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Please make more engaging story boss encounters

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As someone who plays solo, it is NOT FUN to have to bash a boss for 30 minutes straight to get their health down. Please come up with something more engaging to lengthen encounters if you have to. Anything would be better than these long drawn out HP bloat fests..

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I'm not asking for advice. I'm telling you the bosses have too much health and every encounter is designed this way to pad out the playtime. It is mind-numbingly dull the way Anet designs these encounters. Every single one is the same. Hit boss for 5 minutes -> 2 minute segment doing special ability to break bar -> hit boss for another 5 minutes -> kill minion / thing before it heals the boss -> hit the boss again for 5 minutes. It's been like this for like 3 straight expansions. It's like Anet is trying to bore me to death.

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14 minutes ago, Buzzbugs.1236 said:

I'm not asking for advice. I'm telling you the bosses have too much health and every encounter is designed this way to pad out the playtime. It is mind-numbingly dull the way Anet designs these encounters. Every single one is the same. Hit boss for 5 minutes -> 2 minute segment doing special ability to break bar -> hit boss for another 5 minutes -> kill minion / thing before it heals the boss -> hit the boss again for 5 minutes. It's been like this for like 3 straight expansions. It's like Anet is trying to bore me to death.

Serious question. What boss encounters are you talking about. 

Not trying to be mean here. I really want to know. 


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17 minutes ago, Buzzbugs.1236 said:

I'm not asking for advice. I'm telling you the bosses have too much health and every encounter is designed this way to pad out the playtime. It is mind-numbingly dull the way Anet designs these encounters. Every single one is the same. Hit boss for 5 minutes -> 2 minute segment doing special ability to break bar -> hit boss for another 5 minutes -> kill minion / thing before it heals the boss -> hit the boss again for 5 minutes. It's been like this for like 3 straight expansions. It's like Anet is trying to bore me to death.

And we're telling you it's not designed to work that way so if that's your experience you must be doing something differently to the majority of players which causes it to take longer than it should. The good news is that means there is a solution and it's one you can use right away without having to wait for Anet to make changes. But we need more info to understand what exactly you're doing which is causing this so we can help you beat story bosses more quickly.

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Whilst I agree with not having hp sponges (there aren’t many luckily), the flip side is we get brilliant fights like Shadow of the Dragon where people come to the forum and complain about difficulty and to stop using mechanics.

Devs can’t win, esp given the enormous dps gap between players

Edited by Randulf.7614
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Any decent Openworld build I tested recently was able to kill the small hp golem( 1million HP) in around 60 seconds by just auto attacking.

No food. No utility buff. No external boons. Etc

Dadga (nm) Has 47 million HP. A boss for 10 people. 

Let's be generous and say story bosses have around 20% of that. Let's say 10 million. 

So just by auto attacking, you should kill it in 10min. 


Edited by DanAlcedo.3281
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The last time there were more engaging story bosses people complained that the Mordremoth and Balthazar boss fights are too difficult and complex.

The last time I had to bash a boss for like 30 minutes I was fighting 10m HP Golem with a MM core necro out of boredom to see how long it took with random mismatched gear, so, a fight taking that long is a sign that you might want to make sure you're not wearing your gear you got from leveling up.

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5 hours ago, Buzzbugs.1236 said:

As someone who plays solo, it is NOT FUN to have to bash a boss for 30 minutes straight to get their health down.

Lets just say that... what you're describing here is not the norm.

If you're truly looking for the content to be "more engaging", I think it's safe to say you're ok with self-improvement. In that case, you'd do better by asking for help with your build/s or even mechanics of specific encounters. In other words: share more details and you'll probably be helped to avoid having "30 minute boss fights in the story content".

Edited by Sobx.1758
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2 hours ago, IAmNotMatthew.1058 said:

The last time there were more engaging story bosses people complained that the Mordremoth and Balthazar boss fights are too difficult and complex.

Yes, a real shame. I miss those engaging story mission fights.

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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, Wielder Of Magic.3950 said:

skill issue.

It's always a "skill issue" when someone criticizes anything about GW2. Next I'll make the statement that the GW2 community is not receptive to feedback and you'll continue to ask for my build so you can verify it.

GW2 content is padded out, and content is repetitive, it's as simple as that. And what's with everything being done in 3's? Burst this thing down 3 times, or do this special attack thingy 3 times, or fight 3 different versions of the same enemy, etc. It's always the same thing, and I can always predict exactly how an encounter is going to play out. I can start any story instance and I'll be there talking with some of my ally characters and then the bad guys always turn up "unexpectedly" and you and your friends have to fight them off. Does all this sound familiar yet? But no, it's my "build" that's the issue. Good one.

Edited by Buzzbugs.1236
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1 minute ago, Buzzbugs.1236 said:

It's always a "skill issue" when someone

No, it's not "always", but it rather clearly is in this case, considering story bosses don't normally take that long. Again, if you want help, you should provide more details.

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Just now, Sobx.1758 said:

No, it's not "always", but it rather clearly is in this case, considering story bosses don't normally take that long. Again, if you want help, you should provide more details.

Where in this thread did I ask for help? I didn't ask for help. Not even once..

Read the title of the thread.

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4 minutes ago, Buzzbugs.1236 said:

Where in this thread did I ask for help? I didn't ask for help. Not even once..

Read the title of the thread.

The point is that the basis behind your complaint (which is "story bosses take 30 minutes!") is wrong. You want "more engaging" content, but apparently you're not exactly "engaging" too much with the current one. If you have a specific request, make a specific request. For now you seem to be complaining about hp pools in story missions, which in reality aren't exactly bloated. Hence the responses you're getting.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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1 minute ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Hence the responses you're getting.

I get the exact same responses no matter what I post on this forum. I once made a suggestion for a Gem store skin and I still managed a slew of responses disagreeing with me. Which is bizarre to say the least. There's some sort of screw loose on this forum.

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26 minutes ago, Buzzbugs.1236 said:

I get the exact same responses no matter what I post on this forum. I once made a suggestion for a Gem store skin and I still managed a slew of responses disagreeing with me.

This is rrrelevant to anything said here, on top of it being probably simply false. Please try staying on topic and address what is being said to you about this issue.

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47 minutes ago, Buzzbugs.1236 said:

It's always a "skill issue" when someone criticizes anything about GW2. Next I'll make the statement that the GW2 community is not receptive to feedback and you'll continue to ask for my build so you can verify it.

GW2 content is padded out, and content is repetitive, it's as simple as that. And what's with everything being done in 3's? Burst this thing down 3 times, or do this special attack thingy 3 times, or fight 3 different versions of the same enemy, etc. It's always the same thing, and I can always predict exactly how an encounter is going to play out. I can start any story instance and I'll be there talking with some of my ally characters and then the bad guys always turn up "unexpectedly" and you and your friends have to fight them off. Does all this sound familiar yet? But no, it's my "build" that's the issue. Good one.

Yes, there is padding. Most often when repetition is required like "fill this bar with rifts/events" until you can start the next story step.

Boss encounters, especially story ones, usually are not. Not unless running them with highly inefficient/bad builds.

If a boss encounter which can be completed in 2-5 minutes (which is pretty much the average time for most encounters) takes abother player 30 minutes, that's not padding. That's a skill issue on the weaker player.

There are guide videos and guides one can look up or ask for help. Making the already hilariously easy story content even easier is not the way to go.


If you are struggling in this games story content, that's the game telling you you are doing it wrong. Take the hint and try to improve.

Edited by Cyninja.2954
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18 minutes ago, Buzzbugs.1236 said:

I get the exact same responses no matter what I post on this forum. I once made a suggestion for a Gem store skin and I still managed a slew of responses disagreeing with me. Which is bizarre to say the least. There's some sort of screw loose on this forum.

This is a forum, it's natural process that every argument posted will be discussed with series of counter arguments.

If your point is so weak that it cannot survive even one counter argument, then clearly something in it is very wrong.

And no, boss fight isn't supposed to last 30 minutes for anyone progressed through the skill gap.

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2 minutes ago, Zenith.7301 said:

This is why player feedback is rarely taken seriously. Some people are so hilariously inept and aggressively ignorant about it.

This is why player feedback is rarely given. Some people are so hilariously inept and defensively ignorant about it.

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Posted (edited)
3 minutes ago, Vilin.8056 said:

This is a forum, it's natural process that every argument posted will be discussed with series of counter arguments.

If your point is so weak that it cannot survive even one counter argument, then clearly something in it is very wrong.

And no, boss fight isn't supposed to last 30 minutes for anyone progressed through the skill gap.

It is not natural that for every argument there should be only counter arguments for the sake of counter arguments. Every counter argument in this thread ignores the actual point I'm putting forward and reducing it to "u bad, skill issue". Is that your idea of a strong "counter argument"?

Edited by Buzzbugs.1236
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