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Staff Warriors Bring Frontline Support to the Heat of the Battle

Rubi Bayer.8493

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Wow, it's literally a copy+paste from Revenant's staff animations and a few of Daredevil, how nice ! NOT!!!

This was the most boring thing you could do.

It uses 99% the exact same animations as the rev staff and Daredevil, except for the charge attack which is from one of the Warrior's/engi elite.

I was expecting for something different, something else than rev staff. 

Why not just make a kitten land-spear already?!


Edited by TwistedAlga.4235
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It's hard to really form an opinion based on the info revealed but I IMPLORE Anet to make the Staff burst involve a healing component.  Having a heal on the Burst will enable the Spellbreaker, currently the weakest PvE elite spec, to be the best support spec.  How? Because of the simple mechanic made possible by Minor Grandmaster Trait, Attacker's Insight, where Full Counter refreshes all burst skills on hit.

The burst skill heal should be an AoE heal of all nearby allies.  Limit the range of the AoE to fit in with their desire to make support Warrior a frontline healer.

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4 hours ago, TwistedAlga.4235 said:

They look fine? Of course it does, since it's exact copy from mostly Revenant staff animations and a few of Daredevils.

A big fat MEH!

I specifically chose "fine" instead of good for that reason.

At least Warrior (or at least for SotO payers) finally gets a weapon that looks like modern game play.

7 hours ago, Emberheart.8426 said:

At least warrior mains signed up for a melee profession in character creation, unlike say elementalist.

Yet that's no valid reason to keep Warrior's ranged weapons as bad as they are now, when other professions have better melee and ranged weapons.

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Same here. Apart from the trailer people won't spend a lot of time looking at the animations in detail so i wouldn't want ANet to waste too much budget on it if there's perfectly functional animations out there. We don't need every class to jump in a different way, we need the skills to fit the class and contribute to a certain feel and aesthetic. The fx on the jump ARE new and they look pretty good to me. 

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2 hours ago, Katary.7096 said:

Knowing only 2 skills and that staff is mainly a melee weapon I don't have much hope for Warrior based healing builds being competitve with the top healers in general.

It feels more like a personal survival tool with added party boons, rather than a healer weapon.

Honestly, I don't mind that, if I am to use staff more in roaming.

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So A.NET noticed and decided (again) to bring support/healing warriors. Support warrior was always introduced and removed from the game.

I play mainly warrior and i am angry to see as over the years that much of the group content was not available for warriors. Other classes could do dmg +some thing else (heal/quck/alac) and were always the priority in groups. So a random lonely warrior was always shunned off in FLG and PUGs.

I still remember banner heal warrior, phalanx strength warrior, shout heal warriors, then changed banner support warrior, healing shout bladesworn. I've spent way to many hours running "bauble warrior" in wvw when PoF came out where the point of the warrior was to run in, cast bauble and basically die. I remember "the one build to rule them all" on warrior that was good in pve/pvp/wvw with low dmg but huge self sustain that allowed me to play 1vs2, 1vs3 and my personal best 1vs4 in wvw and win using some terrain for assist. My personal favorite was running away with low health mid fight and jumping down from cliff only to have heal mid air that allowed me to survive the fall and watching those poor souls following me as they landed with very low hp (as it was higher then they thought seeing that i survived) only to get slaughtered as my attacks where waiting for them once they land (but it was before we could glide in wvw). Doing damage is good, but after 11 years of only doing so its get boring.

There is a a great need for healing/support warrior and i will gladly play it again.  Just for every thing holy don't give us heal/support option and then take it away from us as it was done before.


Now i have recalled all the fun i had when warriors where the 1st choice in every LFG in dungeons and fractals, where healing shouts just dominated when people where stacked. Or banners warrior where you dropped banners and every one in the party picked them up and carry it over form one fight to another using skill 3 "charge" on it to move as fast as possible. Never again had so much fun with playing warrior when i could do both dmg and buff/heal party and me. I've really felt like the commander...


Edited by Max Out.5732
typos, new text
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19 hours ago, Za Shaloc.3908 said:

Well I have a total of probably 5 hours on Warrior of the many many thousands of hours I have put into this game. It's the class I care the least about and that has never piqued my interest, but this will likely change it. Really looking forward to finding out more about the skills/burst/etc. Playing a quickheal Zerker sounds really fun.

You can play one right now tbh.

Trait vigorous shouts in tactics, put few shouts on your skillbar and use them.
There, you quickly run outta heals!

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Please don't lock us into a weapon kit like gunsaber. Also, hopefully the utility skills are good. I'm looking forward to what the staff brings to warrior. I'm very interested in what changes to burst you guys will bring.

What I liked just from this small preview: 1) The gap closers, 2) The animations are nice, especially the first big landing after leap

Thanks for the preview.

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HEAL WARRIOR - They should do sth like what they done with heal alac scourge just smash with healing and utility, rework tactic traitline! rework shout heal skill to 5 allies,[Mending Might] to 5 allies, swap [Vigorous Shouts] with ([Empowered]or rework it we dont need dmg in that traitline!). Warhorn skill 4 [Charge] - quick + protection (like name of skill say when u charge u want to run with expecting to get a dmg), [Dolyak Signet] to 5 allies reduce to 2 stacks of stab and % prot for u instead of flat thoughness. There is so much great ideas arena could make.. just u have to WANT!

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That burst skill better be op or this might as well not exist. 

A channeled block that heals depending on the amount of blocks is kind of useless in my eyes. That daredevil staff 5 jump is your only reliable heal so far (no infos on bursts). 

I can only agree, it seems to be a non pve focussed weapon with the amount of survivability you got. And pvp/wvw are kind of the only places where heal war was kind of a thing. But hey you never know..

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4 minutes ago, Verdict is Vengence.6912 said:

Maybe Bullet Catcher is the burst 🤔

please dont give them terrible ideas!

If the build will be kitlocked/weapon locked then burst skill better be an amazing aoe heal for pve so its worth to play.  They can just tweak the numbers a bit lower for pvp/wvw not to affect pve build...

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50 minutes ago, Max Out.5732 said:

please dont give them terrible ideas!

If the build will be kitlocked/weapon locked then burst skill better be an amazing aoe heal for pve so its worth to play.  They can just tweak the numbers a bit lower for pvp/wvw not to affect pve build...

It would be a weird burst but they specifically mentioned "Bullet Catch" so it must be important, so important that it might just be our new burst.

And I would hate if they kitlocked/weapon locked us again. Once is more than enough.

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1 hour ago, Verdict is Vengence.6912 said:

Maybe Bullet Catcher is the burst 🤔

It is not.
"As a frontline support, we also wanted staff warriors to bring some personal survivability to the table, which is found in slot 5 with Bullet Catcher."
Source: https://www.guildwars2.com/en-gb/news/staff-warriors-bring-frontline-support-to-the-heat-of-the-battle/

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2 minutes ago, Katary.7096 said:

It is not.
"As a frontline support, we also wanted staff warriors to bring some personal survivability to the table, which is found in slot 5 with Bullet Catcher."
Source: https://www.guildwars2.com/en-gb/news/staff-warriors-bring-frontline-support-to-the-heat-of-the-battle/

Thnks that clears things up

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2 minutes ago, Katary.7096 said:

It is not.
"As a frontline support, we also wanted staff warriors to bring some personal survivability to the table, which is found in slot 5 with Bullet Catcher."
Source: https://www.guildwars2.com/en-gb/news/staff-warriors-bring-frontline-support-to-the-heat-of-the-battle/

i also was recalling that reading the post yesterday, but still i hope the burst and zerker burst on staff will provide aoe healing for all game modes with higher values in pve.

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Just now, Verdict is Vengence.6912 said:

It would be a weird burst but they specifically mentioned "Bullet Catch" so it must be important, so important that it might just be our new burst.

And I would hate if they kitlocked/weapon locked us again. Once is more than enough.

Not happening. "Weird" is exactly what warrior is not by it's very design.
Everything a warrior does is easy to use, without any gimmics to make it work.

And by that logic i'm pretty sure our healing will be in a large aoe and not difficult to pull off.

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