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fix your matchmaking algorithm

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well, just played a match one of our players were like 1250-, the so called pros went full berserker on chat telling the dude to uninstall and go unranked

almost 400 rating gap between the best and worst player in the team, honestly the q times for this to happen should be 12min+, so another 1450+ players maybe finish the match they're in and get matched with this ppl.

honestly just make 2 divisions above and below 1350, those ppl never get matched together, i don't care if my q times are going to take longer, newbies shouldnt have all this "pros" raging at them.

or if this has to happen may the qs be 12min+

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I agree Anet should just decrease the spread in ratings you can match with for the first 10 or so mins of queueing. Then you can choose if past the 10 mins mark you know a whacky match is coming or simply stop and reroll for a "proper" match. At the very least there should be no DuoQ specifically past 1500 if Anet is really adamant about having low rating players match to top ranks - otherwise it's literally giving cannon fodder to be farmed and pretty much justifying the current way players climb up (DuoQ and avoid other proficient duos when possible).

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