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Best Living World Episodes to get first


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Which LW episodes would you pick first?

Dsiclaimer: It is cheaper to buy in bundle, and cheapest during sale. But waiting till februrary or august might not be an option.

What is good value, it is personal, some pointers what i seek:

  • Easy farm, solo farm is good, or open world meta, instances without lfg are bad. More or less fast in days of farm. Getting some gold more in the process.
  • Ascended trinkets which are stat selectable, or almost all options are good.
  • Ascended bacpiece lv80 is good
  • Full set of exotic gear armour/weapon, stat selectect with different currency could be good. But we are seeking better option than WvW or VB so could be hard.
  • Ascended Armour or Weapon?
  • Overall good metaevent. Popular.
  • Oversized bags

But you can point some other advantages.

Some ideas:

LW4E6 War Ethernal Dragonfall - one map, and 3 trinkets. could teleport alts, could get a little map currency with karma. Metaevents runs around the clock. However trinkets are unique so no doubles, and metaevent without skyscale could be hard to max out.

LW3E3 - Bitterfrost forntier and frostberries, has ring, accessory and backpiece. Berries are easy to farm, but could take overall time. Items are unique.

Edited by evilcat.6817
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4 hours ago, evilcat.6817 said:

Some ideas:

LW4E6 War Ethernal Dragonfall - one map, and 3 trinkets. could teleport alts, could get a little map currency with karma. Metaevents runs around the clock. However trinkets are unique so no doubles, and metaevent without skyscale could be hard to max out.

LW3E3 - Bitterfrost forntier and frostberries, has ring, accessory and backpiece. Berries are easy to farm, but could take overall time. Items are unique.

I think if you were newer and only buying 1, I'd go with the Bitterfrost. It's an easy farm and one of the faster ways to get those ascended pieces. I used to gear my characters up with Bitterfrost, Dragonfall and Sandswept Isles.

Bloodstone Fen can also be fast and useful.

Edited by idpersona.3810
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From the point of view of getting ascended trinkets there's some things to have in consideration:

* Bitterfrost Frontier is the most farmable, since you can get over 50 tokens x day x character in a 5 minutes run, and the more expensive piece (the undewater breather) is like 500 tokens. It offers access to rieng, earing, back piece and respirator (remember that if you infuse a ring you can wear two (one infuse and other not) of the same kind at the same time.

* Bloodstone Fen: gives access to ring, amulet and back piece. Those can get their stats re-spected at the cost of 100 unstable magic, a feature that is unique amongst any other ascended trinket. Used to be easy to farm but got nerfed, still valuable due the re-spect thing.

* Sandswept isles: gives access to rings and earings, very good map overall with access to a 32 slot inventory bag if an achievement is completed.

* Dragonfall: offers access to amulet, ring and earing and has one of the most lucrative chain event metas in the entire game.

* Bjora Marches: after a couple of quest achieved will grant access to amulet and earing at the cost of ice shards + karma. This map is very special beacuse despite can't be farmed the same day from more than one character the large chest farming allows to get a lot of ice shards in barely 3 minutes. This is map also crucial since you can use the currencies to trade into other currencies of Season 4, so is very usefull if you want to complete the legendary trinket Vision.

   Those would be (were) my main maps to farm ascended trinkets until eventually I got most of them in legendary status (working in Vision, my last one!).

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