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WvW: Wrong Alliance, progressing backwards

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That reset didnt work, we still all split.

Also it seems they nerfed chrono alac.

Basically this game only go backwards, soon all classes be the same while bugs and crashes reach levels unseen before.

This game need to /gg and be over with it, devs here clearly cant code or design balance even.

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53 minutes ago, Eventine.8024 said:

It seems like we got placed with older beta alliances and not new ones.

Also please @Anet can you please OPEN-SOURCE JUST ONLY the WvW code, so we can all fix it? Look how amazing the add-ons are. We can manage and we will do that for FREE.

This kitten has to end. One way or the other:

  • One way is we all leave for other games
  • the other is we fix it ourselves

Sincerely screwed by you



Just give it to us, we fix it, or we hire proper devs to fix it. 

Some of us are sophisticated coders, other pile more in this game a year than your devs make a year, just give it to us, release the spaggeti code.

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Don't worry guys, some PR will appear in a third-party gaming interview site like it's 2008 and will vaguely say stuff about the progress being made with WORLD RESTRUCTURING, NOT ALLIANCES (cause that is a very big deal and important to diversify /s) and then will act as if they need more time and patience to fix the Queue bug that's been surviving for years despite their best efforts. 😔

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