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World Linking 11/24/2023

Roy Marks.7689

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33 minutes ago, CrimsonOneThree.5682 said:


Transfers in the past week, after the relinks, after this week, it's only two weeks until we get new links.

I see your screenshot shows transfers from DR to AR. DR was previously linked to FA and now AR is linked to FA. What's wrong with players on link servers trying to remain with their guild which may be on the host server? They won't have this problem when we finally get WR.

Edited by Chaba.5410
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On 11/30/2023 at 7:43 AM, Mihile.7609 said:

I wonder what would happen if they stopped linking Mag with anyone.

Please, can you try once? Lmao.

Years ago, BG did not have a link server. And the three servers were together on one link. If the mag can't get a link server, their EU timeslot will be difficult. Nothing else really happens to them. They are perhaps the only server that has a decent que to EBG all day long.

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3 hours ago, Chaba.5410 said:

I see your screenshot shows transfers from DR to AR. DR was previously linked to FA and now AR is linked to FA. What's wrong with players on link servers trying to remain with their guild which may be on the host server? They won't have this problem when we finally get WR.

No, some guilds are just nomads. Now imagine 2-3 Nomad Guilds traveling together. WR forces them all into one Guild (If they want to be together). But this leads to Game of Thrones-style power games again. As happened with the previous social project - "Alliances".



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14 hours ago, Chaba.5410 said:

I see your screenshot shows transfers from DR to AR. DR was previously linked to FA and now AR is linked to FA. What's wrong with players on link servers trying to remain with their guild which may be on the host server? They won't have this problem when we finally get WR.

We had one 'guild' in the EU transfer twice in two weeks from fow, Viz and then back to fow, to cloud farm on different servers, because anet's algorithm doesn't close FoW or moves FR to very high, to stop the bandwagoning.

Some People can just Switch accounts, so easily though anyway.

Edited by CrimsonOneThree.5682
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53 minutes ago, Kirigaya Kazuto.8547 said:

lmao riverside alone vs whiteside and vizuna.... seriously what is anet smoking? riverside is not nearly a full server and has mostly pve guilds and whiteside already dominates matchups without a 2nd server...

guess pve vault tasks it is for now

70+ transfers out of FSP, idk what happened to Dzagonur though and riverside generally has morning tags during the week, but not the weekend.

The balancing is screwed anyhow, might aswell wait for the next beta, nevermind the relinks. 😅

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The absolute shambolic state of EU links makes me wonder if they are this bad on purpose.

Anybody with a vague understanding of EU WvW populations would have looked at the relinks and just said, no. Coupled with the shorter linking period, which at first seems like a blessing, until you realise that a shorter period doesn't allow time for the system to find balance before the worlds are put back in the blender and the chaos starts again. It looks to me as though the conditions are being set to actually encourage these imbalanced matches.

Putting on my tinfoil hat I start to wonder if the imbalance is being allowed, or perhaps even encouraged on purpose, in order to degrade the WvW experience, in an effort to stimulate a greater demand for the soulless, mess, that is world restructuring.

I mean anything has to be better than this, right?

Well, maybe...

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18 hours ago, Nugatory.8920 said:

The absolute shambolic state of EU links makes me wonder if they are this bad on purpose.

Anybody with a vague understanding of EU WvW populations would have looked at the relinks and just said, no. Coupled with the shorter linking period, which at first seems like a blessing, until you realise that a shorter period doesn't allow time for the system to find balance before the worlds are put back in the blender and the chaos starts again. It looks to me as though the conditions are being set to actually encourage these imbalanced matches.

Putting on my tinfoil hat I start to wonder if the imbalance is being allowed, or perhaps even encouraged on purpose, in order to degrade the WvW experience, in an effort to stimulate a greater demand for the soulless, mess, that is world restructuring.

I mean anything has to be better than this, right?

Well, maybe...

Last Friday I wrote this on another post:

we should all agree that this game mode is competitive in nature, and it is equally evident that if you leave the space to manipulate the game to the player, SO will do it for sure. So if you want to make these last 2 or 3 months before WR interesting (barring unforeseen events) I would recommend this :

Reconnections every 4 weeks (done)

Transfers blocked for the first 2 weeks (to be done)

Manual server pairing. You do this in reference to the server ranking we have now. In EU put the 1st - 2nd - 3rd without a link, then the 4th with the 27th and the 5th with the 26th and so on. to scale. And let's see what happens. ( to be done )

Anet, this is a good time to change things up, do a series of tests and see what happens to your streaming data. Don't be afraid and do it.✌️

It is not even my idea, I read it in the memoirs of this forum a few years ago. The development here has never considered anything to better manage/control matches in WVW. The answer has only ever been WR and alliances. nothing else. Woe to you if you consider anything else. Not to mention the community, even worse, if you propose any small variation/modification of even just parameters rather than scoring, or just stopping transfers for 2 weeks, you will only get answers like: useless, non-existent, impossible, alliances when or something similar.

Edited by Mabi black.1824
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Manual server pairing. You do this in reference to the server ranking we have now. In EU put the 1st - 2nd - 3rd without a link, then the 4th with the 27th and the 5th with the 26th and so on. to scale. And let's see what happens. ( to be done )

That's practically how the system already works, just automated. ANet runs a script that tries to match up the servers to get as close to even/similar as they can. Then hit the button (manually) to do that. They don't sit and pick servers to pair with whom, they just let data/numbers do its thing. Despite what the majority of players on these forums wants to believe.

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1 hour ago, joneirikb.7506 said:

That's practically how the system already works, just automated. ANet runs a script that tries to match up the servers to get as close to even/similar as they can. Then hit the button (manually) to do that. They don't sit and pick servers to pair with whom, they just let data/numbers do its thing. Despite what the majority of players on these forums wants to believe.

It's not possible. If I look at the current ranking,  ( updated on 02/12/2023 and next update scheduled for 09/12/2023 ) the servers that run alone are: Desolation 12 place Riverside 15 place Baruch 23 place

It doesn't seem to me that it works exactly as I described. Or am I missing something?

Edited by Mabi black.1824
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3 hours ago, Mabi black.1824 said:

It's not possible. If I look at the current ranking,  ( updated on 02/12/2023 and next update scheduled for 09/12/2023 ) the servers that run alone are: Desolation 12 place Riverside 15 place Baruch 23 place

It doesn't seem to me that it works exactly as I described. Or am I missing something?

The system works that way, but the players doesn't.

* As soon as pairings are done, players transfer, thus ruining any attempt at balance.
* As soon as one side loses a big scale fight, half of them quit wvw for the day (fairweather), and thus makes the servers "feel" loop-sided, even if they shouldn't.

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Well I don't know who dreamed up FoW/Kodash but if ever a server is strong enough to play by itself it's FoW. Both last and this week they are totally dominant to the point where last week both Desolation and BT stopped playing in the hope that they would drop. At busy periods their war score has been greater than the total for the two other servers combined.

It's also given rise to some highly unsporting behaviour by some in FoW. They are so dominant that the other servers only have one or two keeps and towers each. Sometimes it's difficult just to flip the camps next to their spawn. Some FoW players are actually hiding in the adjacent camps and ambushing anybody attempting to flip them. They are often platinum and mithril players who almost certainly don't need the tickets or the participation and just enjoy killing weaker players: it doesn't help your level score much so the main motivation would seem to be to have malicious fun and make it a misery for others.  

I have no issue with players defending Towers and Keeps but sitting in a camp just waiting to ambush people who you know are almost certainly weaker than you doesn't seem very sporting to me.

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5 hours ago, Nuchre Bumbling.9807 said:

Well I don't know who dreamed up FoW/Kodash but if ever a server is strong enough to play by itself it's FoW. Both last and this week they are totally dominant to the point where last week both Desolation and BT stopped playing in the hope that they would drop. At busy periods their war score has been greater than the total for the two other servers combined.

It's also given rise to some highly unsporting behaviour by some in FoW. They are so dominant that the other servers only have one or two keeps and towers each. Sometimes it's difficult just to flip the camps next to their spawn. Some FoW players are actually hiding in the adjacent camps and ambushing anybody attempting to flip them. They are often platinum and mithril players who almost certainly don't need the tickets or the participation and just enjoy killing weaker players: it doesn't help your level score much so the main motivation would seem to be to have malicious fun and make it a misery for others.  

I have no issue with players defending Towers and Keeps but sitting in a camp just waiting to ambush people who you know are almost certainly weaker than you doesn't seem very sporting to me.

I am on Gandara at the moment( linked with )  and this is almost only what i do in gw2, but i do try to keep fights outside the range of guards.

Somtimes i cap towers or keeps but that is only when there are few people to kill.

But if they are low ranks i let them cap some camps and sentrys after i have killed them a couple times.

I only play gw2 to have player fights ( spvp have total different ballance,  gear and focus more on cap and hold than kills)

Edited by Sansar.1302
bad spelling
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Well with all (no) due respect you are just proving my point. I am guessing that you are a reasonably good player but find that in PvP you don't do that well at your level. If you deliberately prey on weaker players then it totally ruins the game for them. In 4 weeks I will have all my trinkets and 3 sets of Legendary Armor so the issue will be resolved for me. Please think of the effect you have on other players by your conduct.

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15 minutes ago, Nuchre Bumbling.9807 said:

Well with all (no) due respect you are just proving my point. I am guessing that you are a reasonably good player but find that in PvP you don't do that well at your level. If you deliberately prey on weaker players then it totally ruins the game for them. In 4 weeks I will have all my trinkets and 3 sets of Legendary Armor so the issue will be resolved for me. Please think of the effect you have on other players by your conduct.

It is not that i dont do well in spvp, problem i have with spvp is that i dont find it any fun ( cap and hold mecanic ) 

And i dont deliberately prey on weak players i only try to find fun 1v1(x)s

Edited by Sansar.1302
where not finished writing
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9 hours ago, Sansar.1302 said:

It is not that i dont do well in spvp, problem i have with spvp is that i dont find it any fun ( cap and hold mecanic ) 

And i dont deliberately prey on weak players i only try to find fun 1v1(x)s

Fair enuff, but that isn't what you implied as you suggested that you lie in wait at camps attacking unsuspecting players. There is an informal place for duels in the area between the two rival camps in the Alpine Borderlands.

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25 minutes ago, Nuchre Bumbling.9807 said:

Fair enuff, but that isn't what you implied as you suggested that you lie in wait at camps attacking unsuspecting players. There is an informal place for duels in the area between the two rival camps in the Alpine Borderlands.

Make no mistake i wait at stuff and ambush players that is what i do.

Yes i know about the duel spot been playing wvw since game came out.

Duels are nice but there are room for more 1v1 than strict duels.

WvW is first and formost is a pvp mode you should expect to be attacked at any second.

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