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Looking for second guild, NA, with beginner friendly PvE events scheduled after 7pm PST/10pm EST


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Life happens and now I have a part time evening job Thu-Mon which has made participating in my primary guild's scheduled events nearly impossible. I am looking for a guild that operates beginner friendly events for fractals, strikes, and raids starting at 10pm EST.  Guild missions would be cool too.  I've played the game for a while and while I've done most raids, strikes and fractals before its been a LONG time and I'm very rusty but looking to put in effort to get back into them.

Something with a inclusive, relaxed, casual, friendly atmosphere with people that won't get upset if stuff is going badly during a fight.  I'm an older guy, family, 4 cats and a house but no picket fence, with plenty of good attitude and lots of patience but less skill at the moment (working on it).  More than willing to put as much effort into interacting and participating in a new guild as I can.

Main's name is Tinkerrama.  

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