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World Linking 11/24/2023

Roy Marks.7689

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19 hours ago, Nuchre Bumbling.9807 said:

Well I don't know who dreamed up FoW/Kodash but if ever a server is strong enough to play by itself it's FoW. Both last and this week they are totally dominant to the point where last week both Desolation and BT stopped playing in the hope that they would drop. At busy periods their war score has been greater than the total for the two other servers combined.

It's also given rise to some highly unsporting behaviour by some in FoW. They are so dominant that the other servers only have one or two keeps and towers each. Sometimes it's difficult just to flip the camps next to their spawn. Some FoW players are actually hiding in the adjacent camps and ambushing anybody attempting to flip them. They are often platinum and mithril players who almost certainly don't need the tickets or the participation and just enjoy killing weaker players: it doesn't help your level score much so the main motivation would seem to be to have malicious fun and make it a misery for others.  

I have no issue with players defending Towers and Keeps but sitting in a camp just waiting to ambush people who you know are almost certainly weaker than you doesn't seem very sporting to me.

FoW on EBG is a chaotic mess actually outside of reset night, when the map is full of pugs usually on all 3 servers, they can farm pugs around SM with siege and all that too.

Otherwise it's full of afkers and roamers scattered everywhere, while the chatmanders are bad.

Their cloud isn't that strong, against big organized groups, but often it's too boring to play on there to bother for other servers.

Edited by CrimsonOneThree.5682
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I see what you mean is that you only want to fight weaker players and aren't interested in fair fights just some perverse satisfaction from winning. WvW is NOT intended as PvP. It's intended for groups of up to 50 or more to fight each other and the intention is for people to have fun. The best fun I have in WvW is when we are fighting a blob of roughly the same size and whoever shows the most skill wins. The fun bit comes where the blob you are in wants to win but doesn't take things badly if we lose. There is no sport in beating up a group half your size but I fully accept that if I am soloing a camp and a zerg arrives looking to flip and resupp then I will be ganked. I have no issue when we are flipping a camp or a tower if a competing group contest and you get killed because that is part of the game. However, I personally do have an issue with people that have nothing better to do with their life than prey on weaker players making it a misery for them and for little discernible gain for them. 

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4 hours ago, Nuchre Bumbling.9807 said:

I see what you mean is that you only want to fight weaker players and aren't interested in fair fights just some perverse satisfaction from winning. WvW is NOT intended as PvP. It's intended for groups of up to 50 or more to fight each other and the intention is for people to have fun. The best fun I have in WvW is when we are fighting a blob of roughly the same size and whoever shows the most skill wins. The fun bit comes where the blob you are in wants to win but doesn't take things badly if we lose. There is no sport in beating up a group half your size but I fully accept that if I am soloing a camp and a zerg arrives looking to flip and resupp then I will be ganked. I have no issue when we are flipping a camp or a tower if a competing group contest and you get killed because that is part of the game. However, I personally do have an issue with people that have nothing better to do with their life than prey on weaker players making it a misery for them and for little discernible gain for them. 

So big fights are fine but smal ones are toxic ?

I like smal scale fights because it realy highlight the skill of the individual players ( except when some play the most broken op specs Wilbender, Harbinger and Catalyst)

WvW is a sandbox pvp mode.

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If you liked to highlight skills you would duel in WvW unofficial duelling sites as I said before, there you can fight against people who also have skills. Seems to me you only want to fight when you have an overwhelming chance of winning and that doesn't represent skill just bullying.

Anyway it's my last word on the subject, 3 weeks from now I won't need any tickets for legendary armour or trinkets and will not need to collect them at any cost and you can just play with yourself. 

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34 minutes ago, Nuchre Bumbling.9807 said:

If you liked to highlight skills you would duel in WvW unofficial duelling sites as I said before, there you can fight against people who also have skills. Seems to me you only want to fight when you have an overwhelming chance of winning and that doesn't represent skill just bullying.

Anyway it's my last word on the subject, 3 weeks from now I won't need any tickets for legendary armour or trinkets and will not need to collect them at any cost and you can just play with yourself. 

So you only play this game mode to get something and not because you find it fun ?

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16 minutes ago, Sansar.1302 said:

So you only play this game mode to get something and not because you find it fun ?

Have to respond to this.

No I enjoy WvW a lot and I like playing in a big zerg with friends in my guild or even small groups when the server is quiet. When I play I am happy to lose as long as it's a fair fight and I die a lot because at 71 I don't that good reflexes. I don't play to ruin other people's enjoyment of the game as you do. 

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7 hours ago, Nuchre Bumbling.9807 said:

Have to respond to this.

No I enjoy WvW a lot and I like playing in a big zerg with friends in my guild or even small groups when the server is quiet. When I play I am happy to lose as long as it's a fair fight and I die a lot because at 71 I don't that good reflexes. I don't play to ruin other people's enjoyment of the game as you do. 

No I don't play to ruin others fun, what's not fun for me is playing in group's 

And no duels are not always a thing, most times you only find duelers at the spot only at prime time.

Even then because you wait to fight maby you get lucky and get a fight every 15 min and if people are busy with other duels Alot longer time. 

As I said early er in this tread, after I kill a person couple times I consider if they can fight back. 

To be killed a couple times in a sandbox pvp mode is nothing more than one can expect. 



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