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GEMSTORE REQUESTS: New Items; Items offered again - [Merged]

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PLEASE bring Foefire Armor back! I just got back into GW2 after being out sick for several months... I have the gloves and shoulders, and before my break, I had been waiting for additional pieces... and then after I got back, I saw that someone had the greaves in game! :o OMG... sniffles. I missed it when the actual foefire ones were put into the Gem store! :'(

At any rate, the three-piece ensemble is most excellent. Good Job Designers! :3

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OH Also,

  1. Please bring back the Arctic Explorer Outfit. It is PERFECT for roleplaying in the snowy areas of the game.
  2. Please design some heavy armor chest pieces with a little more bulk in the area of the upper arms. We have all the pieces necessary for a nice winter outfit (such as the scarf, earmuffs, etc., along some great boot and glove models that work - mostly from the Norn) with one exception: The upper arms of the heavy chest pieces don't have the "bulk" to match the other pieces. Since the Norn have the body types to run around the snow without needing this extra bulk, it is understandable why this is the case. However, for us puny humans, we need more protection from the elements! ;) This request is mostly to build a winter battle outfit. The present winter outfits are gorgeous, but not very practical for battle. ;)
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I just want some cool new hair for Humans.Would it really hurt to have some more hair like the ones from RPG games, Anime, or Final Fantasy? lol.I have a Cloud Strife character waiting for just that sort of styles. :PYou have done so many good ones in the past, but the male human hair hasn't had much done to it in a year or so.

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I want some option to turn all SAB related sounds, graphics and effects OFF. Permanently. I would pay gems for that.

To clarify: they can still be in the game. Let those who enjoy fake 8bit sounds, deal with it. But personally, I don't want to hear or see any of that stuff. Replace it with silence and/or a default graphic. Maybe a picture of a kitten. Or a block of wood. Something. Just make it possible to make it go away.

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I don't know if other people have suggested it, but cloth and leather home instance nodes for Tier IV-VI items, please. It would also be nice if home instance things stayed available instead of coming and going - it is a bit of a bummer for those of us who want them but have to wait for who knows how long until they come back.

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@Curunen.8729 said:Cosmic glider skin and aura back piece (ie no physical back piece)?

Something similar to the cosmic mining tool effect, and something that would match astralaria's blue starry trail visually.

Just to add to this, would be great if the glider/aura back item was dyeable and with similar design to the stardust/bound/drift mount skins, for fashion coordination. :)

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While I'm enjoying a lot of the over the top mounts that have come out like the Umbra Demon Skimmer for my Necromancer, and the fire variants for elf-wizard looking Elementalist, Branded Set for my Mesmer, one thing I'd really love to see is a set of no nonsense-nonmagical armored set of mounts for my warrior. Something spartan, practial and martial looking clad in armor.Does this character look like it has any business being on a glowing pink bunny?CZuC2Pr.png

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@Gaile Gray.6029 said:Players have shared a number of terrific suggestions for Guild Wars 2 Gem Store items. From outfits that hark back to old Tyria to miniatures that warm the heart, from dye sets that personalize your look to new gliders that make a statement, player ideas have help us expand our Gem Store to include a wide variety of wonderful items.

If you have a suggestion – or several! – that you’d like to share with the development team about potential Gem Store items, please post them in this continuing thread.

Thanks for your input!

Just keep everything instead of changing the items every 4 days, for example there are costumes that we cant get or dyes,etc... Just rotate other categories.

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My suggestions would be geared towards more of a theme: I noticed in the frozen north of the Shiverpeaks, the Kodal are present, and from what I can see, theirs is an Asian, possibly a Japanese themed village. With that in mind, maybe a new line of Asian themed armor and weapons skins that players can obtain from the gem store. I see a lot of other cultures represented here, which is awesome, but sadly very little of the Asian realm, and I think it would be good to add that mix to the game.

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Dress-up boxes, please! I have 3-sets of armor and weapons, one for each elite specialization. Instead of taking up 24-inventory slots (I'm already maxed), we could shove all that soulbound gear into a dress-up box that takes one slot. For a few Gems, of course. :)

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