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Staff Warriors Bring Frontline Support to the Heat of the Battle

Rubi Bayer.8493

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I haven't watched the video yet; but from what I read in the first few comments, warrior is getting a stave.


I really, honestly, deeply, hoped for a throwing land spear, which, from what I've read throughout the years in these forums, a lot of people have been requesting ANet to do.

Which raises the question:

Why, oh why, won't the devs just do it once and for all?

Do they really hate paragons that much?

It is, in fact, a HUGE why?

I just don't get why all the hatred towards spears?

Apart from a couple of players, no one likes this idea of giving warriors a stave, especially when... from what I've read; are just copy and paste noves from Revenant and Daredevil.

So here's my 2 cents worth.

Please, Arena Net developers.

I ask you to really reconsider this, and bring out for warriors and some other suitable classes, a Land Spear.

You can see for yourselves that is what players want.

Keep the healing support theme, but just change the stave into a spear.

There are quite a few weapons that I never use, such as mesmer Shields, rev Shields, thieves scepter, mesmer axe, Guardian axe, and many more.

This... warrior stave, is going to be just another of those weapons I will never use... except maybe the once, just the first time, out of simple and mere curiosity. 

I feel that Warriors, Guardians, and perhaps one middle and light armour classes should also have a land spear. 

It's way overdue, and you know it.

This alone could improve the game in so many ways.

If you just copy and paste; players do not see much value in it.


Something to really consider.


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25 minutes ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

I haven't watched the video yet; but from what I read in the first few comments, warrior is getting a stave.


I really, honestly, deeply, hoped for a throwing land spear, which, from what I've read throughout the years in these forums, a lot of people have been requesting ANet to do.

Which raises the question:

Why, oh why, won't the devs just do it once and for all?

Do they really hate paragons that much?

It is, in fact, a HUGE why?

I just don't get why all the hatred towards spears?

Apart from a couple of players, no one likes this idea of giving warriors a stave, especially when... from what I've read; are just copy and paste noves from Revenant and Daredevil.

So here's my 2 cents worth.

Please, Arena Net developers.

I ask you to really reconsider this, and bring out for warriors and some other suitable classes, a Land Spear.

You can see for yourselves that is what players want.

Keep the healing support theme, but just change the stave into a spear.

There are quite a few weapons that I never use, such as mesmer Shields, rev Shields, thieves scepter, mesmer axe, Guardian axe, and many more.

This... warrior stave, is going to be just another of those weapons I will never use... except maybe the once, just the first time, out of simple and mere curiosity. 

I feel that Warriors, Guardians, and perhaps one middle and light armour classes should also have a land spear. 

It's way overdue, and you know it.

This alone could improve the game in so many ways.

If you just copy and paste; players do not see much value in it.


Something to really consider.


Given how Engi uses shortbow, I agree that not making this a spear is fairly inexcusable at this point.

Honestly, at the very least they could roll back and retool banners to be spears. They already slam down into the ground like spears anyway so would it be that hard to make a five skill kit for when you hold them that gives Warrior an unofficial spear weapon?

My biggest gripe about this so far is probably Bullet Catcher. I wouldn't be putting anything resembling a counter guard on any Warrior weapon when Spellbreaker exists. But on the whole it's one of the most minor complaints I have about the new weapons; the pistols and axe are far and away the biggest offenders design-wise.

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The idea of staff attacks landing like banners used to is nice, yet i gave it some time and it got to me. Staff cant be the paragon weapon as it is two handed. Real paragon needs to be a combo containing a shield.

So just hear me out. For the next after SotO weapon for warrior scepter should be given. We could have then specter+shield and the scepter attacks need to be ranged flying like spears...

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I'm suddenly reminded of a D&D character I had with a magic item that applied healing to attacks.

It was supposed to be used for identifying undead (you hit someone, if they're not undead the magic item would heal the damage and they'd be okay), but how he applied it in practice was to literally kick people back into fighting shape.

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23 minutes ago, Max Out.5732 said:

Why? Engineer shortbow gets unblockable ranged projectiles so why cant warrior get them? "Because Warrior, that's why" ?

Eh, Warrior has some of the better unblockable access, but depending on the ranged support, I can get behind one or two skills having a straight unblockable effect if their offensive parts are weak.

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3 hours ago, Max Out.5732 said:

Why? Engineer shortbow gets unblockable ranged projectiles so why cant warrior get them? "Because Warrior, that's why" ?

They are slow ground targeted moves which need another button press to do anything. Making them unblockable is fine. 

Imagine something like pistol skills who are all unblockable. Skills that don't need to be aimed and are just 1 button press. 

If these skill do even decent dmg by themself.... The QQ would be wild in pvp/wvw.   A berserker just throwing you to death with unblockable skill from atleast 900 range away. 

Remove the unblockable and the entire weapon is unusable for its intended job. Remove the dmg and it becomes a question how low the dmg needs to be without someone being able to abuse it. 

You would end up with a weapon that throws pebbles at people in order to make it balanced. 

At believe me. We would see a thread each week about spear not doing dmg. 


Edited by DanAlcedo.3281
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Great. Another melee weapon on a class that is relegated entirely to melee and struggled with betting picked off, just what we needed. On top of that, it's a melee support weapon with a skill that urges you to block incoming attacks, which screams "We built this entirely focusing on WvW/PvP".

I'm not one of the Spear enthusiasts, so I don't mind that it's not a spear (though I do like the idea, and Paragon did exist in GW1). However, I feel that having yet another melee weapon on warrive just bevs the question"Does ANET play warrior at all?". Just feels tone deaf, especially considering that the only heartfelt response a lot of people get on the Warrior forums are the dude-bros that wear their wife-beaters and shades while running around with Guts' sword and proclaiming how "godly awesome and mighty" warriors are (love you guys, not hating <3) or people who are too set in their ways. Maybe touch up everything on warrior first before adding in yet another melee weapon, that way we can have a solid base to start from.

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1 hour ago, Kalthea.4326 said:

Great. Another melee weapon on a class that is relegated entirely to melee and struggled with betting picked off, just what we needed. On top of that, it's a melee support weapon with a skill that urges you to block incoming attacks, which screams "We built this entirely focusing on WvW/PvP".

I'm not one of the Spear enthusiasts, so I don't mind that it's not a spear (though I do like the idea, and Paragon did exist in GW1). However, I feel that having yet another melee weapon on warrive just bevs the question"Does ANET play warrior at all?". Just feels tone deaf, especially considering that the only heartfelt response a lot of people get on the Warrior forums are the dude-bros that wear their wife-beaters and shades while running around with Guts' sword and proclaiming how "godly awesome and mighty" warriors are (love you guys, not hating <3) or people who are too set in their ways. Maybe touch up everything on warrior first before adding in yet another melee weapon, that way we can have a solid base to start from.

From the OH MELEE pistol it's clear they are doing everything in their power to not give warrior a decent ranged weapon.

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11 hours ago, Kalthea.4326 said:

Great. Another melee weapon on a class that is relegated entirely to melee and struggled with betting picked off, just what we needed. On top of that, it's a melee support weapon with a skill that urges you to block incoming attacks, which screams "We built this entirely focusing on WvW/PvP".

I'm not one of the Spear enthusiasts, so I don't mind that it's not a spear (though I do like the idea, and Paragon did exist in GW1). However, I feel that having yet another melee weapon on warrive just bevs the question"Does ANET play warrior at all?". Just feels tone deaf, especially considering that the only heartfelt response a lot of people get on the Warrior forums are the dude-bros that wear their wife-beaters and shades while running around with Guts' sword and proclaiming how "godly awesome and mighty" warriors are (love you guys, not hating <3) or people who are too set in their ways. Maybe touch up everything on warrior first before adding in yet another melee weapon, that way we can have a solid base to start from.

I see where you're coming from, but support was also a significant gap, and warrior support being melee makes sense (we'll see how it actually functions next week). We'll see how the next weapon goes, although a proper fix/rebalancing of rifle could also go a long way.

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39 minutes ago, draxynnic.3719 said:

I see where you're coming from, but support was also a significant gap, and warrior support being melee makes sense (we'll see how it actually functions next week). We'll see how the next weapon goes, although a proper fix/rebalancing of rifle could also go a long way.

To be clear, I have no issue with it being a support weapon. I've wanted Warrior support since launch.

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