taller than that.

You are perfectly capable of setting up your own squad, advertising it on LFG and "engaging" the content.

But not for that attempt to succeed. Attempting the content without success is pointless.

@Tyson.5160 said:

@nia.4725 said:I see : / Then I hope you have the griffon or a kind friend, getting to the last step of that ring is impossible without it.

Yeah I have the Griffin. No issues there.

Who doesn't have a griffon in 2018?

@Sephylon.4938 said:

@"Feanor.2358" said:Farms will always be popular, that has nothing to do with the need for the game to provide challenge.

Any objections if the next two trinkets are from spvp and wvw?

Prob should ask the pvp/wvw community, last I heard they hated the "filthy casuals that plagued their game mode" last time a unique reward was added to their mode spcifically

Didn’t stop me from pvping.

My experience is from wvw. The last time they got new blood (the pip system's introduction) my guild at the time wanted all the new blood gone as they were holding queues and weren't very good at following commands or getting on ts. They badically saw and used the new people as cannon fodder. They just couldn't wait for the new people that came in to just quit the game mode.

People who don't want to be there can't be expected to participate in good faith. If you bribe people to do content they don't want to do, they'll show up, but they won't enjoy themselves, and they'll create a toxic atmosphere for everyone around them. This is why bribing players to play content is not a sound strategy.

@Sarrs.4831 said:

@"Ohoni.6057" said:Not sure what you're asking here.

In a game like WoW, you progress by earning higher item level, and the game pulls you back in relative power by buffing the monsters with each raid cycle, or by knocking your stats down at the beginning of the new expansion. This is why it is a treadmill; you progress and then your progress is reset.

Where, exactly, does GW2 pull you back?

That's not "resetting," that's just them adding new stuff, making the stuff you have less useful to you. And it cuts both ways, since they also tend to add easier to acquire starter gear, which allows players to catch up. But the GW2 equivalent? They add new skins all the time, so if I work hard today and unlock a fancy backpack or armor, they might add a newer skin that would look much better, like how I got the CM dungeon Council Guard Helm, but then later upgraded to the Glorious Plate Helm. Same principle.

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@Tyson.5160 said:

@Miellyn.6847 said:You know, GW2 was advertised with challenges. And it slowly shifted towards them during LS1 and 2. You could also finally realise that casual content not means faceroll easy but how you work towards your goals. No huge chunks of time needed but you can complete them in small steps. Raids work the same way actually. One week to clear a wing, small wings with a low number of encounters. Many casuals enjoy a occascional challange. GW2 is to 100% casual-friendly but it doesn't hand you everything on a silver plate. Huge difference.

I got that response last time, and shot int down over the course of the next 5 or 6 pages.. will I do that again? Nope.

The end consensus (or grudging admittance) on this topic was that No one believe this.. not even raiders or the people that say it... and especially not the Anet Devs.

In the end, anyone that does not want to bother with Raids, I encourage them to move on from that content, and head over to WvW.

Queens gauntlet? Aetherpath? Even Arah. All content that got never cleared by a majority and yet it got released around the first year, Aetherpath bit later October 2013. GW2 always contained challenges. And now it's bad hmm?

Lets see... You listed.. 2 dead dungeons, not only dead, but outright abandoned directly by Anet for being failures, and a 1 time event that was never mimicked...and that is your stand by to say this is a good idea?

Yup.. not having this discussion again.

But no matter,. Anet Devs have said that Raids won't be changing, so, going though the words and motions with you at this point won't do any good.

Anyone looking to get Legendary Armor, but not wanting to do Raids, WvW, (World Vs World), which can be brought up by hitting B in game, is a great alternative, just pick the Glorious Armor reward track, and head out into the big Open World and try to stay alive long enough to earn some pips.

I’m incredibly grateful that there are options for Legendary Armor. Personally, I wouldn’t have dived so deep into the sPvp as far as I did. I also hear from many WvWers that the Legendary Armor in WvW was an amazing addition to the game mode. So I’m really thankful that Anet put these methods in.

It has brought back some population to WvW, which is a good thing, while mostly PvE'ers, we are still out there filling the fields, sometimes following tags, and doing stuff.

Since Anet has made it clear that they will not make any revisions to Raids at this point, WvW has become one of the most accessible options, reminiscent of how one would make a Legendary Weapon, through progression not some need to do some kind of
style of content. But simply by playing the game and making incremental progress towards a long reaching goal.

sPvP is another path, that while I have not tried, I fully endorse. However if anyone missed the window or does not have the time to get involved in that, WvW is an alternative. There is no reason why someone can't get both sets if they are so inclined, perhaps like a light set from WvW, and a Heavy from sPvP.. it's a game, have fun playing!

See you in the battlegrounds.. or maybe not.. and most likely.. not if I can help it.

You can also mix and match half from pvp and half WvW.


Since they are essentially "skinless", as in they do not have an unique Legendary Skin (They have the same skin as their Ascended Counterpart) you can do anything you want with them an not feel the least bit guilty about transmuting them, I plan to keep my main (a guard) looking the same no matter what tier of armor they have, so, in essence the fact these are Skinless Legendarily are not an issue for me.

I mean, make no mistake, It's gotta be insulting to WvW and sPvP players to not get their own Legendary Skin, but as luck would have it, I am a PvE scrub, just farming pips for armor, so.. it does not bother me nearly as much, as if I was serious about WvW.

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@Ohoni.6057 said:

@"Feanor.2358" said:Doesn't matter. You can't rely on arbitrarily defined, self-imposed "challenges" for long. I mean, sure, they are a nice distraction, or a change of pace. But they don't work in the long run, because ultimately they have no meaning beyond what you personally assign them, and that wears off.

Nothing in a game has any meaning beyond what you personally assign to them.

Also, no matter how many time you repeat that, it's still going to be wrong. The game gives equal opportunity to everyone.

But not everyone has equal opportunity to engage that content. A 5ft high door frame provides everyone "equal opportunity" to enter and leave it, but it presents unreasonable difficulties to plenty of people who are taller than that.

You are perfectly capable of setting up your own squad, advertising it on LFG and "engaging" the content.

But not for that attempt to
Attempting the content without success is pointless.

@nia.4725 said:I see : / Then I hope you have the griffon or a kind friend, getting to the last step of that ring is impossible without it.

Yeah I have the Griffin. No issues there.

Who doesn't have a griffon in 2018?

@"Feanor.2358" said:Farms will always be popular, that has nothing to do with the need for the game to provide challenge.

Any objections if the next two trinkets are from spvp and wvw?

Prob should ask the pvp/wvw community, last I heard they hated the "filthy casuals that plagued their game mode" last time a unique reward was added to their mode spcifically

Didn’t stop me from pvping.

My experience is from wvw. The last time they got new blood (the pip system's introduction) my guild at the time wanted all the new blood gone as they were holding queues and weren't very good at following commands or getting on ts. They badically saw and used the new people as cannon fodder. They just couldn't wait for the new people that came in to just quit the game mode.

People who don't want to be there can't be expected to participate in good faith. If you bribe people to do content they don't want to do, they'll show up, but they won't enjoy themselves, and they'll create a toxic atmosphere for everyone around them. This is why bribing players to play content is not a sound strategy.

@Ohoni.6057 said:Not sure what you're asking here.

In a game like WoW, you progress by earning higher item level, and the game pulls you back in relative power by buffing the monsters with each raid cycle, or by knocking your stats down at the beginning of the new expansion. This is why it is a treadmill; you progress and then your progress is reset.

Where, exactly, does GW2 pull you back?

That's not "resetting," that's just them adding new stuff, making the stuff you have less useful to you. And it cuts both ways, since they also tend to add easier to acquire starter gear, which allows players to catch up. But the GW2 equivalent? They add new skins all the time, so if I work hard today and unlock a fancy backpack or armor, they might add a newer skin that would look much better, like how I got the CM dungeon Council Guard Helm, but then later upgraded to the Glorious Plate Helm. Same principle.

I don't have the griffon. And I won't get it until I'm too tired of using the springer to get to the Eater of Souls statue in W5. It's the one and only use the griffon would have for me. I hate OW enough to avoid getting the mount.

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@"Ohoni.6057" said:That's not "resetting," that's just them adding new stuff

No, it's resetting. They've explicitly stated that they design fights around target times; bosses' health is a direct product of the increase in power, effectively resetting them whenever a new tier of raid is released. They reduce conversion rates of crit, haste, mastery and versatility as you level, explicitly to reduce the player's power level. They've directly changed items in previous expansions to reduce their stats before, and they plan to do it again with the next expansion. If it was a direct chain of progression with no regression as you suggest, then it wouldn't be a treadmill.

Even if we were to take the "WoW has a stat treadmill, GW2 has an appearance treadmill" argument as correct, it's still a falsehood because under this argument as WoW also has an appearance treadmill which is worse than GW2's because there are many items in the game that become either extremely difficult or impossible to obtain as expansions roll over.

If this is the model that you prefer - content being made easier as time passes - then GW2 is not for you. GW2 is 100% built around evergreen content. You should play WoW instead; it already has everything you want, and it seems like you haven't played it before so it'll be a fun new experience for you.

Also I don't have the Griffon. The other mounts do everything I need.

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@maddoctor.2738 said:

@STIHL.2489 said:the answer to that would be

You don't find the game fun to play, and entertaining enough for the money you paid for it, because they have Raids and the Envoy Armor is a Raid reward?

In case your memory has failed you so quickly.. this was your Actual Question.

@maddoctor.2738 said:The better question is, does everything that you care about in the game, for its price, satisfy you?

Just thought you would like to read that again.. since you made all kinds of wrong assumptions.. when I said No to this.

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@Sarrs.4831 said:

@Ohoni.6057 said:Not sure what you're asking here.

In a game like WoW, you progress by earning higher item level, and the game pulls you back in relative power by buffing the monsters with each raid cycle, or by knocking your stats down at the beginning of the new expansion. This is why it is a treadmill; you progress and then your progress is reset.

Where, exactly, does GW2 pull you back?

@STIHL.2489 said:There are other paths to Legendary Armor.. like WvW and sPvP.. and I encourage anyone that is disenchanted or frustrated with raids to give those other paths a try.

Most of the reason this thread is so long is because one person in particular isn't interested in 'legendary armor', they're interested in Envoy skins, and that one person doesn't like WvW or sPvP either. We'd be at something like page 20 if that weren't the case.

No.. the reason why this topic is 60 pages long, is because you are trying to tell them they are wrong for feeling the way they feel. Maybe if you backed off, let them say their peace without the need to interject some snarky commentary , this topic would have died on page 1.

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@"STIHL.2489" said:Since they are essentially "skinless", as in they do not have an unique Legendary Skin (They have the same skin as their Ascended Counterpart) you can do anything you want with them an not feel the least bit guilty about transmuting them, I plan to keep my main (a guard) looking the same no matter what tier of armor they have, so, in essence the fact these are Skinless Legendarily are not an issue for me.

I had no issue transmuting Legendaries. I put the Ascension skin onto one character's Exotic backpack, and then I put the Mad King's Memoirs skin on the actual Ascension, so that the backpack I passed around to people would also be a torch.

@nia.4725 said:I don't have the griffon. And I won't get it until I'm too tired of using the springer to get to the Eater of Souls statue in W5. It's the one and only use the griffon would have for me. I hate OW enough to avoid getting the mount.

That's sad. It can be accomplished in less time than clearing a single raid encounter for the first time, and flying the griffon, even for entirely pointless reasons, is one of the most fun gameplay elements in the game.

@"Sarrs.4831" said:No, it's resetting. They've explicitly stated that they design fights around target times; bosses' health is a direct product of the increase in power, effectively resetting them whenever a new tier of raid is released.

So do they actually make it take longer to beat the same bosses in these games, or do they just add new bosses that take as long to kill as the old ones did before you'd geared up? If the latter, that is not resetting, that's just raiding the bar. Basically [reducing what you already have], and [increasing what new content requires of you] are two completely distinct concepts.

Even if we were to take the "WoW has a stat treadmill, GW2 has an appearance treadmill" argument as correct, it's still a falsehood because under this argument as WoW also has an appearance treadmill which is worse than GW2's because there are many items in the game that become either extremely difficult or impossible to obtain as expansions roll over.

The fact that it has both does not take away from GW2 having the treadmill in effect. I'm not saying that GW2 is "worse," I'm just saying that it could be better than it is.

If this is the model that you prefer - content being made easier as time passes - then GW2 is not for you. GW2 is 100% built around evergreen content.

I don't particularly prefer the content getting easier over time, I just want the content to be easy enough from the start, which raids, currently, are not. I just see "the content gets easier over time" to be superior to "the content will never be easy enough."

All this could be solved by just adding an easy mode.

You should play WoW instead; it already has everything you want, and it seems like you haven't played it before so it'll be a fun new experience for you.

Nah. And actually I did play WoW in beta and for several months after, but I got burned out toward the late game for reasons that GW2 fixed. I do think that GW2 is the better game, but if they're going to borrow raids from WoW, then they should also borrow the parts that make them accessible.

Also I don't have the Griffon. The other mounts do everything I need.

Seriously? You guys are boggling my mind. How can you play GW2 and not have a griffon?

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@Ohoni.6057 said:

@"STIHL.2489" said:Since they are essentially "skinless", as in they do not have an unique Legendary Skin (They have the same skin as their Ascended Counterpart) you can do anything you want with them an not feel the least bit guilty about transmuting them, I plan to keep my main (a guard) looking the same no matter what tier of armor they have, so, in essence the fact these are Skinless Legendarily are not an issue for me.

I had no issue transmuting Legendaries. I put the Ascension skin onto one character's Exotic backpack, and then I put the Mad King's Memoirs skin on the actual Ascension, so that the backpack I passed around to people would also be a torch.

Then why the care? Just join us in WvW and move on from this topic and discussion.

@Ohoni.6057 said:Seriously? You guys are boggling my mind. How can you play GW2 and not have a griffon?

I don't have a griffon yet either.. just still working on other things...

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@STIHL.2489 said:Then why the care? Just join us in WvW and move on from this topic and discussion.

Because I want the Envoy skins. Also I don't like WvW any more than raiding.

I don't have a griffon yet either.. just still working on other things...

Seriously, I had it like two weeks into PoF, maybe less.

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@Ohoni.6057 said:

@"STIHL.2489" said:Since they are essentially "skinless", as in they do not have an unique Legendary Skin (They have the same skin as their Ascended Counterpart) you can do anything you want with them an not feel the least bit guilty about transmuting them, I plan to keep my main (a guard) looking the same no matter what tier of armor they have, so, in essence the fact these are Skinless Legendarily are not an issue for me.

I had no issue transmuting Legendaries. I put the Ascension skin onto one character's Exotic backpack, and then I put the Mad King's Memoirs skin on the actual Ascension, so that the backpack I passed around to people would also be a torch.

@nia.4725 said:I don't have the griffon. And I won't get it until I'm too tired of using the springer to get to the Eater of Souls statue in W5. It's the one and only use the griffon would have for me. I hate OW enough to avoid getting the mount.

That's sad. It can be accomplished in less time than clearing a single raid encounter for the first time, and flying the griffon, even for entirely pointless reasons, is one of the most fun gameplay elements in the game.

@"Sarrs.4831" said:No, it's resetting. They've explicitly stated that they design fights around target times; bosses' health is a direct product of the increase in power, effectively resetting them whenever a new tier of raid is released.

So do they actually make it take longer to beat the
bosses in these games, or do they just add
bosses that take as long to kill as the old ones did before you'd geared up? If the latter, that is not resetting, that's just raiding the bar. Basically [
what you
already have
], and [
what new content requires of you] are two completely distinct concepts.

Even if we were to take the "WoW has a stat treadmill, GW2 has an appearance treadmill" argument as correct, it's still a falsehood because under this argument as WoW also has an appearance treadmill which is worse than GW2's because there are many items in the game that become either extremely difficult or impossible to obtain as expansions roll over.

The fact that it has both does not take away from GW2 having the treadmill in effect. I'm not saying that GW2 is "worse," I'm just saying that it could be better than it is.

If this is the model that you prefer - content being made easier as time passes - then GW2 is not for you. GW2 is 100% built around evergreen content.

I don't particularly prefer the content getting easier over time, I just want the content to be easy
from the start, which raids, currently, are not. I just see "the content gets easier over time" to be superior to "the content will
be easy enough."

All this could be solved by just adding an easy mode.

You should play WoW instead; it already has everything you want, and it seems like you haven't played it before so it'll be a fun new experience for you.

Nah. And actually I did play WoW in beta and for several months after, but I got burned out toward the late game for reasons that GW2 fixed. I do think that GW2 is the better game, but if they're going to borrow raids from WoW, then they should also borrow the parts that make them accessible.

Also I don't have the Griffon. The other mounts do everything I need.

Seriously? You guys are boggling my mind. How can you play GW2 and not have a griffon?

I literally do not use the griffon for anythig besides that use in raids xD

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@Feanor.2358 said:Nah, the game is far more PvE oriented than PvP/WvW. Look at the amount of content and its updates. So they aren't going to put a major feature in one of its side modes exclusively, or first.They did that with legendary armor though (only side content so far). And with the backpacks (PvP first, then fractals, then WvW). Besides, we have already legendaries from LS (aurora) and raids (coalescence). Next is likely either one or both of PvP modes.

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@Astralporing.1957 said:

@Feanor.2358 said:Nah, the game is far more PvE oriented than PvP/WvW. Look at the amount of content and its updates. So they aren't going to put a major feature in one of its side modes exclusively, or first.They did that with legendary armor though (only side content so far). And with the backpacks (PvP first, then fractals, then WvW). Besides, we have already legendaries from LS (aurora) and raids (coalescence). Next is likely either one or both of PvP modes.

This is What I think should happen. Forces people out of their comfort zone. Want the trinkets? Do Pvp and WvW.

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@STIHL.2489 said:But.. it's Sooooooo Ugly...

In sum total, yes, most of them are ugly. I would probably only take on bits and pieces of the light and mediums even if I had them. I like the heavy though, and would use all or most of the bits from that one.

@nia.4725 said:I literally do not use the griffon for anythig besides that use in raids xD

Yeah, but even just hopping around the Aerodrome would be fun!

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@Ohoni.6057 said:

@STIHL.2489 said:But.. it's Sooooooo Ugly...

In sum total, yes, most of them are ugly. I would probably only take on bits and pieces of the light and mediums even if I had them. I like the heavy though, and would use all or most of the bits from that one.

@nia.4725 said:I literally do not use the griffon for anythig besides that use in raids xD

Yeah, but even just hopping around the Aerodrome would be fun!

Mastering the power dive can rocket you all over some of these maps.

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@STIHL.2489 said:No.. the reason why this topic is 60 pages long, is because you are trying to tell them they are wrong for feeling the way they feel. Maybe if you backed off, let them say their peace without the need to interject some snarky commentary , this topic would have died on page 1.

I'm not telling them that they're wrong for feeling the way they feel. They are free to feel however they like.I disagree with their suggestions for reasons, and I state those reasons.More often than not I'm just picking out argumentative sleight of hand.

@Ohoni.6057 said:So do they actually make it take longer to beat the same bosses in these games, or do they just add new bosses that take as long to kill as the old ones did before you'd geared up? If the latter, that is not resetting, that's just raiding the bar. Basically [reducing what you already have], and [increasing what new content requires of you] are two completely distinct concepts.

Dungeon bosses in Heroic and Mythic difficulty have their stats increased on a per-patch basis to scale against growths in player character power, to match the new gear level that you can earn from world quests.Open world mobs have their stats scaled dynamically against the player to counteract individual growths in power level.Raids on an individual level do not get their stats improved in either way; the requirements are raised as described. You can call it 'resetting' or 'raising the bar', it's a distinction without a difference as it's something WoW does that GW2 does not.

@Ohoni.6057 said:Seriously? You guys are boggling my mind. How can you play GW2 and not have a griffon?

I mostly WvW when I'm 'seriously playing' or doing HoT metas for which the Raptor is the only mount worth a damn.

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@Sarrs.4831 said:

@STIHL.2489 said:No.. the reason why this topic is 60 pages long, is because you are trying to tell them they are wrong for feeling the way they feel. Maybe if you backed off, let them say their peace without the need to interject some snarky commentary , this topic would have died on page 1.

I'm not telling them that they're wrong for feeling the way they feel. They are free to feel however they like.I disagree with their suggestions for reasons, and I state those reasons.More often than not I'm just picking out argumentative sleight of hand.

and all you gain from doing that padding your post count and keeping the topic alive, as such, you are just as much responsible for this topic being 60+ pages as anyone. Don't go blaming anyone else for what is your doing.

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@"Sarrs.4831" said:Dungeon bosses in Heroic and Mythic difficulty have their stats increased on a per-patch basis to scale against growths in player character power, to match the new gear level that you can earn from world quests.

Ok, I agree that's a dirty tactic. If the bosses of a certain raid are balanced around having "150 points" in a stat when they launch, then aside from reasonable balance tweaks if things got way out of hand, they should remain balanced around "150 points" even if players eventually get "300 points" armor. They can make the new bosses require 300 points, but shouldn't scale up the old ones. On the other hand, that's at least no worse than what GW2 offers, where the stats don't rise at all.

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@Ohoni.6057 said:

@"STIHL.2489" said:But.. it's Sooooooo Ugly...

In sum total, yes, most of them are ugly. I would probably only take on bits and pieces of the light and mediums even if I had them. I like the heavy though, and would use all or most of the bits from that one.

Just gonna say, I don't see how it would be worth the grind for "bits and pieces" which is why I endorse going after the Legendary Armor from sPvP or WvW, if the armor tier is what you are after.

It's been a good discussion, but the Devs have said this will not happen.

Yes, It would have made sense to put in tiers like Fractals, given they did not hard-gear gate the content, Nor did they put in Difficulty Progression like Dungeons, where W1 was an introductory Raid, and then they got progressively more difficult as the Wings went on.

None the less, we have to face facts, they put Raids in pretty bad, like really.. really bad.. they have no true coherency to them, no thematic relation to the rest of the game, and the Devs have said, nothing is going to change about them.

With that said.. you still might get your wish for the skin, just not an easy mode raids, as there is a good chance that in a year or two, like dungeon armor, they will end up being put in a WvW/sPvP reward track.

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@Astralporing.1957 said:

@Feanor.2358 said:Nah, the game is far more PvE oriented than PvP/WvW. Look at the amount of content and its updates. So they aren't going to put a major feature in one of its side modes exclusively, or first.They did that with legendary armor though (only side content so far). And with the backpacks (PvP first, then fractals, then WvW). Besides, we have already legendaries from LS (aurora) and raids (coalescence). Next is likely either one or both of PvP modes.

Fractals and raids are PvE. The Ascension in this case is something of an exception. Wasn't Ad Infinitum already partially in the game when TA was released btw?

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@STIHL.2489 said:and all you gain from doing that padding your post count and keeping the topic alive, as such, you are just as much responsible for this topic being 60+ pages as anyone. Don't go blaming anyone else for what is your doing.

Considering you've said yourself that you think these threads are pointless and won't accomplish anything, don't you think that's the pot calling the kettle black?

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@STIHL.2489 said:

@STIHL.2489 said:the answer to that would be

You don't find the game fun to play, and entertaining enough for the money you paid for it, because they have Raids and the Envoy Armor is a Raid reward?

In case your memory has failed you so quickly.. this was your
Actual Question

@maddoctor.2738 said:The better question is, does everything that you care about in the game, for its price, satisfy you?

Just thought you would like to read that again.. since you made all kinds of wrong assumptions.. when I said
to this.

How are those two questions the same question? I asked if everything you care about is enough for the price you paid for it or not.You said no, and I'm asking a second question, for clarification, if it's because of Raids and the Envoy Armor. You know, to stay on the topic of the sub-forum and the thread. Two separate questions.

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@Tyson.5160 said:

@"Feanor.2358" said:Nah, the game is far more PvE oriented than PvP/WvW. Look at the amount of content and its updates. So they aren't going to put a major feature in one of its side modes exclusively, or first.They did that with legendary armor though (only side content so far). And with the backpacks (PvP first, then fractals, then WvW). Besides, we have already legendaries from LS (aurora) and raids (coalescence). Next is likely either one or both of PvP modes.

This is What I think should happen. Forces people out of their comfort zone. Want the trinkets? Do Pvp and WvW.

Or the new Raid that should be coming soon, it has been rather long since the last one.Although I suppose the most "appropriate" reward for the new Raid would be a backpack, not another trinket or anything else.

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@maddoctor.2738 said:

@"Feanor.2358" said:Nah, the game is far more PvE oriented than PvP/WvW. Look at the amount of content and its updates. So they aren't going to put a major feature in one of its side modes exclusively, or first.They did that with legendary armor though (only side content so far). And with the backpacks (PvP first, then fractals, then WvW). Besides, we have already legendaries from LS (aurora) and raids (coalescence). Next is likely either one or both of PvP modes.

This is What I think should happen. Forces people out of their comfort zone. Want the trinkets? Do Pvp and WvW.

Or the new Raid that should be coming soon, it has been rather long since the last one.Although I suppose the most "appropriate" reward for the new Raid would be a backpack, not another trinket or anything else.

Nah, the reward for the new raid will be finishing the ring. Backpacks I don't expect to see before we have all the slots covered with legendaries, so not any time soon. My money's on ring, amulet or accessory from LS4.

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@Feanor.2358 said:

@Feanor.2358 said:Nah, the game is far more PvE oriented than PvP/WvW. Look at the amount of content and its updates. So they aren't going to put a major feature in one of its side modes exclusively, or first.They did that with legendary armor though (only side content so far). And with the backpacks (PvP first, then fractals, then WvW). Besides, we have already legendaries from LS (aurora) and raids (coalescence). Next is likely either one or both of PvP modes.

This is What I think should happen. Forces people out of their comfort zone. Want the trinkets? Do Pvp and WvW.

Or the new Raid that should be coming soon, it has been rather long since the last one.Although I suppose the most "appropriate" reward for the new Raid would be a backpack, not another trinket or anything else.

Nah, the reward for the new raid will be finishing the ring. Backpacks I don't expect to see before we have all the slots covered with legendaries, so not any time soon. My money's on ring, amulet or accessory from LS4.

I honestly didn't know Coalescence wasn't complete yet because i never bothered with a Legendary Ring, judging by Aurora, it doesn't worth the effort/materials to make. In that case, of course the next Raid will finish that and not add something new.

LS4 giving us a new trinket is my bet too, although I hope they'd fix the price and it's not so stupidly expensive like Aurora

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