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Client bug

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This bug started at 22 cet when I first logged on today.  There was a brief update and then this....

the client window doesn't open but  2 gw2 clients are running in memory. one with 0% processing and the other doing something. The program opens when i end task the processing client

(I think it doesn't always create 2 clients - i can only get it to work when there's 2 and i can shut one) 

Edited by browolf.3825
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At least 4 of us in our guild were having this problem last night.  Start the game, and it just stops launching.  Go into the task manager, and there are multiple "clones" of GW2 in there, using various amounts of resources.  Just happened twice in a row to me in addition to last night.  Sometimes the launcher will self-start after closing all the versions in the Task Manager, sometimes not.

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Same, this started for me on the Tuesday 2nd update, have to use the repair launcher in order to get in game. Can't group up with guildies since it shows me in an older version of the game. For me, closing those clones, doesn't do anything, client will not open.

Edited by Zaggrel.3692
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Running into the same issue.  Closing the client apparently doesn't actually close it and leaves it in the background doing something intensive, and I can't start up gw2 again until I end it from task manager.  I have heard from some friends that ending it from task manager doesn't fix the issue, though it did randomly resolve itself.

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I am also having the same issue since the Tuesday patch. I am using the Steam launcher with the -provider Portal argument. There was a temporary fix after I uninstall and deleted all files and reinstalled it. After that, the client doesn't show up.

However, it does show up at least 2 gw2 clients are up and running in the task manager. Another method I tried to get around this was to end task on the first instance. You would have to pay attention to what instance that would be. And after that, it works.. temporarily.

Edited by oCynder.5136
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Yeah, I'm currently experiencing this issue too. It started last night, but was able to get it working when I closed the extra copies in task manager. That method is not working for me right now though.

Edit: The deleting extras method just worked for me randomly. I had to try several times for it to finally work. 

Edited by spacegnome.8497
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21 minutes ago, Best of healing.3845 said:

Anyone knows how to  launch the game as i click it nothing happen? 

Check your task manage to make sure you don't have multiple ghost copies of it running already.  You will need to end task on those.

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The same has happened to me just moments ago. Like @Orai Tikari.3842 has said, find the GW2 clients in your background apps on task manager and only close the one that's using CPU. The other should then boot properly by itself.

Thank you Orai for the pointer!

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I can recreate this if I run the launcher but then exit without pressing Play.  It doesn't clean itself up and leaves a process running in Task Manager.  If I run the launcher and launch the game then exit, it does remove itself.  When the game patches, it restarts the launcher after patching, imitating this.

Edited by Chaba.5410
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Yep, since yesterday I have the same exact problem. Two "Guild Wars 2 Game Client" Processes running at the same time, one using up CPU´, the other not.

Terminating the one that uses CPU does start the client though.


Seems to me that the Desktop shortcut somehow is broken. 

Running the GW2-64.exe in my game folder directly is properly launching the client.


However after running the game launcher once via the GW2-64.exe directly and then closing the launcher leaves some process behind that now leads to the same problem as the desktop shortcut. Closing that process allows me to launch the game again immediately from the GW2-64.exe.

Never had any issues like that before

Edited by Adenin.5973
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seems to be fixed for me now 1800 cet except if i don't "play" the game and just close the launcher, the   "Guild Wars 2 Game Client" moves in Task Manager from the Apps section to the Background processes section and is using 20% cpu (like before)

If I try to launch the game again, now I have 2 x guild wars 2 game clients in background processes, one using 0 cpu and one using 20%.  Launcher opens when i cancel the 20% process. 

So now the issue has moved to  manually closing the launcher.  

I know i've been able to manually close the launcher no problem previously as sometimes the launcher opens without the password remembered. reopening it fixed that. 





Edited by browolf.3825
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Instead of the Task Manager>Processes page, I resolved by by finding and force closing the game from Task Manager > Details (find Gw2-64.exe and End Task).The process does not appear in the Task Manager > Processes page; closing gw2 processes from there don't seem to completely terminate the game. 


I'm consistently able to repro the issue when exiting the game, I think the recent patch may have introduced a bug in the games exit process and it is leaving some orphaned process. If using gw2launchbuddy that needs to close and reopen the game I also consistently get this. So to use gw2launchbuddy, open the taskmanager > details, and keep closing the process after update completes till it launches successfully (otherwise it'll hang waiting)

Edited by Chief.3867
imgur link had PII xd
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