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Spawn Camping in WvW

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9 hours ago, Chrome.9841 said:

Anet should make match ups with: Total War Score x total K/D (Ex: war score is 200.000 and Kill/Death score is 2 their match up score should be 400.000) not with victory points. So both Claiming objectives and PvP will be effective on match ups. Some worlds are winning the week by doing mostly pve at wvw and ending up finding themselves fighting against pvp strong worlds. This is causing some players having bad wvw experience. 

this isnt a anet issue, its a human issue where 90% of people want to play on a winning team. its natural 😉 the thing is imagine logging after a day of work or w/e u do and u have to run to the enemy spawn in order to wait for that 1 kitten to run out of spawn to get jumped by 10 of ur server buddies.
oof the joy! the happiness! u might aswell kill grey mobs somewhere in the PvE world it gives me the same effect, FAT DMG Numbers on my screen WOOHOO after the 2nd grey npc im bored and logoff 😛 . i admire the people who actually login daily to camp a spawn or deffend a object on other side of the map from wsr cus i dunno what it takes for them to get bored or they have a serious addiction issue which makes them unable to logoff from the game for a week cus of 0 action from the enemy teams.

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On 12/6/2023 at 12:19 PM, Quirin.1076 said:

Remember before Mega Servers you could go into Lions Arch and call out in map to call on people to go into WvW.   Too bad there is not a chat in Central Tyria or even in the major cities were you could call out help or form a group of just your WvW servers.  Kind of like how Team chat works in WvW, like a way to rally the troops without being in WvW.

A lot of WvWers, as well as members of other communities like some RPers wanted  cities to remain a hub for the server, for the sake of just keeping things together while making sure people could still have good pve map choices.

Of course, that was as with most other things in the game, completely ignored and left everyone to fend for themselves.

And as I've always said, when we follow Gw2's history, we find a long trail of a  graveyard of content that really didn't have to be.

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2 hours ago, reddie.5861 said:

this isnt a anet issue, its a human issue where 90% of people want to play on a winning team. its natural 😉 the thing is imagine logging after a day of work or w/e u do and u have to run to the enemy spawn in order to wait for that 1 kitten to run out of spawn to get jumped by 10 of ur server buddies.
oof the joy! the happiness! u might aswell kill grey mobs somewhere in the PvE world it gives me the same effect, FAT DMG Numbers on my screen WOOHOO after the 2nd grey npc im bored and logoff 😛 . i admire the people who actually login daily to camp a spawn or deffend a object on other side of the map from wsr cus i dunno what it takes for them to get bored or they have a serious addiction issue which makes them unable to logoff from the game for a week cus of 0 action from the enemy teams.

This is a thing can be in any mmo rpg game, and you can't see developers of the game ask people to change their playstyle cuz you can't expect high populations to change their playstyle so this is anet's issue. And they can fix it by adding different match up system.

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On 12/6/2023 at 5:19 PM, Arrow Blade of El Elyon.9341 said:

I don't know the rules regarding if I can identify a particular server, so I will be using X (my server) Y (non problem server) and Z (problem server).

My server X and server Y have been spawn camped for days. 

This involves Z constructing shield generators, ballistas and trebs together with anywhere from 5-10+ players from Z. 

They fire the treb to the spawn area, whilst suppressing any engagement with support from their ballistas, shield gens and cannons to keep us penned in. 

Due to the current link we are constantly outnumbered, and any group we can muster, is subsequently smashed by a much more larger group from Z. Server Z is dominating every map, so moving to another map is also not an option. 

We have tried different tactics, like going out of the side exits from the spawn area, hit and run in small groups, building a treb at spawn to hit the nearest objective, but nothing is currently working. 

I consider spawn camping toxic gameplay. 

I am wondering if ANET could respond and give an official statement concerning their position on spawn camping in WvW. 

So Z is WSR and X is obvisouly fsp 😅

I understand ur frustration, i do. I mean im on wsr and its kitten! Nothing but 1 push banwaggon gullds and their fanbois. And then being linked with a 110% ktrain server like viz! My suggestion to uz is dont feed those spawn camping. Cause they are just banwaggon kids, acting big and mighty. I mean they’re camping spawn kitten, with ballistas and shield genies.. should tell u how ridiculously sad they are. Probs the only time they'ev been able to kill someone, with out tag or blob 😅

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Rule #2, attack the side that holds SMC. If you are attacking the side that is easier than that's on you. How does Mag in NA do well? They attack a side and repel others till they encourage the other two sides to fight so they gain advantage. Then they can attack both. Its a three sided fight. If you choose to fight a weaker side then you do nothing but weaken your side.  The purpose of three sided fights is to allow smaller groups to take on a bigger target, but players tend to focus what is easier. That's where the system breaks down giving the leading side an advantage. 

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