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revenant patch update ☺️❤️


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13 hours ago, draxynnic.3719 said:

So you've just conceded that the 'always useful' characterisation you made of current Contained Temper is false, therefore that part of my contestation is correct. In such circumstances, I'd rather have the new version, because in practice, unless you're in an elite group who's been doing the content for years and where everyone has reliable ping and knows exactly when to respond with their ping, you're not going to have perfect usage of aegis/stability/group stunbreaks every time.

It's always useful in the sense that it's ALWAYS accessible by every DPS rev build if needed. The new trait is NOT always accessible and therefore is less useful the better the player/group is

13 hours ago, draxynnic.3719 said:

Those are DPS legends, not weapon sets, and I don't recall any rotations which say "use your legend's CC on cooldown to maintain fury through Contained Temper". If you're running Glint or Alliance, you have fury. Renegade is a bit more tenuous - you have the means to 100% fury through Endless Enmity and Invoker's Rage, but there isn't a lot of give if you don't have any concentration (mind you, if you're running power, Shiro offers additional fury). But pretty much the only times that current Contained Temper really matters is when you're running renegade or a Shiro/Jalis build, and in the former case it might only be the difference between not quite 100% and overcapping.


Sure, those are DPS legends, not weapon sets, but it's disingenuous to suggest that CC just doesn't exist in the kit simply because the weapons for Power Revs don't have them. Every class does not use CC in its rotation unless it's a DPS increase, obviously, but all Power variants do have access to CC and can therefore proc Contained Temper if needed. Again, irrelevant for Organized PvE (but again, so is the new trait, it's just as niche), but absolutely useful for non Organized PvE environments

13 hours ago, draxynnic.3719 said:

Oh, so it's now bad because one specific build is relying on Darkrazor's Daring costing 30 energy when used as a stunbreak? The stun itself has likely already messed up the rotation unless the player was already about to use Darkrazor when the stun landed. Use other skills. If push comes to shove, Soulcleave isn't as good for a condiren as a powerren, but it's pretty effective at draining energy in a pinch.

It's not just "some random build" it's literally the premier Condi build for Rev; it's worth the consideration for this alone

13 hours ago, draxynnic.3719 said:

Again, I raise a pretty big eyebrow at anyone claiming that they play revenant in competitive and never get stunned. So you're pretty much just saying that the change is bad for solo players that are confident in their ability to memorise the behaviour of every mob they fight so that they never get hit with a stun that's worth breaking, and who are playing a build that doesn't already have access to large amounts of fury. I can see Scavenger's Burst's fury duration being a bit short in competitive when only fighting against a single target due to being split, but that's probably something that can be resolved by increasing fury durations rather than requiring fury-on-CC as a minor trait. But unless 'roaming' means 'taking objectives and bullying bad or outnumbered players in WvW while avoiding fair fights', I'm fairly confident that the new version will be useful in competitive.

Didn't say no one gets stunned in competitive, just that the higher the skill of the player = less incoming stuns = less use of the trait, fullstop.

Also Minor Traits should not be tailored specifically to Competitive. They should strive to be useful in all situations on all builds instead of being reactive (i.e. something bad has to happen to you for it to be useful). Traits designed around "bad thing happens = I get benefit" as a minor trait are less useful the higher skill of the player. This is all I'm saying. Bad for any class to have these types of traits in Minor slots.

13 hours ago, draxynnic.3719 said:

Here's a consideration - if ArenaNet was looking to shore up a weakness in competitive by giving rev cheaper stunbreaks, they probably didn't want to do it through a trait that competes with a condition removal trait when conditions are also often a weakness of power revenant builds in competitive. And rev's current performance in sPvP seems to indicate that it does need a boost there.

Resolve is already taken as a choice by Revs who don't feel they need the extra cleanse, so it certainly would have been fine to add it on there. The idea that "competitive revs must take Cleansing Channel because Rev has bad access to cleanse and therefore we shouldn't have any sort of choice within that tier of traits" is a bit ridiculous. Reducing Rev's access to Fury in competitive also doesn't improve its ability to perform at a higher level. And a little bit of extra energy on stunbreak also won't solve that issue, not even close

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I've been thinking about the new Contained Temper, because while I do like the idea of more energy traits (35e to 40e stunbreaks is nasty), it really is a nerf to reliable fury and specially a nerf to the interaction with Incensed Response which I do take for PvE all the time.

And replacing Glaring Resolve with it still wouldn't help most revenant builds for competitive game modes, the lack of cleanse is already terrible even with Cleansing Channel (another big reason why Salvation has become almost mandatory, just like staff when you can't run salvation with builds like Power Herald).

Current preview:

Contained Temper: This trait has been reworked. Gain energy when you break out of stun.

Would it be too much to make the new Contained Temper like this?

Contained Temper: Gain energy when you break out of a stun and when you disable a foe.
(Imagine if the energy could be per target, 5e-10e, potential to refund a Jade Winds.)

So that it remains useful for all.

Now I see why they are reworking that trait, it used to be the good old Empty Vessel: Invoking a legend will now break stuns.
Changed in the infamous Feb 2020 patch.

Edited by Sereath.1428
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On 11/4/2023 at 8:17 AM, LucianTheAngelic.7054 said:

It's always useful in the sense that it's ALWAYS accessible by every DPS rev build if needed. The new trait is NOT always accessible and therefore is less useful the better the player/group is

By that argument, the new version is also 'always useful' in the sense that it's ALWAYS accessible to every rev build (Ventari is the only legend without a stunbreak, and you have two legends in a build) in order to make a stunbreak cheaper when you need a stunbreak. It might arguably be less useful with a good group in PvE, but the same is true of the trait it's replacing - a good group will have you maxed out on fury anyway.

On 11/4/2023 at 8:17 AM, LucianTheAngelic.7054 said:

Sure, those are DPS legends, not weapon sets, but it's disingenuous to suggest that CC just doesn't exist in the kit simply because the weapons for Power Revs don't have them. Every class does not use CC in its rotation unless it's a DPS increase, obviously, but all Power variants do have access to CC and can therefore proc Contained Temper if needed. Again, irrelevant for Organized PvE (but again, so is the new trait, it's just as niche), but absolutely useful for non Organized PvE environments

So you recognise that it's irrelevant for organised PvE? Good, we're making progress. Here's the thing: ArenaNet generally doesn't balance for solo PvE or WvW roaming - let alone the expectation of having 100% fury uptime in those circumstances (as much as power builds often do aim for 100% in solo PvE). Invocation builds are already capable of achieving 50% just off the adept minor, and there are options available to get more. I think my point stands, though, that most DPS revenant builds aren't just throwing CCs willy-nilly for the sake of the trait. Because in most cases, they don't need to. You don't want to swap off Sw/Sw or GS just to trigger fury-on-CC, nor do you want to burn 50 energy on Jade Winds for a CC to trigger fury-on-CC, and while throwing the Glint elite might be reasonably convenient, if you have Glint, you have Fury almost on tap. It exists somewhere in the kit, yes, but it's not always going to be practical to use just to get some extra Fury.

On 11/4/2023 at 8:17 AM, LucianTheAngelic.7054 said:

It's not just "some random build" it's literally the premier Condi build for Rev; it's worth the consideration for this alone

Don't misquote me - I said 'specific', not 'random'. It is one build (well, technically two if you consider condialacren to be a distinct build), and while it can be awkward sometimes to trigger Charged Mists when swapping out of Kalla, it is not so awkward that getting a discount on energy when using Darkrazor is going to throw it out. Darkrazor isn't even part of the standard rotation, so if you're using it, either as a CC or a stunbreak, you've already broken out of the standard rotation and should expect to make appropriate adjustments to trigger Charged Mists. 

On 11/4/2023 at 8:17 AM, LucianTheAngelic.7054 said:

Didn't say no one gets stunned in competitive, just that the higher the skill of the player = less incoming stuns = less use of the trait, fullstop.

But every competitive player is still going to potentially benefit from it when they use a stunbreak, no? (Although I'd argue that in sPvP, a higher skilled player = more skilled opposition = opposition more skilled at landing CC properly = roughly equal number of stuns. To be fair, though, this argument is weakened somewhat by the state of matchmaking at the moment, and that's without considering the possibility of smurfing, hunting weaker players in WvW, and similar behaviour.)

On 11/4/2023 at 8:17 AM, LucianTheAngelic.7054 said:

Also Minor Traits should not be tailored specifically to Competitive. They should strive to be useful in all situations on all builds instead of being reactive (i.e. something bad has to happen to you for it to be useful). Traits designed around "bad thing happens = I get benefit" as a minor trait are less useful the higher skill of the player. This is all I'm saying. Bad for any class to have these types of traits in Minor slots.

Eh, I don't think any part of the game, including minor traits, are balanced on the assumption that things will go perfectly for the player every time.

On 11/4/2023 at 8:17 AM, LucianTheAngelic.7054 said:

Resolve is already taken as a choice by Revs who don't feel they need the extra cleanse, so it certainly would have been fine to add it on there. The idea that "competitive revs must take Cleansing Channel because Rev has bad access to cleanse and therefore we shouldn't have any sort of choice within that tier of traits" is a bit ridiculous. Reducing Rev's access to Fury in competitive also doesn't improve its ability to perform at a higher level. And a little bit of extra energy on stunbreak also won't solve that issue, not even close

Again, this comes down to ArenaNet's intention. If the intent is to make revenant less vulnerable to stuns without making it more vulnerable to conditions in the process, then rolling it into Glaring Resolve does not work. The choice to not take Cleansing Channel is obviously there, but if ArenaNet did not want it to be competing with the discount on stunbreaks, they can't put that discount on a competing trait.

Heck, looking at the history, it hasn't even been three years since Contained Temper replaced Empty Vessel, and the proposed change seems to be reverting to an anti-CC trait.

Your argument is basically just boiling down to "I want more access to fury" after removing the chaff of your attempts to tear down the replacement trait. Reduced access to fury is your core complaint, and while I think you're overstating the problem, it is a valid observation. But it can be valid without the change being a bad one - instead, the change can be made, and other changes can be made to increase access to fury. You talk about rolling the stunbreak discount into an existing trait... what about rolling fury-on-CC into an existing trait, or increasing the duration of fury from other sources like Invoker's Rage, Endless Enmity and Scavenger Burst, or maybe introducing a relic that gives you fury when you CC? 

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19 hours ago, draxynnic.3719 said:

Your argument is basically just boiling down to "I want more access to fury" after removing the chaff of your attempts to tear down the replacement trait. Reduced access to fury is your core complaint, and while I think you're overstating the problem, it is a valid observation. But it can be valid without the change being a bad one - instead, the change can be made, and other changes can be made to increase access to fury. You talk about rolling the stunbreak discount into an existing trait... what about rolling fury-on-CC into an existing trait, or increasing the duration of fury from other sources like Invoker's Rage, Endless Enmity and Scavenger Burst, or maybe introducing a relic that gives you fury when you CC? 

So it's like having to burn your legend swap to get some fury at the start of a fight, given the CD on it. And it only works in combat, so coming back will almost only be good when using Alliance Legend or Herald. If you take a new specialization and you don't take one of the new legends, no fury except with Sword 5. The only other trait is Assassin's Presence, which is useful for a group with very low fury too.

Contained Temper worked either with a new legend or with all the old ones. There was always a way to make it work.

In the case of trait change, I understand it as nerfing fury and power, to use a trait that brings energy only if we can first cast a skill that removes stun. This means that once you've succeeded in lowering its cost, you'll recover it.

So in the end, we'll have fewer possibilities for any solo content, whether WvW or PvE. Except being in a support group or bus.

Edited by Angesombre.4630
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Since Heartpiercer isn't getting anything done to it after the pierce is being removed:
Make it increase shortbow's range to 1200 instead.

Bam, now Renegade has something special over Herald/Vindi, still wants to use its weapon, and Heartpiercer isn't just an extremely weak bleed increase.

I see no problems here.

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24 minutes ago, Shagie.7612 said:

Since Heartpiercer isn't getting anything done to it after the pierce is being removed:
Make it increase shortbow's range to 1200 instead.

Bam, now Renegade has something special over Herald/Vindi, still wants to use its weapon, and Heartpiercer isn't just an extremely weak bleed increase.

I see no problems here.

bruh, shortbow isn't a longbow. There are reasons why shortbows have smaller range then longbows... nty + we already have a long ranged weapon

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14 minutes ago, arazoth.7290 said:

bruh, shortbow isn't a longbow. There are reasons why shortbows have smaller range then longbows... nty + we already have a long ranged weapon

yeah that's cool i dont care, it literally shoots through spacetime, renegade can have something special, as a treat

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5 hours ago, Shagie.7612 said:

yeah that's cool i dont care, it literally shoots through spacetime, renegade can have something special, as a treat

• Your kalla minions fires the same weapon skill of your current weapon on useage (or only shortbow) you launched. Only conditions, support and cc will be applied from it, no power damage.

•The effects are applied to max 5 targets in kalla minion radius range

• The kalla minions apply the weapon skill effects for 15% if condition damage and healing. The effects count as 50% if cc, boons or cleansing are applied.


• If only for shortbow, only the conditions + cc will be applied from the skill useage.

If other weapons too, only conditions, support and cc will be applied from the skill useage.

Just a suggestion as replacement since current one became little useless

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5 hours ago, Shagie.7612 said:

yeah that's cool i dont care, it literally shoots through spacetime, renegade can have something special, as a treat

He's already got something extra - the ability, or rather the inability, to put his kalla marks all over the floor (irony).

On the other hand, I agree that he could have done something extra, but not to increase the range as mentioned above, with the repair of the hammer (finally after so many years) it's a 1200 weapon with the drill too. Although slow.

Edited by Angesombre.4630
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23 minutes ago, Angesombre.4630 said:

He's already got something extra - the ability, or rather the inability, to put his kalla marks all over the floor (irony).

On the other hand, I agree that he could have done something extra, but not to increase the range as mentioned above, with the repair of the hammer (finally after so many years) it's a 1200 weapon with the drill too. Although slow.

Hammer feels little slow, but because of CoR change less cluncky which undos the slowness since it also hits well.

1 change that "could" have been nice I think on hammer, 1,5 second inwards taunt on drop of the hammer while you cast the skill for cc. This could have been countered by resistance still.  Just a suggestion, instead of the 1 second extra knockdown duration

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On 11/6/2023 at 4:59 AM, Angesombre.4630 said:

So it's like having to burn your legend swap to get some fury at the start of a fight, given the CD on it. And it only works in combat, so coming back will almost only be good when using Alliance Legend or Herald. If you take a new specialization and you don't take one of the new legends, no fury except with Sword 5. The only other trait is Assassin's Presence, which is useful for a group with very low fury too.

Contained Temper worked either with a new legend or with all the old ones. There was always a way to make it work.

In the case of trait change, I understand it as nerfing fury and power, to use a trait that brings energy only if we can first cast a skill that removes stun. This means that once you've succeeded in lowering its cost, you'll recover it.

So in the end, we'll have fewer possibilities for any solo content, whether WvW or PvE. Except being in a support group or bus.

I hadn't even considered sword 5 or Assassin's Presence. Even more fury options!

Obviously, removing one option to generate fury means less access to fury. On the whole, though, I think the change makes the profession better overall, and most power revenant builds are still going to have a lot of fury even if not necessarily able to maintain 100% fury on their own in berserker's gear. If it does turn out to be a problem, more access to fury can be added in later.

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I've figured out why this nerf is just the release of the new rune that does the same thing as Contained Temper. Before we had it by default when choosing invocation, now we'll have to use a relic... "Relic of the Midnight King". So it comes down to whether we want to keep replacing a DPS relic to do the same thing we had before...

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53 minutes ago, Angesombre.4630 said:

I've figured out why this nerf is just the release of the new rune that does the same thing as Contained Temper. Before we had it by default when choosing invocation, now we'll have to use a relic... "Relic of the Midnight King". So it comes down to whether we want to keep replacing a DPS relic to do the same thing we had before...

Well the pve version gives some nice Fury, might duration and amount of stacks for might. 

WvW Could use little higher might stack instead of 1, fury duration idk

pvp version is same as WvW, haven't chrcked that 

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On 10/28/2023 at 12:57 AM, Buran.3796 said:

Two: Song of Arboreum gest a HUGE nerft. I'm ALL for removing Energy Meld from the game, it does nothing, has less relevance at any game mode than Charged Mist in PvP (which is not an easy task!),  makes the use of F skills less intuitive and convoluted and just uses space. The change nukes Song of Arboreum in the process, which was the only usable trait from that column in competitive game modes, and replaces it with... nothing.

YES!! Someone gets it right. Energy Meld needs to disappear from the game. It was never good it was a self impossing mechanic to "aliviate" the self shooting to the foot it got at releasing with only 1 slow regen dodge. This skill has no purpose, and to be frank it never had it before. Was a "lose all your dps if you press me and get junked by damage while you wait my cast at the expend of ALL your energy". Button good for nothing and it is there only to remind me that sometimes dev doesn't have a freaking clue of what the kitten they're doing.

Leave Song of Arboreum along or creep vindicator's flow to his original horrendous state.

Alternative they could opt to put the Song of Arboreum delightful effects to Tenacious Ruin and get more creative on the major master traitline but for kitten sake not about Energy Meld. Just delete that st_pid button for the love of god.!

Edited by Howluffu.7259
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Funny how many can't see a good concept with energy meld next patch lol. With that I am discluding the current cd and how strong it is atm, because that can be buffed to make it have frequent uptime/appliance/strength and enough duration.

They fused energy meld directly related with dodges/endurance now. This can as they showed, directly buff dodges or indirectly like with vigor/endurance gaining still or whoever likes instead more energy. 

This concept they made needs probably little fine tuning like said before to make iconic to the espec. It's still the first draft after all.

Edited by arazoth.7290
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10 hours ago, arazoth.7290 said:

Funny how many can't see a good concept with energy meld next patch lol. With that I am discluding the current cd and how strong it is atm, because that can be buffed to make it have frequent uptime/appliance/strength and enough duration.

   Less is more. If more were better then most of people would play Ele as their main, which is not the case.. And I don't care about the cooldowns of F2 since is a hotkey I'm not planing to use in this class. Current flow of evade > vigor > more evades is simpler and more intuitive than anything they plan for Energy Meld. Not to mention that the balance or energy already made some traits entirely usueless in some game modes (as  happened in PvP with Charged Mist).

   That column in the middle of the Vindicator traitline will end being so bad we could run it empty with no disadvantages. Which by the way is what currently happens with most of Vindicator taits: half of them are useless and never taken.

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13 minutes ago, Buran.3796 said:

   Less is more. If more were better then most of people would play Ele as their main, which is not the case.. And I don't care about the cooldowns of F2 since is a hotkey I'm not planing to use in this class. Current flow of evade > vigor > more evades is simpler and more intuitive than anything they plan for Energy Meld. Not to mention that the balance or energy already made some traits entirely usueless in some game modes (as  happened in PvP with Charged Mist).

   That column in the middle of the Vindicator traitline will end being so bad we could run it empty with no disadvantages. Which by the way is what currently happens with most of Vindicator taits: half of them are useless and never taken.

yea I am taking with a grain of salt what you say currently. Since like you stated few times, you're not using some revenant abilities or traits even, same for most revenant stances...

Also this change is still really easy useage, I really hope you don't think this will require more effort.

Less isn't more and more isn't less. Same time less can be more and more can be less. What I am meant with that, it all depends how it gets executed and both can be good or bad.

Also nice for bringing up a random nerfed trait from the past, there are enough buffed traits aswell that I could put in here. Also charged mist is just a nerf that is been abandoned in pvp, because if bad balancing. And same time other nerfs in the past bc bad balancing got buffed, so that's a bad example bc it can be done... .

Charged mists could easy be in pvp 15 energy gain and for all content it activates on stance switch + no <10 energy requirement for activation anymore

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25 minutes ago, arazoth.7290 said:

Also nice for bringing up a random nerfed trait from the past, there are enough buffed traits aswell that I could put in here. Also charged mist is just a nerf that is been abandoned in pvp, because if bad balancing. And same time other nerfs in the past bc bad balancing got buffed, so that's a bad example bc it can be done... .

Charged mists could easy be in pvp 15 energy gain and for all content it activates on stance switch + no <10 energy requirement for activation anymore

   Talking about Charged Mist makes perfect sense since is the only effect in the game outside swaping legends which provides extra energy, and ANet track on energy management with Revenant has been less than stellar. The new changes for Energy Meld are focused on using it to recover energy (in two of the three traits), so probably will ended nerfed and useless in PvP has happened with Charged Mist (not like I longer care about Rev in PvP, but that's still my point). 

   Having insipid mechanics to mess with wouldn't be a problem if in the past they weren't introduced in the first time. Vindi's balance changes since the EoD beta have been a rollercoaster due the lack of proper testing, and we have ended with a spec with very little trait variance. Again: Energy Meld doesn't bring up mobility, doesn't block attacks, doesn't cc enemies, etc. Is not flashy, lacks character, doesn't add any flavour to the game. Compared to it, the relatively meh Ancient Echo looks like a horology masterpiece, and yet instead of removing from the game ANet insist in messing with a feature which I guess most of Rev players don't even use.

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10 minutes ago, Buran.3796 said:

nd yet instead of removing from the game ANet insist in messing with a feature which I guess most of Rev players don't even use.

See? The real solution for Energy Meld would be to be yeeted off the game existence. the Major Master traits could have some new interesting flavours ofc but they should put at least what Song of Arboreum brings right now to Vindi baseline traits to keep its wheel flowing without unnecessary interrumptions.

To sum it up; Energy Meld = BAD get rid of it already Anet.

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On 11/9/2023 at 6:32 AM, arazoth.7290 said:

Funny how many can't see a good concept with energy meld next patch lol. With that I am discluding the current cd and how strong it is atm, because that can be buffed to make it have frequent uptime/appliance/strength and enough duration.

They fused energy meld directly related with dodges/endurance now. This can as they showed, directly buff dodges or indirectly like with vigor/endurance gaining still or whoever likes instead more energy. 

This concept they made needs probably little fine tuning like said before to make iconic to the espec. It's still the first draft after all.

This is actually the 3rd draft and it’s taken them 1.5 years to get to this point. The 4th and 5th drafts later which will refine it further will similarly take months if not years of time. The concept is okay, but gutting our vigor access (which is required to make the spec flow well/do its high tier damage) to make Energy Meld better is absurd and the fixes to the problems this creates will take bare minimum 3 months to come, but most likely 6-9 months or even much longer. This is the core problem with these changes 

Edited by LucianTheAngelic.7054
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4 minutes ago, LucianTheAngelic.7054 said:

This is actually the 3rd draft and it’s taken them 1.5 years to get to this point. The 4th and 5th drafts later which will refine it further will similarly take months if not years of time. The concept is okay, but gutting our vigor access (which is required to make the spec flow well/do its high tier damage) to make Energy Meld better is absurd and the fixes to the problems this creates will take bare minimum 3 months to come, but most likely 6-9 months or even much longer. This is the core problem with these changes 

Anything that involves to Energy Meld that is not delete it from the game is a mistake. I am very in favour for rework of the Major Master traits(all of them) but the vigor increased in Song of Arboreum must go to baseline Vindi somehow. Then they can create even more amazing ways to play Vindi with whatever creative Major Master trait they come up to as long as Energy Meld is delete from frkng existence.

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11 minutes ago, LucianTheAngelic.7054 said:

This is actually the 3rd draft and it’s taken them 1.5 years to get to this point. The 4th and 5th drafts later which will refine it further will similarly take months if not years of time. The concept is okay, but gutting our vigor access (which is required to make the spec flow well/do its high tier damage) to make Energy Meld better is absurd and the fixes to the problems this creates will take bare minimum 3 months to come, but most likely 6-9 months or even much longer. This is the core problem with these changes 

I am still baffled that you all think 6 seconds base duration is for pve and WvW too. That base duration what was shown, is for spvp only, which is already an increase to the current one. It will have higher base duration in pve/WvW compared to spvp and in best case higher instant endurance gain.

So you all have same amount of vigor uptime + a higher instant endurance boost/allies benefit from both too.

The only thing I am concerned that energy Meld is atm too high cd to have frequent appliance to allies for buffs, yourself you benefit enough uptime of it. Energy Meld needs to be atleast 15 seconds cd baseline.

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A Berserker press F2 and gets engulfed in flames, gains adrenaline, quickness, super speed and changes all his burst attacks.

A Bladesworn press F2 and becomes root, but gains stability, flow and replaces its burst with a new one tailored in 3 differents ways, with two extra skills to enhance tactical choices.

A Spellbreaker press F2 and procs full counter, which grants i-frames, stability, and a counter strike which does damage, dazes and removes boons.

A Vindicator press F2, a mosquito farts, somewhere...


    I've just saw the first  three videos of the incoming weapons; is like ANet is going 100% low effort mode: like 80% of the skills borrows (steals) animations from previous ones. They showcased some impressive lack ideas at EoD, pushed it hard with the SotO release, and seems that they will keep that low tone note. This is the equivalent of Game of Thrones kitty flute song... 


Edited by Buran.3796
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