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Quick help with an Ascalon Catacombs Dungeon question please.


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How to get into Hall of Stairs using either the north road from Foefire's Heart (south center entrance to Hall of Stairs) ,or from the Eastern Chambers (western door to the Hall of Stairs.) I have the Dungeon Master achievement from about 8? years ago but have forgotten all the tiny details of individual door openings.   Somebody doing them today please give a quick answer.

My two grandsons (early teens) and myself have taken on the task of completing all the dungeon paths in all 8 dungeons for the Dungeon Master achievement for them.     To that end we started Ascalonian Catacomb  last night and did story mode, then path 1 and were trying to stretch our allotted time to finish path 2.   They have a strict daily and weekly time allowance and I don't abuse it.

We were headed to the final Boss in the Hall of Champions, needing  to go through the Hall of Stairs (fastest way) and got hung up on the simple item of finding how to open the gates, either one.      We wasted our time searching for how to get in.  Searches for keys,  chains to pull,  gatekeepers to kill,  pressure plates, etc.   Nada.   We  searched the internet, watched a few videos,   all of which ran through the gate which was already open.   We regret not running around to the west gate of Hall of Champions,  the ultimate destination, which we'd done it earlier in the night.   Sheesh.  Killed the bosses routinely and got stuck on  a gate.

So,  one of you who have played more recently, and who remembers the way in either gate,  please tell me.  We'll go at in again tonight EST but I'd like not to spend 2 hours as badly as we did the last 15 of last night.



edited out the typo

Edited by Michael.9403
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On 12/2/2023 at 5:18 PM, crkovinar.9802 said:

At 3:57-3:59 you can see where the chain to open the gate is(top of stairs on the right side). In the video you can also see that it gets a green border.

Thank you very much for taking the time to try to help us.   However,  this is not the door to get into Hall of Stairs.   This is the door to leave the Hall of Stairs and get into the Hall of Champions, where the last fight is.  Like the soloist in this photo, we were coming from the lower right corner of the map but had killed Koheler in Forfire Heart so used the New WP and headed straight north to a closed door that we could not find how to get into.   We then took the path up the east side (the one in the video you used to show us how. )   However,  you ran straight through an open door that was not open to us .    At time 3:53 you are in the center of it the door, having just turned left into it. 

Several videos and write ups with photos show the door at 3:57 and the chain to open it, and we knew how to do that one, we just could not get to it.    However, when we watch the moments when they get in, all the videos show both of those doors open when they get to them.      

Edited by Michael.9403
wordsmithery. (poor wording on my part)
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I suspect not, but the game said we did.    We took the wipe do to a learning curve issue, and came back for a do over, but the only mob left was the one who was trying to kill our NPC.   That was about a 8 sec fight and it gave us the  win, a chest reward, a new WP formed in the areaand the story advanced in the text.    I'd hate the think that a wipe killed the chances at finishing the instance.   I expected a full replay,  but got a gimme.   The boss wasn't tough and we got rewarded like a standard win.  I sent the post because we searched hard for both door opening methods, as either would work.  I could take the heckling that should naturally come when the answer was given about how easy it was to find the switch/chain/key/pressure plate, /flower/etc

I have heard the dungeon is bugged in several places and there was a warning in the writeup of several of them about bugs not allowing the zones to be completed.   When I asked

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Interesting, after them not touching the dungeon spaghetti code for years, they did do some "fixes" to the dungeons, because of the dungeon rush even. Maybe that introduced some new bugs. That is the only thought I have.

On https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Ascalonian_Catacombs_(explorable)  this bug you are describing  is also not listed, so it is either rare or new.

If this keeps happening you could try to kill Detha Tremblebones to see if that makes any difference.


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