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[All Gamemodes] - Signets of Suffering Change Was Lame.


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Everyone can agree that the Signets of Suffering change was unnecessary and lame. It removed a unique and interesting interaction you could build around and replaced it with a worse trait outshined by other traits in the same tier. Anet should understand that sometimes you must make exceptions to your balance philosophy like they did by adding some damage back to cc skills. They took their crusade against cooldown reduction traits too far here and made the trait line and class worse because of it.

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They should apply this to all classes, makes no sense why the passive was removed just for necro, then lets see how much uproar this causes.  I have no confidence in this balance team.


Mechanist: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mech_Core:_J-Drive

Elementalist: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Written_in_Stone


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11 hours ago, Izaak.3945 said:

They should apply this to all classes, makes no sense why the passive was removed just for necro, then lets see how much uproar this causes.  I have no confidence in this balance team.


Mechanist: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mech_Core:_J-Drive

Elementalist: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Written_in_Stone


I'd rather they just revert the necro change. Signets without the passive trait feel weak.

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