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Will we ever be able to have our character run back with (S) instead of backpedaling.


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Will we ever be able to have our character run back with (S) instead of backpedaling.


Camera always faces the same direction but your character runs back instead of backpedaling. That's what I'm looking for. And you can still click on things with your mouse cursor, which you can't do with "Action Camera" on.


In order to do this now you need to hold the run key, left mouse button and hit about face.


Sorry for the many edits guys.

Right now, in PvP, people who got used to playing with about face have a huge advantage over people who didn't and, I don't think something as simple as running away and keeping your opponent on screen should come with extra hurdles. I admire the people who took the time to learn to play well with about face but I also wish running away (and keeping your opponent on screen) was more straightforward. Because there's really no reason it couldn't be.

Edited by Mattia.2153
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8 minutes ago, Dominic.6780 said:

Two options for this:

  1. use action cam mode, where if you haven't attacked in the last second, pressing s makes you walk backwards, or
  2. use about face keybind, which with one button press instantly faces your character the other way

Would it be okay if I could just press "S" like in other games?

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fair but i feel like it makes more sense there since the combat is faster-paced and more mechanically-intensive in terms of bosses. Idk, it really doesn't feel needed here and the solutions I provided are sufficient for most. Anet is not going to change this, so you're just going to have to get used to it

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3 hours ago, Dominic.6780 said:

Anet is not going to change this, so you're just going to have to get used to it

Could you please link where they said they wouldn't? Then I can put this to rest and just get used to how it is now.

Edited by Mattia.2153
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23 minutes ago, Dominic.6780 said:

use action cam mode, where if you haven't attacked in the last second, pressing s makes you walk backwards, or

Sometimes if you attack was skill 1 via use of LMB it will turn around regardless, interrupting the attack ^-^

No clue what OP means with using 3 buttons to run back tho, never had to use 3 of them to do it myself in GW2....

7 minutes ago, Mattia.2153 said:

Off the top of my head: Final Fantasy 14

I checked it out, and FF14 has two control modes apparently, one called legacy and other called standard (can only imagine which one is being set for default there 😉 ) and according to online sources only legacy one behaves like you describe. Standard control scheme behaves like any other mmorpg out there (not flip the character around when pressing S).

Considering this, I am unsure why you dismiss action camera mode , Because it is basically same deal. Two control schemes, one opt-in and the opt-in has behaviour you desire.

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3 minutes ago, Lord Trejgon.2809 said:

I checked it out, and FF14 has two control modes apparently, one called legacy and other called standard (can only imagine which one is being set for default there 😉 ) and according to online sources only legacy one behaves like you describe. Standard control scheme behaves like any other mmorpg out there (not flip the character around when pressing S).

Yea, an option like that would be great.

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8 minutes ago, Lord Trejgon.2809 said:

and in GW2 it does exist - it is called: Action Camera mode. As you were told at the very beginning of first reply in this thread.

I'm confused, how is action camera the same thing? I would like to be able to use the mouse and run back with S. I'm not trying to play GW2 like a shooter.

Also, I noticed action camera doesn't allow you to run back for a time, right after using an ability. Very annoying.

Edited by Mattia.2153
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2 hours ago, Mattia.2153 said:

I'm confused, how is action camera the same thing?

By the merit of being alternative control scheme.

2 hours ago, Mattia.2153 said:

Also, I noticed action camera doesn't allow you to run back for a time, right after using an ability. Very annoying.

yes, because most of abilities require your character to face specific direction to be used, it would be tad broken if you could somehow override that with action camera.

Personally I find it more annoying in the action camera mode that sometimes when try to move backwards without rotating, it will interrupt my auto-chain to flip character around instead >.>

One nifty additional thing with action camera is that you can keybind the toggle. So you can have best of two words if you want (not sure if FF14 control schemes allow that, and outside of FF14 which I didn't play, every single other MMO (that I played) that rotates character facing when pressing S, also behaves akin to action camera of GW2 - no mouse cursor floating around, and movement of the mouse rotates the camera with no other buttons pressed.

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Wish we had FFXIV free cam (Legacy Type). Feels amazing.

We have half of it. We need a version of 'Action Cam' that is only the movement part and not the targeting part. That's basically FFXIV except FFXIV doesn't make you remain facing target direction for a long time after attacking, more like a split second.

Edited by Doggie.3184
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On 11/30/2023 at 5:49 PM, Lord Trejgon.2809 said:

By the merit of being alternative control scheme.

Yes, it's an alternative control scheme. Very good.

On 11/30/2023 at 5:49 PM, Lord Trejgon.2809 said:

yes, because most of abilities require your character to face specific direction to be used, it would be tad broken if you could somehow override that with action camera.

I wasn't complaining that I couldn't cast spells while running away, I was complaining that my character wouldn't be allowed to run back for several seconds right after casting a spell. This only happens when using "Action Camera"

Please read.

On 11/30/2023 at 5:51 PM, Doggie.3184 said:

Wish we had FFXIV free cam (Legacy Type). Feels amazing.

We have half of it. We need a version of 'Action Cam' that is only the movement part and not the targeting part. That's basically FFXIV except FFXIV doesn't make you remain facing target direction for a long time after attacking, more like a split second.

It does feel amazing! Thank god someone gets it.

Edited by Mattia.2153
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I like that I am not changing my direction with S, and that if I want to I can about-face or mouse-turn to do so. So no thanks.


But if that were a *toggle* in the controls? OK, sure, won't hurt me to leave it off if others would like to be able to turn it on.

Edited by synk.6907
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1 hour ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

I always move with the right mouse button held down, so it takes me less than a second to turn around and run in the opposite direction. 😄

In PvP it's important to be able to run away and see what the guy chasing you is doing. Not much use running away and not knowing whether a spell is about to hit you.

Edit: After going through every comment I wonder whether I should have been more clear. Camera always faces the same direction but your character runs back instead of backpedaling. That's what I'm looking for.

Edit2: And you can still click on things with your mouse cursor, which you can't do with "Action Camera" on.

Edited by Mattia.2153
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I think this is unlikely to ever happen as it would enable ranged builds to kite too easily.

This is especially important in PvP and WvW if a ranged character could run backwards at full speed while unloading skills on a melee character then it'd completely change combat. 

I'm surprised to hear that action cam allows you to run backwards at full speed, I never noticed that it did. 

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21 minutes ago, Pifil.5193 said:

if a ranged character could run backwards at full speed while unloading skills on a melee character then it'd completely change combat.

You still need to face your opponent to cast spells, no ones asking to be able to run away WHILE casting spells.

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People keep mentioning action combat cam...do you guys not realize it doesn't work properly? It's still in beta mode and will never be fixed. 

I agree 100% OP. Most people disagreeing are not understanding the benefits of being about to about face while in combat. About-face allows you to run out of a ton of attacks without having to waste a dodge. Its broken and gives players a huge advantage, especially in pvp. It also lets you run away while placing aoes behind you to attack. 

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10 hours ago, Beast Sos.1457 said:

People keep mentioning action combat cam...do you guys not realize it doesn't work properly? It's still in beta mode and will never be fixed. 

Not sure what do you mean there, sure it has some hiccups here and there (the cases I mentioned earlier in the thread where in melee having pressed down LMB for AA sometimes gets interrupted and therfore not loking my direction which causes me interrupting my AA chains by moving), but it is perfectly functional and would definitelly call it "working properly".

10 hours ago, Beast Sos.1457 said:

I agree 100% OP. Most people disagreeing are not understanding the benefits of being about to about face while in combat.

Except we do know of the benefits, it can do, and there are multiple ways to do it in the game.

Also GW2 works tad differently than WoW or FF14 with it's combat system, so there is much less of attacks you can simply run out this way.

10 hours ago, Beast Sos.1457 said:

It also lets you run away while placing aoes behind you to attack. 

not in GW2, it doesn't, and for a good reason.

Edited by Lord Trejgon.2809
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