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Expanded Weapon Proficiencies Beta Feedback: Revenant

Rubi Bayer.8493

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OK so here's my feedback for that new weapon: (Through I do think that it lacks utility/elite skills to be like other specs)

Character animations:  Little dynamic at least it is not static keeping a single pose...

Skills animations: The skills are beautiful and seems related to a kind of red chain theme, like souls.

Mechanics: Well the gimmick seems to be gaining charges by using skill 3 on duration, it has the weird ally/enemy mechanic like warrior, a very confusing mechanic, furthermore, it doesn't do good help of boons or good damages of penalties so pretty useless to make allies/enemies to me as the skill by itself is bad.

Damages and effects:  Only skill 3 have boons or conditions, and the damage is bad, gosh it is bad.... I felt like spamming my keyboard doing 0 damages fighting against a veteran oakheart in queensdale... gosh... the worst of the new weapons presented. Really. Don't even deserve to be called spec weapon, just feel like a starter weapon that you must forget about!

Horrible. Disaster. Will definitely never use that revenant scepter if it stay in that state. The idea of.. I feel like... a soul binder is cool, the skills for most of them have red chain looking appearance and effects, but it is just skritt bad... damages bad. Boons and conditions are bad.. speed of execution of the skills... bad. Skill 1? Spamming for no damages.... to avoid.

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1 hour ago, Bdecki.7856 said:

The aurene scepter has no blade animation to it, can anyone confirm this is a thing with other legendary scepters? Not sure if I dislike that or prefer it. But probably not the greatest thing to get hit by 300 range invisible autos in pvp.

Yes, there is no blade animation for my Aurene/Soo Won Scepter. Should probably add the red effect to it so the cleave range can be seen... I wouldn't complain if they went the extra mile and added a water greatsword though.

Edited by Doggie.3184
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Just finished a full wing 1 + 2 clear playing heal herald using the new scepter. The might generation on the auto may be too strong, as it seems that with full harrier it caps might on its own. Dunno how it fairs without concentration, but that feels a little excessive. Barrier generation was nice, felt like a good flow with skill 2. Outside of intially, I never used the skill 3. The upkeep cost felt too steep for how little it seemed to do, given the weapon is absolutely designed as a support weapon. Ally targetting effect is nice, but ally targetting is as clunky as ever so I never felt a need to use it. Overall I'd say it may be leaning a little over tuned for support purposes, but I love the flow of the auto chain into skill 2. Only change I'd maybe make to the skill 2 is reducing its energy cost to 5, but I wouldn't say thats necessary

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I don't know what else I can add that others already have. It feels clunky, they way to get the barrier build up is just slow and awkward and then the payoff being probably too late to do any good and this is just for PvE. Forget competitive! I was really excited for Scepter and it did not do what I was hoping it would. The power on it and just awful. I tried pairing it with offhand Sword and Greatsword on a Vindicator and it won't beat Sw/Sw at all. Tried on quick Herald in case maybe it just needed some quickness. It didn't help it in the slightest. Wettest noodle on Revenant. I hope this all this feedback gets considered since it's VERY lackluster. Don't get me wrong. The barrier it applies is good, but how it's applied is not good. If you want barrier, go with Specter or Scourge. Was kinda hoping this would bring Heal Vindi or even Heal Herald into WvW and it doesn't seem to be the case. At least Shield was a win...

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Its bad, really bad. I get the idea, its BETA vindicator, or the offensive heal all over again. Rev do damage, rev do heal! But its kinda undercooked and asks too much while managing the other class skills to deliver very little reward in damage or barrier. A little test and celesital stats do less barrier in 6 seconds than my zerker warriors warhorn, which also cleanses that the scepter doesnt. I spent so long testing and typing here trying not to be horrible to the designers, but its not good at all as is. Its slow, clunky and has little reward, though cool visuals.

Honestly the look is cool and the tether is a good concept, but I think they missed a trick. What if instead of skill 2 and 3, 2 is just the tether and 2 combined, increase the range big time, dont have it crazy debuffing, damages, cripple and slow on 3 is good. But here is my change, what the tether is locked on determines auto attacks and skill 3. If it is on an enemy, you auto attack, each blow gives might and final one gives fury and barrier kinda like now, apart from, it also deals burning and torment in some way. If tether is on an ally, now you can auto attack allies around you, giving boons like, regen, then protection and finally stability (maybe, just an idea and makes it useful for more than one mode) and each hit gives a small barrier and again final ones big, the tether, not hits, determine getting the barrier bonus on 3 stacks and also on an enemy 20% damage on 3 stacks. This to me does 2 things, makes it engaging and fun and makes it viable in more game modes. You could maybe also do a boon removal and addage thing depending on the 3 stacks ramp up, fury maybe.

And then skill 3. Here is the beauty of a tether focus weapon. Have skill 3 do a flat barrier and aoe damage/condi/ if no ones tethered, but mega weak. Now if an ally is targeted, you shadow step to them, now you see I can auto attack them and the step isnt taking me away from enemies, if 3 stacks, you also cleanse in the area as well as barrier. Or this could be how you give stab. If an enemy is tethered, immediate you can pull them and another enemy depending on stacks, 3 stacks at the end they get the cripple. Also tether should be more like deadeye mark, its a mist connection, it should be strong, and not vanish when a bit of terrain doesnt path correctly. But the pull should be limited of course. Also it should damage, but unlike deadeye mark, it can be dodged out of.

I think the upkeep of the tether balances it, because if you are doing class stuff too, lets say WvW I managed to tether someone on a wall, I wait for 3 stacks, I pop that skill 3 pull and they fly off the wall, I am bled of energy on that stance, I cant burst, I cant stab unless I switch and then tether is broke anyway.

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11 hours ago, DarkLancer.1902 said:

Great concept, useful skills, nice aesthetic. With high healing power, the barrier bursts can make you nearly immortal, and it doesn't want for damage either. Certainly a better kit than I thought it would be when I saw its trailer video...


Internal synergy? Yeah, there is none. Forcing players to use a different kit in order to close with the target after applying the effects of the ranged skills makes poor tactical sense, and forces the use of aggressive legends and/or off-hand weapons, in what was obviously meant to be a support/tank build.

6/10 overall rating. If skill 3 pulled the target, it would go up to 10/10.


Do I lose that upkeep on the third skill if I weapon swap? Seem like it. And you need other weapons for gap closer to make use of the auto to empower the upkeep skill3. Doesnt make sense, as Darklancer said

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cool concept, poorly executed. 

it really needs some condi damage application like confusion on the auto and torment on the upkeep as damage on its own is not enough when paired with the healing, rev don't have a powerful damage dealing off hand other than sword to supplement the damage loss. both mesmer and rangers healing/damage weapons feel better to me. if it had the condi options it could be paired with axe off hand as well. revs have lacked weapons since class launch so really need some flexibility in the weapons.

the auto animation is super jarring, please fine one that does a sweeping left to right horizontal movement not a sword swinging one please

like others have said please reduce upkeep cost as well it way to harsh unless you going make the skill do a lot more for the cost. maybe transferring a condi from yourself each second to the foe and pulling a condi  if it an ally  would be really cool and work great with a mayllx setup allowing you to move condi from allies to yourself then transfer them to a foe would be really cool



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Otherworldly Bond (skill 3) is fking broken in pvp and wvw. not only does it completely ignore line of sight once its attached but also does'nt get canceled when the caster gets cced nor when the target goes into stealth, all while perma upkeeping cripple and slow with max stacks over a distance of 1600 or more for the full duration of 1,5 mins. the same for the pull, its works out of sight and over the full distance. this is ridicilous for only 3 upkeep and with such a short cd.

heavily reduce the overal duration of the tether AND increase the intervall of the the applied conditions in pvp/wvw as well as the cd of the skill. and make it so that los matters, as well as ways to break the tether by cc or whatever. who came up with this bs?

skill 2 is fine other than the cd being too short in pvp, autoattack is scaling too well with healingpower, getting 1000+ barrier each 3 hits might be way too strong.

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The weapon is just weird. Feels like it was designed for instanced PvE content where you can just freely smack a boss. Too tired to really give proper constructive criticism but a lot of my feelings have already been said by others. I don't hate it but I'd put it in the bottom 3 of the new weapons across all classes. Much better than Engi shortbow, but it still very much feels like it's in an alpha phase and not a beta phase with only a few more months until its release.

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25 minutes ago, InvaderJim.7023 said:

Otherworldly Bond (skill 3) is fking broken in pvp and wvw. not only does it completely ignore line of sight once its attached but also does'nt get canceled when the caster gets cced nor when the target goes into stealth, all while perma upkeeping cripple and slow with max stacks over a distance of 1600 or more for the full duration of 1,5 mins. the same for the pull, its works out of sight and over the full distance. this is ridicilous for only 3 upkeep and with such a short cd.

heavily reduce the overal duration of the tether AND increase the intervall of the the applied conditions in pvp/wvw as well as the cd of the skill. and make it so that los matters, as well as ways to break the tether by cc or whatever. who came up with this bs?

skill 2 is fine other than the cd being too short in pvp, autoattack is scaling too well with healingpower, getting 1000+ barrier each 3 hits might be way too strong.

you are probably the only one who thinks it's OP atm. Also the tether is 900 range and not 1600 or more 😅

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25 minutes ago, InvaderJim.7023 said:

not only does it completely ignore line of sight once its attached but also does'nt get canceled when the caster gets cced nor when the target goes into stealth


25 minutes ago, InvaderJim.7023 said:

the same for the pull, its works out of sight and over the full distance

Don't all tethers work like this?? I mean I still get pulled around corners by DH tethers. And hey, at least it doesnt reveal yet, anet had a go at making all tethers reveal targets, and this is technically a new tether that should get the same treatment. Though I do agree about the condis and stuff, its a bit oppressive.... but you did let a rev just sit there and auto you 6 times. FYI, the tether ends if the rev swaps weapons.... pressure them into swapping off scepter.

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39 minutes ago, arazoth.7290 said:

Also the tether is 900 range and not 1600 or more 😅

the inital activation distance for the skill is 900, but once tethered you can extend the distance far beyond 900 before it breaks off. u can almost double the distance, thats where the 1600 comes from all while still pulsing the effects. at least test it yourself before you dismiss other ppls experience. 😅

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42 minutes ago, UncreativeGreen.2019 said:


Don't all tethers work like this?? I mean I still get pulled around corners by DH tethers. And hey, at least it doesnt reveal yet, anet had a go at making all tethers reveal targets, and this is technically a new tether that should get the same treatment. Though I do agree about the condis and stuff, its a bit oppressive.... but you did let a rev just sit there and auto you 6 times. FYI, the tether ends if the rev swaps weapons.... pressure them into swapping off scepter.

true, but warr tether requires you to hit full counter which has a very distinctable effect and dh spear of justice is a pretty big obvious projectile. plus they both break off once you move past the initial cast range and both have a way shorter duration, with 8s on warri and 6s for dh while also only pulsing burn every 4 secs in pvp. so a duration of 1,5 mins and pusling vuln, slow + cripple every sec seems out of line. not to mention the onboxiously oversized effect for the tether.

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27 minutes ago, InvaderJim.7023 said:

the inital activation distance for the skill is 900, but once tethered you can extend the distance far beyond 900 before it breaks off. u can almost double the distance, thats where the 1600 comes from all while still pulsing the effects. at least test it yourself before you dismiss other ppls experience. 😅

that must be a bug, shouldn't 

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After attempting to play the scepter agian. I think, for 2023 weapons just way to slow over all over and just under preforms because skills cant be excuted. Auto attacks are pretty good in animation art and idea. How ever the scepter 2,3 felll extremly bad with the amout of mobility in pvp/wvw. 

Possible Fix

Scepter 1 make the stacks apply per target hit idk 3-5 people (stack building for 2,3 more manageable) 

Scepter 2 is aoe appliction to the target.

Scepter 3 -1 energy on offensive tether.

Edited by GenerationX.9178
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From the perspective of someone who mainly plays wvw:

Auto attack: Animation looks a little goofy. A giant laser spawns out of this little stick and swoops around. Would have been cooler to have a whip-like effect. Even better would be to just have it be a ranged weapon. Also very slow. You have to hit enemies to generate barrier and only on the third strike, the only support capability the weapon has besides generating what is probably the most common boon in the game: might. 0/10

2nd skill: Not a blast finisher? Multiple seconds delay on any kind of result. If it doesn't hit an enemy, produces absolutely nothing and wastes your energy. Again, you have to hit things to generate support. 0/10

3rd skill: Tether that provides might unless you--yet again--hit enemies, assuming your target hasn't teleported or simply swiftness walked out of its rather short range. Or applies conditions to one enemy so long as they don't move a very short distance away. Again, the only way to get the full benefit is to hit things, but this time only if you're hitting the tethered target, which shouldn't be hard since if they are tethered successfully they are only 3 inches away. Consumes energy, very not good. 0/10

Don't like it, sorry 😞

Also, why does shield 5 still lock us in place? Icky.

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