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Anet can you fix this low effort toxic game play


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1 hour ago, Psycoprophet.8107 said:

Balance is in a decent state these days, sounds like u just need to learn to counter builds better.

Yeah yeah.. never the game is it.


Funny, becauase I play LB ranger, and get 30%+ damage for just spamming 3 buttons @1500 range, 0 risk. But sure, I need to just get better on rev/ele at avoiding 4x specs spamming 1 button condi bombs. Teach me?

Edited by Flowki.7194
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5 minutes ago, Shagie.7612 said:

have u tried playing a real build on your rev or ele
cause every time i've seen you on one it's been some funky glint/jalis shortbow build that doesn't have any real strengths. i literally couldn't even tell if it was condi or power.

I don't play meta builds, is that not allowed?

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17 minutes ago, Flowki.7194 said:

I don't play meta builds, is that not allowed?

Sure it's allowed, but there's also a big difference between being off meta and something that doesn't have any sort of foundation or plan it's built around.

It's also a bit ridiculous to then turn around and complain about design decisions when you're actively trying to combat them by picking some of the worst possible combinations.
Number tuning sure, I do that plenty too because I like playing an elite everyone would rather delete, but you're out here calling everything that beats your build "low effort" when your build doesn't even have a proper strategy behind it.

Edited by Shagie.7612
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24 minutes ago, Shagie.7612 said:

Sure it's allowed, but there's also a big difference between being off meta and something that doesn't have any sort of foundation or plan it's built around.

It's also a bit ridiculous to then turn around and complain about design decisions when you're actively trying to combat them by picking some of the worst possible combinations.
Number tuning sure, I do that plenty too because I like playing an elite everyone would rather delete, but you're out here calling everything that beats your build "low effort" when your build doesn't even have a proper strategy behind it.

There is nothing wrong with shortbow, and your logic doesnt make sense. Are you saying if I played a meta build then low skill 3 button condi bombs would cease to exist?, the two things are not related.


Answer this at-least. Do you think scepter 3 on specter is fine, a spammable 900 unit immob+poison+condi? You play rev I take it, so you know the setup/risk of melee range needed to apply it. People complained about ele blinds, but we are ok with 900 unit spammable immob/poisons?

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1 minute ago, Flowki.7194 said:

There is nothing wrong with shortbow, and your logic doesnt make sense.

It's not the shortbow alone, though yeah it does have plenty wrong with it in the meta considering how abundant projectile hate is.
It's also just bad via number tuning.
It's the amulet, rune, relic choices, combined with the mace/shield on the other bar, the total lack of damage because of Glint/Jalis but no ability to bunker or heal in exchange, and so on.

3 minutes ago, Flowki.7194 said:

low skill

This is where you're losing it though, and it's explicitly because you've convinced yourself that anything that beats you is low skill.
It's pretty obvious even if you deny it, and combined with the constant defending of Ele even when Cata was nuts (and it's still pretty good, it's just not scepter signet lol), it's clear you think you're more skilled than virtually everyone you fight and thus deserve the win.

5 minutes ago, Flowki.7194 said:

Do you think scepter 3 on specter is fine, a spammable 900 unit immob+poison+condi?

Nope, it's dumb. But I'm also not out here saying I think they should completely destroy things like condi specter or condi zerk.
I think they should nerf things like durations, you want them essentially removed from the game because they don't have as many buttons, because somehow it's the sole determining factor in difficulty when it's really not.

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44 minutes ago, Shagie.7612 said:

It's not the shortbow alone, though yeah it does have plenty wrong with it in the meta considering how abundant projectile hate is.
It's also just bad via number tuning.
It's the amulet, rune, relic choices, combined with the mace/shield on the other bar, the total lack of damage because of Glint/Jalis but no ability to bunker or heal in exchange, and so on.

This is where you're losing it though, and it's explicitly because you've convinced yourself that anything that beats you is low skill.
It's pretty obvious even if you deny it, and combined with the constant defending of Ele even when Cata was nuts (and it's still pretty good, it's just not scepter signet lol), it's clear you think you're more skilled than virtually everyone you fight and thus deserve the win.

Nope, it's dumb. But I'm also not out here saying I think they should completely destroy things like condi specter or condi zerk.
I think they should nerf things like durations, you want them essentially removed from the game because they don't have as many buttons, because somehow it's the sole determining factor in difficulty when it's really not.


You are trying to make this personal which will fail. If rev meta builds were optimal youd see alot more power revs, which you don't, so me using shortbow means nothing at all. Im not a pro power rev who can manouvour flawlessly through zerker/scourge/dh or w/e spam withought getting hit. Do you think power rev is easy?, no, and does it suffer to condi, yes, and are there multiple low skill 1 button condi builds, yes. Id rather have the option of range, and plenty of other revs I see are doing the same.


What are you talking about defending cata? condi cata was broken, I never said otherwise. I also always understood cata was powerful at high level, but 9/10 catas never get there.. becuase its too hard. Where are all the catas?... so many of them, such an easy spec, all the newbs flock to it and dominate. I can do this all day becuase class/spec representations back me up every time, nobody is playing hard specs any more other than vets and newbs who know no better.


I also never said destroy anything. Fix low effort builds, stop having massive condi damage on one or two buttons.. which is on multiple specs, stop having kitten amounts of AOE damage like DH traps, necro ground spam. They stopped the auto condi damage on ele scepter (which I agreed with.. just not the way it was done), so they can't also adress kitten abilitys like specter scepter 3?..


Why are you even trying to make out like 90% of the highest represented specs now are not brainded?  I spent months getting good enough to take on 1v1's and not melt on hammer cata.. but within 2 hours I win a 1v2 on blade, went side noding with zerker and was winning deuls with 1/5th of the experiance and effort that I had on hammer cata. And then you expect me not to call out that bs, which it is. Even zerkers admit its bs.


There also isnt near the amount of projectile hate anymore. physical ranged weapons/specs have never been more common for as long as ive played the game, garudian is by FAR the mose used support now, and blocks effect all the same. Some use dome, but thats not a huge issue. I play some LB ranger and never feel "opressed" by anti projectile.

Edited by Flowki.7194
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11 minutes ago, Flowki.7194 said:

I also always understood cata was powerful at high level, but 9/10 catas never get there.. becuase its too hard.

Hammer Cata was doing the exact same thing Condi Zerk and Bladesworn are doing/did, prior to its nerfs, lol

You can't even help yourself, every time you post about Ele it's about how you think the nerfs were unfair because it's "too hard" even though it was, prior to its nerfs, just as faceroll.

You're only upset about it because it's not your turn in the spotlight anymore. I guarantee there were tons of times Cata players won a fight they didn't deserve to, just like all the specs you hate.

11 minutes ago, Flowki.7194 said:

There also isnt near the amount of projectile hate anymore.

There's literally never been more. EoD increased the amount dramatically and it's not gone down since.
What do you mean?

12 minutes ago, Flowki.7194 said:

You are trying to make this personal which will fail. If rev meta builds were optimal youd see alot more power revs, which you don't, so me using shortbow means nothing at all.

It does matter, though. You're using a bad weapon, on a bad build, proceeding to lose and then declaring that everything that beats you takes no skill.
It's not even that it's an off-meta build, plenty of them exist and can have situational strength.

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2 minutes ago, Shagie.7612 said:

Hammer Cata was doing the exact same thing Condi Zerk and Bladesworn are doing/did, prior to its nerfs, lol

You can't even help yourself, every time you post about Ele it's about how you think the nerfs were unfair because it's "too hard" even though it was, prior to its nerfs, just as faceroll.

You're only upset about it because it's not your turn in the spotlight anymore. I guarantee there were tons of times Cata players won a fight they didn't deserve to, just like all the specs you hate.

There's literally never been more. EoD increased the amount dramatically and it's not gone down since.
What do you mean?

It does matter, though. You're using a bad weapon, on a bad build, proceeding to lose and then declaring that everything that beats you takes no skill.
It's not even that it's an off-meta build, plenty of them exist and can have situational strength.

Are you really going to compare the difficulty of hammer cata to condi zerker/blade? Youre reaching mate. Tbh I cant be bothered to go on talking when you are making comparisons like that, its clear you are more interested in getting at me, and denying the fact the game has too many low effort builds now.


Lastly though, stop suggesting that becuase I play (in your opinion) bad builds, that this somehow means their are no easy builds like zerker/virt. What are you even doing right now?

Edited by Flowki.7194
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5 minutes ago, Flowki.7194 said:

Are you really going to compare the difficulty of hammer cata to condi zerker/blade? Youre reaching mate.

The build, before it took multiple patches worth of nerfs in 2022 and 2023? Yeah, absolutely. Because it was.
Now? Of course not. That'd be silly to suggest they're still equal.


7 minutes ago, Flowki.7194 said:

Lastly though, stop suggesting that becuase I play (in your opinion) bad builds, that this somehow means their are no easy builds like zerker/virt.

If it didn't matter, then sure. What exactly is the plan behind the build you've been playing every time I've queued into you? Because it's done nothing each time and the only thing you've done the entire match is complain about your team in map chat while getting farmed.

Some guy beating this janky zero strength build as condi zerk isn't some end all be all determination of balance.

There's absolutely problems, but stop trying to hide behind those when your real complaint is that you don't think you ever deserve to lose.

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47 minutes ago, Shagie.7612 said:

The build, before it took multiple patches worth of nerfs in 2022 and 2023? Yeah, absolutely. Because it was.
Now? Of course not. That'd be silly to suggest they're still equal.


If it didn't matter, then sure. What exactly is the plan behind the build you've been playing every time I've queued into you? Because it's done nothing each time and the only thing you've done the entire match is complain about your team in map chat while getting farmed.

Some guy beating this janky zero strength build as condi zerk isn't some end all be all determination of balance.

There's absolutely problems, but stop trying to hide behind those when your real complaint is that you don't think you ever deserve to lose.

I never complaing when I die to a decent spec, get it right. I play rev in the way I find the most fun, its hard and its punishing, thats fine.. but now excessively punishing becuase Anet allow multiple specs to apply massive condi with 1 button. Why are you pretending this issue just dissapears if I were to play a cookie cutter rev or ele build? as if multiple high level players have not complained about czerker who play multiple other specs. Answer me this, do you think specters scepter 3 is good game design?


Getting farmed? thats funny. In one game I go 15+ to 0, and in the next we can barely leave spawn, thats gw2 MMR, try again.

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5 hours ago, Flowki.7194 said:

Are you really going to compare the difficulty of hammer cata to condi zerker/blade? Youre reaching mate. Tbh I cant be bothered to go on talking when you are making comparisons like that, its clear you are more interested in getting at me, and denying the fact the game has too many low effort builds now.


Lastly though, stop suggesting that becuase I play (in your opinion) bad builds, that this somehow means their are no easy builds like zerker/virt. What are you even doing right now?

Pre-Nerf cata could literally kill people by doing it's PvE rotation on them. 

kitten were they gonna do about it? Stun you? Through perma stab? Outtrade you? Through 25 might, vuln, quickness, shocking aura, and permaprot? Corrupt your boons perhaps? Too bad they pulse so they just refresh themsleves. And let me stress. This all happened passively as you did your PvE rotation. 

Or just beat someone to death with earth shield autos. It's really funny how hard those hit. Especially when juiced up with cata boons. 

It was MORE faceroll than condi zerk. 

Edited by Kuma.1503
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I actually love how everyone seems to say the Game is full of projectile hate. Well maybe yes but you know what? The meta is also full of ranged spam actually xD. Like think about it..... Scrapper is basicly Spam grenades, Deadeye is basicly Spam rifle ranged skills, specter is just spaming its 3 Button, half of warrs weapons are also doing midranged dmg actually (Berserker and Bladesworn). Bruh this game is full of ranged Spam stuff and i am totaly sick of it. I want to be able to punish peops in melee fights! But as it goes actually its Impossible cause CCs doesn't Deal dmg and (at least for warr) my burst skills are mediocre at best. 

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2 hours ago, Myror.7521 said:

The meta is also full of ranged spam actually xD.

Grenades aren't affected by mag aura, specter scepter isn't affected by mag aura on the important part, mesmer GS isn't, ele scepter isn't, warrior's important longbow skill isn't, ranger longbow and deadeye rifle are the only common ones that are, and ranger has strong easy access to unblockable, lol

Projectiles and ranged damage are not the same thing.


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