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Critique of New Moth Skyscale skin

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Hi, so I spent 20$ on the new skyscale skin and this is my mini review:

Pros- The textures, animation flow and overall shape is perfection. Really captures a luna moth if it was a skyscale mount. I do like that you feed it a piece of fruit.

Cons- For whatever reason it has no actual mouth; for eating that fruit, for fireballs and for firebreathing. Speaking of mount skills, that was my main point of contention. For that much money why couldn't we get at least a unique engage skill field? The green one would have worked just fine. The fireballs and firebreathing idle animation really DO NOT work with this skin and comes across as lazy.

Final Thoughts- While I don't regret financially supporting this game, the inconsistencies with unique effects on many of the skins is disheartening. Some mounts have them and many don't for whatever internal reason I'll probably never be made aware of. I do hope there are broader talks being had about mount fidelity because if you really want to sell even more skins- give many of them unique fireballs, engage skills and animations.

Edited by HotDelirium.7984
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1 hour ago, MuscleBobBuffPants.1406 said:

Oh wow, really?  I didn't even notice that but yeah that is not good quality control for an expensive skin like that.  

CORRECTION, sort of, Luna Moths have no actual mouths. They eat everything while a caterpillar and those nutrients lasts them the week they live...however our moth's eat and breathes fire. Them inconsistencies yo! xD

Edited by HotDelirium.7984
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I noticed this too and was kind of disappointed. Are the sound effects it makes any different? Because the idle animations weren't changed whatsoever, whereas with the plushy skyscale, it at least blew confetti out of its mouth during idle animation (but not during the skill engage or fireball...)

I'm in the same boat where I really wish that these mount skins were more all encompassing with their themes when they're $20 a pop and changing the themes of the mount so completely. I would feel a lot more excitement when a new cool skin comes out, instead of "I wonder how many corners they cut on this one..." 🫥

The moth is just so kitten cute tho the model is out of the park, which just makes the whole thing more sad.

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3 minutes ago, Demise.4329 said:

I noticed this too and was kind of disappointed. Are the sound effects it makes any different? Because the idle animations weren't changed whatsoever, whereas with the plushy skyscale, it at least blew confetti out of its mouth during idle animation (but not during the skill engage or fireball...)

I'm in the same boat where I really wish that these mount skins were more all encompassing with their themes when they're $20 a pop and changing the themes of the mount so completely. I would feel a lot more excitement when a new cool skin comes out, instead of "I wonder how many corners they cut on this one..." 🫥

The moth is just so kitten cute tho the model is out of the park, which just makes the whole thing more sad.

It does seem to have unique sounds and it leaves a trail of glitterdust as it flies. 

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Fuffee moff. ❤️

I love the creativity behind this. Who would have thought "dragon... hmmm..... turn that sucker into a big ol' moth!" Very clever design and this is the sort of thing that I love with Anet.

Also nice to have another furry Skyscale. I love reptiles, but I feel like my character would be more comfortable on a fluffy thing, especially in colder areas, such as... the sky?

I agree that the lack of a mouth is... peculiar. Makes sense for a moth as most moths don't even have mouths, but this creature does eat spiky fruits and those flames come from someplace on the front of its head. Ah well. Also agree that the flames maybe could have been a different colour or design (moth dust blast!), but I realise that tends to be reserved for the highest tier of Skyscale skins. Speaking of custom flame effects, still hoping to see the Fireball skill reskinned for the various Skyscales that do have custom Blast effects.

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Fell in love with this skin when i saw it!!  I admit the no mouth thing was creepy, but I got over it lol.  I also noticed the mount does not do the wing spread animation, at least I have not seen it yet.   The wings are so beautiful would be nice to see it show them off with a wing spread.  Has anyone seen this yet?

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12 hours ago, Demise.4329 said:

I noticed this too and was kind of disappointed. Are the sound effects it makes any different? Because the idle animations weren't changed whatsoever, whereas with the plushy skyscale, it at least blew confetti out of its mouth during idle animation (but not during the skill engage or fireball...)

I'm in the same boat where I really wish that these mount skins were more all encompassing with their themes when they're $20 a pop and changing the themes of the mount so completely. I would feel a lot more excitement when a new cool skin comes out, instead of "I wonder how many corners they cut on this one..." 🫥

The moth is just so kitten cute tho the model is out of the park, which just makes the whole thing more sad.

I do think the sound effects are unique. IMO it should have the chasing the light idle animation and the wing spread idle animation. Not the quick look and fire breath.

@Rubi Bayer.8493mount fidelity please! These missed opportunities hurt!  

Edited by HotDelirium.7984
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Dissapointed that the moth skin doesn't have a mouth? 

Do you all happen to watch a vtuber named Juniper?  Juniper Actias?

  Just slight curiosity on my part.  Occasionally she designs nightmare type mandibles for her model.

Of course anime likes to put scary mouths on moths as well.  Even the kaiju Mothra has chompers.

Edited by Zebulous.2934
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2 hours ago, Tiviana.2650 said:

Its so fluffy! i would get it but it has chicken feet, If they would have made the feet feathery and fluffy i would have bought it.

the chicken feet are indeed a bit weird, and the dye channel it is tied to is also a bit weird.


but behold! fluffy is justice.

Edited by Pinkeh.4207
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3 hours ago, Eekasqueak.7850 said:

The feet make sense to me, bugs have weird feet and they look like graspy moth feet. 

Moth paws be spiky. Most insects and arachnids and other such critters have hooked claws to help them cling to whatever surfaces. We usually don't notice because bug paws are usually pretty smol.

Edit: And for the Skyscale it's very appropriate it has clingy claws because "hey look a twig!" *Dash* *Dash* *grip*

Edited by Kiki.9450
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I really really love this skin. It's the first Skyscale skin I've felt inclined to purchase since Shimmerwing years ago, and I have absolutely no regrets. I love the fluffiness, textures, dye patterns, saddle design, sound effects, mount/dis-mount animation and of course the GORGEOUS sparkly aura. It's super creative and I'm thrilled to be riding a moth-dragon 😆

However....yes - I definitely agree there are a couple (very apparent) omissions that I would've expected to be there: unique flame and/or unique idle animations.
The flame being....a default flame is a bit weird. I know it's a 1600gem skin as opposed to a 2000gem skin, but it's a missed opportunity. I would've liked to see a sparkly dust "flame" to match the aura, or maybe a light blue like Shimmerwing's. I'm ok with the default though, since at least it matches the fireball skill animation (no thematic flame dissonance).

The lack of wing spread animation is more saddening for me. It would've been cool if it hunkered down and fluttered its wings like a moth does when warming up - right before its first flight after emerging. Chasing an orb of light (as OP suggested) would've been cute as well. As it stands, we just have the basic look left, feed (at least that is somewhat unique with the fruit) and blow flame. Nothing else 🥲

Edit: Also just noting - there IS a mouth. It's just really small and tucked under the face and fur. So you can only really see it when it's breathing fire and you have a good contrasting background.

Edited by Toraseishin.1932
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On 1/10/2024 at 10:18 AM, Eekasqueak.7850 said:

It does seem to have unique sounds and it leaves a trail of glitterdust as it flies. 

And those unique high-and-rising-pitch sounds are straight up nails-on-a-chalkboard to me.

It looks OK but kitten delete the noises. Moths don't (and shouldn't) screech like banshees.

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16 minutes ago, Teknomancer.4895 said:

And those unique high-and-rising-pitch sounds are straight up nails-on-a-chalkboard to me.

It looks OK but kitten delete the noises. Moths don't (and shouldn't) screech like banshees.

Matter of opinion, I don't mind the noises. 

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Yes, sorry, I forgot. People's right to have blinding shinies, infusions, orbs, trails and noises overrides any and all other considerations.

ANet, please continue assaulting players' senses with ever-increasing levels of noise and bling, and BY NO MEANS should you ever consider offering a way to turn that off or even tone it down.

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28 minutes ago, Teknomancer.4895 said:

Yes, sorry, I forgot. People's right to have blinding shinies, infusions, orbs, trails and noises overrides any and all other considerations.

ANet, please continue assaulting players' senses with ever-increasing levels of noise and bling, and BY NO MEANS should you ever consider offering a way to turn that off or even tone it down.

It's not thst loud and you already can turn most effects off now. Bit of an overreaction, actual moth noises can also be pretty loud but it's less of a screech than a repetitive buzzing/chirping/squeaking noise. Just look up angry moth noises on YouTube some time. 

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On 1/10/2024 at 11:03 AM, HotDelirium.7984 said:

Final Thoughts- While I don't regret financially supporting this game, the inconsistencies with unique effects on many of the skins is disheartening.

Can we go back to being honest with ourselves?
If we buy a skin, it is not to support the company but because we want that skin. 🙂 

I mean it's not that im buying a bank expansion tab after thinking that maybe "Bob" @ arenanet needs to buy the grocery... lol

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9 hours ago, ilMasa.2546 said:

Can we go back to being honest with ourselves?
If we buy a skin, it is not to support the company but because we want that skin. 🙂 

I mean it's not that im buying a bank expansion tab after thinking that maybe "Bob" @ arenanet needs to buy the grocery... lol

I said I don't regret financially supporting this game not that I bought the skin specifically TO financially support the game. Yes I did buy the skin because I wanted the skin. You really don't need to waste your energy creating extra narratives lol.

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