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GEMSTORE REQUESTS: New Items; Items offered again - [Merged]

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Happy Wintersday and I apologize in advance for the monumental wall of text. I worked on compiling this enormous "wish list" of gem store ideas of random thoughts I've had over several months. Enjoy~.

- Fishing Rod Skin Ideas: 
   + Norn/Asura/Sylvari/Charr/Krytan/Elonian cultural themed skins. 
      - Sylvari leaf/plant themed fishing rod skin.
      - Charr metal-worked themed fishing rod skin. 
      - Norn gold metal/leather/Spirits of the Wild carved woodworked fishing rod skin.
      - Asura Magi-tech fishing rod skin. 
      - Human cultural themed fishing rod skins. 
   + Profession themed skins.
      - Revenant Mist Rift Fishing Rod Skin (Summons a mist rift to catch a fish from the water.). 
      - Guardian Spirit Weapon-themed Fishing Rod Skin.
      - Warrior Fishing Spear Fishing Rod skin (Animation would have the player hold a spear ready to throw while mechanically trying to catch the fish and leaning left and right as if seeing where the fish is. When caught, the spear is thrown and reveals a fish once pulling it back from the waters.). 
      - Ranger Fishing Net Trap Fishing Rod Skin (Cast a wide net into the water. Once the "!" appears, the player would tug on the net left and right until the fish is caught. Once caught, the net is reeled up and reveals the fish.)
       - Thief Hand Fishing Fishing Rod Skin (Player would lower hand into water and extend hand/wiggle digits. Fish would "bite" upon "!". Player's arm would lean left or right depending on mechanics. Once caught, the fish is shown with the player's hand in their mouth.) 
       - Engineer's Dynamite Fishing Rod Skin.(Throws bomb/grenade/explosive into fishing spot. Have the character lean left and right looking for the fish for said mechanic. Have the character cower when the fish is caught and the explosion goes off with water showering above in the air and fish rising to the surface. Player then picks up only one fish.)  
       - Elementalist Bubble Fishing Rod Skin. (Think Avatar the Last Airbender Water bending a fish out of water and the water bubble popping revealing a fish into the player's hands.)
       - Mesmer Illusion Fishing Rod Skin. (Fishing rod is traditional Mesmer color scheme but shattered glass mirror shard effects. Upon catching the fish, mesmer butterflies spring out of the water.) 
       - Necromancer Necrotic Bone Fishing Rod Skin. (Giant rib or digit bone used as a fishing pole. The fishing line string could be flesh. Add some shadowy dark green animations upon catching the fish from the water.)

- Jade Bot Skin Ideas: 
   - Catalyst Jade Sphere skin. 
   - Ball of Light skin.
   - Floating Magical Book (that summons creatures to do tasks) skin. 
   - Ghostly Spirit Orb (When Jade Bot does tasks, the Spirit takes humanoid shape) skin. 
   - Flying Fire Imp Devil or Undead Minion skin. 
   - Asuran Cube Golem Magi-tech Skin. 
   - Revenant Mist Rift skin. 

- Skiff Skin Ideas: 
    - Necrotic Bone ship (Halloween Specific). 
    - Haunted Ghost ship (Halloween Specific).
    - Kodan-Themed Iceberg ship.
    - Sylvari-themed leaf boat.
    - Norn Viking-themed ship.
    - Charr metal-steam boat. 
    - Asura magi-tech cubes boat. 
    - Krytan & Elonian fishermen boats seen in-game. 
    - Pirate's vessel boat skin. 

- Siege Turtle Mount Skin Ideas:
    - Giant Crab or Snail (with slime trail) themed skins. 
    - Siege Devourer skin. 
    - Lithosol Rock elemental skin. 
    - Necromancer bone-minion themed skin.
    - Mesmer Clone Illusion themed skin (Mirror Masked).

- Warclaw Mount Skin Ideas: 
    - War Horse (a simple horse in metal plated battle armor) skin.
    - Lithosol Rock elemental skin. 
    - Necromancer bone-minion themed skin.
    - Mesmer Clone Illusion themed skin (Mirror Masked).

- Skyscale Mount Skin Ideas: 
    - Lithosol Rock elemental skin. 
    - Necromancer bone-minion themed skin. 
    - Saltspray Dragon skin. 
    - Mesmer Clone Illusion themed skin (Mirror Masked).

- Rollerbeetle Mount Skin Ideas: 
    - Lithosol Rock elemental skin. 
    - Necromancer bone-minion themed skin. 
    - Mesmer Clone Illusion themed skin (Mirror Masked).

- Griffon Mount Skin Ideas:
    - Necromancer bone-minion themed skin. 
    - Mesmer Clone Illusion themed skin (Mirror Masked).

- Jackal Mount Skin Ideas: 
    - Lithosol Rock elemental skin. 
    - Necromancer bone-minion themed skin.

- Skimmer Mount Skin Ideas: 
    - Necromancer bone-minion themed skin.
    - Mesmer Clone Illusion themed skin (Mirror Masked). 

- Springer Mount Skin Ideas:
    - Lithosol Rock elemental skin. 
    - Necromancer bone-minion themed skin.  
    - Mesmer Clone Illusion themed skin (Mirror Masked).

- Raptor Mount Skin Ideas: 
    - Mordrem Guard Mount Raptor Skin. 
    - Necromancer bone-minion themed skin. 
    - Mesmer Clone Illusion themed skin (Mirror Masked).

- Novelty Chair Ideas: 
   - Two-player campfire log Chair. (Similar to the Tea Time chair, it allows an additional player to sit on either side of the campfire or together on one log and allows two unique animations skills. 1) Warm hands by the fire. 2) Cook marshmallow or some type of meat on a stick.)
   - New Kaineng Noodle Stall Chair. (Similar to the Tea Time chair, it allows an additional player to sit in front of the noodle stall booth 
 on a stool and allows two unique animations skills. 1) Eat noodles. 2) Drink broth. For the player who spawns it, they would stand up within the Noodle stand have two unique animations. 1) Pour broth into bowl of noodles. 2) Serve Bowl of Noodles. )   
   - Bountiful Harvest Feast Chair. (Similar to the Tea Time chair, but now utilizing Skiff tech, four additional players can sit around a table filled with several dishes of food and drink. Each player is given three unique animation skills. 1) Eat said food. 2) Drink from mug. 3) Raise glass to toast.) 
    - Common Merchant Stall Chair. (Two player chair that spawns a merchant stall around the player who spawns the chair. Host stands behind the stall table filled with goods to "sell" and has two unique animations. 1) Extend open hand forward. 2) Count coins on hand. For the additional player, they would stand in front of the stall and would have two animation skills to utilize. 1) Extend hand with gold coin pouch. 2) Point towards the different merchandise showcased on the merchant stand.)
    - Basic Camping Tent Chair. (Single person chair that spawns an open tent and a bed roll inside where the character can either /sit or /sleep in.) 
    - Basic Bed Roll Chair. (Single person chair that spawns an a bed roll where the character can either /sit or /sleep on.)     
- Novelty Musical Instrument Ideas: 
   - Metal Legion Drum set. 
   - Asura Magi-tech beats pad. 
   - Piano. 
   - Pirate's Accordion. 
   - Sylvari Leaf flute or ocarina. 
   - Kayagum stringed instrument.
   - Haegum fiddle. 
   - Piri flute.   

- Novelty Toy Ideas: 
   - Pet Siege Turtle Hatchling Whistle. 
   - "Rock 'em Sock 'em" Jade Mech Golem fighting ring toy. (Similar to the Asura RC Golem mini-game.)

- Novelty Tonic Ideas: 
   - Endless Risen Mystery Combat Tonic.
   - Endless Mordrem Guard Mystery Combat Tonic.
   - Endless Destroyer Mystery Tonic. 
   - Endless Icebrood Mystery Tonic. 
   - Endless Dragonvoid Mystery Tonic. 
   - Endless Canthan Mystery Tonic. (Would include Naga, Kappa, Wardens, Saltspray Dragon, Kirin, et cetera.) 

- Armor Skin Ideas: 
    - Forest Archer Cloak Hood skin. (Shows some strands of hair and is slightly dark inside the hood.) 
    - Finish missing pieces of armor for half-sets. (Examples: Maguuma's, Shadow Of The Dragon, Lawless, Scarlet's, Toxic, Aurene's Crystalline, Salvaged Forged, Jackal Rune, Exalted, Swaggering and et cetera.)  
    - Stylized Beards Headpiece skin set. (Similar to the Pointed Ears set, each of the playable races and male/female options are allowed beards that are stylized for that specific culture. Norn get a large magnificent beard with few braids and metal beard ties. Asura get magi-tech themed beads and a long goatee. Charr get a mustache and long beard with different cultural motifs. Sylvari get leaf beard or moss with maybe nighttime glow. Humans get a style they don't already have access to normally.)  
     - Top Hat & Monocle headpiece with hair. 
     - Wizard & Witch Hat with hair.  
     - Jade Tech Leg prosthetic skin. 
     - More cultural themed prosthetic skins. (Asuran Magitech, Wood Carved pattern Norn aesthetic, metal worked Iron Legion, Sylvari overgrown plant, Krytan Watchwork steam.)   

- Black Lion Claim Ticket Weapon Skin Set Ideas: 
     - Garden Tools Weapon Set. (Common every day items associated with gardening or outdoor tools. For example: Shield is a bag of fertilizer, dagger a small hand-spade/shovel. Staff a gardening-hoe, hammer a shovel. Focus a pulled up weed with soil still in the roots. Axe, garden hedge shears and Et cetera.) 

- Outfit Skin Ideas: 
    - Cultural Gardeners outfit. (Like the Wedding Attire, it has different appearances for Norn, Charr, Human, Sylvari and Asura tied to their cultural aesthetics and motifs.)  
    - Cultural Swimsuit outfit. (Like the Wedding Attire, it has different appearances for Norn, Charr, Human, Sylvari and Asura tied to their cultural aesthetics and motifs.)  
    - Formal Dress and Suit outfits. (Just like the recently added Butler and Maid outfits, these allow all to wear each style of the garment no matter if the character is male or female.)  

- Backpiece Armor Skin Ideas: 
    - Fishing basket backpack skin. (Has fish on the outside of basket and inside including other fishing adornments.) 
    - Harvesters backpack skin. (Simple basket with different fruits or vegetables gathered.)  

- Glider Skin Ideas: 
    - Pact Fleet Glider Skin.
    - Order of Whispers, Durmand Priory and Vigil Glider Skins. 
    - Jade Bot Glider Skin. 

- New Emote Pack Ideas: 
    - How to Dance Vol 2. (Three new additional dances. Could pull from GW1's profession dances.) 
    - How to Work Vol 1. (Three new additional animations. /shovel /hammer /tillingsoil. These would also showcase visible props like /serve.)
    - How to Celebrate Vol 1.(Three new additional animations /eat /drink /drunk.) 
    - How to Mend Vol 1. (/wounded /vomit /sneeze.)
    - How to Communicate Vol 1. (/thumbsup /thumbsdown /soso.)
    - How to Cheer Vol 1. (/clap /woo /confetti.) 

- New Exclusive Makeover Kit Ideas: 
    + Hairstyles:
      - Adding additional Path of Fire Elonian-themed Afrocentric styles and faces for non-human players. (Norn, Sylvari, Charr and Asura.) 
      - More curly hair options in general for everyone. 
    + Beard Styles:
      -  Adding a beard category for both Asura and Sylvari to have beards would be amazing. We've seen concept art pieces with such (Steward Gixx, Herald Revenant Elite Spec art) and it would be wonderful to have that option as well in-game.  
    + Body Textures:
      -  Burns, freckles, birthmarks, scars and undead Awakened skin textures.
    + Face Textures:
      - Burns, freckles, birthmarks, scars and undead Awakened skin textures.
    + Body Shapes:
     - More plus size representation and flat-chested representation.   
    + (NEW Category) Tattoos:
      - We see Humans in Cantha with tattoos for Kurzick/Luxon cultural representation. Allowing Humans this option as well as including other playable races this opportunity would be amazing. 
    + (NEW Category) Piercings: 
      - Allowing jewelry piercing options for all playable races would add another level of customization that would be wonderful.

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I would love to see more armor pieces that aren't super flashy like a light up toy from a party store, but who doesn't love lighting? Armors that take dyes very well without altering the applied color are the best, with some sensible yet clear glow effects (think Mistward skin chest piece) or keyboard backlighting without the overly flashy RGB lightshow - something a noticeable but not as over-the-top as what we mostly get. I don't mind a little kitch, but I want to see some sets a more toned down from most of what we've gotten in the shope. And without the armor skirt. We have too many armor skirts (yes, they look awesome but we have too many.)

A fun glow sans the blinding lights on some slightly futuristic (not necessarily just Asuran) armor pieces would be fantastic. And not an outfit either.

Edited by LameMule.4137
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If you decide to do a rework and bring aquatic weapons ashore (and inversely some terrestrial weapons below - dagger would be good); skins associated with myths, heroes and legends from gw1 would be greatly appreciated.

A spear to match the arcane, crystal arbiter/nomad and slayer outfit would be a good range to begin.

Spearguns with skins of crossbows would be relatively easy to implement...perse...to update the weapon set as a whole. Cut a bow in half and stick it on either side of the speargun.

Spear guns can certainly be more creative - ley line shots would be an interesting concept 


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On 12/26/2022 at 8:33 PM, China.5268 said:








Pretty sure spaming the same request 4 times a month is not what they had in mind with this thread.

  • Confused 1
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On 12/27/2022 at 2:59 PM, Smudgem.1628 said:

Happy Wintersday and I apologize in advance for the monumental wall of text. I worked on compiling this enormous "wish list" of gem store ideas of random thoughts I've had over several months. Enjoy~.

- Fishing Rod Skin Ideas: 
   + Norn/Asura/Sylvari/Charr/Krytan/Elonian cultural themed skins. 
      - Sylvari leaf/plant themed fishing rod skin.
      - Charr metal-worked themed fishing rod skin. 
      - Norn gold metal/leather/Spirits of the Wild carved woodworked fishing rod skin.
      - Asura Magi-tech fishing rod skin. 
      - Human cultural themed fishing rod skins. 
   + Profession themed skins.
      - Revenant Mist Rift Fishing Rod Skin (Summons a mist rift to catch a fish from the water.). 
      - Guardian Spirit Weapon-themed Fishing Rod Skin.
      - Warrior Fishing Spear Fishing Rod skin (Animation would have the player hold a spear ready to throw while mechanically trying to catch the fish and leaning left and right as if seeing where the fish is. When caught, the spear is thrown and reveals a fish once pulling it back from the waters.). 
      - Ranger Fishing Net Trap Fishing Rod Skin (Cast a wide net into the water. Once the "!" appears, the player would tug on the net left and right until the fish is caught. Once caught, the net is reeled up and reveals the fish.)
       - Thief Hand Fishing Fishing Rod Skin (Player would lower hand into water and extend hand/wiggle digits. Fish would "bite" upon "!". Player's arm would lean left or right depending on mechanics. Once caught, the fish is shown with the player's hand in their mouth.) 
       - Engineer's Dynamite Fishing Rod Skin.(Throws bomb/grenade/explosive into fishing spot. Have the character lean left and right looking for the fish for said mechanic. Have the character cower when the fish is caught and the explosion goes off with water showering above in the air and fish rising to the surface. Player then picks up only one fish.)  
       - Elementalist Bubble Fishing Rod Skin. (Think Avatar the Last Airbender Water bending a fish out of water and the water bubble popping revealing a fish into the player's hands.)
       - Mesmer Illusion Fishing Rod Skin. (Fishing rod is traditional Mesmer color scheme but shattered glass mirror shard effects. Upon catching the fish, mesmer butterflies spring out of the water.) 
       - Necromancer Necrotic Bone Fishing Rod Skin. (Giant rib or digit bone used as a fishing pole. The fishing line string could be flesh. Add some shadowy dark green animations upon catching the fish from the water.)

- Jade Bot Skin Ideas: 
   - Catalyst Jade Sphere skin. 
   - Ball of Light skin.
   - Floating Magical Book (that summons creatures to do tasks) skin. 
   - Ghostly Spirit Orb (When Jade Bot does tasks, the Spirit takes humanoid shape) skin. 
   - Flying Fire Imp Devil or Undead Minion skin. 
   - Asuran Cube Golem Magi-tech Skin. 
   - Revenant Mist Rift skin. 

- Skiff Skin Ideas: 
    - Necrotic Bone ship (Halloween Specific). 
    - Haunted Ghost ship (Halloween Specific).
    - Kodan-Themed Iceberg ship.
    - Sylvari-themed leaf boat.
    - Norn Viking-themed ship.
    - Charr metal-steam boat. 
    - Asura magi-tech cubes boat. 
    - Krytan & Elonian fishermen boats seen in-game. 
    - Pirate's vessel boat skin. 

- Siege Turtle Mount Skin Ideas:
    - Giant Crab or Snail (with slime trail) themed skins. 
    - Siege Devourer skin. 
    - Lithosol Rock elemental skin. 
    - Necromancer bone-minion themed skin.
    - Mesmer Clone Illusion themed skin (Mirror Masked).

- Warclaw Mount Skin Ideas: 
    - War Horse (a simple horse in metal plated battle armor) skin.
    - Lithosol Rock elemental skin. 
    - Necromancer bone-minion themed skin.
    - Mesmer Clone Illusion themed skin (Mirror Masked).

- Skyscale Mount Skin Ideas: 
    - Lithosol Rock elemental skin. 
    - Necromancer bone-minion themed skin. 
    - Saltspray Dragon skin. 
    - Mesmer Clone Illusion themed skin (Mirror Masked).

- Rollerbeetle Mount Skin Ideas: 
    - Lithosol Rock elemental skin. 
    - Necromancer bone-minion themed skin. 
    - Mesmer Clone Illusion themed skin (Mirror Masked).

- Griffon Mount Skin Ideas:
    - Necromancer bone-minion themed skin. 
    - Mesmer Clone Illusion themed skin (Mirror Masked).

- Jackal Mount Skin Ideas: 
    - Lithosol Rock elemental skin. 
    - Necromancer bone-minion themed skin.

- Skimmer Mount Skin Ideas: 
    - Necromancer bone-minion themed skin.
    - Mesmer Clone Illusion themed skin (Mirror Masked). 

- Springer Mount Skin Ideas:
    - Lithosol Rock elemental skin. 
    - Necromancer bone-minion themed skin.  
    - Mesmer Clone Illusion themed skin (Mirror Masked).

- Raptor Mount Skin Ideas: 
    - Mordrem Guard Mount Raptor Skin. 
    - Necromancer bone-minion themed skin. 
    - Mesmer Clone Illusion themed skin (Mirror Masked).

- Novelty Chair Ideas: 
   - Two-player campfire log Chair. (Similar to the Tea Time chair, it allows an additional player to sit on either side of the campfire or together on one log and allows two unique animations skills. 1) Warm hands by the fire. 2) Cook marshmallow or some type of meat on a stick.)
   - New Kaineng Noodle Stall Chair. (Similar to the Tea Time chair, it allows an additional player to sit in front of the noodle stall booth 
 on a stool and allows two unique animations skills. 1) Eat noodles. 2) Drink broth. For the player who spawns it, they would stand up within the Noodle stand have two unique animations. 1) Pour broth into bowl of noodles. 2) Serve Bowl of Noodles. )   
   - Bountiful Harvest Feast Chair. (Similar to the Tea Time chair, but now utilizing Skiff tech, four additional players can sit around a table filled with several dishes of food and drink. Each player is given three unique animation skills. 1) Eat said food. 2) Drink from mug. 3) Raise glass to toast.) 
    - Common Merchant Stall Chair. (Two player chair that spawns a merchant stall around the player who spawns the chair. Host stands behind the stall table filled with goods to "sell" and has two unique animations. 1) Extend open hand forward. 2) Count coins on hand. For the additional player, they would stand in front of the stall and would have two animation skills to utilize. 1) Extend hand with gold coin pouch. 2) Point towards the different merchandise showcased on the merchant stand.)
    - Basic Camping Tent Chair. (Single person chair that spawns an open tent and a bed roll inside where the character can either /sit or /sleep in.) 
    - Basic Bed Roll Chair. (Single person chair that spawns an a bed roll where the character can either /sit or /sleep on.)     
- Novelty Musical Instrument Ideas: 
   - Metal Legion Drum set. 
   - Asura Magi-tech beats pad. 
   - Piano. 
   - Pirate's Accordion. 
   - Sylvari Leaf flute or ocarina. 
   - Kayagum stringed instrument.
   - Haegum fiddle. 
   - Piri flute.   

- Novelty Toy Ideas: 
   - Pet Siege Turtle Hatchling Whistle. 
   - "Rock 'em Sock 'em" Jade Mech Golem fighting ring toy. (Similar to the Asura RC Golem mini-game.)

- Novelty Tonic Ideas: 
   - Endless Risen Mystery Combat Tonic.
   - Endless Mordrem Guard Mystery Combat Tonic.
   - Endless Destroyer Mystery Tonic. 
   - Endless Icebrood Mystery Tonic. 
   - Endless Dragonvoid Mystery Tonic. 
   - Endless Canthan Mystery Tonic. (Would include Naga, Kappa, Wardens, Saltspray Dragon, Kirin, et cetera.) 

- Armor Skin Ideas: 
    - Forest Archer Cloak Hood skin. (Shows some strands of hair and is slightly dark inside the hood.) 
    - Finish missing pieces of armor for half-sets. (Examples: Maguuma's, Shadow Of The Dragon, Lawless, Scarlet's, Toxic, Aurene's Crystalline, Salvaged Forged, Jackal Rune, Exalted, Swaggering and et cetera.)  
    - Stylized Beards Headpiece skin set. (Similar to the Pointed Ears set, each of the playable races and male/female options are allowed beards that are stylized for that specific culture. Norn get a large magnificent beard with few braids and metal beard ties. Asura get magi-tech themed beads and a long goatee. Charr get a mustache and long beard with different cultural motifs. Sylvari get leaf beard or moss with maybe nighttime glow. Humans get a style they don't already have access to normally.)  
     - Top Hat & Monocle headpiece with hair. 
     - Wizard & Witch Hat with hair.  
     - Jade Tech Leg prosthetic skin. 
     - More cultural themed prosthetic skins. (Asuran Magitech, Wood Carved pattern Norn aesthetic, metal worked Iron Legion, Sylvari overgrown plant, Krytan Watchwork steam.)   

- Black Lion Claim Ticket Weapon Skin Set Ideas: 
     - Garden Tools Weapon Set. (Common every day items associated with gardening or outdoor tools. For example: Shield is a bag of fertilizer, dagger a small hand-spade/shovel. Staff a gardening-hoe, hammer a shovel. Focus a pulled up weed with soil still in the roots. Axe, garden hedge shears and Et cetera.) 

- Outfit Skin Ideas: 
    - Cultural Gardeners outfit. (Like the Wedding Attire, it has different appearances for Norn, Charr, Human, Sylvari and Asura tied to their cultural aesthetics and motifs.)  
    - Cultural Swimsuit outfit. (Like the Wedding Attire, it has different appearances for Norn, Charr, Human, Sylvari and Asura tied to their cultural aesthetics and motifs.)  
    - Formal Dress and Suit outfits. (Just like the recently added Butler and Maid outfits, these allow all to wear each style of the garment no matter if the character is male or female.)  

- Backpiece Armor Skin Ideas: 
    - Fishing basket backpack skin. (Has fish on the outside of basket and inside including other fishing adornments.) 
    - Harvesters backpack skin. (Simple basket with different fruits or vegetables gathered.)  

- Glider Skin Ideas: 
    - Pact Fleet Glider Skin.
    - Order of Whispers, Durmand Priory and Vigil Glider Skins. 
    - Jade Bot Glider Skin. 

- New Emote Pack Ideas: 
    - How to Dance Vol 2. (Three new additional dances. Could pull from GW1's profession dances.) 
    - How to Work Vol 1. (Three new additional animations. /shovel /hammer /tillingsoil. These would also showcase visible props like /serve.)
    - How to Celebrate Vol 1.(Three new additional animations /eat /drink /drunk.) 
    - How to Mend Vol 1. (/wounded /vomit /sneeze.)
    - How to Communicate Vol 1. (/thumbsup /thumbsdown /soso.)
    - How to Cheer Vol 1. (/clap /woo /confetti.) 

- New Exclusive Makeover Kit Ideas: 
    + Hairstyles:
      - Adding additional Path of Fire Elonian-themed Afrocentric styles and faces for non-human players. (Norn, Sylvari, Charr and Asura.) 
      - More curly hair options in general for everyone. 
    + Beard Styles:
      -  Adding a beard category for both Asura and Sylvari to have beards would be amazing. We've seen concept art pieces with such (Steward Gixx, Herald Revenant Elite Spec art) and it would be wonderful to have that option as well in-game.  
    + Body Textures:
      -  Burns, freckles, birthmarks, scars and undead Awakened skin textures.
    + Face Textures:
      - Burns, freckles, birthmarks, scars and undead Awakened skin textures.
    + Body Shapes:
     - More plus size representation and flat-chested representation.   
    + (NEW Category) Tattoos:
      - We see Humans in Cantha with tattoos for Kurzick/Luxon cultural representation. Allowing Humans this option as well as including other playable races this opportunity would be amazing. 
    + (NEW Category) Piercings: 
      - Allowing jewelry piercing options for all playable races would add another level of customization that would be wonderful.

Seconding these requests! Smudgem has amazing ideas that I would gladly buy off the gem store! Anet should hire you!

That being said, I'd love for more outfits like the wandering weapon master to come out (and for the actual outfit to return again). I'd like more leather and adventurer like outfits to come to the store. Also hoping that the Queensdale Academy outfit makes a return again soon!

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One of the items on the gem store that I have missed after my long hiatus from the game is the Mask of The Wanderer. If possible, I would love to see it again on the gem store even for a short time since I have been waiting for it and would be an instabuy for me. Keep up the good work and I look forward to 2023!

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I still wish for a tiny Buckler Shield skin 🙂 Need smol shields!



And and a Flail that is just a round ball on a chain with small spikes. 🙂 Maybe Devil-Rending theme. The current BL chest Flail is awesome but I rather have just a normal ball shape instead of a complex shape with fire~ plus it's unobtainable atm. 


Edited by Doggie.3184
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hello, friendly folks - can we get more middle age / elder options for our characters' appearances?


the few that do exist - i feel - are haggard.  especially asura / charr options.  i'm 38, not 20-something.  it'd be nice to have representation in the game, and in a way that doesn't feel like age is a joke/novelty item.


like, your veteran players have aged 10-years but their toons haven't.  👀

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